(possible typo error)
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
HSEARCH000001 | WARN | initialized "blackhole" backend. Index changes will be prepared but discarded! | |
HSEARCH000002 | INFO | closed "blackhole" backend. | |
HSEARCH000016 | ERROR | Incorrect message type: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000017 | ERROR | Work discarded, thread was interrupted while waiting for space to schedule: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000018 | INFO | Skipping directory synchronization, previous work still in progress: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000019 | WARN | Unable to remove previous marker file from source of %1$s | |
HSEARCH000020 | WARN | Unable to create current marker in source of %1$s | |
HSEARCH000021 | ERROR | Unable to synchronize source of %1$s | |
HSEARCH000022 | WARN | Unable to determine current in source directory, will try again during the next synchronization | |
HSEARCH000023 | ERROR | Unable to compare %1$s with %2$s. | |
HSEARCH000024 | WARN | Unable to reindex entity on collection change, id cannot be extracted: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000025 | WARN | Service provider has been used but not released: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000026 | ERROR | Fail to properly stop service: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000027 | INFO | Going to reindex %d entities | |
HSEARCH000028 | INFO | Reindexed %1$d entities | |
HSEARCH000029 | INFO | Indexing completed. Reindexed %1$d entities. Unregistering MBean from server | |
HSEARCH000030 | INFO | %1$d documents indexed in %2$d ms | |
HSEARCH000031 | INFO | Indexing speed: %1$f documents/second; progress: %2$.2f%% | |
HSEARCH000032 | WARN | Could not delete %1$s | |
HSEARCH000033 | WARN | Could not change timestamp for %1$s. Index synchronization may be slow. | |
HSEARCH000034 | INFO | Hibernate Search %1$s | |
HSEARCH000035 | WARN | Could not close resource. | |
HSEARCH000036 | WARN | Cannot guess the Transaction Status: not starting a JTA transaction | |
HSEARCH000037 | WARN | Unable to properly close searcher during lucene query: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000038 | WARN | Forced to use Document extraction to workaround FieldCache bug in Lucene | |
HSEARCH000039 | WARN | Unable to properly close searcher in ScrollableResults | |
HSEARCH000040 | WARN | Unexpected: value is missing from FieldCache. This is likely a bug in the FieldCache implementation, Hibernate Search might have to workaround this by slightly inaccurate faceting values or reduced performance. | |
HSEARCH000041 | INFO | Index directory not found, creating: '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000042 | WARN | No current marker in source directory. Has the master being started already? | |
HSEARCH000043 | INFO | Found current marker in source directory - initialization succeeded | |
HSEARCH000044 | WARN | Abstract classes cannot be indexed directly. Only concrete subclasses can be indexed. @Indexed on '%s' is superfluous and should be removed. | |
HSEARCH000045 | WARN | @ContainedIn is pointing to an entity having @ProvidedId: %1$s. This is not supported, indexing of contained in entities will be skipped. Indexed data of the embedded object might become out of date in objects of type | |
HSEARCH000046 | WARN | FieldCache was enabled on class %1$s but for this type of identifier we can't extract values from the FieldCache: cache disabled | |
HSEARCH000047 | WARN | Unable to close JMS connection for %1$s | |
HSEARCH000048 | WARN | Unable to retrieve named analyzer: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000049 | WARN | Was interrupted while waiting for index activity to finish. Index might be inconsistent or have a stale lock | |
HSEARCH000050 | WARN | It appears changes are being pushed to the index out of a transaction. Register the IndexWorkFlushEventListener listener on flush to correctly manage Collections! | |
HSEARCH000052 | WARN | Going to force release of the IndexWriter lock | |
HSEARCH000053 | WARN | Chunk size must be positive: using default value. | |
HSEARCH000054 | WARN | ReaderProvider contains readers not properly closed at destroy time | |
HSEARCH000055 | WARN | Unable to close Lucene IndexReader | |
HSEARCH000056 | WARN | Unable to un-register existing MBean: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000058 | ERROR | %1$s | |
HSEARCH000059 | ERROR | Worker raises an exception on close() | |
HSEARCH000062 | ERROR | Batch indexing was interrupted | |
HSEARCH000065 | ERROR | Error while rolling back transaction after %1$s | |
HSEARCH000066 | ERROR | Failed to initialize SlaveDirectoryProvider %1$s | |
HSEARCH000067 | ERROR | Unable to properly close Lucene directory %1$s | |
HSEARCH000068 | ERROR | Unable to retrieve object from message: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000069 | ERROR | Illegal object retrieved from message | |
HSEARCH000072 | ERROR | Couldn't open the IndexWriter because of previous error: operation skipped, index ouf of sync! | |
HSEARCH000073 | ERROR | Error in backend | |
HSEARCH000075 | WARN | Configuration setting hibernate.search.lucene_version was not specified: using LUCENE_CURRENT. | |
HSEARCH000076 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Could not open Lucene index: index data is corrupted. index name: '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000077 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | An IOException happened while accessing the Lucene index '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000078 | ERROR | Timed out waiting to flush all operations to the backend of index %1$s | |
HSEARCH000079 | DEBUG | Serialization protocol version %1$d.%2$d initialized | |
HSEARCH000080 | ERROR | Received a remote message about an unknown index '%1$s': discarding message! | |
HSEARCH000081 | WARN | The index '%1$s' is using a non-recommended combination of backend and directoryProvider implementations | |
HSEARCH000083 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to serialize List | |
HSEARCH000084 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to read serialized List | |
HSEARCH000085 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Attribute type is not recognized and not serializable: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000086 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unknown attribute serialized representation: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000087 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to read TokenStream | |
HSEARCH000090 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to convert serializable Store to Lucene Store: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000091 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unknown NumericField type: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000092 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Conversion from Reader to String not yet implemented | |
HSEARCH000093 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unknown Field type: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000094 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot serialize custom Fieldable '%1$s'. Must be NumericField, Field or a Serializable Fieldable implementation. | |
HSEARCH000095 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Fail to serialize object of type %1$s | |
HSEARCH000096 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Fail to deserialize object | |
HSEARCH000098 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to parse message from protocol version %1$d.%2$d. Current protocol version: %3$d.%4$d | |
HSEARCH000099 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to deserialize Avro stream | |
HSEARCH000100 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot deserialize operation %1$s, unknown operation. | |
HSEARCH000101 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot deserialize field type %1$s, unknown field type. | |
HSEARCH000102 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to serialize Lucene works in Avro | |
HSEARCH000103 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to initialize IndexManager named '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000104 | WARN | Ignoring backend option for index '%1$s', configured IndexManager requires using '%2$s' instead. | |
HSEARCH000105 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot safely compute getResultSize() when a Criteria with restriction is used. Use query.list().size() or query.getResultList().size(). Criteria at stake: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000106 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Field %1$s looks like binary but couldn't be decompressed | |
HSEARCH000107 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Index names %1$s is not defined | |
HSEARCH000108 | DEBUG | Shutting down backend for IndexManager '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000109 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %1$s is not an indexed type | |
HSEARCH000110 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | 'null' is not a valid indexed type | |
HSEARCH000111 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | At least one index name must be provided: can't open an IndexReader on nothing | |
HSEARCH000112 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | At least one entity type must be provided: can't open an IndexReader on nothing | |
HSEARCH000113 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | 'null' is not a valid index name | |
HSEARCH000114 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Could not load resource: '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000115 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unknown @FullTextFilter: '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000116 | java.lang.String | Unexpected error during MassIndexer operation | |
HSEARCH000117 | java.lang.String | IOException on the IndexWriter | |
HSEARCH000118 | java.lang.String | Exception during index Merge operation | |
HSEARCH000119 | DEBUG | Skipping optimization on index %1$s as it is already being optimized | |
HSEARCH000120 | WARN | There are multiple properties indexed against the same field name '%1$s.%2$s', but with different indexing settings. The behaviour is undefined. | |
HSEARCH000125 | TRACE | Interceptor enforces skip index operation %2$s on instance of class %1$s | |
HSEARCH000126 | TRACE | Interceptor enforces removal of index data instead of index operation %2$s on instance of class %1$s | |
HSEARCH000128 | TRACE | Interceptor enforces update of index data instead of index operation %2$s on instance of class %1$s | |
HSEARCH000131 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The field '%1$s#%2$s' used for the spatial query is not configured as spatial field. Check the proper use of @Spatial respectively SpatialFieldBridge | |
HSEARCH000133 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | @ClassBridge implementation '%1$s' should implement either org.hibernate.search.bridge.FieldBridge, org.hibernate.search.bridge.TwoWayStringBridge or org.hibernate.search.bridge.StringBridge | |
HSEARCH000134 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to instantiate ClassBridge of type %1$s defined on %2$s | |
HSEARCH000135 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to guess FieldBridge for %2$s in %1$s | |
HSEARCH000136 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to instantiate Spatial defined on %1$s | |
HSEARCH000137 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | @FieldBridge with no implementation class defined in: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000138 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | @FieldBridge implementation implements none of the field bridge interfaces: %1$s in %2$s | |
HSEARCH000139 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to instantiate FieldBridge for %1$s of class %2$s | |
HSEARCH000140 | org.hibernate.search.exception.AssertionFailure | Unknown Resolution: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000144 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | FieldBridge passed in is not an instance of %1$s | |
HSEARCH000146 | org.hibernate.search.exception.EmptyQueryException | The query string '%2$s' applied on field '%1$s' has no meaningful tokens to be matched. Validate the query input against the Analyzer applied on this field. | |
HSEARCH000149 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to determine ClassBridge for %1$s | |
HSEARCH000150 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to get input stream from blob data | |
HSEARCH000151 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to get input stream from object of type %1$s | |
HSEARCH000152 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | File %1$s does not exist | |
HSEARCH000153 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | %1$s is a directory and not a file | |
HSEARCH000154 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | File %1$s is not readable | |
HSEARCH000155 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to configure %1$s | |
HSEARCH000156 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot read %1$s field from a %2$s object: does getter exist and is it public ? | |
HSEARCH000157 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Class %1$s does not implement the Coordinates interface | |
HSEARCH000158 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Class %1$s cannot have two @Spatial using default/same name | |
HSEARCH000159 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot find a Coordinates interface nor @Latitude/@Longitude annotations bound to the @Spatial name '%1$s' for class %2$s. It might be a typo (or a lapse) in @Latitude.of / @Longitude.of attributes. | |
HSEARCH000160 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | @Latitude definition for class '%1$s' is ambiguous: specified on both fields '%2$s' and '%3$s' | |
HSEARCH000161 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | @Longitude definition for class '%1$s' is ambiguous: specified on both fields '%2$s' and '%3$s' | |
HSEARCH000162 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to open JMS connection on queue '%2$s' for index '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000163 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to send Search work to JMS queue '%2$s' for index '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000164 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to lookup Search queue '%1$s' for index '%2$s' | |
HSEARCH000166 | DEBUG | IndexManager factory resolved alias '%1$s' to '%2$s'. | |
HSEARCH000167 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | More than one @DocumentId specified on entity '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000168 | INFO | Serialization service %2$s being used for index '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000169 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | FieldBridge '%1$s' does not have a objectToString method: field '%2$s' in '%3$s' The FieldBridge must be a TwoWayFieldBridge or you have to enable the ignoreFieldBridge option when defining a Query | |
HSEARCH000176 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Document could not be parsed | |
HSEARCH000177 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to find a valid document id for entity '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000178 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unable to create a FullTextSession from a null Session | |
HSEARCH000179 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unable to create a FullTextEntityManager from a null EntityManager | |
HSEARCH000180 | java.lang.ClassCastException | Unable to cast %s of type %s to %s | |
HSEARCH000181 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | 'null' is not a valid property name | |
HSEARCH000182 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | 'null' is not a valid field name | |
HSEARCH000183 | java.lang.String | Unable to index instance of type %s while batch indexing: %s | |
HSEARCH000184 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot define an entity with 0 shard on '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000186 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | [AssertionFailure: open a bug report] SearchFactory from entityIndexBinding is not assignable to WorkerBuilderContext. Actual class is %1$s | |
HSEARCH000189 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Multiple entities are sharing the same index but are declaring an inconsistent Similarity. When overriding default Similarity make sure that all types sharing a same index declare the same Similarity implementation. %s defines similarity %s and %s defines similarity %s | |
HSEARCH000190 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to start HibernateSessionFactoryServiceProvider. There is no session factory in the context. Are you sure you have Hibernate ORM enabled? | |
HSEARCH000191 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The number of shards must be >= 1. %s is an illegal value. | |
HSEARCH000192 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | %s | |
HSEARCH000193 | INFO | Selected sharding strategy is IdHashShardingStrategy. However, there is only 1 shard configured. Have you set the 'nbr_of_shards' property? | |
HSEARCH000194 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to load configured class '%s' as 'sharding_strategy' | |
HSEARCH000195 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Multiple service implementations detected for service '%1$s': '%2$s' | |
HSEARCH000196 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | No service implementations for service '%1$s' can be found | |
HSEARCH000197 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to create JGroups backend. Are you sure you have the JGroups dependencies on the classpath? | |
HSEARCH000198 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unexpected status '%s' for service '%s'. Check for circular dependencies or unreleased resources in your services. | |
HSEARCH000199 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Configuration property '%s' should not be empty: illegal format. | |
HSEARCH000201 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The edit distance must be either 1 or 2 | |
HSEARCH000202 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to find entity $1%s with id $2%s | |
HSEARCH000203 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | No field from %s can be used for More Like This queries. They are neither stored or including the term vectors. | |
HSEARCH000205 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | An IOException happened while accessing the Lucene indexes related to '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000206 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | MoreLikeThis queries require a TFIDFSimilarity for entity '$1%s' | |
HSEARCH000207 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Field %s of entity %s cannot be used in a MoreLikeThis query: the term vector (preferred) or the value itself need to be stored. | |
HSEARCH000208 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | ClassLoaderService cannot be provided via SearchConfiguration#getProvidedServices. Use SearchConfiguration#getClassLoaderService! | |
HSEARCH000209 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | It is not allowed to request further services after ServiceManager#releaseAll has been called. | |
HSEARCH000210 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Provided service '%s' implements '%s'. Provided services are not allowed to implement either Startable or Stoppable. | |
HSEARCH000211 | java.lang.String | An exception occurred while the MassIndexer was fetching the primary identifiers list | |
HSEARCH000212 | java.lang.String | An exception occurred while the MassIndexer was transforming identifiers to Lucene Documents | |
HSEARCH000213 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Field %s of entity %s cannot be used in a MoreLikeThis query. Ids and embedded ids are excluded. | |
HSEARCH000214 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Field %s of entity %s cannot be used in a MoreLikeThis query. Numeric fields are not considered for the moment. | |
HSEARCH000215 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Multiple matching FieldBridges found for %s of return type %s: %s | |
HSEARCH000216 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Found invalid @IndexedEmbedded->paths elements configured for member '%s' of class '%s'. The invalid paths are [%s] | |
HSEARCH000217 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Invalid value '%s' for setting '%s'. Check the documentation for allowed values. | |
HSEARCH000218 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | More like this query cannot be created, because the index does not contain a field '%s' for the type '%s | |
HSEARCH000219 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Could not lookup initial JNDI context for the JMS ConnectionFactory named '%s' for the index '%s | |
HSEARCH000220 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Could not lookup JMS ConnectionFactory named '%1s' for the index '%2s | |
HSEARCH000221 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Circular reference. Duplicate use of %1s in root entity %2s#%3s Set the @IndexedEmbedded.depth value explicitly to fix the problem. | |
HSEARCH000222 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The SearchFactory was not initialized | |
HSEARCH000223 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The Service org.hibernate.search.hcore.impl.SearchFactoryReference was not found in the Hibernate ORM Service Registry. This might be caused by the Hibernate ORM classloader not having visibility on Hibernate Search | |
HSEARCH000224 | org.hibernate.search.exception.AssertionFailure | Non optional parameter named '%s' was null | |
HSEARCH000225 | WARN | An index locking error occurred during initialization of Directory '%s'. This might indicate a concurrent initialization; If you experience errors on this index you might need to remove the lock, or rebuild the index. | |
HSEARCH000226 | TRACE | %s: %s | |
HSEARCH000227 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | A BooleanQuery is not valid without at least one clause. Use at least one of should(Query) or must(Query). | |
HSEARCH000228 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Property hibernate.search.lucene_version set to value '%s' is not in a valid format to express a Lucene version: %s | |
HSEARCH000229 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Property index_flush_intervalfor the index '%s' needs to be positive. | |
HSEARCH000230 | DEBUG | Starting sync consumer thread for index '%s' | |
HSEARCH000231 | DEBUG | Stopping sync consumer thread for index '%s' | |
HSEARCH000232 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The specified query '%s' contains a numeric sub query which targets the string encoded field(s) '%s'. Check your query or try limiting the targeted entities. | |
HSEARCH000233 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The specified query '%s' contains a string based sub query which targets the numeric encoded field(s) '%s'. Check your query or try limiting the targeted entities. | |
HSEARCH000234 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | None of the specified entity types ('%s') or any of their subclasses are indexed. | |
HSEARCH000235 | DEBUG | Backend for index '%s' started: using a Synchronous batching backend. | |
HSEARCH000236 | DEBUG | Backend for index '%s' started: using an Asynchronous backend with periodic commits. | |
HSEARCH000237 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot create numeric range query for field '%s', since from and to values are null | |
HSEARCH000238 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot create numeric range query for field '%s', since values are not numeric (Date, int, long, short or double) | |
HSEARCH000239 | org.hibernate.search.exception.AssertionFailure | Unknown field encoding type: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000240 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to parse value '%2$s' of field '%1$s' into a Date | |
HSEARCH000241 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Multiple @Factory methods defined in %s | |
HSEARCH000242 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Search requires '%s' to have a public no-arg constructor in order to instantiate it | |
HSEARCH000243 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to access class '%s' | |
HSEARCH000244 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Factory methods must return an object. '%1$s#%2$s' does not | |
HSEARCH000245 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to access method '%1$s#%2$s' | |
HSEARCH000246 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | An exception occurred while invoking '%1$s#%2$s' | |
HSEARCH000247 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | An indexed field defined on '%1$s:%2$s' tries to override the id field settings. The document id field settings cannot be modified. Use a different field name. | |
HSEARCH000248 | TRACE | WorkList should never be empty. Stacktrace below %s | |
HSEARCH000249 | INFO | Cannot do fast deletes on index '%s'. Entities in this index are conflicting or the index can accept unknown entities. | |
HSEARCH000250 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unsupported value type for configuration property hibernate.search.error_handler: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000251 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to set filter parameter '%2$s' on filter class %1$s | |
HSEARCH000252 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to initialize directory provider %1$s for index %2$s | |
HSEARCH000253 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | To use '%1$s' as a locking strategy, an indexBase path must be set | |
HSEARCH000254 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unknown indexing mode: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000255 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unknown DocValues type: %1$s | |
