A deployment represents anything that can be deployed (e.g. an application such as EJB-JAR, WAR, EAR, any kind of standard archive such as RAR or JBoss-specific deployment) into a server.
Attribute | Value |
Type | LIST |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | LIST |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | metric |
Request Parameter | Type | Required | Expressions Allowed | Default value | Description |
runtime-name | STRING | false | false | Name by which the deployment should be known within a server's runtime. This would be equivalent to the file name of a deployment file, and would form the basis for such things as default Java Enterprise Edition application and module names. This would typically be the same as 'name', but in some cases users may wish to have two deployments with the same 'runtime-name' (e.g. two versions of "foo.war") both available in the deployment content repository, in which case the deployments would need to have distinct 'name' values but would have the same 'runtime-name'. | |
content | LIST | false | false | List of pieces of content that comprise the deployment. | |
enabled | BOOLEAN | false | false | false | Boolean indicating whether the deployment content is currently deployed in the runtime (or should be deployed in the runtime the next time the server starts.) |