HSEARCH000256 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | '%1$s' is an unexpected type for a binary doc value | |
HSEARCH000257 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | '%1$s' is an unexpected type for a numeric doc value | |
HSEARCH000258 | DEBUG | Attempting to load a field named '%s' from the Lucene Document. This Document instance doesn't have such a field. | |
HSEARCH000259 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to delete all %s matching Query: %s | |
HSEARCH000260 | WARN | A criteria for loading query results has been specified via FullTextQuery#setCriteriaQuery(), but query results originate from several id spaces. The given criteria object can therefore not be be applied. | |
HSEARCH000261 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | An unknown DeletionQuery key was specified during de-serialization of a message from another node: %d | |
HSEARCH000262 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | @NumericField annotation is used on %1$s#%2$s without a matching @Field annotation | |
HSEARCH000263 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | @Facet annotation is used on %1$s#%2$s without a matching @Field annotation | |
HSEARCH000264 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | @Facet is not supported for type '%1$s'. See %2$s#%3$s | |
HSEARCH000265 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to build Lucene Document due to facet indexing error | |
HSEARCH000266 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | '%s' is not a valid type for a facet range request. Numbers (byte, short, int, long, float, double and their wrappers) as well as dates are supported | |
HSEARCH000267 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to index date facet '%1$s' for field '%2$s', since the matching field is not using a numeric field bridge | |
HSEARCH000268 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Facet request '%1$s' tries to facet on field '%2$s' which either does not exist or is not configured for faceting (via @Facet). Check your configuration. | |
HSEARCH000269 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | '%1$s' is not a supported type for a range faceting request parameter. Supported types are: '%2$s' | |
HSEARCH000270 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | At least of of the facets ranges in facet request '%1$s' contains neither start nor end value | |
HSEARCH000271 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | RANGE_DEFINITION_ORDER is not a valid sort order for a discrete faceting request. | |
HSEARCH000272 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Entity '%1$s' is not an indexed entity. Unable to create faceting request | |
HSEARCH000273 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The indexed field '%1$s' in '%2$s' is analyzed and marked for faceting. Only un-analyzed fields can be faceted. | |
HSEARCH000274 | DEBUG | Executing Lucene query '%s' | |
HSEARCH000275 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | SerializationProvider service not found on the classpath. You should check that an implementation exists and it's correctly registered as a service. If that's not the case, you can also create a custom implementation or add "org.hibernate:hibernate-search-serialization-avro" on the classpath | |
HSEARCH000276 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | No transaction is active while indexing entity type '%1$s'; Consider increasing the connection time-out | |
HSEARCH000277 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Worker configured to be enlisted in transaction but the backend %1$s is not transactional for index %2$s | |
HSEARCH000278 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Can't build query for type '%1$s' which is neither indexed nor has any indexed sub-types. | |
HSEARCH000279 | org.hibernate.search.exception.AssertionFailure | Unable to load the UTF-8 Charset! | |
HSEARCH000280 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Source directory does not exist: '%1$s | |
HSEARCH000281 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to read directory: '%1$s | |
HSEARCH000282 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Distance sort can only be used with spatial fields: '%1$s' is not spatial | |
HSEARCH000283 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Sorting using '%1$s' requires an indexed field: '%2$s' is not valid | |
HSEARCH000284 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | An IOException happened while opening multiple indexes | |
HSEARCH000285 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Could not create uninverting reader for reader %s | |
HSEARCH000286 | WARN | Could not create uninverting reader for reader of type %s; Only directory readers are supported | |
HSEARCH000287 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unsupported sort type for field %1$s: %2$s | |
HSEARCH000288 | WARN | The configuration property '%s' no longer applies and will be ignored. | |
HSEARCH000289 | WARN | Requested sort field(s) %3$s are not configured for entity type %1$s mapped to index %2$s, thus an uninverting reader must be created. You should declare the missing sort fields using @SortableField. | |
HSEARCH000290 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The 'indexNullAs' property for field '%2$s' needs to represent a Double Number to match the field type of the index. Please change value from '%1$s' to represent a Double. | |
HSEARCH000291 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The 'indexNullAs' property for field '%2$s' needs to represent a Float Number to match the field type of the index. Please change value from '%1$s' to represent a Float. | |
HSEARCH000292 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The 'indexNullAs' property for field '%2$s' needs to represent an Integer Number to match the field type of the index. Please change value from '%1$s' to represent an Integer. | |
HSEARCH000293 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | The 'indexNullAs' property for field '%2$s' needs to represent a Long Number to match the field type of the index. Please change value from '%1$s' to represent a Long. | |
HSEARCH000294 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to search for null token on field '%1$s' if field bridge is ignored. | |
HSEARCH000295 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | String '$1%s' cannot be parsed into a '$2%s' | |
HSEARCH000296 | DEBUG | Package java.time not found on the classpath; the built-in bridge won't be available | |
HSEARCH000297 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Value of '%2$s' for type '%1$s' is too big for the conversion | |
HSEARCH000298 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Inconsisent configuration of sort fields %2$s for index '%1$s'. Make sure they are configured using @SortableField for all entities mapped to this index. | |
HSEARCH000299 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | @SortableField declared on %s#%s references to undeclared field '%s' | |
HSEARCH000300 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Several @NumericField annotations used on %1$s#%2$s refer to the same field | |
HSEARCH000301 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Requested sort field(s) %3$s are not configured for entity type %1$s mapped to index %2$s, thus an uninverting reader must be created. You should declare the missing sort fields using @SortableField. | |
HSEARCH000302 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Cannot execute query '%2$s', as targeted entity type '%1$s' is indexed through a non directory-based backend | |
HSEARCH000303 | WARN | Timeout while waiting for indexing resources to properly flush and close on shut down ofindexing backend for index '%s'. Some pending index writes might have been lost. | |
HSEARCH000304 | DEBUG | Closing index writer for IndexManager '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH000307 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Sort type %1$s is not compatible with %2$s type of field '%3$s'. | |
HSEARCH000320 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Could not analyze sortable field '%1$s'. | |
HSEARCH000321 | WARN | The analysis of field '%1$s' produced multiple tokens. Tokenization or term generation (synonyms) should not be used on sortable fields. Only the first token will be indexed. | |
HSEARCH000336 | DEBUG | A file could not be deleted: likely lock contention. Not a problem for index replications as it will be attempted again in the future. | |
HSEARCH200001 | org.jgroups.SuspectedException | Remote JGroups peer '%1$s' is suspected to have left ' | |
HSEARCH200002 | org.jgroups.TimeoutException | Timeout sending synchronous message to JGroups peer '%1$s'' | |
HSEARCH200003 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Exception reported from remote JGroups node '%1$s' : '%2$s' | |
HSEARCH200004 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to send Lucene update work via JGroups cluster | |
HSEARCH200005 | WARN | Received null or empty Lucene works list in message. | |
HSEARCH200006 | INFO | Received new cluster view: %1$s | |
HSEARCH200007 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Configured JGroups channel is a Muxer! MuxId option is required: define '%s'. | |
HSEARCH200008 | DEBUG | Starting JGroups ChannelProvider | |
HSEARCH200009 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | MuxId '%1$d' configured on the JGroups was already taken. Can't register handler! | |
HSEARCH200010 | WARN | FLUSH is not present in your JGroups stack! FLUSH is needed to ensure messages are not dropped while new nodes join the cluster. Will proceed, but inconsistencies may arise! | |
HSEARCH200011 | DEBUG | Using JGroups channel having configuration '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH200012 | ERROR | Problem closing channel; setting it to null | |
HSEARCH200013 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Object injected for JGroups channel in %1$s is of an unexpected type %2$s (expecting org.jgroups.JChannel) | |
HSEARCH200014 | DEBUG | Starting JGroups channel using configuration '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH200015 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Error while trying to create a channel using config file: %1$s | |
HSEARCH200016 | INFO | Unable to use any JGroups configuration mechanisms provided in properties %1$s. Using default JGroups configuration file! | |
HSEARCH200017 | INFO | Disconnecting and closing JGroups Channel to cluster '%1$s' | |
HSEARCH200018 | WARN | Default JGroups configuration file was not found. Attempt to start JGroups channel with default configuration! | |
HSEARCH200019 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to start JGroups channel | |
HSEARCH200020 | INFO | Connected to cluster [ %1$s ]. The local Address is %2$s | |
HSEARCH200021 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to connect to: [%1$s] JGroups channel | |
HSEARCH200022 | DEBUG | JGroups backend configured for index '%1$s' using block_for_ack '%2$s' | |
HSEARCH200023 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | JGroups channel configuration should be specified in the global section [hibernate.search.services.jgroups.], not as an IndexManager property for index '%1$s'. See http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/search/5.0/reference/en-US/html_single/#jgroups-backend | |
HSEARCH300001 | org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException | Unable to find Avro schema '%s' | |
HSEARCH300002 | WARN | Parsing message from a future protocol version. Some feature might not be propagated. Message version: %1$d.%2$d. Current protocol version: %1$d.%3$d |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
HV000001 | INFO | Hibernate Validator %s | |
HV000002 | INFO | Ignoring XML configuration. | |
HV000003 | INFO | Using %s as constraint factory. | |
HV000004 | INFO | Using %s as message interpolator. | |
HV000005 | INFO | Using %s as traversable resolver. | |
HV000006 | INFO | Using %s as validation provider. | |
HV000007 | INFO | %s found. Parsing XML based configuration. | |
HV000008 | WARN | Unable to close input stream. | |
HV000010 | WARN | Unable to close input stream for %s. | |
HV000011 | WARN | Unable to create schema for %1$s: %2$s | |
HV000012 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to create annotation for configured constraint | |
HV000013 | javax.validation.ValidationException | The class %1$s does not have a property '%2$s' with access %3$s. | |
HV000014 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Type %1$s doesn't have a method %2$s. | |
HV000016 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s does not represent a valid BigDecimal format. | |
HV000017 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The length of the integer part cannot be negative. | |
HV000018 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The length of the fraction part cannot be negative. | |
HV000019 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The min parameter cannot be negative. | |
HV000020 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The max parameter cannot be negative. | |
HV000021 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The length cannot be negative. | |
HV000022 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid regular expression. | |
HV000023 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Error during execution of script "%s" occurred. | |
HV000024 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Script "%s" returned null, but must return either true or false. | |
HV000025 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Script "%1$s" returned %2$s (of type %3$s), but must return either true or false. | |
HV000026 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Assertion error: inconsistent ConfigurationImpl construction. | |
HV000027 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to find provider: %s. | |
HV000028 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unexpected exception during isValid call. | |
HV000029 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Constraint factory returned null when trying to create instance of %s. | |
HV000030 | javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException | No validator could be found for constraint '%s' validating type '%s'. Check configuration for '%s' | |
HV000031 | javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException | There are multiple validator classes which could validate the type %1$s. The validator classes are: %2$s. | |
HV000032 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to initialize %s. | |
HV000033 | javax.validation.ValidationException | At least one custom message must be created if the default error message gets disabled. | |
HV000034 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is not a valid Java Identifier. | |
HV000035 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unable to parse property path %s. | |
HV000036 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Type %s not supported for unwrapping. | |
HV000037 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Inconsistent fail fast configuration. Fail fast enabled via programmatic API, but explicitly disabled via properties. | |
HV000038 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid property path. | |
HV000039 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid property path. Either there is no property %2$s in entity %1$s or it is not possible to cascade to the property. | |
HV000040 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Property path must provide index or map key. | |
HV000041 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Call to TraversableResolver.isReachable() threw an exception. | |
HV000042 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Call to TraversableResolver.isCascadable() threw an exception. | |
HV000043 | javax.validation.GroupDefinitionException | Unable to expand default group list %1$s into sequence %2$s. | |
HV000044 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | At least one group has to be specified. | |
HV000045 | javax.validation.ValidationException | A group has to be an interface. %s is not. | |
HV000046 | javax.validation.GroupDefinitionException | Sequence definitions are not allowed as composing parts of a sequence. | |
HV000047 | javax.validation.GroupDefinitionException | Cyclic dependency in groups definition | |
HV000048 | javax.validation.GroupDefinitionException | Unable to expand group sequence. | |
HV000052 | javax.validation.GroupDefinitionException | Default group sequence and default group sequence provider cannot be defined at the same time. | |
HV000053 | javax.validation.GroupDefinitionException | 'Default.class' cannot appear in default group sequence list. | |
HV000054 | javax.validation.GroupDefinitionException | %s must be part of the redefined default group sequence. | |
HV000055 | javax.validation.GroupDefinitionException | The default group sequence provider defined for %s has the wrong type | |
HV000056 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method or constructor %1$s doesn't have a parameter with index %2$d. | |
HV000059 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to retrieve annotation parameter value. | |
HV000062 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method or constructor %1$s has %2$s parameters, but the passed list of parameter meta data has a size of %3$s. | |
HV000063 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to instantiate %s. | |
HV000064 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to instantiate %1$s: %2$s. | |
HV000065 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to load class: %s from %s. | |
HV000068 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Start index cannot be negative: %d. | |
HV000069 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | End index cannot be negative: %d. | |
HV000070 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid Range: %1$d > %2$d. | |
HV000071 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | A explicitly specified check digit must lie outside the interval: [%1$d, %2$d]. | |
HV000072 | java.lang.NumberFormatException | '%c' is not a digit. | |
HV000073 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | Parameters starting with 'valid' are not allowed in a constraint. | |
HV000074 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | %2$s contains Constraint annotation, but does not contain a %1$s parameter. | |
HV000075 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | %s contains Constraint annotation, but the payload parameter default value is not the empty array. | |
HV000076 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | %s contains Constraint annotation, but the payload parameter is of wrong type. | |
HV000077 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | %s contains Constraint annotation, but the groups parameter default value is not the empty array. | |
HV000078 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | %s contains Constraint annotation, but the groups parameter is of wrong type. | |
HV000079 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | %s contains Constraint annotation, but the message parameter is not of type java.lang.String. | |
HV000080 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | Overridden constraint does not define an attribute with name %s. | |
HV000081 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | The overriding type of a composite constraint must be identical to the overridden one. Expected %1$s found %2$s. | |
HV000082 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Wrong parameter type. Expected: %1$s Actual: %2$s. | |
HV000083 | javax.validation.ValidationException | The specified annotation defines no parameter '%s'. | |
HV000084 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to get '%1$s' from %2$s. | |
HV000085 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No value provided for parameter '%1$s' of annotation @%2$s. | |
HV000086 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Trying to instantiate %1$s with unknown parameter(s): %2$s. | |
HV000087 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Property name cannot be null or empty. | |
HV000088 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Element type has to be FIELD or METHOD. | |
HV000089 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Member %s is neither a field nor a method. | |
HV000090 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to access %s. | |
HV000091 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s has to be a primitive type. | |
HV000093 | javax.validation.ValidationException | null is an invalid type for a constraint validator. | |
HV000094 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Missing actual type argument for type parameter: %s. | |
HV000095 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to instantiate constraint factory class %s. | |
HV000096 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to open input stream for mapping file %s. | |
HV000097 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to instantiate message interpolator class %s. | |
HV000098 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to instantiate traversable resolver class %s. | |
HV000099 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to instantiate validation provider class %s. | |
HV000100 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to parse %s. | |
HV000101 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %s is not an annotation. | |
HV000102 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %s is not a constraint validator class. | |
HV000103 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %s is configured at least twice in xml. | |
HV000104 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %1$s is defined twice in mapping xml for bean %2$s. | |
HV000105 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %1$s does not contain the fieldType %2$s. | |
HV000106 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %1$s does not contain the property %2$s. | |
HV000107 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Annotation of type %1$s does not contain a parameter %2$s. | |
HV000108 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Attempt to specify an array where single value is expected. | |
HV000109 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unexpected parameter value. | |
HV000110 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Invalid %s format. | |
HV000111 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Invalid char value: %s. | |
HV000112 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Invalid return type: %s. Should be a enumeration type. | |
HV000113 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %s, %s, %s are reserved parameter names. | |
HV000114 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Specified payload class %s does not implement javax.validation.Payload | |
HV000115 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Error parsing mapping file. | |
HV000116 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s | |
HV000118 | java.lang.ClassCastException | Unable to cast %s (with element kind %s) to %s | |
HV000119 | INFO | Using %s as parameter name provider. | |
HV000120 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to instantiate parameter name provider class %s. | |
HV000121 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to parse %s. | |
HV000122 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unsupported schema version for %s: %s. | |
HV000124 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Found multiple group conversions for source group %s: %s. | |
HV000125 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Found group conversions for non-cascading element: %s. | |
HV000127 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Found group conversion using a group sequence as source: %s. | |
HV000129 | WARN | EL expression '%s' references an unknown property | |
HV000130 | WARN | Error in EL expression '%s' | |
HV000131 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | A method return value must not be marked for cascaded validation more than once in a class hierarchy, but the following two methods are marked as such: %s, %s. | |
HV000132 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Void methods must not be constrained or marked for cascaded validation, but method %s is. | |
HV000133 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %1$s does not contain a constructor with the parameter types %2$s. | |
HV000134 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to load parameter of type '%1$s' in %2$s. | |
HV000135 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %1$s does not contain a method with the name '%2$s' and parameter types %3$s. | |
HV000136 | javax.validation.ValidationException | The specified constraint annotation class %1$s cannot be loaded. | |
HV000137 | javax.validation.ValidationException | The method '%1$s' is defined twice in the mapping xml for bean %2$s. | |
HV000138 | javax.validation.ValidationException | The constructor '%1$s' is defined twice in the mapping xml for bean %2$s. | |
HV000139 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | The constraint '%1$s' defines multiple cross parameter validators. Only one is allowed. | |
HV000141 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | The constraint %1$s used ConstraintTarget#IMPLICIT where the target cannot be inferred. | |
HV000142 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Cross parameter constraint %1$s is illegally placed on a parameterless method or constructor '%2$s'. | |
HV000143 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Cross parameter constraint %1$s is illegally placed on class level. | |
HV000144 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Cross parameter constraint %1$s is illegally placed on field '%2$s'. | |
HV000146 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No parameter nodes may be added since path %s doesn't refer to a cross-parameter constraint. | |
HV000147 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %1$s is configured multiple times (note, | |
HV000148 | WARN | An exception occurred during evaluation of EL expression '%s' | |
HV000149 | javax.validation.ValidationException | An exception occurred during message interpolation | |
HV000150 | javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException | The constraint '%s' defines multiple validators for the type '%s'. Only one is allowed. | |
HV000151 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | A method overriding another method must not alter the parameter constraint configuration, but method %2$s changes the configuration of %1$s. | |
HV000152 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Two methods defined in parallel types must not declare parameter constraints, if they are overridden by the same method, but methods %s and %s both define parameter constraints. | |
HV000153 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | The constraint %1$s used ConstraintTarget#%2$s but is not specified on a method or constructor. | |
HV000154 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | Cross parameter constraint %1$s has no cross-parameter validator. | |
HV000155 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | Composed and composing constraints must have the same constraint type, but composed constraint %1$s has type %3$s, while composing constraint %2$s has type %4$s. | |
HV000156 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | Constraints with generic as well as cross-parameter validators must define an attribute validationAppliesTo(), but constraint %s doesn't. | |
HV000157 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | Return type of the attribute validationAppliesTo() of the constraint %s must be javax.validation.ConstraintTarget. | |
HV000158 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | Default value of the attribute validationAppliesTo() of the constraint %s must be ConstraintTarget#IMPLICIT. | |
HV000159 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | Only constraints with generic as well as cross-parameter validators must define an attribute validationAppliesTo(), but constraint %s does. | |
HV000160 | javax.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException | Validator for cross-parameter constraint %s does not validate Object nor Object[]. | |
HV000161 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | Two methods defined in parallel types must not define group conversions for a cascaded method return value, if they are overridden by the same method, but methods %s and %s both define parameter constraints. | |
HV000162 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The validated type %1$s does not specify the constructor/method: %2$s | |
HV000163 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The actual parameter type '%1$s' is not assignable to the expected one '%2$s' for parameter %3$d of '%4$s' | |
HV000164 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s has to be a auto-boxed type. | |
HV000165 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Mixing IMPLICIT and other executable types is not allowed. | |
HV000166 | javax.validation.ValidationException | @ValidateOnExecution is not allowed on methods overriding a superclass method or implementing an interface. Check configuration for %1$s | |
HV000167 | javax.validation.ValidationException | A given constraint definition can only be overridden in one mapping file. %1$s is overridden in multiple files | |
HV000168 | org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.messageinterpolation.parser.MessageDescriptorFormatException | The message descriptor '%1$s' contains an unbalanced meta character '%2$c' parameter. | |
HV000169 | org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.messageinterpolation.parser.MessageDescriptorFormatException | The message descriptor '%1$s' has nested parameters. | |
HV000170 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | No JSR-223 scripting engine could be bootstrapped for language "%s". | |
HV000171 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API. | |
HV000172 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Property "%2$s" of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API. | |
HV000173 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Method %2$s of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API. | |
HV000174 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Parameter %3$s of method or constructor %2$s of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API. | |
HV000175 | javax.validation.ValidationException | The return value of method or constructor %2$s of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API. | |
HV000176 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Constructor %2$s of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API. | |
HV000177 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Cross-parameter constraints for the method or constructor %2$s of type %1$s are declared more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API. | |
HV000178 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Multiplier cannot be negative: %d. | |
HV000179 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Weight cannot be negative: %d. | |
HV000180 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | '%c' is not a digit nor a letter. | |
HV000181 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Wrong number of parameters. Method or constructor %1$s expects %2$d parameters, but got %3$d. | |
HV000182 | javax.validation.ValidationException | No validation value unwrapper is registered for type '%1$s'. | |
HV000183 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to initialize 'javax.el.ExpressionFactory'. Check that you have the EL dependencies on the classpath, or use ParameterMessageInterpolator instead | |
HV000184 | WARN | ParameterMessageInterpolator has been chosen, EL interpolation will not be supported | |
HV000185 | WARN | Message contains EL expression: %1s, which is unsupported with chosen Interpolator | |
HV000186 | javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException | The constraint of type '%2$s' defined on '%1$s' has multiple matching constraint validators which is due to an additional value handler of type '%3$s'. It is unclear which value needs validating. Clarify configuration via @UnwrapValidatedValue. | |
HV000187 | javax.validation.ValidationException | When using type annotation constraints on parameterized iterables or map @Valid must be used. Check %s#%s | |
HV000188 | DEBUG | Parameterized type with more than one argument is not supported: %s | |
HV000189 | javax.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException | The configuration of value unwrapping for property '%s' of bean '%s' is inconsistent between the field and its getter. | |
HV000190 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to parse %s. | |
HV000191 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Error creating unwrapper: %s | |
HV000192 | WARN | Couldn't determine Java version from value %1s; Not enabling features requiring Java 8 | |
HV000193 | javax.validation.ValidationException | %s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint definition API. | |
HV000194 | javax.validation.ValidationException | An empty element is only supported when a CharSequence is expected. | |
HV000195 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to reach the property to validate for the bean %s and the property path %s. A property is null along the way. | |
HV000196 | javax.validation.ValidationException | Unable to convert the Type %s to a Class. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
IJ000100 | INFO | Closing a connection for you. Please close them yourself: %s | |
IJ000102 | INFO | Throwable trying to close a connection for you, please close it yourself | |
IJ000103 | INFO | Could not find a close method on alleged connection object (%s). Please close your own connections | |
IJ000201 | ERROR | SecurityContext setup failed: %s | |
IJ000202 | ERROR | SecurityContext setup failed since CallbackSecurity was null | |
IJ000301 | INFO | Registered a null handle for managed connection: %s | |
IJ000302 | INFO | Unregistered handle that was not registered: %s for managed connection: %s | |
IJ000303 | INFO | Unregistered a null handle for managed connection: %s | |
IJ000305 | WARN | Connection error occured: %s | |
IJ000306 | WARN | Unknown connection error occured: %s | |
IJ000307 | WARN | Notified of error on a different managed connection | |
IJ000311 | INFO | Throwable from unregister connection | |
IJ000312 | ERROR | Error while closing connection handle | |
IJ000313 | ERROR | There is something wrong with the pooling | |
IJ000314 | WARN | Error during beforeCompletion: %s | |
IJ000315 | ERROR | Pool %s has %d active handles | |
IJ000316 | ERROR | Handle allocation: %s | |
IJ000317 | ERROR | Transaction boundary | |
IJ000318 | ERROR | Delisting resource in pool %s failed | |
IJ000401 | WARN | Error during tidy up connection: %s | |
IJ000402 | WARN | ResourceException in returning connection: %s | |
IJ000403 | WARN | Reconnecting a connection handle that still has a managed connection: %s %s | |
IJ000404 | WARN | Unchecked throwable in managedConnectionDisconnected() cl=%s | |
IJ000405 | WARN | Multiple LocalTransaction connection listeners enlisted for %s, cl=%s | |
IJ000406 | ERROR | Throwable in returning connection: %s | |
IJ000407 | WARN | No lazy enlistment available for %s | |
IJ000408 | WARN | Deprecated pool: %s, using %s instead | |
IJ000501 | WARN | Thread %s is not the enlisting thread %s | |
IJ000502 | WARN | Transaction %s error in beforeCompletion %s | |
IJ000503 | WARN | Transaction %s error in afterCompletion %s | |
IJ000504 | WARN | Transaction not found: %s | |
IJ000601 | INFO | ConnectionValidator has been interrupted | |
IJ000602 | WARN | ConnectionValidator ignored unexpected runtime exception | |
IJ000603 | WARN | ConnectionValidator ignored unexpected error | |
IJ000604 | WARN | Throwable while attempting to get a new connection: %s | |
IJ000605 | WARN | Destroying connection that could not be successfully matched %s for %s | |
IJ000606 | WARN | Throwable while trying to match managed connection, destroying connection: %s | |
IJ000607 | WARN | ResourceException cleaning up managed connection: %s | |
IJ000608 | WARN | Destroying returned connection, maximum pool size exceeded %s | |
IJ000609 | WARN | Attempt to return connection twice: %s | |
IJ000610 | WARN | Unable to fill pool: %s | |
IJ000611 | WARN | Warning: Background validation was specified with a non compliant ManagedConnectionFactory interface | |
IJ000612 | WARN | Destroying connection that could not be successfully matched: %s | |
IJ000613 | WARN | Throwable while trying to match managed connection, destroying connection: %s | |
IJ000614 | ERROR | Exception during createSubject() for %s: %s | |
IJ000615 | WARN | Destroying active connection in pool: %s (%s) | |
IJ000616 | ERROR | Leak detected in pool: %s (%s) (%d) | |
IJ000617 | WARN | Invalid incrementer capacity policy: %s | |
IJ000618 | WARN | Invalid decrementer capacity policy: %s | |
IJ000619 | WARN | Invalid property '%s' with value '%s' for %s | |
IJ000620 | WARN | Warning: ValidateOnMatch validation was specified with a non compliant ManagedConnectionFactory: %s | |
IJ000621 | WARN | Destroying connection that could not be validated: %s | |
IJ000622 | WARN | Unsupported pool implementation: %s | |
IJ000701 | WARN | Exception during unbind | |
IJ000901 | WARN | Error during connection close | |
IJ000902 | ERROR | Error during inflow crash recovery for '%s' (%s) | |
IJ000903 | ERROR | Error creating Subject for crash recovery: %s (%s) | |
IJ000904 | WARN | No security domain defined for crash recovery: %s | |
IJ000905 | WARN | Subject for crash recovery was null: %s | |
IJ000906 | ERROR | Error during crash recovery: %s (%s) | |
IJ001001 | WARN | No users.properties were found | |
IJ001002 | ERROR | Error while loading users.properties | |
IJ001003 | WARN | No roles.properties were found | |
IJ001004 | ERROR | Error while loading roles.properties | |
IJ001005 | WARN | No callback.properties were found | |
IJ001006 | ERROR | Error while loading callback.properties | |
IJ001101 | WARN | Prepare called on a local tx. Use of local transactions on a JTA transaction with more than one branch may result in inconsistent data in some cases of failure | |
IJ010001 | ERROR | Parsing error of ra.xml file: %s | |
IJ010002 | ERROR | Parsing error of ironjacamar.xml file: %s | |
IJ010003 | ERROR | No @Connector was found and no definition in the ra.xml metadata either | |
IJ010004 | ERROR | More than one @Connector was found but the correct one wasn't defined in the ra.xml metadata | |
IJ020001 | INFO | Required license terms for %s | |
IJ020002 | INFO | Deployed: %s | |
IJ020003 | WARN | Failure during validation report generation: %s | |
IJ020004 | WARN | Only one connection definition found with a mismatch in class-name: %s | |
IJ020005 | WARN | Only one admin object found with a mismatch in class-name: %s | |
IJ020006 | ERROR | ConnectionFactory is null | |
IJ020007 | ERROR | Exception during createSubject(): %s | |
IJ020008 | WARN | Invalid config-property: %s | |
IJ020009 | WARN | Invalid connection definition with class-name: %s | |
IJ020010 | ERROR | Connection definition with missing class-name | |
IJ020011 | ERROR | Admin object with missing class-name | |
IJ020012 | WARN | Admin object not bound: %s | |
IJ020013 | WARN | Connection factory not bound: %s | |
IJ020014 | INFO | Admin object not specification compliant. See for additional details: %s | |
IJ020015 | INFO | Connection factory not specification compliant. See for additional details: %s | |
IJ020016 | WARN | Missing | |
IJ020017 | WARN | Invalid archive: %s | |
IJ020018 | INFO | Enabling | |
IJ020019 | INFO | Changed TransactionSupport for %s | |
IJ020020 | WARN | Connection Properties for DataSource: '%s' is empty, try to use driver-class: '%s' and connection-url: '%s' to connect database | |
IJ030000 | WARN | Unable to load connection listener: %s | |
IJ030001 | WARN | Disabling exception sorter for: %s | |
IJ030002 | WARN | Disabling exception sorter for: %s | |
IJ030003 | WARN | Error checking exception fatality for: %s | |
IJ030004 | WARN | Disabling validation connection checker for: %s | |
IJ030005 | WARN | Disabling validation connection checker for: %s | |
IJ030006 | WARN | Disabling stale connection checker for: %s | |
IJ030007 | WARN | Disabling stale connection checker for: %s | |
IJ030008 | WARN | HA setup detected for %s | |
IJ030020 | WARN | Detected queued threads during cleanup from: %s | |
IJ030021 | WARN | Queued thread: %s | |
IJ030022 | WARN | Lock owned during cleanup: %s | |
IJ030023 | WARN | Lock is locked during cleanup without an owner | |
IJ030024 | WARN | Error resetting transaction isolation for: %s | |
IJ030025 | WARN | Error during connection listener activation for: %s | |
IJ030026 | WARN | Error during connection listener passivation for: %s | |
IJ030027 | WARN | Destroying connection that is not valid, due to the following exception: %s | |
IJ030028 | WARN | Error notifying of connection error for listener: %s | |
IJ030040 | WARN | Closing a statement you left open, please do your own housekeeping for: %s | |
IJ030041 | WARN | Error during closing a statement for: %s | |
IJ030042 | WARN | Closing a result set you left open, please do your own housekeeping for: %s | |
IJ030043 | WARN | Error during closing a result set for: %s | |
IJ030050 | WARN | Error creating connection for: %s | |
IJ030051 | ERROR | Unable to load undefined URLSelectStrategy for: %s | |
IJ030052 | ERROR | Unable to load %s URLSelectStrategy for: %s | |
IJ030053 | ERROR | Unable to load %s URLSelectStrategy for: %s | |
IJ030054 | WARN | Error creating XA connection for: %s | |
IJ030055 | ERROR | Unable to load undefined URLXASelectStrategy for: %s | |
IJ030056 | ERROR | Unable to load %s URLXASelectStrategy for: %s | |
IJ030057 | ERROR | Unable to load %s URLXASelectStrategy for: %s | |
IJ030060 | WARN | Error checking state |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
ISPN000001 | WARN | Unable to load %s from cache loader | |
ISPN000002 | WARN | Field %s not found!! | |
ISPN000003 | WARN | Property %s could not be replaced as intended! | |
ISPN000004 | WARN | Unexpected error reading properties | |
ISPN000005 | WARN | Detected write skew on key [%s]. Another process has changed the entry since we last read it! Unable to copy entry for update. | |
ISPN000006 | WARN | Failed remote execution on node %s | |
ISPN000007 | WARN | Failed local execution | |
ISPN000008 | WARN | Can not select %s random members for %s | |
ISPN000014 | INFO | DistributionManager not yet joined the cluster. Cannot do anything about other concurrent joiners. | |
ISPN000015 | WARN | DistributionManager not started after waiting up to 5 minutes! Not rehashing! | |
ISPN000016 | WARN | Problem %s encountered when applying state for key %s! | |
ISPN000018 | WARN | Unable to apply prepare %s | |
ISPN000019 | INFO | Couldn't acquire shared lock | |
ISPN000021 | WARN | Expected just one response; got %s | |
ISPN000025 | INFO | wakeUpInterval is <= 0, not starting expired purge thread | |
ISPN000026 | WARN | Caught exception purging data container! | |
ISPN000027 | WARN | Could not acquire lock for eviction of %s | |
ISPN000028 | WARN | Unable to passivate entry under %s | |
ISPN000029 | INFO | Passivating all entries to disk | |
ISPN000030 | INFO | Passivated %d entries in %s | |
ISPN000031 | TRACE | MBeans were successfully registered to the platform MBean server. | |
ISPN000032 | WARN | Problems un-registering MBeans | |
ISPN000033 | WARN | Unable to unregister Cache MBeans with pattern %s | |
ISPN000034 | org.infinispan.jmx.JmxDomainConflictException | There's already a JMX MBean instance %s already registered under '%s' JMX domain. If you want to allow multiple instances configured with same JMX domain enable 'allowDuplicateDomains' attribute in 'globalJmxStatistics' config element | |
ISPN000035 | WARN | Could not reflect field description of this class. Was it removed? | |
ISPN000036 | WARN | Did not find attribute %s | |
ISPN000037 | WARN | Failed to update attribute name %s with value %s | |
ISPN000038 | WARN | Method name %s doesn't start with "get", "set", or "is" but is annotated with @ManagedAttribute: will be ignored | |
ISPN000039 | WARN | Method %s must have a valid return type and zero parameters | |
ISPN000040 | WARN | Not adding annotated method %s since we already have read attribute | |
ISPN000041 | WARN | Not adding annotated method %s since we already have writable attribute | |
ISPN000042 | WARN | Did not find queried attribute with name %s | |
ISPN000043 | WARN | Exception while writing value for attribute %s | |
ISPN000044 | WARN | Could not invoke set on attribute %s with value %s | |
ISPN000045 | ERROR | Problems encountered while purging expired | |
ISPN000046 | ERROR | Unknown responses from remote cache: %s | |
ISPN000047 | ERROR | Error while doing remote call | |
ISPN000048 | ERROR | Interrupted or timeout while waiting for AsyncCacheWriter worker threads to push all state to the decorated store | |
ISPN000051 | ERROR | Unexpected error | |
ISPN000052 | ERROR | Interrupted on acquireLock for %d milliseconds! | |
ISPN000053 | WARN | Unable to process some async modifications after %d retries! | |
ISPN000055 | ERROR | Unexpected error in AsyncStoreCoordinator thread. AsyncCacheWriter is dead! | |
ISPN000058 | ERROR | Exception reported changing cache active status | |
ISPN000059 | WARN | Had problems removing file %s | |
ISPN000060 | WARN | Problems purging file %s | |
ISPN000061 | WARN | Unable to acquire global lock to purge cache store | |
ISPN000062 | ERROR | Error while reading from file: %s | |
ISPN000064 | WARN | Problems creating the directory: %s | |
ISPN000065 | ERROR | Exception while marshalling object: %s | |
ISPN000066 | ERROR | Unable to read version id from first two bytes of stream, barfing. | |
ISPN000067 | INFO | Will try and wait for the cache %s to start | |
ISPN000068 | INFO | Cache named %s does not exist on this cache manager! | |
ISPN000071 | WARN | Caught exception when handling command %s | |
ISPN000072 | ERROR | Failed replicating %d elements in replication queue | |
ISPN000073 | ERROR | Unexpected error while replicating | |
ISPN000077 | ERROR | Message or message buffer is null or empty. | |
ISPN000078 | INFO | Starting JGroups channel %s | |
ISPN000079 | INFO | Channel %s local address is %s, physical addresses are %s | |
ISPN000080 | INFO | Disconnecting JGroups channel %s | |
ISPN000081 | ERROR | Problem closing channel %s; setting it to null | |
ISPN000082 | INFO | Stopping the RpcDispatcher for channel %s | |
ISPN000083 | ERROR | Class [%s] cannot be cast to JGroupsChannelLookup! Not using a channel lookup. | |
ISPN000084 | ERROR | Errors instantiating [%s]! Not using a channel lookup. | |
ISPN000085 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration file: %s | |
ISPN000086 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration XML: %s | |
ISPN000087 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration string: %s | |
ISPN000088 | INFO | Unable to use any JGroups configuration mechanisms provided in properties %s. Using default JGroups configuration! | |
ISPN000089 | ERROR | getCoordinator(): Interrupted while waiting for members to be set | |
ISPN000092 | WARN | Channel not set up properly! | |
ISPN000093 | INFO | Received new, MERGED cluster view for channel %s: %s | |
ISPN000094 | INFO | Received new cluster view for channel %s: %s | |
ISPN000097 | ERROR | Error while processing a prepare in a single-phase transaction | |
ISPN000098 | ERROR | Exception during rollback | |
ISPN000099 | ERROR | Unprocessed Transaction Log Entries! = %d | |
ISPN000100 | WARN | Stopping, but there are %s local transactions and %s remote transactions that did not finish in time. | |
ISPN000101 | WARN | Failed synchronization registration | |
ISPN000102 | WARN | Unable to roll back global transaction %s | |
ISPN000103 | ERROR | A remote transaction with the given id was already registered!!! | |
ISPN000104 | WARN | Falling back to DummyTransactionManager from Infinispan | |
ISPN000105 | ERROR | Failed creating initial JNDI context | |
ISPN000106 | ERROR | Found WebSphere TransactionManager factory class [%s], but couldn't invoke its static 'getTransactionManager' method | |
ISPN000107 | INFO | Retrieving transaction manager %s | |
ISPN000108 | ERROR | Error enlisting resource | |
ISPN000109 | ERROR | beforeCompletion() failed for %s | |
ISPN000110 | ERROR | Unexpected error from resource manager! | |
ISPN000111 | ERROR | afterCompletion() failed for %s | |
ISPN000112 | WARN | exception while committing | |
ISPN000113 | ERROR | Unbinding of DummyTransactionManager failed | |
ISPN000114 | ERROR | Unsupported combination (dldEnabled, recoveryEnabled, xa) = (%s, %s, %s) | |
ISPN000115 | WARN | Recovery call will be ignored as recovery is disabled. More on recovery: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16646 | |
ISPN000116 | WARN | Missing the list of prepared transactions from node %s. Received response is %s | |
ISPN000117 | ERROR | There's already a prepared transaction with this xid: %s. New transaction is %s. Are there two different transactions having same Xid in the cluster? | |
ISPN000118 | WARN | Could not load module at URL %s | |
ISPN000119 | WARN | Module %s loaded, but could not be initialized | |
ISPN000120 | WARN | Invocation of %s threw an exception %s. Exception is ignored. | |
ISPN000121 | ERROR | Unable to set value! | |
ISPN000122 | WARN | Unable to convert string property [%s] to an int! Using default value of %d | |
ISPN000123 | WARN | Unable to convert string property [%s] to a long! Using default value of %d | |
ISPN000124 | WARN | Unable to convert string property [%s] to a boolean! Using default value of %b | |
ISPN000125 | WARN | Unable to invoke getter %s on Configuration.class! | |
ISPN000126 | WARN | Attempted to stop() from FAILED state, but caught exception; try calling destroy() | |
ISPN000127 | WARN | Needed to call stop() before destroying but stop() threw exception. Proceeding to destroy | |
ISPN000128 | INFO | Infinispan version: %s | |
ISPN000129 | WARN | Received a remote call but the cache is not in STARTED state - ignoring call. | |
ISPN000130 | ERROR | Caught exception! Aborting join. | |
ISPN000131 | INFO | %s completed join rehash in %s! | |
ISPN000132 | INFO | %s aborted join rehash after %s! | |
ISPN000133 | WARN | Attempted to register listener of class %s, but no valid, public methods annotated with method-level event annotations found! Ignoring listener. | |
ISPN000134 | WARN | Unable to invoke method %s on Object instance %s - removing this target object from list of listeners! | |
ISPN000135 | WARN | Could not lock key %s in order to invalidate from L1 at node %s, skipping.... | |
ISPN000136 | ERROR | Error executing command %s, writing keys %s | |
ISPN000137 | INFO | Failed invalidating remote cache | |
ISPN000138 | INFO | Could not register object with name: %s | |
ISPN000139 | WARN | Infinispan configuration schema could not be resolved locally nor fetched from URL. Local path=%s, schema path=%s, schema URL=%s | |
ISPN000140 | WARN | Lazy deserialization configuration is deprecated, please use storeAsBinary instead | |
ISPN000141 | WARN | Could not rollback prepared 1PC transaction. This transaction will be rolled back by the recovery process, if enabled. Transaction: %s | |
ISPN000143 | WARN | Received a key that doesn't map to this node: %s, mapped to %s | |
ISPN000144 | WARN | Failed loading value for key %s from cache store | |
ISPN000147 | ERROR | Error invalidating keys from L1 after rehash | |
ISPN000148 | WARN | Invalid %s value of %s. It can not be higher than %s which is %s | |
ISPN000149 | WARN | Fetch persistent state and purge on startup are both disabled, cache may contain stale entries on startup | |
ISPN000150 | FATAL | Rehash command received on non-distributed cache. All the nodes in the cluster should be using the same configuration. | |
ISPN000151 | ERROR | Error flushing to file: %s | |
ISPN000152 | INFO | Passivation configured without an eviction policy being selected. Only manually evicted entities will be passivated. | |
ISPN000154 | ERROR | Unable to unlock keys %2$s for transaction %1$s after they were rebalanced off node %3$s | |
ISPN000159 | WARN | Unblocking transactions failed | |
ISPN000160 | WARN | Could not complete injected transaction. | |
ISPN000161 | INFO | Using a batchMode transaction manager | |
ISPN000162 | INFO | Could not instantiate transaction manager | |
ISPN000163 | WARN | FileCacheStore ignored an unexpected file %2$s in path %1$s. The store path should be dedicated! | |
ISPN000164 | ERROR | Rolling back to cache view %d, but last committed view is %d | |
ISPN000171 | INFO | Strict peer-to-peer is enabled but the JGroups channel was started externally - this is very likely to result in RPC timeout errors on startup | |
ISPN000173 | ERROR | Custom interceptor %s has used @Inject, @Start or @Stop. These methods will not be processed. Please extend org.infinispan.interceptors.base.BaseCustomInterceptor instead, and your custom interceptor will have access to a cache and cacheManager. Override stop() and start() for lifecycle methods. | |
ISPN000174 | WARN | Unexpected error reading configuration | |
ISPN000175 | WARN | Unexpected error closing resource | |
ISPN000176 | WARN | The 'wakeUpInterval' attribute of the 'eviction' configuration XML element is deprecated. Setting the 'wakeUpInterval' attribute of the 'expiration' configuration XML element to %d instead | |
ISPN000177 | WARN | %s has been deprecated as a synonym for %s. Use one of %s instead | |
ISPN000178 | WARN | stateRetrieval's 'alwaysProvideInMemoryState' attribute is no longer in use, instead please make sure all instances of this named cache in the cluster have 'fetchInMemoryState' attribute enabled | |
ISPN000179 | WARN | stateRetrieval's 'initialRetryWaitTime' attribute is no longer in use. | |
ISPN000180 | WARN | stateRetrieval's 'logFlushTimeout' attribute is no longer in use. | |
ISPN000181 | WARN | stateRetrieval's 'maxProgressingLogWrites' attribute is no longer in use. | |
ISPN000182 | WARN | stateRetrieval's 'numRetries' attribute is no longer in use. | |
ISPN000183 | WARN | stateRetrieval's 'retryWaitTimeIncreaseFactor' attribute is no longer in use. | |
ISPN000184 | INFO | The stateRetrieval configuration element has been deprecated, we're assuming you meant stateTransfer. Please see XML schema for more information. | |
ISPN000185 | INFO | hash's 'rehashEnabled' attribute has been deprecated. Please use stateTransfer.fetchInMemoryState instead | |
ISPN000186 | INFO | hash's 'rehashRpcTimeout' attribute has been deprecated. Please use stateTransfer.timeout instead | |
ISPN000187 | INFO | hash's 'rehashWait' attribute has been deprecated. Please use stateTransfer.timeout instead | |
ISPN000188 | ERROR | Error while processing a commit in a two-phase transaction | |
ISPN000189 | WARN | While stopping a cache or cache manager, one of its components failed to stop | |
ISPN000190 | WARN | Use of the 'loader' element to configure a store is deprecated, please use the 'store' element instead | |
ISPN000191 | DEBUG | When indexing locally a cache with shared cache loader, preload must be enabled | |
ISPN000192 | WARN | hash's 'numVirtualNodes' attribute has been deprecated. Please use hash.numSegments instead | |
ISPN000193 | WARN | hash's 'consistentHash' attribute has been deprecated. Please use hash.consistentHashFactory instead | |
ISPN000194 | WARN | Failed loading keys from cache store | |
ISPN000195 | ERROR | Error during rebalance for cache %s on node %s | |
ISPN000196 | ERROR | Failed to recover cluster state after the current node became the coordinator (or after merge) | |
ISPN000197 | WARN | Error updating cluster member list | |
ISPN000198 | INFO | Unable to register MBeans for default cache | |
ISPN000199 | INFO | Unable to register MBeans for named cache %s | |
ISPN000200 | INFO | Unable to register MBeans for cache manager | |
ISPN000201 | TRACE | This cache is configured to backup to its own site (%s). | |
ISPN000202 | WARN | Problems backing up data for cache %s to site %s: %s | |
ISPN000203 | WARN | The rollback request for tx %s cannot be processed by the cache %s as this cache is not transactional! | |
ISPN000204 | WARN | The commit request for tx %s cannot be processed by the cache %s as this cache is not transactional! | |
ISPN000205 | WARN | Trying to bring back an non-existent site (%s)! | |
ISPN000206 | WARN | Could not execute cancelation command locally %s | |
ISPN000207 | WARN | Could not interrupt as no thread found for command uuid %s | |
ISPN000208 | ERROR | No live owners found for segment %d of cache %s. Current owners are: %s. Faulty owners: %s | |
ISPN000209 | WARN | Failed to retrieve transactions for segments %s of cache %s from node %s | |
ISPN000210 | WARN | Failed to request segments %s of cache %s from node %s (node will not be retried) | |
ISPN000213 | ERROR | Unable to load %s from any of the following classloaders: %s | |
ISPN000214 | WARN | Unable to remove entry under %s from cache store after activation | |
ISPN000215 | java.lang.Exception | Unknown migrator %s | |
ISPN000216 | INFO | %d entries migrated to cache %s in %s | |
ISPN000217 | org.infinispan.remoting.RemoteException | Received exception from %s, see cause for remote stack trace | |
ISPN000218 | INFO | Timeout while waiting for the transaction validation. The command will not be processed. Transaction is %s | |
ISPN000219 | WARN | Shutdown while handling command %s | |
ISPN000220 | WARN | Problems un-marshalling remote command from byte buffer | |
ISPN000221 | WARN | Unknown response value [%s]. Expected [%s] | |
ISPN000222 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Custom interceptor missing class | |
ISPN000223 | WARN | Custom interceptor '%s' does not extend BaseCustomInterceptor, which is recommended | |
ISPN000224 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Custom interceptor '%s' specifies more than one position | |
ISPN000225 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Custom interceptor '%s' doesn't specify a position | |
ISPN000226 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Error while initializing SSL context | |
ISPN000227 | WARN | Support for concurrent updates can no longer be configured (it is always enabled by default) | |
ISPN000228 | ERROR | Failed to recover cache %s state after the current node became the coordinator | |
ISPN000229 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unexpected initial version type (only NumericVersion instances supported): %s | |
ISPN000230 | ERROR | Failed to start rebalance for cache %s | |
ISPN000231 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cache mode should be DIST or REPL, rather than %s | |
ISPN000232 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cache is in an invalid state: %s | |
ISPN000234 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Root element for %s already registered in ParserRegistry | |
ISPN000235 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Configuration parser %s does not declare any Namespace annotations | |
ISPN000236 | org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException | Purging expired entries failed | |
ISPN000237 | org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException | Waiting for expired entries to be purge timed out | |
ISPN000238 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Directory %s does not exist and cannot be created! | |
ISPN000239 | java.io.IOException | Cache manager is shutting down, so type write externalizer for type=%s cannot be resolved | |
ISPN000240 | java.io.IOException | Cache manager is shutting down, so type (id=%d) cannot be resolved. Interruption being pushed up. | |
ISPN000241 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | Cache manager is %s and type (id=%d) cannot be resolved (thread not interrupted) | |
ISPN000242 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | Missing foreign externalizer with id=%s, either externalizer was not configured by client, or module lifecycle implementation adding externalizer was not loaded properly | |
ISPN000243 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | Type of data read is unknown. Id=%d is not amongst known reader indexes. | |
ISPN000244 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | AdvancedExternalizer's getTypeClasses for externalizer %s must return a non-empty set | |
ISPN000245 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Duplicate id found! AdvancedExternalizer id=%d for %s is shared by another externalizer (%s). Reader index is %d | |
ISPN000246 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Internal %s externalizer is using an id(%d) that exceeded the limit. It needs to be smaller than %d | |
ISPN000247 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Foreign %s externalizer is using a negative id(%d). Only positive id values are allowed. | |
ISPN000248 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Invalid cache loader configuration!! Only ONE cache loader may have fetchPersistentState set to true. Cache will not start! | |
ISPN000249 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | The cache loader configuration %s does not specify the loader class using @ConfigurationFor | |
ISPN000250 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Invalid configuration, expecting '%s' got '%s' instead | |
ISPN000251 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cache Loader configuration cannot be null | |
ISPN000252 | ERROR | Error executing parallel store task | |
ISPN000253 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Invalid Cache Loader class: %s | |
ISPN000254 | WARN | The transport element's 'strictPeerToPeer' attribute is no longer in use. | |
ISPN000255 | ERROR | Error while processing prepare | |
ISPN000256 | ERROR | Configurator SAXParse error | |
ISPN000257 | ERROR | Configurator SAX error | |
ISPN000258 | ERROR | Configurator general error | |
ISPN000259 | ERROR | Async store executor did not stop properly | |
ISPN000260 | ERROR | Exception executing command | |
ISPN000261 | ERROR | Failed to execute outbound transfer | |
ISPN000262 | ERROR | Failed to enlist TransactionXaAdapter to transaction | |
ISPN000263 | WARN | FIFO strategy is deprecated, LRU will be used instead | |
ISPN000264 | WARN | Not using an L1 invalidation reaper thread. This could lead to memory leaks as the requestors map may grow indefinitely! | |
ISPN000267 | WARN | Problems creating interceptor %s | |
ISPN000268 | WARN | Unable to broadcast evicts as a part of the prepare phase. Rolling back. | |
ISPN000269 | WARN | Cache used for Grid metadata should be synchronous. | |
ISPN000270 | WARN | Could not commit local tx %s | |
ISPN000271 | WARN | Could not rollback local tx %s | |
ISPN000272 | WARN | Exception removing recovery information | |
ISPN000273 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Indexing can not be enabled on caches in Invalidation mode | |
ISPN000274 | ERROR | Persistence enabled without any CacheLoaderInterceptor in InterceptorChain! | |
ISPN000275 | ERROR | Persistence enabled without any CacheWriteInterceptor in InterceptorChain! | |
ISPN000276 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | Could not find migration data in cache %s | |
ISPN000277 | WARN | Could not migrate key %s | |
ISPN000278 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Indexing can only be enabled if infinispan-query.jar is available on your classpath, and this jar has not been detected. | |
ISPN000279 | org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException | Failed to read stored entries from file. Error in file %s at offset %d | |
ISPN000280 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheListenerException | Caught exception [%s] while invoking method [%s] on listener instance: %s | |
ISPN000281 | org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException | %s reported that a third node was suspected, see cause for info on the node that was suspected | |
ISPN000282 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot enable Invocation Batching when the Transaction Mode is NON_TRANSACTIONAL, set the transaction mode to TRANSACTIONAL | |
ISPN000283 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | A cache configured with invocation batching can't have recovery enabled | |
ISPN000284 | WARN | Problem encountered while installing cluster listener | |
ISPN000285 | WARN | Issue when retrieving cluster listeners from %s response was %s | |
ISPN000286 | WARN | Issue when retrieving cluster listeners from %s | |
ISPN000287 | java.lang.SecurityException | Unauthorized access: subject '%s' lacks '%s' permission | |
ISPN000288 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | A principal-to-role mapper has not been specified | |
ISPN000289 | WARN | Unable to send X-Site state chunk to '%s'. | |
ISPN000290 | WARN | Unable to wait for X-Site state chunk ACKs from '%s'. | |
ISPN000291 | WARN | Unable to apply X-Site state chunk. | |
ISPN000292 | WARN | Unrecognized attribute '%s'. Please check your configuration. Ignoring! | |
ISPN000293 | INFO | Ignoring XML attribute %s, please remove from configuration file | |
ISPN000294 | INFO | Ignoring XML element %s, please remove from configuration file | |
ISPN000295 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | No thread pool with name %s found | |
ISPN000296 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Attempt to add a %s permission to a SecurityPermissionCollection | |
ISPN000297 | java.lang.SecurityException | Attempt to add a permission to a read-only SecurityPermissionCollection | |
ISPN000298 | DEBUG | Using internal security checker | |
ISPN000299 | org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException | Unable to acquire lock after %s for key %s and requestor %s. Lock is held by %s | |
ISPN000300 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | There was an exception while processing retrieval of entry values | |
ISPN000301 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | Iterator response for identifier %s encountered unexpected exception | |
ISPN000302 | WARN | Issue when retrieving transactions from %s, response was %s | |
ISPN000304 | WARN | More than one configuration file with specified name on classpath. The first one will be used: %s | |
ISPN000305 | org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException | Cluster is operating in degraded mode because of node failures. | |
ISPN000306 | org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException | Key '%s' is not available. Not all owners are in this partition | |
ISPN000307 | org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException | Cannot clear when the cluster is partitioned | |
ISPN000308 | INFO | Rebalancing enabled | |
ISPN000309 | INFO | Rebalancing suspended | |
ISPN000310 | INFO | Starting cluster-wide rebalance for cache %s, topology %s | |
ISPN000311 | DEBUG | Received a command from an outdated topology, returning the exception to caller | |
ISPN000321 | WARN | Cyclic dependency detected between caches, stop order ignored | |
ISPN000322 | WARN | Unable to re-start x-site state transfer to site %s | |
ISPN000323 | org.infinispan.IllegalLifecycleStateException | %s is in 'TERMINATED' state and so it does not accept new invocations. Either restart it or recreate the cache container. | |
ISPN000324 | org.infinispan.IllegalLifecycleStateException | %s is in 'STOPPING' state and this is an invocation not belonging to an on-going transaction, so it does not accept new invocations. Either restart it or recreate the cache container. | |
ISPN000325 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Creating tmp cache %s timed out waiting for rebalancing to complete on node %s | |
ISPN000326 | WARN | Remote transaction %s timed out. Rolling back after %d ms | |
ISPN000327 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot find a parser for element '%s' in namespace '%s'. Check that your configuration is up-to date for this version of Infinispan. | |
ISPN000328 | DEBUG | Finished local rebalance for cache %s on node %s, topology id = %d | |
ISPN000329 | WARN | Unable to read rebalancing status from coordinator %s | |
ISPN000330 | WARN | Distributed task failed at %s. The task is failing over to be executed at %s | |
ISPN000331 | WARN | Unable to invoke method %s on Object instance %s | |
ISPN000332 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | Remote transaction %s rolled back because originator is no longer in the cluster | |
ISPN000333 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | The site must be specified. | |
ISPN000334 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Using a custom failure policy requires a failure policy class to be specified. | |
ISPN000335 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Two-phase commit can only be used with synchronous backup strategy. | |
ISPN000336 | INFO | Finished cluster-wide rebalance for cache %s, topology id = %d | |
ISPN000337 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | The 'site' must be specified! | |
ISPN000338 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | It is required to specify a 'failurePolicyClass' when using a custom backup failure policy! | |
ISPN000339 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Null name not allowed (use 'defaultRemoteCache()' in case you want to specify the default cache name). | |
ISPN000340 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Both 'remoteCache' and 'remoteSite' must be specified for a backup'! | |
ISPN000341 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot configure async properties for an sync cache. Set the cache mode to async first. | |
ISPN000342 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot configure sync properties for an async cache. Set the cache mode to sync first. | |
ISPN000343 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Must have a transport set in the global configuration in order to define a clustered cache | |
ISPN000344 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | reaperWakeUpInterval must be >= 0, we got %d | |
ISPN000345 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | completedTxTimeout must be >= 0, we got %d | |
ISPN000346 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Total Order based protocol not available for transaction mode %s | |
ISPN000347 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cache mode %s is not supported by Total Order based protocol | |
ISPN000348 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Total Order based protocol not available with recovery | |
ISPN000349 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Total Order based protocol not available with %s | |
ISPN000350 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Enabling the L1 cache is only supported when using DISTRIBUTED as a cache mode. Your cache mode is set to %s | |
ISPN000351 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Using a L1 lifespan of 0 or a negative value is meaningless | |
ISPN000352 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Use of the replication queue is invalid when using DISTRIBUTED mode. | |
ISPN000353 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Use of the replication queue is only allowed with an ASYNCHRONOUS cluster mode. | |
ISPN000354 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot define both interceptor class (%s) and interceptor instance (%s) | |
ISPN000355 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Unable to instantiate loader/writer instance for StoreConfiguration %s | |
ISPN000356 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Maximum data container size is currently 2^48 - 1, the number provided was %s | |
ISPN000357 | ERROR | end() failed for %s | |
ISPN000358 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | A cache configuration named %s already exists. This cannot be configured externally by the user. | |
ISPN000359 | org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException | Keys '%s' are not available. Not all owners are in this partition | |
ISPN000360 | WARN | The xml element eviction-executor has been deprecated and replaced by expiration-executor, please update your configuration file. | |
ISPN000361 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | Cannot commit remote transaction %s as it was already rolled back | |
ISPN000362 | org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException | Could not find status for remote transaction %s, please increase transaction.completedTxTimeout | |
ISPN000363 | WARN | No filter indexing service provider found for filter of type %s | |
ISPN000364 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | Attempted to register cluster listener of class %s, but listener is annotated as only observing pre events! | |
ISPN000365 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Could not find the specified JGroups configuration file '%s' | |
ISPN000366 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unable to add a 'null' Custom Cache Store | |
ISPN000367 | ERROR | There was an issue with topology update for topology: %s | |
ISPN000368 | WARN | Memory approximation calculation for eviction is unsupported for the '%s' Java VM | |
ISPN000369 | WARN | Ignoring asyncMarshalling configuration | |
ISPN000370 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cache name '%s' cannot be used as it is a reserved, internal name | |
ISPN000371 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot remove cache configuration '%s' because it is in use | |
ISPN000372 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Statistics are enabled while attribute 'available' is set to false. | |
ISPN000373 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Attempted to start a cache using configuration template '%s' | |
ISPN000374 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | No such template '%s' when declaring '%s' | |
ISPN000375 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot use configuration '%s' as a template | |
ISPN000376 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Interceptor stack is not supported in simple cache | |
ISPN000377 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Explicit lock operations are not supported in simple cache | |
ISPN000378 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Invocation batching not enabled in current configuration! Please enable it. | |
ISPN000379 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Map Reduce Framework is not supported in simple cache | |
ISPN000380 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Distributed Executors Framework is not supported in simple cache | |
ISPN000381 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | This configuration is not supported for simple cache | |
ISPN000382 | WARN | Global state persistence was enabled without specifying a location | |
ISPN000383 | WARN | The eviction max-entries attribute has been deprecated. Please use the size attribute instead | |
ISPN000384 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unable to broadcast invalidation messages | |
ISPN000385 | WARN | The data container class configuration has been deprecated. This has no current replacement | |
ISPN000386 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Failed to read persisted state from file %s. Aborting. | |
ISPN000387 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Failed to write state to file %s. | |
ISPN000388 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | The state file %s is not writable. Aborting. | |
ISPN000389 | INFO | Loaded global state, version=%s timestamp=%s | |
ISPN000390 | INFO | Persisted state, version=%s timestamp=%s | |
ISPN000391 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Recovery not supported with non transactional cache | |
ISPN000392 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Recovery not supported with Synchronization | |
ISPN000393 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Recovery not supported with Asynchronous %s cache mode | |
ISPN000394 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Recovery not supported with asynchronous commit phase | |
ISPN000395 | INFO | Transaction notifications are disabled. This prevents cluster listeners from working properly! | |
ISPN000396 | WARN | Received unsolicited state from node %s for segment %d of cache %s | |
ISPN000397 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | Could not migrate data for cache %s, check remote store config in the target cluster. Make sure only one remote store is present and is pointing to the source cluster | |
ISPN000398 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | CH Factory '%s' cannot restore a persisted CH of class '%s' | |
ISPN000399 | org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException | Timeout while waiting for %d members in cluster. Last view had %s | |
ISPN000400 | org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException | Node %s was suspected | |
ISPN000401 | org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException | Node %s timed out, time : %s %s | |
ISPN000402 | org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException | Timeout waiting for view %d. Current view is %d, current status is %s | |
ISPN000403 | WARN | No indexable classes were defined for this indexed cache; switching to autodetection (support for autodetection will be removed in Infinispan 9.0). | |
ISPN000404 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | The configured entity class %s is not indexable. Please remove it from the indexing configuration. | |
ISPN000411 | WARN | Classpath does not look correct. Make sure you are not mixing uber and jars | |
ISPN000419 | WARN | Eviction of an entry invoked without an explicit eviction strategy for cache %s | |
ISPN000420 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot enable '%s' in invalidation caches! | |
ISPN000901 | WARN | Property %s could not be replaced as intended! | |
ISPN000902 | WARN | Invocation of %s threw an exception %s. Exception is ignored. | |
ISPN000903 | ERROR | Unable to set value! | |
ISPN000904 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Error while initializing SSL context | |
ISPN000905 | ERROR | Unable to load %s from any of the following classloaders: %s | |
ISPN000906 | WARN | Unable to convert string property [%s] to an int! Using default value of %d | |
ISPN000907 | WARN | Unable to convert string property [%s] to a long! Using default value of %d | |
ISPN000908 | WARN | Unable to convert string property [%s] to a boolean! Using default value of %b | |
ISPN000909 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unwrapping %s to a type of %s is not a supported | |
ISPN000910 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Illegal value for thread pool parameter(s) %s, it should be: %s | |
ISPN000911 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unwrapping of any instances in %s to a type of %s is not a supported | |
ISPN000912 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Expecting a protected configuration for %s | |
ISPN000913 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Expecting a unprotected configuration for %s | |
ISPN000914 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Duplicate attribute '%s' in attribute set '%s' | |
ISPN000915 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No such attribute '%s' in attribute set '%s' | |
ISPN000916 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No attribute copier for type '%s' | |
ISPN000917 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Cannot resize unbounded container | |
ISPN000918 | java.io.IOException | Cannot find resource '%s' | |
ISPN004001 | WARN | Could not find '%s' file in classpath, using defaults. | |
ISPN004002 | INFO | Cannot perform operations on a cache associated with an unstarted RemoteCacheManager. Use RemoteCacheManager.start before using the remote cache. | |
ISPN004003 | ERROR | Invalid magic number. Expected %#x and received %#x | |
ISPN004004 | ERROR | Invalid message id. Expected %d and received %d | |
ISPN004005 | WARN | Error received from the server: %s | |
ISPN004006 | INFO | %s sent new topology view (id=%d, age=%d) containing %d addresses: %s | |
ISPN004007 | ERROR | Exception encountered. Retry %d out of %d | |
ISPN004009 | WARN | Issues closing socket for %s: %s | |
ISPN004010 | WARN | Exception while shutting down the connection pool. | |
ISPN004011 | WARN | No hash function configured for version: %d | |
ISPN004012 | WARN | Could not invalidate connection: %s | |
ISPN004013 | WARN | Could not release connection: %s | |
ISPN004014 | INFO | New server added(%s), adding to the pool. | |
ISPN004015 | WARN | Failed adding new server %s | |
ISPN004016 | INFO | Server not in cluster anymore(%s), removing from the pool. | |
ISPN004018 | WARN | Unable to convert string property [%s] to an int! Using default value of %d | |
ISPN004019 | WARN | Unable to convert string property [%s] to a long! Using default value of %d | |
ISPN004020 | WARN | Unable to convert string property [%s] to a boolean! Using default value of %b | |
ISPN004021 | INFO | Infinispan version: %s | |
ISPN004022 | WARN | Unable to invalidate transport for server: %s | |
ISPN004023 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | SSL Enabled but no KeyStore specified | |
ISPN004024 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | SSL Enabled but no TrustStore specified | |
ISPN004025 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | A password is required to open the KeyStore '%s' | |
ISPN004026 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | A password is required to open the TrustStore '%s' | |
ISPN004027 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot configure custom KeyStore and/or TrustStore when specifying a SSLContext | |
ISPN004028 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Unable to parse server IP address %s | |
ISPN004029 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Invalid max_retries (value=%s). Value should be greater or equal than zero. | |
ISPN004030 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot enable authentication without specifying a Callback Handler or a client Subject | |
ISPN004031 | java.lang.SecurityException | The selected authentication mechanism '%s' is not among the supported server mechanisms: %s | |
ISPN004032 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | '%s' is an invalid SASL mechanism | |
ISPN004033 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Connection dedicated to listener with id=%s but received event for listener with id=%s | |
ISPN004034 | org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException | Unable to unmarshall bytes %s | |
ISPN004035 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheListenerException | Caught exception [%s] while invoking method [%s] on listener instance: %s | |
ISPN004036 | org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException | Methods annotated with %s must accept exactly one parameter, of assignable from type %s | |
ISPN004037 | org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException | Methods annotated with %s should have a return type of void. | |
ISPN004038 | ERROR | Unexpected error consuming event %s | |
ISPN004039 | WARN | Unable to complete reading event from server %s | |
ISPN004040 | org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException | Cache listener class %s must be annotated with org.infinispan.client.hotrod.annotation.ClientListener | |
ISPN004041 | org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException | Unknown event type %s received | |
ISPN004042 | ERROR | Unable to set method %s accessible | |
ISPN004043 | ERROR | Unrecoverable error reading event from server %s, exiting event reader thread | |
ISPN004044 | ERROR | Unable to read %s bytes %s | |
ISPN004045 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | When enabling near caching, number of max entries must be configured | |
ISPN004046 | INFO | Successfully closed remote iterator '%s' | |
ISPN004047 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid iteration id '%s' | |
ISPN004048 | java.util.NoSuchElementException | Invalid iteration id '%s' | |
ISPN004049 | WARN | No consistent hash is available in the client, starting iteration using the configured request balancing strategy | |
ISPN004050 | INFO | Switched to cluster '%s' | |
ISPN004051 | INFO | Switched back to main cluster | |
ISPN004052 | INFO | Manually switched to cluster '%s' | |
ISPN004053 | INFO | Manually switched back to main cluster | |
ISPN004054 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Name of the failover cluster needs to be specified | |
ISPN004055 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Host needs to be specified in server definition of failover cluster | |
ISPN004056 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | At least one server address needs to be specified for failover cluster %s | |
ISPN004057 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Duplicate failover cluster %s has been specified | |
ISPN004058 | org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException | The client listener must use raw data when it uses a query as a filter: %s | |
ISPN004059 | org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException | The client listener must use the '%s' filter/converter factory | |
ISPN004060 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Query parameter '%s' was not set | |
ISPN004061 | WARN | Ignoring error when closing iteration '%s' | |
ISPN004062 | DEBUG | Started iteration '%s' | |
ISPN004063 | DEBUG | Transport '%s' obtained for iteration '%s' | |
ISPN004064 | TRACE | Tracking key %s belonging to segment %d, already tracked? = %b | |
ISPN004065 | WARN | Classpath does not look correct. Make sure you are not mixing uber and jars | |
ISPN008001 | ERROR | Failed clearing cache store | |
ISPN008002 | ERROR | I/O failure while integrating state into store | |
ISPN008003 | ERROR | SQL failure while integrating state into store | |
ISPN008004 | ERROR | Class not found while integrating state into store | |
ISPN008005 | ERROR | I/O Error while storing string keys to database | |
ISPN008006 | ERROR | SQL Error while storing string keys to database | |
ISPN008007 | ERROR | SQL error while fetching all StoredEntries | |
ISPN008008 | ERROR | I/O failure while marshalling bucket: %s | |
ISPN008009 | ERROR | I/O error while unmarshalling from stream | |
ISPN008010 | ERROR | *UNEXPECTED* ClassNotFoundException. This should not happen as Bucket class exists | |
ISPN008011 | ERROR | Error while creating table; used DDL statement: '%s' | |
ISPN008012 | ERROR | Sql failure while inserting bucket: %s | |
ISPN008013 | ERROR | Sql failure while updating bucket: %s | |
ISPN008014 | ERROR | Sql failure while loading key: %s | |
ISPN008015 | ERROR | Could not find a connection in jndi under the name '%s' | |
ISPN008016 | ERROR | Could not lookup connection with datasource %s | |
ISPN008017 | WARN | Failed to close naming context. | |
ISPN008018 | ERROR | Sql failure retrieving connection from datasource | |
ISPN008019 | ERROR | Issues while closing connection %s | |
ISPN008020 | ERROR | Error while instatianting JDBC driver: '%s' | |
ISPN008021 | WARN | Could not destroy C3P0 connection pool: %s | |
ISPN008022 | WARN | Unexpected sql failure | |
ISPN008023 | WARN | Failure while closing the connection to the database | |
ISPN008024 | ERROR | Error while storing string key to database; key: '%s' | |
ISPN008025 | ERROR | Error while removing string keys from database | |
ISPN008026 | ERROR | In order for JdbcStringBasedStore to support %s, the Key2StringMapper needs to implement TwoWayKey2StringMapper. You should either make %s implement TwoWayKey2StringMapper or disable the sql. See [https://jira.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-579] for more details. | |
ISPN008027 | ERROR | SQL error while fetching stored entry with key: %s, lockingKey: %s | |
ISPN008028 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Attribute '%s' has not been set | |
ISPN008029 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | A ConnectionFactory has not been specified for this store | |
ISPN008030 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot specify a ConnectionFactory and manageConnectionFactory at the same time | |
ISPN010001 | ERROR | RemoteStore can only run in shared mode! This method shouldn't be called in shared mode | |
ISPN010004 | org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException | Wrapper cannot handle values of class %s | |
ISPN010005 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot enable HotRod wrapping if a marshaller and/or an entryWrapper have already been set | |
ISPN010006 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException | Cannot load the HotRodEntryWrapper class (make sure the infinispan-server-hotrod classes are available) | |
ISPN010007 | org.infinispan.commons.CacheException | The RemoteCacheStore for cache %s should be configured with hotRodWrapping enabled |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
JBERET000001 | WARN | Failed to run batchlet %s | |
JBERET000002 | WARN | A step cannot contain both chunk type and batchlet type: %s | |
JBERET000003 | WARN | A concrete step must contain either a chunk or batchlet type: %s | |
JBERET000004 | WARN | Unrecognized property category: %s, variable name: %s in property value: %s | |
JBERET000005 | WARN | Invalid exception filter class '%s' | |
JBERET000006 | TRACE | The job: %s already exists in the job repository and will not be added. | |
JBERET000007 | ERROR | Failed to run job %s, %s, %s | |
JBERET000008 | WARN | Possible syntax errors in property: %s | |
JBERET000009 | WARN | A decision cannot be the first element: %s | |
JBERET000010 | DEBUG | Could not resolve expression because: %s | |
JBERET000011 | WARN | Failed to stop the job %s, %s, %s | |
JBERET000012 | WARN | Failed to clone %s when running job [%s] and step [%s] | |
JBERET000013 | WARN | Failed to destroy artifact %s | |
JBERET000014 | DEBUG | Tables created for batch job repository with DDL file %s | |
JBERET000015 | DEBUG | Adding ddl entry for batch job repository:%n %s | |
JBERET000016 | WARN | Failed to close %s: %s | |
JBERET000017 | DEBUG | Persisted %s with id %s | |
JBERET000018 | WARN | Could not find the original step execution to restart. Current step execution id: %s, step name: %s | |
JBERET000019 | WARN | Encountered errors when creating batch job repository tables. | |
JBERET000020 | WARN | Failed to get database product name from connection %s | |
JBERET000021 | INFO | About to initialize batch job repository with ddl-file: %s for database %s | |
JBERET000022 | TRACE | %s is not implemented for local transactions | |
JBERET000023 | INFO | Removing %s %s | |
JBERET000024 | INFO | About to mark it FAILED before restarting job execution %s, job name %s, batch status %s, restart mode %s | |
JBERET000025 | WARN | Failed to set attributes to script context for engine %s, script type %s, and some data will not be passed to script | |
JBERET000026 | INFO | job %s is added to waiting queue due to low number of available threads: %s | |
JBERET000027 | INFO | job %s is taken from waiting queue and resubmitted |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
JBREM-00001 | java.io.IOException | Internal Error: received a message with a duplicate ID | |
JBREM-00001 | TRACE | Message with unknown protocol ID %d received | |
JBREM-00001 | TRACE | Rejected invalid SASL mechanism %s | |
JBREM000200 | DEBUG | Remote connection failed: %s | |
JBREM000201 | java.io.IOException | Received invalid message on %s | |
JBREM000202 | java.io.IOException | Abrupt close on %s | |
JBREM000203 | WARN | Message missing protocol byte | |
JBREM000204 | WARN | Buffer underflow parsing message with protocol ID %02x | |
JBREM000205 | DEBUG | Failed to accept a connection: %s | |
JBREM000206 | org.jboss.remoting3.NotOpenException | Channel is not open | |
JBREM000207 | org.jboss.remoting3.ChannelBusyException | Failed to send a message (channel is busy) | |
JBREM000208 | java.io.InterruptedIOException | Write operation interrupted | |
JBREM000209 | ERROR | An exception occurred in a message handler | |
JBREM000210 | FATAL | Internal Error: received a message with duplicate ID %d from %s | |
JBREM000211 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid XNIO worker; the worker must match the Remoting Endpoint worker | |
JBREM000212 | java.io.IOException | Failed to configure SSL context | |
JBREM000300 | org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException | Authentication failed due to I/O error | |
JBREM000301 | java.io.IOException | Mechanism name "%s" is too long | |
JBREM000302 | java.io.IOException | Authentication message too large | |
JBREM000303 | org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException | Authentication protocol failed (extra response) | |
JBREM000304 | org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException | Server rejected authentication | |
JBREM000305 | org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException | Authentication failed (connection closed) | |
JBREM000306 | org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException | Authentication failed (SASL client construction failure) | |
JBREM000307 | org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException | Authentication interrupted | |
JBREM000308 | org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException | Authentication failed (no mechanisms left), tried: %s | |
JBREM000309 | org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException | Authentication not supported for this peer |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
JBWEB005000 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam keepgenerated. Will use the default value of "false" | |
JBWEB005001 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam trimSpaces. Will use the default value of "false" | |
JBWEB005002 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam enablePooling. Will use the default value of "false" | |
JBWEB005003 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam mappedfile. Will use the default value of "true" | |
JBWEB005004 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam sendErrToClient. Will use the default value of "false" | |
JBWEB005005 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam classdebuginfo. Will use the default value of "true" | |
JBWEB005006 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam checkInterval. Will disable periodic checking | |
JBWEB005007 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam modificationTestInterval. Will use the default value of "4" seconds | |
JBWEB005008 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam recompileOnFail. Will use the default value of "false" | |
JBWEB005009 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam development. Will use the default value of "true" | |
JBWEB005010 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam suppressSmap. Will use the default value of "false" | |
JBWEB005011 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam dumpSmap. Will use the default value of "false" | |
JBWEB005012 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam genStrAsCharArray. Will use the default value of "false" | |
JBWEB005013 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute. Will use the default value of "true" | |
JBWEB005014 | ERROR | The JSP container needs a work directory | |
JBWEB005015 | ERROR | The JSP container needs a valid work directory [%s] | |
JBWEB005016 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam fork. Will use the default value of "true" | |
JBWEB005017 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam xpoweredBy. Will use the default value of "true" | |
JBWEB005018 | WARN | Invalid %s value for the initParam displaySourceFragment. Will use the default value of "true" | |
JBWEB005019 | WARN | Failed loading Java compiler %s | |
JBWEB005020 | WARN | Failed loading custom options class %s | |
JBWEB005021 | ERROR | File "%s" not found | |
JBWEB005022 | ERROR | Error destroying JSP Servlet instance | |
JBWEB005023 | WARN | Bad value %s in the url-pattern subelement in the webapp descriptor | |
JBWEB005024 | DEBUG | Exception closing reader | |
JBWEB005025 | DEBUG | Parent class loader is: %s | |
JBWEB005026 | DEBUG | Compilation classpath: %s | |
JBWEB005027 | ERROR | Error reading source file %s | |
JBWEB005028 | ERROR | Error reading class file %s | |
JBWEB005029 | WARN | Unknown source JVM %s ignored | |
JBWEB005030 | WARN | Unknown target JVM %s ignored | |
JBWEB005031 | ERROR | Error creating compiler report | |
JBWEB005032 | ERROR | Compiler error | |
JBWEB005033 | ERROR | Exception initializing page context | |
JBWEB005034 | ERROR | Error loading core class | |
JBWEB005035 | WARN | Invalid value '%s' for the initParam maxLoadedJsps. Will use the default value of '-1 | |
JBWEB005036 | WARN | Invalid value '%s' for the initParam jspIdleTimeout. Will use the default value of '-1' | |
JBWEB005037 | WARN | Failed to delete generated Java file '%s' | |
JBWEB005038 | WARN | Failed to delete generated class file(s) | |
JBWEB005039 | ERROR | Invalid optimizeScriptlets value %s, must be true or false |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
JBWS020003 | TRACE | Ignore attribute: [uri=%s, qname=%s, value=%s] | |
JBWS020005 | ERROR | Cannnot parse: %s | |
JBWS020006 | TRACE | createElement {%s}%s | |
JBWS020007 | TRACE | createElement {%s}%s:%s | |
JBWS020008 | TRACE | pushGroupID: %s (%s) | |
JBWS020009 | TRACE | peekGroupID: %s (%s) | |
JBWS020010 | TRACE | popGroupID: %s (%s) | |
JBWS020012 | WARN | Non-standard method: %s | |
JBWS020015 | TRACE | Could not get %s module classloader: %s | |
JBWS024201 | WARN | No application policy found for security domain '%s' | |
JBWS024202 | WARN | No JASPIAuthenticationInfo found for security domain '%s' | |
JBWS024203 | WARN | Can not create Jaspi ServerAuthContext for security domain '%s' | |
JBWS024204 | WARN | Can not enable Jaspi authentication for '%s' instance |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
JIPI020200 | WARN | Could not load entity class '%s', ignoring this error and continuing with application deployment | |
JIPI020201 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot change input stream reference. | |
JIPI020202 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Parameter %s is empty | |
JIPI020203 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Missing PersistenceUnitMetadata (thread local wasn't set) | |
JIPI020204 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Not yet implemented | |
JIPI020205 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Parameter %s is null | |
JIPI020250 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unable to open VirtualFile-based InputStream %s | |
JIPI020251 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | URI syntax error |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
JNDIWFHTTP000001 | javax.naming.NamingException | Unexpected data in response | |
JNDIWFHTTP000002 | javax.naming.NamingException | At least one URI must be provided |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
MODCLUSTER000000 | DEBUG | Catching | |
MODCLUSTER000001 | INFO | Initializing mod_cluster version %s | |
MODCLUSTER000002 | INFO | Initiating mod_cluster shutdown | |
MODCLUSTER000003 | DEBUG | Received server start event | |
MODCLUSTER000004 | DEBUG | Received server stop event | |
MODCLUSTER000005 | DEBUG | Received add context event for %s:%s | |
MODCLUSTER000006 | DEBUG | Received remove context event for %s:%s | |
MODCLUSTER000007 | DEBUG | Received start context event for %s:%s | |
MODCLUSTER000008 | DEBUG | Received stop context event for %s:%s | |
MODCLUSTER000009 | DEBUG | Sending %s for %s | |
MODCLUSTER000010 | DEBUG | Sending %s for %s:%s | |
MODCLUSTER000011 | INFO | %s will use %s as jvm-route | |
MODCLUSTER000012 | INFO | %s connector will use %s | |
MODCLUSTER000020 | DEBUG | Waiting to drain %d pending requests from %s:%s | |
MODCLUSTER000021 | INFO | All pending requests drained from %s:%s in %.1f seconds | |
MODCLUSTER000022 | WARN | Failed to drain %d remaining pending requests from %s:%s within %.1f seconds | |
MODCLUSTER000023 | DEBUG | Waiting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s | |
MODCLUSTER000024 | INFO | All active sessions drained from %s:%s in %.1f seconds | |
MODCLUSTER000025 | WARN | Failed to drain %d remaining active sessions from %s:%s within %.1f seconds | |
MODCLUSTER000030 | WARN | Attempted to bind multicast socket to a unicast address: %s. Multicast socket will not be bound to an address. | |
MODCLUSTER000031 | WARN | Could not bind multicast socket to %s (%s address): %s; make sure your multicast address is of the same type as the IP stack (IPv4 or IPv6). Multicast socket will not be bound to an address, but this may lead to cross talking (see http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-9469 for details). | |
MODCLUSTER000032 | INFO | Listening to proxy advertisements on %s | |
MODCLUSTER000033 | WARN | Failed to interrupt socket reception. | |
MODCLUSTER000034 | ERROR | Failed to start advertise listener | |
MODCLUSTER000040 | ERROR | Failed to parse response header from %2$s for %1$s command | |
MODCLUSTER000041 | ERROR | Unrecoverable syntax error %s sending %s command to %s: %s | |
MODCLUSTER000042 | ERROR | Error %s sending %s command to %s, configuration will be reset: %s | |
MODCLUSTER000043 | ERROR | Failed to send %s command to %s: %s | |
MODCLUSTER000045 | WARN | %s is not supported on this system and will be disabled. | |
MODCLUSTER000046 | INFO | Starting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s in %d seconds. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
MSC-00001 | INFO | JBoss MSC version %s | |
MSC000001 | ERROR | Failed to start %s | |
MSC000002 | ERROR | Invocation of listener "%s" failed | |
MSC000003 | WARN | Exception thrown after start was already completed in %s | |
MSC000004 | WARN | Failure during stop of %s | |
MSC000005 | WARN | Unexpected disappearance of %s during stop | |
MSC000006 | WARN | Uninjection "%2$s" of %1$s failed unexpectedly | |
MSC000007 | WARN | An internal service error has occurred while processing an operation on %s | |
MSC000008 | ERROR | Worker thread %s threw an uncaught exception | |
MSC000009 | WARN | An error occurred while trying to close the profile output file: %s | |
MSC000010 | ERROR | Failed to register MBean with MBeanServer | |
MSC000011 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Service not started | |
MSC000100 | WARN | Unexpected failure to uninject %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
PBOX00200 | TRACE | Begin isValid, principal: %s, cache entry: %s | |
PBOX00201 | TRACE | End isValid, result = %s | |
PBOX00202 | TRACE | Flushing all entries from security cache | |
PBOX00203 | TRACE | Flushing %s from security cache | |
PBOX00204 | TRACE | Begin validateCache, domainInfo: %s, credential class: %s | |
PBOX00205 | TRACE | End validateCache, result = %s | |
PBOX00206 | DEBUG | Login failure | |
PBOX00207 | TRACE | updateCache, input subject: %s, cached subject: %s | |
PBOX00208 | TRACE | Inserted cache info: %s | |
PBOX00209 | TRACE | defaultLogin, principal: %s | |
PBOX00210 | TRACE | defaultLogin, login context: %s, subject: %s | |
PBOX00211 | TRACE | Cache entry logout failed | |
PBOX00212 | ERROR | Exception loading file %s | |
PBOX00213 | ERROR | Failed to convert username to byte[] using UTF-8 | |
PBOX00214 | ERROR | Charset %s not found. Using platform default | |
PBOX00215 | ERROR | Unsupported hash encoding format: %s | |
PBOX00216 | ERROR | Password hash calculation failed | |
PBOX00217 | ERROR | Failed to check if the strong jurisdiction policy files have been installed | |
PBOX00218 | TRACE | bindDN is not found | |
PBOX00219 | ERROR | Exception while decrypting bindCredential | |
PBOX00220 | TRACE | Logging into LDAP server with env %s | |
PBOX00221 | TRACE | Begin getAppConfigurationEntry(%s), size: %s | |
PBOX00222 | TRACE | getAppConfigurationEntry(%s), no entry found, trying parent config %s | |
PBOX00223 | TRACE | getAppConfigurationEntry(%s), no entry in parent config, trying default %s | |
PBOX00224 | TRACE | End getAppConfigurationEntry(%s), AuthInfo: %s | |
PBOX00225 | TRACE | End getAppConfigurationEntry(%s), failed to find entry | |
PBOX00226 | TRACE | addAppConfig(%s), AuthInfo: %s | |
PBOX00227 | TRACE | removeAppConfig(%s) | |
PBOX00228 | WARN | Failed to find config: %s | |
PBOX00229 | TRACE | Begin loadConfig, loginConfigURL: %s | |
PBOX00230 | TRACE | End loadConfig, loginConfigURL: %s | |
PBOX00231 | WARN | End loadConfig, failed to load config: %s | |
PBOX00232 | DEBUG | Try loading config as XML from %s | |
PBOX00233 | DEBUG | Failed to load config as XML. Try loading as Sun format from %s | |
PBOX00234 | WARN | Invalid or misspelled module option: %s | |
PBOX00235 | DEBUG | Error getting request from policy context | |
PBOX00236 | TRACE | Begin initialize method | |
PBOX00237 | TRACE | Saw unauthenticated indentity: %s | |
PBOX00238 | WARN | Failed to create custom unauthenticated identity | |
PBOX00239 | TRACE | End initialize method | |
PBOX00240 | TRACE | Begin login method | |
PBOX00241 | TRACE | End login method, isValid: %s | |
PBOX00242 | TRACE | Begin commit method, overall result: %s | |
PBOX00243 | TRACE | Begin logout method | |
PBOX00244 | TRACE | Begin abort method, overall result: %s | |
PBOX00245 | TRACE | Found security domain: %s | |
PBOX00246 | ERROR | The JSSE security domain %s is not valid. All authentication using this login module will fail! | |
PBOX00247 | ERROR | Unable to find the security domain %s | |
PBOX00248 | ERROR | Failed to create X509CertificateVerifier | |
PBOX00249 | DEBUG | javax.security.auth.login.password is not a X509Certificate | |
PBOX00250 | TRACE | Authenticating using unauthenticated identity %s | |
PBOX00251 | DEBUG | Failed to create identity for alias %s | |
PBOX00252 | TRACE | Begin getAliasAndCert method | |
PBOX00253 | TRACE | Found certificate, serial number: %s, subject DN: %s | |
PBOX00254 | WARN | CallbackHandler did not provide a credential | |
PBOX00255 | TRACE | End getAliasAndCert method | |
PBOX00256 | TRACE | Begin validateCredential method | |
PBOX00257 | TRACE | Validating certificate using verifier %s | |
PBOX00258 | WARN | Failed to find certificate for alias &%s | |
PBOX00259 | WARN | Failed to validate certificate: SecurityDomain, Keystore or certificate is null | |
PBOX00260 | TRACE | End validateCredential method, result: %s | |
PBOX00261 | ERROR | Failed to load users/passwords/roles files | |
PBOX00262 | TRACE | Module options [dsJndiName: %s, principalsQuery: %s, rolesQuery: %s, suspendResume: %s] | |
PBOX00263 | TRACE | Executing query %s with username %s | |
PBOX00264 | DEBUG | Failed to create principal %s | |
PBOX00265 | ERROR | The security domain %s has been disabled. All authentication will fail | |
PBOX00266 | TRACE | Binding username %s | |
PBOX00267 | TRACE | Rejecting empty password as allowEmptyPasswords option has not been set to true | |
PBOX00268 | TRACE | Assigning user to role %s | |
PBOX00269 | DEBUG | Failed to parse %s as number, using default value %s | |
PBOX00270 | DEBUG | Failed to query %s from %s | |
PBOX00271 | TRACE | Logged into LDAP server, context: %s | |
PBOX00272 | TRACE | Rebind security principal to %s | |
PBOX00273 | TRACE | Found user roles context DN: %s | |
PBOX00274 | TRACE | Searching rolesCtxDN %s with roleFilter: %s, filterArgs: %s, roleAttr: %s, searchScope: %s, searchTimeLimit: %s | |
PBOX00275 | TRACE | Checking search result %s | |
PBOX00276 | TRACE | Following roleDN %s | |
PBOX00277 | DEBUG | No attribute %s found in search result %s | |
PBOX00278 | DEBUG | Failed to locate roles | |
PBOX00279 | DEBUG | The real host for trust is %s | |
PBOX00280 | DEBUG | Failed to load properties file %s | |
PBOX00281 | DEBUG | Password hashing activated, algorithm: %s, encoding: %s, charset: %s, callback: %s, storeCallBack: %s | |
PBOX00282 | DEBUG | Failed to instantiate class %s | |
PBOX00283 | DEBUG | Bad password for username %s | |
PBOX00284 | TRACE | Created DigestCallback %s | |
PBOX00285 | TRACE | Adding role %s to group %s | |
PBOX00286 | TRACE | Attempting to load resource %s | |
PBOX00287 | DEBUG | Failed to open properties file from URL | |
PBOX00288 | TRACE | Properties file %s loaded, users: %s | |
PBOX00289 | DEBUG | JACC delegate access denied [permission: %s, caller: %s, roles: %s | |
PBOX00290 | TRACE | No method permissions assigned to method: %s, interface: %s | |
PBOX00291 | DEBUG | Method: %s, interface: %s, required roles: %s | |
PBOX00292 | DEBUG | Insufficient method permissions [principal: %s, EJB name: %s, method: %s, interface: %s, required roles: %s, principal roles: %s, run-as roles: %s] | |
PBOX00293 | DEBUG | Exception caught | |
PBOX00294 | DEBUG | Check is not resourcePerm, userDataPerm or roleRefPerm | |
PBOX00295 | TRACE | hasResourcePermission, permission: %s, allowed: %s | |
PBOX00296 | TRACE | hasRolePermission, permission: %s, allowed: %s | |
PBOX00297 | TRACE | hasUserDataPermission, permission: %s, allowed: %s | |
PBOX00298 | DEBUG | Requisite module %s failed | |
PBOX00299 | DEBUG | Required module %s failed | |
PBOX00300 | TRACE | Denied: matched excluded set, permission %s | |
PBOX00301 | TRACE | Allowed: matched unchecked set, permission %s | |
PBOX00302 | TRACE | Protection domain principals: %s | |
PBOX00303 | TRACE | Not principals found in protection domain %s | |
PBOX00304 | DEBUG | Checking role: %s, permissions: %s | |
PBOX00305 | DEBUG | Checking result, implies: %s | |
PBOX00306 | TRACE | No PolicyContext found for contextID %s | |
PBOX00307 | DEBUG | Constructing JBossPolicyConfiguration with contextID %s | |
PBOX00308 | TRACE | addToExcludedPolicy, permission: %s | |
PBOX00309 | TRACE | addToExcludedPolicy, permission collection: %s | |
PBOX00310 | TRACE | addToRole, permission: %s | |
PBOX00311 | TRACE | addToRole, permission collection: %s | |
PBOX00312 | TRACE | addToUncheckedPolicy, permission: %s | |
PBOX00313 | TRACE | addToUncheckedPolicy, permission collection: %s | |
PBOX00314 | TRACE | commit, contextID: %s | |
PBOX00315 | TRACE | delete, contextID: %s | |
PBOX00316 | TRACE | linkConfiguration, link to contextID: %s | |
PBOX00317 | TRACE | removeExcludedPolicy, contextID: %s | |
PBOX00318 | TRACE | removeRole, role name: %s, contextID: %s | |
PBOX00319 | TRACE | removeUncheckedPolicy, contextID: %s | |
PBOX00320 | TRACE | Mapped X500 principal, new principal: %s | |
PBOX00321 | TRACE | Query returned an empty result | |
PBOX00322 | DEBUG | Mapping provider options [principal: %s, principal to roles map: %s, subject principals: %s] | |
PBOX00323 | TRACE | No audit context found for security domain %s; using default context | |
PBOX00324 | DEBUG | AuthorizationManager is null for security domain %s | |
PBOX00325 | DEBUG | Authorization processing error | |
PBOX00326 | DEBUG | %s processing failed | |
PBOX00327 | TRACE | Returning host %s from thread [id: %s] | |
PBOX00328 | TRACE | Setting host %s on thread [id: %s] | |
PBOX00329 | TRACE | Begin doesUserHaveRole, principal: %s, roles: %s | |
PBOX00330 | TRACE | End doesUserHaveRole, result: %s | |
PBOX00331 | TRACE | Roles before mapping: %s | |
PBOX00332 | TRACE | Roles after mapping: %s | |
PBOX00333 | TRACE | Deregistered policy for contextID: %s, type: %s | |
PBOX00334 | TRACE | Registered policy for contextID: %s, type: %s, location: %s | |
PBOX00335 | WARN | SecurityManagement is not set, creating a default one | |
PBOX00336 | DEBUG | AuthenticationManager is null for security domain %s | |
PBOX00337 | TRACE | nextState for action %s: %s | |
PBOX00338 | TRACE | Ignore attribute [uri: %s, qname: %s, value: %s] | |
PBOX00339 | TRACE | systemId argument '%s' for publicId '%s' is different from the registered systemId '%s', resolution will be based on the argument | |
PBOX00340 | DEBUG | Cannot resolve entity, systemId: %s, publicId: %s | |
PBOX00341 | TRACE | Begin resolvePublicId, publicId: %s | |
PBOX00342 | TRACE | Found entity from %s: %s, filename: %s | |
PBOX00343 | WARN | Cannot load %s from %s resource: %s | |
PBOX00344 | TRACE | Begin resolveSystemId, systemId: %s | |
PBOX00345 | TRACE | Begin resolveSystemIdasURL, systemId: %s | |
PBOX00346 | WARN | Trying to resolve systemId %s as a non-file URL | |
PBOX00347 | TRACE | Begin resolveClasspathName, systemId: %s | |
PBOX00348 | TRACE | Mapped systemId to filename %s | |
PBOX00349 | TRACE | Mapped resource %s to URL %s | |
PBOX00350 | DEBUG | Module option: %s, value: %s | |
PBOX00351 | TRACE | Obtained auth info from handler, principal: %s, credential class: %s | |
PBOX00352 | TRACE | JSSE domain got request for key with alias %s | |
PBOX00353 | TRACE | JSSE domain got request for certificate with alias %s | |
PBOX00354 | TRACE | Setting security roles ThreadLocal: %s | |
PBOX00355 | TRACE | Begin execPasswordCmd, command: %s | |
PBOX00356 | TRACE | End execPasswordCmd, exit code: %s | |
PBOX00357 | TRACE | Begin getIdentity, username: %s | |
PBOX00358 | TRACE | Begin getRoleSets | |
PBOX00359 | TRACE | Current calling principal: %s, thread name: %s | |
PBOX00360 | WARN | Creating login module with empty password | |
PBOX00361 | INFO | Default Security Vault Implementation Initialized and Ready | |
PBOX00362 | ERROR | Cannot get MD5 algorithm instance for hashing password commands. Using NULL. | |
PBOX00363 | TRACE | Retrieving password from the cache for key: %s | |
PBOX00364 | TRACE | Storing password to the cache for key: %s | |
PBOX00365 | TRACE | Resetting cache | |
PBOX00366 | ERROR | Error parsing time out number. | |
PBOX00367 | DEBUG | Reading security vault data version %s target version is %s | |
PBOX00368 | ERROR | Security Vault contains both covnerted (%s) and pre-conversion data (%s). Try to delete %s file and start over again. | |
PBOX00369 | INFO | Ambiguos vault block and attribute name stored in original security vault. Delimiter (%s) is part of vault block or attribute name. Took the first delimiter. Result vault block (%s) attribute name (%s). Modify security vault manually. | |
PBOX00370 | WARN | Cannot delete original security vault file (%s). Delete the file manually before next start, please. | |
PBOX00371 | INFO | Security Vault does not contain SecretKey entry under alias (%s) | |
PBOX00372 | INFO | Security Vault key store successfuly converted to JCEKS type (%s). From now on use JCEKS as KEYSTORE_TYPE in Security Vault configuration. | |
PBOX00373 | ERROR | Error getting ServerAuthConfig for layer %s and appContext %s | |
PBOX00374 | ERROR | Error getting ServerAuthContext for authContextId %s and security domain %s | |
PBOX00375 | ERROR | Error getting the module classloader informations for cache | |
PBOX00376 | WARN | Wrong Base64 string used with masked password utility. Following is correct (%s) | |
PBOX00377 | TRACE | JAAS logout, login context: %s, subject: %s | |
PBOX00378 | WARN | Problem when closing original LDAP context during role search rebind. Trying to create new LDAP context. | |
PBOX00379 | DEBUG | Password validation failed |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
PROBE-000000 | TRACE | Catching | |
PROBE-000001 | DEBUG | Resource {0} matched for {1} | |
PROBE-000002 | INFO | Processing bean deployment archive: {0} | |
PROBE-000003 | WARN | A problem occured during contextual instance introspection: {0} | |
PROBE-000004 | DEBUG | Filters applied: {0} | |
PROBE-000005 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Probe is not properly initialized | |
PROBE-000006 | DEBUG | {0} not monitored - excluded | |
PROBE-000008 | WARN | ===================================== Weld Development Mode: ENABLED ------------------------------------ Disable this mode in production - it may have negative impact on performance and/or represent a potential security risk ===================================== | |
PROBE-000009 | DEBUG | @MonitoredComponent stereotype added to {0} | |
PROBE-000010 | DEBUG | {0} not monitored - non-proxyable type | |
PROBE-000011 | DEBUG | Event {0} not monitored - excluded | |
PROBE-000012 | DEBUG | {0} monitoring limit {1} exceed - some old data were removed | |
PROBE-000013 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Probe filter is not able to operate - missing {0} | |
PROBE-000014 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Cannot register a Probe MBean {0} for: {1} | |
PROBE-000015 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Cannot unregister a Probe MBean {0} for: {1} | |
PROBE-000016 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Unable to parse query filters: {0} | |
PROBE-000017 | WARN | Access to {0} denied for {1} | |
PROBE-000018 | WARN | Export path does not exist or is not writable: {0} | |
PROBE-000019 | WARN | Unable to export data: {0} | |
PROBE-000020 | WARN | A problem occured during monitoring of bean instance construction: {0} |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
RESTEASY002000 | ERROR | Error resuming failed async operation | |
RESTEASY002005 | ERROR | Failed executing {0} {1} | |
RESTEASY002010 | ERROR | Failed to execute | |
RESTEASY002015 | ERROR | Failed to invoke asynchronously | |
RESTEASY002020 | ERROR | Unhandled asynchronous exception, sending back 500 | |
RESTEASY002025 | ERROR | Unknown exception while executing {0} {1} | |
RESTEASY002100 | WARN | Accept extensions not supported. | |
RESTEASY002105 | WARN | Ambiguity constructors are found in %s. More details please refer to http://jsr311.java.net/nonav/releases/1.1/spec/spec.html | |
RESTEASY002110 | WARN | Attempting to register empty contracts for %s | |
RESTEASY002115 | WARN | Attempting to register unassignable contract for %s | |
RESTEASY002120 | WARN | ClassNotFoundException: Unable to load builtin provider {0} from {1} | |
RESTEASY002123 | WARN | Could not bind to specified download directory %s so will use temp dir. | |
RESTEASY002125 | WARN | Marking file '%s' to be deleted, as it could not be deleted while processing request: | |
RESTEASY002130 | WARN | Failed to parse request. | |
RESTEASY002135 | WARN | Ignoring unsupported locale: %s | |
RESTEASY002137 | WARN | Invalid format for {0}, using default value {1} | |
RESTEASY002140 | WARN | JAX-RS annotations found at non-public method: {0}.{1}(); Only public methods may be exposed as resource methods. | |
RESTEASY002142 | WARN | Multiple resource methods match request {0}. Selecting one. Matching methods: {1} | |
RESTEASY002145 | WARN | NoClassDefFoundError: Unable to load builtin provider {0} from {1} | |
RESTEASY002150 | WARN | %s is no longer supported. Use a servlet 3.0 container and the ResteasyServletInitializer | |
RESTEASY002155 | WARN | Provider class {0} is already registered. 2nd registration is being ignored. | |
RESTEASY002160 | WARN | Provider instance {0} is already registered. 2nd registration is being ignored. | |
RESTEASY002165 | WARN | No valueOf() method available for %s, trying constructor... | |
RESTEASY002170 | WARN | A reader for {0} was not found. This provider is currently configured to handle only {1} | |
RESTEASY002172 | WARN | Singleton {0} object class {1} already deployed. Singleton ignored. | |
RESTEASY002175 | WARN | The use of %s is deprecated, please use javax.ws.rs.Application as a context-param instead | |
RESTEASY002200 | INFO | Adding class resource {0} from Application {1} | |
RESTEASY002205 | INFO | Adding provider class {0} from Application {1} | |
RESTEASY002210 | INFO | Adding provider singleton {0} from Application {1} | |
RESTEASY002215 | INFO | Adding singleton provider {0} from Application {1} | |
RESTEASY002220 | INFO | Adding singleton resource {0} from Application {1} | |
RESTEASY002225 | INFO | Deploying {0}: {1} | |
RESTEASY002227 | INFO | MediaType {0} on {1}() lacks charset. Consider setting charset or turning on context parameter resteasy.add.charset | |
RESTEASY002230 | INFO | Unable to close entity stream | |
RESTEASY002235 | INFO | Unable to decode GZIP compressed Base64 data | |
RESTEASY002300 | DEBUG | Creating context object <{0} : {1}> | |
RESTEASY002305 | DEBUG | Failed executing {0} {1} | |
RESTEASY002307 | DEBUG | Failed to execute | |
RESTEASY002310 | DEBUG | IN ONE WAY!!!!! | |
RESTEASY002315 | DEBUG | PathInfo: %s | |
RESTEASY002322 | DEBUG | Temporary file %s has been created. Consider deleting after it has been used. | |
RESTEASY002325 | DEBUG | Unable to retrieve config: disableDTDs defaults to true | |
RESTEASY002330 | DEBUG | Unable to retrieve config: expandEntityReferences defaults to false | |
RESTEASY002335 | DEBUG | Unable to retrieve config: enableSecureProcessingFeature defaults to true |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
TXNWFHTTP000001 | javax.transaction.SystemException | The protocol operation was interrupted locally | |
TXNWFHTTP000002 | javax.transaction.RollbackException | Rollback-only transaction rolled back | |
TXNWFHTTP000003 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid transaction state | |
TXNWFHTTP000004 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Transaction operation failed due to thread interruption |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
UT005001 | ERROR | An exception occurred processing the request | |
UT005003 | ERROR | IOException reading from channel | |
UT005005 | ERROR | Cannot remove uploaded file %s | |
UT005006 | DEBUG | Connection from %s terminated as request header was larger than %s | |
UT005007 | DEBUG | Request was not fully consumed | |
UT005008 | DEBUG | An invalid token '%s' with value '%s' has been received. | |
UT005009 | DEBUG | A mandatory token %s is missing from the request. | |
UT005010 | DEBUG | Verification of authentication tokens for user '%s' has failed using mechanism '%s'. | |
UT005011 | ERROR | Ignoring AJP request with prefix %s | |
UT005013 | DEBUG | An IOException occurred | |
UT005014 | DEBUG | Failed to parse request | |
UT005015 | ERROR | Error rotating access log | |
UT005016 | ERROR | Error writing access log | |
UT005017 | ERROR | Unknown variable %s. For the literal percent character use two percent characters: '%%' | |
UT005018 | ERROR | Exception invoking close listener %s | |
UT005020 | ERROR | Error writing JDBC log | |
UT005022 | ERROR | Exception generating error page %s | |
UT005023 | ERROR | Exception handling request to %s | |
UT005024 | ERROR | Could not register resource change listener for caching resource manager, automatic invalidation of cached resource will not work | |
UT005026 | INFO | Jetty ALPN support not found on boot class path, %s client will not be available. | |
UT005027 | ERROR | Timing out request to %s | |
UT005028 | ERROR | Proxy request to %s failed | |
UT005031 | ERROR | Proxy request to %s could not connect to backend server %s | |
UT005032 | ERROR | Listener not making progress on framed channel, closing channel to prevent infinite loop | |
UT005034 | ERROR | Remote endpoint failed to send initial settings frame in HTTP2 connection, frame type %s | |
UT005035 | DEBUG | Closing channel because of parse timeout for remote address %s | |
UT005036 | ERROR | ALPN negotiation failed for %s and no fallback defined, closing connection | |
UT005037 | WARN | Name of the cookie containing the session id, %s, had been too long and was truncated to: %s | |
UT005038 | DEBUG | Balancer created: id: %s, name: %s, stickySession: %s, stickySessionCookie: %s, stickySessionPath: %s, stickySessionRemove: %s, stickySessionForce: %s, waitWorker: %s, maxattempts: %s | |
UT005039 | INFO | Undertow starts mod_cluster proxy advertisements on %s with frequency %s ms | |
UT005040 | DEBUG | Gonna send payload: %s | |
UT005041 | ERROR | Cannot send advertise message. Address: %s | |
UT005042 | DEBUG | Undertow mod_cluster proxy MCMPHandler created | |
UT005043 | ERROR | Error in processing MCMP commands: Type:%s, Mess: %s | |
UT005044 | INFO | Removing node %s | |
UT005045 | INFO | Registering context %s, for node %s | |
UT005046 | DEBUG | Registering context %s, for node %s, with aliases %s | |
UT005047 | INFO | Unregistering context %s, from node %s | |
UT005048 | DEBUG | Node %s in error | |
UT005049 | DEBUG | NodeConfig created: connectionURI: %s, balancer: %s, load balancing group: %s, jvmRoute: %s, flushPackets: %s, flushwait: %s, ping: %s,ttl: %s, timeout: %s, maxConnections: %s, cacheConnections: %s, requestQueueSize: %s, queueNewRequests: %s | |
UT005050 | ERROR | Failed to process management request | |
UT005051 | ERROR | Failed to send ping response | |
UT005052 | DEBUG | Failed to send ping response, node.getJvmRoute(): %s, jvmRoute: %s | |
UT005053 | INFO | Registering node %s, connection: %s | |
UT005054 | DEBUG | MCMP processing, key: %s, value: %s | |
UT005055 | DEBUG | HttpClientPingTask run for connection: %s | |
UT005056 | DEBUG | Received node load in STATUS message, node jvmRoute: %s, load: %s | |
UT005057 | DEBUG | Sending MCMP response to destination: %s, HTTP status: %s, Headers: %s, response: %s | |
UT005058 | WARN | Could not bind multicast socket to %s (%s address): %s; make sure your multicast address is of the same type as the IP stack (IPv4 or IPv6). Multicast socket will not be bound to an address, but this may lead to cross talking (see http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-9469 for details). | |
UT005060 | WARN | Predicate %s uses old style square braces to define predicates, which will be removed in a future release. predicate[value] should be changed to predicate(value) | |
UT005061 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | More than %s restarts detected, breaking assumed infinite loop | |
UT005062 | ERROR | Pattern parse error | |
UT005063 | ERROR | Unable to decode with rest of chars starting: %s | |
UT005064 | ERROR | No closing ) found for in decode | |
UT005065 | ERROR | The next characters couldn't be decoded: %s | |
UT005066 | ERROR | X param for servlet request, couldn't decode value: %s | |
UT005067 | ERROR | X param in wrong format. Needs to be 'x-#(...)' | |
UT005068 | INFO | Pattern was just empty or whitespace | |
UT005069 | ERROR | Failed to write JDBC access log | |
UT005070 | ERROR | Failed to write pre-cached file | |
UT005071 | ERROR | Undertow request failed %s | |
UT005072 | WARN | Thread %s (id=%s) has been active for %s milliseconds (since %s) to serve the same request for %s and may be stuck (configured threshold for this StuckThreadDetectionValve is %s seconds). There is/are %s thread(s) in total that are monitored by this Valve and may be stuck. | |
UT005073 | WARN | Thread %s (id=%s) was previously reported to be stuck but has completed. It was active for approximately %s milliseconds. There is/are still %s thread(s) that are monitored by this Valve and may be stuck. | |
UT005074 | ERROR | Failed to invoke error callback %s for SSE task | |
UT005075 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to resolve mod_cluster management host's address for '%s' | |
UT005076 | ERROR | SSL read loop detected. This should not happen, please report this to the Undertow developers. Current state %s | |
UT005077 | ERROR | SSL unwrap buffer overflow detected. This should not happen, please report this to the Undertow developers. Current state %s | |
UT005078 | ERROR | ALPN connection failed | |
UT005079 | ERROR | ALPN negotiation on %s failed | |
UT005080 | ERROR | HttpServerExchange cannot have both async IO resumed and dispatch() called in the same cycle | |
UT005081 | ERROR | Response has already been started, cannot proxy request %s | |
UT005082 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Configured mod_cluster management host address cannot be a wildcard address (%s)! | |
UT005083 | java.io.IOException | Unexpected end of compressed input | |
UT005084 | java.io.IOException | Attempted to write %s bytes however content-length has been set to %s | |
UT005085 | ERROR | Connection %s for exchange %s was not closed cleanly, forcibly closing connection | |
UT005086 | ERROR | Failed to accept SSL request | |
UT005087 | ERROR | Failed to use the server order | |
UT005088 | ERROR | Failed to execute ServletOutputStream.closeAsync() on IO thread | |
UT005089 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method parameter '%s' cannot be null | |
UT015000 | ERROR | IOException handling request | |
UT015001 | ERROR | ServletException handling request | |
UT015002 | ERROR | Stopping servlet %s due to permanent unavailability | |
UT015003 | ERROR | Stopping servlet %s till %s due to temporary unavailability | |
UT015004 | ERROR | Malformed URL exception reading resource %s | |
UT015005 | ERROR | Error invoking method %s on listener %s | |
UT015006 | ERROR | IOException dispatching async event | |
UT015007 | WARN | Stack trace on error enabled for deployment %s, please do not enable for production use | |
UT015008 | WARN | Failed to load development mode persistent sessions | |
UT015009 | WARN | Failed to persist session attribute %s with value %s for session %s | |
UT015010 | WARN | Failed to persist sessions | |
UT015011 | WARN | Non standard filter mapping '*' for filter %s. Portable application should use '/*' instead. | |
UT015012 | ERROR | Failed to generate error page %s for original exception: %s. Generating error page resulted in a %s. | |
UT015013 | java.lang.String | Error opening rewrite configuration | |
UT015014 | ERROR | Error reading rewrite configuration | |
UT015015 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Error reading rewrite configuration: %s | |
UT015016 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid rewrite map class: %s | |
UT015017 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Error reading rewrite flags in line %s as %s | |
UT015018 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Error reading rewrite flags in line %s | |
UT015019 | ERROR | Failed to destroy %s | |
UT015020 | WARN | Path %s is secured for some HTTP methods, however it is not secured for %s | |
UT025001 | ERROR | WebSocket handshake failed | |
UT025002 | ERROR | StreamSinkFrameChannel %s was closed before writing was finished, web socket connection is now unusable | |
UT025003 | DEBUG | Decoding WebSocket Frame with opCode %s | |
UT025004 | ERROR | Failure during execution of SendCallback | |
UT025005 | ERROR | Failed to set idle timeout | |
UT025006 | ERROR | Failed to get idle timeout | |
UT025007 | ERROR | Unhandled exception for annotated endpoint %s | |
UT025008 | WARN | Incorrect parameter %s for extension | |
UT026001 | ERROR | Unable to instantiate endpoint | |
UT026002 | ERROR | Unable to instantiate server configuration %s | |
UT026003 | INFO | Adding annotated server endpoint %s for path %s | |
UT026004 | INFO | Adding annotated client endpoint %s | |
UT026005 | INFO | Adding programmatic server endpoint %s for path %s | |
UT026006 | ERROR | Exception running web socket method | |
UT026007 | WARN | On Endpoint class %s path param %s on method %s does not reference a valid parameter, valid parameters are %s. | |
UT026008 | ERROR | Could not close endpoint on undeploy. | |
UT026009 | WARN | XNIO worker was not set on WebSocketDeploymentInfo, the default worker will be used | |
UT026010 | WARN | Buffer pool was not set on WebSocketDeploymentInfo, the default pool will be used | |
UT026011 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | XNIO worker was not set on WebSocketDeploymentInfo, and there is no default to use | |
UT026012 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Buffer pool was not set on WebSocketDeploymentInfo, and there is no default to use |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
UTJS000001 | ERROR | Failed to rebuild script engine after file change | |
UTJS000002 | ERROR | Could not find script file %s | |
UTJS000003 | INFO | Rebuilding Javascript ending as %s has changed | |
UTJS000004 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not find script file %s | |
UTJS000005 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not find template file %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
VFS000001 | WARN | A VFS mount (%s) was leaked! | |
VFS000002 | INFO | Failed to clean existing content for temp file provider of type %s. Enable DEBUG level log to find what caused this |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WELD-000000 | DEBUG | Catching | |
WELD-000000 | TRACE | No PAT observers resolved for {0}. Skipping. | |
WELD-000000 | TRACE | Sending PAT using the default event resolver: {0} | |
WELD-000000 | TRACE | Sending PAT using the fast event resolver: {0} | |
WELD-000001 | TRACE | Exactly one constructor ({0}) annotated with @Inject defined, using it as the bean constructor for {1} | |
WELD-000002 | TRACE | Exactly one constructor ({0}) defined, using it as the bean constructor for {1} | |
WELD-000004 | TRACE | Exactly one post construct method ({0}) for {1} | |
WELD-000006 | TRACE | Exactly one pre destroy method ({0}) for {1} | |
WELD-000007 | TRACE | Created session bean proxy for {0} | |
WELD-000008 | TRACE | Called {0} on {1} with parameters {2} which returned {3} | |
WELD-000009 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Dynamic lookup of {0} is not supported | |
WELD-000010 | TRACE | Using qualifiers {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000012 | TRACE | Building bean metadata for {0} | |
WELD-000014 | TRACE | Using name {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000016 | TRACE | Using scope {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000018 | WARN | Executing producer field or method {0} on incomplete declaring bean {1} due to circular injection | |
WELD-000019 | ERROR | Error destroying an instance {0} of {1} | |
WELD-000023 | java.lang.String | Type parameter must be a concrete type: {0} | |
WELD-000025 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Tried to create an EEResourceProducerField, but no @Resource, @PersistenceContext, @PersistenceUnit, @WebServiceRef or @EJB is present: {0} | |
WELD-000026 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Security Services not available - unable to obtain the Principal | |
WELD-000027 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Transaction Services not available - unable to obtain the UserTransaction | |
WELD-000028 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Interception model must not be null | |
WELD-000029 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | InterceptionType must not be null | |
WELD-000030 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Method must not be null | |
WELD-000031 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | InterceptionType must not be lifecycle, but it is {0} | |
WELD-000032 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | InterceptionType must be lifecycle, but it is {0} | |
WELD-000033 | java.lang.String | Could not instantiate client proxy for {0} | |
WELD-000034 | java.lang.String | Could not access bean correctly when creating client proxy for {0} | |
WELD-000035 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | There was an error creating an id for {0} | |
WELD-000036 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unexpected unwrapped custom decorator instance: {0} | |
WELD-000037 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException | Cannot call EJB remove method directly on non-dependent scoped bean {0} | |
WELD-000038 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A bean class that is not a decorator has an injection point annotated @Delegate at injection point {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000039 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | @Typed class {0} not present in the set of bean types of {1} [{2}] | |
WELD-000040 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | All stereotypes must specify the same scope or the bean must declare a scope - declaring class: {0}, declared stereotypes [{1}], possible scopes {2}{3} | |
WELD-000041 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Specializing bean may not declare a bean name if it is declared by specialized bean specializing: {0} specialized: {1} | |
WELD-000042 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Cannot operate on non container provided decorator {0} | |
WELD-000043 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | The following bean is not an EE resource producer: {0} | |
WELD-000044 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.NullInstanceException | Unable to obtain instance from {0} | |
WELD-000045 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.InvalidObjectException | Unable to deserialize object - serialization proxy is required | |
WELD-000046 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | At most one scope may be specified on {0} | |
WELD-000047 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Specializing bean must extend another bean: {0} | |
WELD-000048 | java.lang.String | Conflicting interceptor bindings found on {0} | |
WELD-000049 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Unable to invoke {0} on {1} | |
WELD-000050 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Cannot cast producer type {0} to bean type {1} | |
WELD-000052 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalProductException | Cannot return null from a non-dependent producer method: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000053 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalProductException | Producers cannot declare passivating scope and return a non-serializable class: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000054 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalProductException | Producers cannot produce unserializable instances for injection into an injection point that requires a passivation capable dependency Producer: {0} at {1} Injection Point: {2} at {3} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000059 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | No delegate injection point defined for {0} | |
WELD-000060 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Too many delegate injection points defined for {0} | |
WELD-000061 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | The delegate type does not extend or implement the decorated type. Decorated type: {0} Decorator: {1} | |
WELD-000064 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to process decorated type: {0} | |
WELD-000066 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} has more than one @Dispose parameter at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000067 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} is not allowed on same method as {1}, see {2} at {3} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000068 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} method {1} is not a business method of {2} at {3} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000070 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Simple bean {0} cannot be a non-static inner class | |
WELD-000071 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Managed bean with a parameterized bean class must be @Dependent: {0} | |
WELD-000072 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Bean declaring a passivating scope must be passivation capable. Bean: {0} | |
WELD-000073 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Bean class which has decorators cannot be declared final: {0} | |
WELD-000075 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Normal scoped managed bean implementation class has a public field: {0} | |
WELD-000076 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Bean constructor must not have a parameter annotated with {0}: {1} at {2} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000077 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot declare multiple disposal methods for this producer method. Producer method: {0} Disposal methods: {1} | |
WELD-000078 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Specialized producer method does not override another producer method: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000079 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.CreationException | Could not instantiate a proxy for a session bean: {0} Proxy: {1} | |
WELD-000080 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Enterprise beans cannot be interceptors: {0} | |
WELD-000081 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Enterprise beans cannot be decorators: {0} | |
WELD-000082 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Scope {0} is not allowed on stateless session beans for {1}. Only @Dependent is allowed. | |
WELD-000083 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Scope {0} is not allowed on singleton session beans for {1}. Only @Dependent and @ApplicationScoped is allowed. | |
WELD-000084 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Specializing enterprise bean must extend another enterprise bean: {0} | |
WELD-000085 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot destroy null instance of {0} | |
WELD-000086 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot destroy session bean instance not created by the container: {0} | |
WELD-000087 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Message driven beans cannot be Managed Beans: {0} | |
WELD-000088 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Observer method must be static or local business method: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000089 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to determine EJB for {0}, multiple EJBs with that class: {1} | |
WELD-000090 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A decorator has an abstract method that is not declared by any decorated type Method: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000094 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Injected field {0} cannot be annotated @Produces on {1} | |
WELD-000095 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Session bean with generic class {0} must be @Dependent scope | |
WELD-000096 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Producer fields on session beans must be static. Field {0} declared on {1} | |
WELD-000097 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A producer method with a parameterized return type with a type variable must be declared @Dependent scoped: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000098 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A producer method return type may not contain a wildcard: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000099 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Cannot load class {0} during deserialization of proxy | |
WELD-000100 | DEBUG | Weld initialized. Validating beans | |
WELD-000101 | INFO | Transactional services not available. Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be invoked synchronously. | |
WELD-000103 | DEBUG | Enabled alternatives for {0}: {1} | |
WELD-000104 | DEBUG | Enabled decorator types for {0}: {1} | |
WELD-000105 | DEBUG | Enabled interceptor types for {0}: {1} | |
WELD-000106 | DEBUG | Bean: {0} | |
WELD-000107 | DEBUG | Interceptor: {0} | |
WELD-000108 | DEBUG | Decorator: {0} | |
WELD-000109 | DEBUG | ObserverMethod: {0} | |
WELD-000110 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot set the annotation type to null (if you want to stop the type being used, call veto()): {0} | |
WELD-000111 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Bean type is not STATELESS, STATEFUL or SINGLETON: {0} | |
WELD-000112 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Class {0} has both @Interceptor and @Decorator annotations | |
WELD-000113 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | BeanDeploymentArchive must not be null: {0} | |
WELD-000114 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Must start the container with a deployment | |
WELD-000116 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Manager has not been initialized | |
WELD-000117 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Required service {0} has not been specified for {1} | |
WELD-000118 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Only normal scopes can be passivating. Scope {0} | |
WELD-000119 | INFO | Not generating any bean definitions from {0} because of underlying class loading error: Type {1} not found. If this is unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error. | |
WELD-000123 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Error loading {0} defined in {1} | |
WELD-000124 | DEBUG | Using {0} threads for bootstrap | |
WELD-000126 | WARN | Timeout shutting down thread pool {0} at {1} | |
WELD-000127 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Invalid thread pool type: {0} | |
WELD-000130 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot replace AnnotatedType for {0} with AnnotatedType for {1} | |
WELD-000132 | DEBUG | Disabled alternative (ignored): {0} | |
WELD-000133 | DEBUG | Specialized bean (ignored): {0} | |
WELD-000134 | DEBUG | Producer (method or field) of specialized bean (ignored): {0} | |
WELD-000135 | WARN | Legacy deployment metadata provided by the integrator. Certain functionality will not be available. | |
WELD-000136 | ERROR | Exception(s) thrown during observer of BeforeShutdown: | |
WELD-000137 | TRACE | Exception while loading class '{0}' : {1} | |
WELD-000138 | TRACE | Error while loading class '{0}' : {1} | |
WELD-000139 | WARN | Ignoring portable extension class {0} because of underlying class loading error: Type {1} not found. Enable DEBUG logging level to see the full error. | |
WELD-000140 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Calling Bootstrap method after container has already been initialized. For correct order, see CDI11Bootstrap's documentation. | |
WELD-000141 | INFO | Falling back to the default observer method resolver due to {0} | |
WELD-000142 | DEBUG | Exception loading annotated type using ClassFileServices. Falling back to the default implementation. {0} | |
WELD-000143 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Container lifecycle event method invoked outside of extension observer method invocation. | |
WELD-000144 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | CDI API version mismatch. CDI 1.0 API detected on classpath. Weld requires version 1.1 or better. | |
WELD-000145 | DEBUG | Bean identifier index built: {0} | |
WELD-000147 | WARN | Decorator {0} declares inappropriate constructor therefore will not available as a managed bean! | |
WELD-000148 | DEBUG | ProcessAnnotatedType.setAnnotatedType() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2} | |
WELD-000149 | DEBUG | ProcessBeanAttributes.setBeanAttributes() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2} | |
WELD-000150 | DEBUG | ProcessInjectionPoint.setInjectionPoint() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2} | |
WELD-000151 | DEBUG | ProcessInjectionTarget.setInjectionTarget() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2} | |
WELD-000152 | DEBUG | ProcessProducer.setProducer() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2} | |
WELD-000153 | DEBUG | AfterTypeDiscovery.addAnnotatedType() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000154 | DEBUG | AfterBeanDiscovery.addBean() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000155 | DEBUG | AfterBeanDiscovery.addObserverMethod() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000156 | DEBUG | AfterBeanDiscovery.addContext() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000157 | DEBUG | AfterBeanDiscovery.addDefinitionError() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000158 | DEBUG | BeforeBeanDiscovery.addQualifier() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000159 | DEBUG | BeforeBeanDiscovery.addScope() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000160 | DEBUG | BeforeBeanDiscovery.addStereoType() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000161 | DEBUG | BeforeBeanDiscovery.addInterceptorBindingCalled() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000162 | DEBUG | BeforeBeanDiscovery.addAnnotatedType() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000163 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Non-unique bean deployment identifier detected: {0} | |
WELD-000164 | DEBUG | ProcessAnnotatedType.veto() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000165 | DEBUG | ProcessBeanAttributes.veto() called by {0} for {1} | |
WELD-000166 | DEBUG | AfterTypeDiscovery.{3} modified by {0} {2} {1} | |
WELD-000167 | WARN | Class {0} is annotated with @{1} but it does not declare an appropriate constructor therefore is not registered as a bean! | |
WELD-000168 | DEBUG | Extension bean deployed: {0} | |
WELD-000169 | INFO | Jandex cannot distinguish inner and static nested classes! Update Jandex to 2.0.3.Final version or newer to improve scanning performance. | |
WELD-000200 | TRACE | Looked for {0} and got {1} in {2} | |
WELD-000201 | TRACE | Context {0} cleared | |
WELD-000202 | TRACE | Added {0} with key {1} to {2} | |
WELD-000203 | TRACE | Removed {0} from {1} | |
WELD-000211 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | The delimiter "{0}" should not be in the prefix "{1}" | |
WELD-000212 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | No contextual specified to retrieve (null) | |
WELD-000213 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | No bean store available for {0} | |
WELD-000215 | TRACE | Bean store {0} is detached | |
WELD-000216 | TRACE | Updating underlying store with contextual {0} under ID {1} | |
WELD-000217 | TRACE | Adding detached contextual {0} under ID {1} | |
WELD-000218 | TRACE | Removed {0} from session {1} | |
WELD-000219 | TRACE | Unable to remove {0} from non-existent session | |
WELD-000220 | TRACE | Added {0} to session {1} | |
WELD-000221 | TRACE | Unable to add {0} to session as no session could be obtained | |
WELD-000222 | TRACE | Loading bean store {0} map from session {1} | |
WELD-000223 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Context.getScope() returned null for {0} | |
WELD-000224 | WARN | Unable to clear the bean store {0}. | |
WELD-000225 | WARN | Bean store leak detected during {0} association: {1} | |
WELD-000226 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Cannot register additional context for scope: {0}, {1} | |
WELD-000227 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Bean identifier index inconsistency detected - the distributed container probably does not work with identical applications Expected hash: {0} Current index: {1} | |
WELD-000228 | DEBUG | Bean store leak detected during {0} association - instances of beans with the following identifiers might not be destroyed correctly: {1} | |
WELD-000304 | TRACE | Cleaning up conversation {0} | |
WELD-000313 | TRACE | Lock acquired on conversation {0} | |
WELD-000314 | TRACE | Lock released on conversation {0} | |
WELD-000315 | WARN | Failed to acquire conversation lock in {0} ms for {1} | |
WELD-000316 | WARN | Attempt to release lock on conversation {0} failed because {1} | |
WELD-000317 | DEBUG | Promoted conversation {0} to long-running | |
WELD-000318 | DEBUG | Returned long-running conversation {0} to transient | |
WELD-000320 | TRACE | Cleaning up transient conversation | |
WELD-000321 | org.jboss.weld.context.NonexistentConversationException | No conversation found to restore for id {0} | |
WELD-000322 | org.jboss.weld.context.BusyConversationException | Conversation lock timed out: {0} | |
WELD-000326 | TRACE | Found conversation id {0} in request parameter | |
WELD-000328 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Attempt to call begin() on a long-running conversation | |
WELD-000329 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Attempt to call end() on a transient conversation | |
WELD-000332 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Conversation ID {0} is already in use | |
WELD-000333 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Must call associate() before calling activate() | |
WELD-000334 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Must call associate() before calling deactivate() | |
WELD-000335 | WARN | Conversation context is already active, most likely it was not cleaned up properly during previous request processing: {0} | |
WELD-000336 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Conversation context is not active | |
WELD-000337 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to find ConversationNamingScheme in the request, this conversation wasn't transient at the start of the request | |
WELD-000338 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to locate ConversationIdGenerator | |
WELD-000339 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | A request must be associated with the context in order to generate a conversation id | |
WELD-000340 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | A request must be associated with the context in order to load the known conversations | |
WELD-000341 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to load the conversations from the associated request - {0}: {1}, request: {2} | |
WELD-000342 | WARN | Going to end a locked conversation with id {0} | |
WELD-000343 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to load the current conversation from the associated request - {0}: {1}, request: {2} | |
WELD-000400 | DEBUG | Sending event {0} directly to observer {1} | |
WELD-000401 | ERROR | Failure while notifying an observer {0} of event {1}. {2} | |
WELD-000403 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.InvalidObjectException | Proxy required | |
WELD-000404 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Conditional observer method cannot be declared by a @Dependent scoped bean: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000405 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Observer method cannot have more than one event parameter annotated @Observes: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000406 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Observer method cannot have a parameter annotated with @Disposes: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000407 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Observer method cannot be annotated with @Produces: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000408 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Observer method cannot be annotated with @Inject, observer methods are automatically injection points: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000409 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Observer method for container lifecycle event can only inject BeanManager: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000410 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Observer method cannot define @WithAnnotations: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000411 | INFO | Observer method {0} receives events for all annotated types. Consider restricting events using @WithAnnotations or a generic type with bounds. | |
WELD-000412 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | ObserverMethod.{0}() returned null for {1} | |
WELD-000418 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Observer method for container lifecycle event cannot be static. {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000600 | DEBUG | {0} is missing @Retention(RUNTIME). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable. | |
WELD-000601 | DEBUG | {0} is missing @Target. Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable. | |
WELD-000602 | DEBUG | {0} is not declared @Target(TYPE, METHOD) or @Target(TYPE). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable. | |
WELD-000604 | DEBUG | {0} is not declared @Target(METHOD, FIELD, TYPE). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable. | |
WELD-000605 | DEBUG | {0} is not declared @Target(METHOD, FIELD, TYPE, PARAMETER), @Target(METHOD, TYPE), @Target(METHOD), @Target(TYPE) or @Target(FIELD). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable. | |
WELD-000606 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Unable to determine name of parameter | |
WELD-000607 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | annotationMap cannot be null | |
WELD-000608 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | declaredAnnotationMap cannot be null | |
WELD-000610 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Unable to deserialize constructor. Declaring class {0}, index {1} | |
WELD-000611 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Unable to deserialize method. Declaring class {0}, index {1} | |
WELD-000612 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Unable to deserialize field. Declaring class {0}, field name {1} | |
WELD-000614 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Incorrect number of AnnotatedParameters {0} on AnnotatedMethod {1}. AnnotatedMethod has {2} as parameters but should have {3} as parameters | |
WELD-000616 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Instantiation through ReflectionFactory of {0} failed | |
WELD-000617 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Instantiation through Unsafe of {0} failed | |
WELD-000619 | WARN | A lifecycle callback interceptor declares an interceptor binding with target other than ElementType.TYPE {0} Binding: {1} Target: {2} | |
WELD-000620 | DEBUG | {0} is not declared @Target(METHOD, FIELD, PARAMETER, TYPE). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable. | |
WELD-000621 | WARN | Interceptor binding {0} with @Target defined as {1} should not be applied on interceptor binding {2} with @Target definition: {3} | |
WELD-000622 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | IllegalArgumentException invoking {2} on {1} ({0}) with parameters {3} | |
WELD-000623 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown type {0}. | |
WELD-000624 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid type argument combination: {0}; {1}. | |
WELD-000625 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Unable to locate method: {0} | |
WELD-000707 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Non Http-Servlet lifecycle not defined | |
WELD-000708 | TRACE | Initializing request {0} | |
WELD-000709 | TRACE | Destroying request {0} | |
WELD-000710 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Cannot inject {0} outside of a Servlet request | |
WELD-000711 | WARN | Context activation pattern {0} ignored as it is overriden by the integrator. | |
WELD-000712 | WARN | Unable to dissociate context {0} from the storage {1} | |
WELD-000713 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to inject ServletContext. None is associated with {0}, {1} | |
WELD-000714 | WARN | HttpContextLifecycle guard leak detected. The Servlet container is not fully compliant. The value was {0} | |
WELD-000715 | WARN | HttpContextLifecycle guard not set. The Servlet container is not fully compliant. | |
WELD-000716 | INFO | Running in Servlet 2.x environment. Asynchronous request support is disabled. | |
WELD-000717 | WARN | Unable to deactivate context {0} when destroying request {1} | |
WELD-000804 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | {0} is not an enum | |
WELD-000805 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot have more than one post construct method annotated with @PostConstruct for {0} | |
WELD-000806 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot have more than one pre destroy method annotated @PreDestroy for {0} | |
WELD-000807 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Initializer method cannot be annotated @Produces {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000808 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Initializer method cannot have parameters annotated @Disposes: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000810 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot place qualifiers on final fields: {0} | |
WELD-000812 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot determine constructor to use for {0}. Possible constructors {1} | |
WELD-000813 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | injectableFields and initializerMethods must have the same size. Injectable Fields: {0} InitializerMethods: {1} | |
WELD-000814 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Annotation {0} is not a qualifier | |
WELD-000815 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Qualifier {0} is already present in the set {1} | |
WELD-000816 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot determine constructor to use for {0} | |
WELD-000817 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to find Bean Deployment Archive for {0} | |
WELD-000818 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Event type {0} is not allowed | |
WELD-000819 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot provide an event type parameterized with a type parameter {0} | |
WELD-000820 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot proxy non-Class Type {0} | |
WELD-000824 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Error getting field {0} on {1} | |
WELD-000826 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Cannot access values() on annotation | |
WELD-000827 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Initializer method may not be a generic method: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-000833 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Resource injection point represents a method which doesn't follow JavaBean conventions {0} | |
WELD-000834 | WARN | Unable to inject resource - most probably incorrect InjectionServices SPI implementation: {0} at {1} | |
WELD-000900 | INFO | {0} | |
WELD-001001 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot pass null expressionFactory | |
WELD-001002 | TRACE | Looking for EL property {0} | |
WELD-001003 | TRACE | EL property {0} resolved to {1} | |
WELD-001100 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} can only be applied to an annotation. It was applied to {1} | |
WELD-001101 | DEBUG | Member of array type or annotation type must be annotated @NonBinding: {0} | |
WELD-001102 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Stereotype {0} not registered with container | |
WELD-001103 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot declare qualifiers on stereotype {0} | |
WELD-001104 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot specify a value for @Named stereotype {0} | |
WELD-001105 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | At most one scope type may be specified for {0} | |
WELD-001106 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | BeanAttributes.getStereotypes() returned null for {0} | |
WELD-001107 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0}() returned null for {1} | |
WELD-001108 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | BeanAttributes.getTypes() returned null for {0} | |
WELD-001109 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | BeanAttributes.getScope() returned null for {0} | |
WELD-001110 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} defined on {1} is not a stereotype | |
WELD-001111 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} defined on {1} is not a qualifier | |
WELD-001112 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | BeanAttributes.getTypes() may not return an empty set {0} | |
WELD-001113 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} defined on {1} is not a scope annotation | |
WELD-001114 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | {0} returned null for {1} | |
WELD-001115 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Parameter position {0} of parameter {1} is not valid | |
WELD-001116 | WARN | AnnotatedType ({0}) without a constructor | |
WELD-001117 | WARN | Member {0} ({1}) does not belong to the actual class hierarchy of the annotatedType {2} ({3}) at {4} | |
WELD-001118 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A type variable is not a valid bean type. Bean type {0} of bean {1} | |
WELD-001119 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A parameterized type containing wildcard parameters is not a valid bean type. Bean type {0} of bean {1} | |
WELD-001120 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A bean that has a parameterized bean type containing type variables must be @Dependent scoped. Bean type {0} of bean {1} | |
WELD-001121 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Member of array type or annotation type must be annotated @NonBinding: {0} | |
WELD-001122 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Failed to deserialize annotated type identified with {0} | |
WELD-001123 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} defined on {1} is not an interceptor binding | |
WELD-001124 | WARN | Context.getScope() returned {0} which is not a scope annotation. Context: {1} | |
WELD-001125 | INFO | Illegal bean type {0} ignored on {1} | |
WELD-001200 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Error configuring XML parser | |
WELD-001201 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Error loading beans.xml {0} | |
WELD-001202 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Error parsing {0} | |
WELD-001203 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | | |
WELD-001204 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | | |
WELD-001205 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | | |
WELD-001207 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | | |
WELD-001208 | WARN | Error when validating {0}@{1} against xsd. {2} | |
WELD-001210 | WARN | Warning when validating {0}@{1} against xsd. {2} | |
WELD-001300 | javax.naming.NamingException | Unable to locate BeanManager | |
WELD-001301 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Annotation {0} is not a qualifier | |
WELD-001302 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Duplicate qualifiers: {0} | |
WELD-001303 | org.jboss.weld.context.ContextNotActiveException | No active contexts for scope type {0} | |
WELD-001304 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | More than one context active for scope type {0} | |
WELD-001305 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | The given type {0} is not a type of the bean {1} | |
WELD-001307 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException | Unable to resolve any beans of type {0} with qualifiers {1} | |
WELD-001308 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException | Unable to resolve any beans for {0} | |
WELD-001310 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | No decorator types were specified in the set | |
WELD-001311 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Interceptor bindings list cannot be empty | |
WELD-001312 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Duplicate interceptor binding type {0} found | |
WELD-001313 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Trying to resolve interceptors with non-binding type {0} | |
WELD-001314 | java.lang.String | {0} is expected to be a normal scope type | |
WELD-001315 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | More than one current activity for an active context: {0} | |
WELD-001316 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | {0} is not an interceptor binding type | |
WELD-001317 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | {0} is not a stereotype | |
WELD-001318 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.AmbiguousResolutionException | Cannot resolve an ambiguous dependency between: {0} | |
WELD-001319 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Bean manager ID must not be null | |
WELD-001325 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | No instance of an extension {0} registered with the deployment | |
WELD-001326 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot create bean attributes - the argument must be either an AnnotatedField or AnnotatedMethod but {0} is not | |
WELD-001327 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to identify the correct BeanManager. The calling class {0} is placed in multiple bean archives | |
WELD-001328 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to identify the correct BeanManager. The calling class {0} is not placed in bean archive | |
WELD-001329 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to identify the correct BeanManager | |
WELD-001330 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | BeanManager is not available. | |
WELD-001331 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Declaring bean cannot be null for the non-static member {0} | |
WELD-001332 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | BeanManager method {0} is not available during application initialization. Container state: {1} | |
WELD-001333 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | BeanManager method {0} is not available after shutdown | |
WELD-001334 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException | Unsatisfied dependencies for type {1} with qualifiers {0} {2} | |
WELD-001335 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.AmbiguousResolutionException | Ambiguous dependencies for type {1} with qualifiers {0} Possible dependencies: {2} | |
WELD-001401 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.InconsistentSpecializationException | Two beans cannot specialize the same bean {0} | |
WELD-001402 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a non-serializable interceptor {1} | |
WELD-001403 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnserializableDependencyException | The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a non-serializable decorator {1} | |
WELD-001404 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | The injection point is annotated with @New which cannot be combined with other qualifiers: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001405 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot inject {0} in a class which is not a bean at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001406 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot inject injection point metadata in a non @Dependent scoped bean: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001407 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot declare an injection point with a type variable: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001408 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Unsatisfied dependencies for type {2} with qualifiers {1} at injection point {0} at {3} {4} | |
WELD-001409 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Ambiguous dependencies for type {2} with qualifiers {1} at injection point {0} at {3} Possible dependencies: {4} | |
WELD-001410 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | The injection point has non-proxyable dependencies: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001413 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnserializableDependencyException | The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a non-passivation-capable dependency {1} | |
WELD-001414 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Bean name is ambiguous. Name {0} resolves to beans: {1} | |
WELD-001415 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Bean name is identical to a bean name prefix used elsewhere. Name {0} | |
WELD-001416 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Enabled interceptor class {0} specified twice: - {1}, - {2} | |
WELD-001417 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Enabled interceptor class {0} ({1}) does not match an interceptor bean: the class is not found, or not annotated with @Interceptor and still not registered through a portable extension, or not annotated with @Dependent inside an implicit bean archive | |
WELD-001418 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Enabled decorator class {0} specified twice: - {1}, - {2} | |
WELD-001419 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Enabled decorator class {0} is not the bean class of at least one decorator bean (detected decorator beans: {1}) | |
WELD-001420 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Enabled alternative {0} is not a stereotype | |
WELD-001421 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Cannot enable the same alternative stereotype {0} in beans.xml: - {1}, - {2} | |
WELD-001422 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Enabled alternative class {0} ({1}) does not match any bean: the class is not found, or not annotated with @Alternative and still not registered through a portable extension, or not annotated with @Dependent inside an implicit bean archive | |
WELD-001424 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | The following disposal methods were declared but did not resolve to a producer method: {0} | |
WELD-001425 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | An injection point cannot have a wildcard type parameter: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001426 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | An injection point must have a type parameter: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001427 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Only field injection points can use the @Named qualifier with no value: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001428 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A decorator cannot have producer methods, but at least one was found on {0}. | |
WELD-001429 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A decorator cannot have producer fields, but at least one was found on {0}. | |
WELD-001430 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A decorator cannot have disposer methods, but at least one was found on {0}. | |
WELD-001431 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | An interceptor cannot have producer methods, but at least one was found on {0}. | |
WELD-001432 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | An interceptor cannot have producer fields, but at least one was found on {0}. | |
WELD-001433 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | An interceptor cannot have disposer methods, but at least one was found on {0}. | |
WELD-001434 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException | Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable for an unknown reason - {1}. | |
WELD-001435 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException | Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable because it has no no-args constructor - {1}. | |
WELD-001436 | java.lang.String | Type {0} is not proxyable because it has a private constructor {1} - {2}. | |
WELD-001437 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException | Bean type {0} is not proxyable because it is final - {1}. | |
WELD-001438 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException | Bean type {0} is not proxyable because it is a primitive - {1}. | |
WELD-001439 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException | Bean type {0} is not proxyable because it is an array type - {1}. | |
WELD-001440 | WARN | Scope type {0} used on injection point {1} at {2} StackTrace | |
WELD-001441 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Enabled alternative {0} is not a class | |
WELD-001442 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Enabled alternative {0} is not annotated @Alternative | |
WELD-001443 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Pseudo scoped bean has circular dependencies. Dependency path: {0} | |
WELD-001445 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | An interceptor cannot have observer methods, but at least one was found on {0}. | |
WELD-001446 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A decorator cannot have observer methods, but at least one was found on {0}. | |
WELD-001447 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not return {3} at {4} StackTrace | |
WELD-001448 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not have exactly one parameter at {3} StackTrace | |
WELD-001449 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but its single parameter is not a {3} at {4} StackTrace | |
WELD-001451 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | javax.transaction.UserTransaction cannot be injected into an enterprise bean with container-managed transactions: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001452 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} is not a valid type for a Bean metadata injection point {1} at {2} StackTrace | |
WELD-001453 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} is not a valid type argument for a Bean metadata injection point {1} at {2} StackTrace | |
WELD-001454 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} cannot be used at a Bean metadata injection point of a bean which is not {1}, {2} at {3} StackTrace | |
WELD-001455 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} does not declare any decorated types. | |
WELD-001456 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Argument {0} must not be null | |
WELD-001457 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Cannot enable the same alternative class {0} in beans.xml: - {1}, - {2} | |
WELD-001463 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Bean declaring a passivating scope must be passivation capable. Bean: {0} | |
WELD-001465 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnserializableDependencyException | {0} for a built-in bean {1} must be passivation capable. | |
WELD-001466 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Invalid injection point found in a disposer method: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001467 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not return {3} or {4}. at {5} StackTrace | |
WELD-001468 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not have a {3} return type. at {4} StackTrace | |
WELD-001469 | WARN | Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not have zero parameters. | |
WELD-001471 | WARN | Interceptor method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It should not throw {2}, which is a checked exception. at {3} StackTrace | |
WELD-001472 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | EventMetadata can only be injected into an observer method: {0} at {1} StackTrace | |
WELD-001473 | WARN | javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean implementation {0} declared a normal scope but does not implement javax.enterprise.inject.spi.PassivationCapable. It won'''t be possible to inject this bean into a bean with a passivating scope (@SessionScoped, @ConversationScoped). This can be fixed by assigning the Bean implementation a unique id by implementing the PassivationCapable interface. | |
WELD-001474 | java.lang.String | Class {0} is on the classpath, but was ignored because a class it references was not found: {1}. | |
WELD-001475 | java.lang.String | The following beans match by type, but none have matching qualifiers:{0} | |
WELD-001476 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | {0} must be @Dependent | |
WELD-001477 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnserializableDependencyException | The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a(n) {1} with a non-passivation-capable dependency {2} | |
WELD-001478 | WARN | Interceptor {0} is enabled for the application and for the bean archive {1}. It will only be invoked in the @Priority part of the chain. | |
WELD-001479 | WARN | Decorator {0} is enabled for the application and for the bean archive {1}. It will only be invoked in the @Priority part of the chain. | |
WELD-001480 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException | Bean type {0} is not proxyable because it contains a final method {1} - {2}. | |
WELD-001481 | WARN | Final method will be ignored during proxy generation and should never be invoked upon the proxy instance! {0} - {1}. | |
WELD-001484 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Enabled alternative class {0} ({1}) does not match any bean, or is not annotated with @Alternative or an @Alternative stereotype, or does not declare a producer annotated with @Alternative or an @Alternative stereotype | |
WELD-001485 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} and it declares more than one parameter. at {3} StackTrace | |
WELD-001500 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Failed to deserialize proxy object with beanId {0} | |
WELD-001501 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Method call requires a BeanInstance which has not been set for this proxy {0} | |
WELD-001502 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Resource producer field [{0}] must be @Dependent scoped | |
WELD-001503 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final: {0} | |
WELD-001504 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Intercepted bean method {0} (intercepted by {1}) cannot be declared final | |
WELD-001505 | WARN | Method {0} cannot be intercepted by {1} - will be ignored by interceptors and should never be invoked upon the proxy instance! | |
WELD-001506 | TRACE | Created new client proxy of type {0} for bean {1} with ID {2} | |
WELD-001507 | TRACE | Located client proxy of type {0} for bean {1} | |
WELD-001508 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Cannot create an InjectionTarget from {0} as it is an interface | |
WELD-001510 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Non passivation capable bean serialized with ProxyMethodHandler | |
WELD-001511 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Specializing bean {0} does not have bean type {1} of specialized bean {2} | |
WELD-001512 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | {0} cannot be constructed for {1} | |
WELD-001513 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | An implementation of AnnotatedCallable must implement either AnnotatedConstructor or AnnotatedMethod, {0} | |
WELD-001514 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | An implementation of AnnotatedMember must implement either AnnotatedConstructor, AnnotatedMethod or AnnotatedField, {0} | |
WELD-001515 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to load annotated member {0} | |
WELD-001516 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Resource producer field [{0}] must not have an EL name | |
WELD-001517 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | The type of the resource producer field [{0}] does not match the resource type {1} | |
WELD-001518 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot create Producer implementation. Declaring bean missing for a non-static member {0} | |
WELD-001519 | DEBUG | An InjectionTarget is created for an abstract {0}. It will not be possible to produce instances of this type! | |
WELD-001520 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Beans with different bean names {0}, {1} cannot be specialized by a single bean {2} | |
WELD-001521 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | InjectionPoint.getAnnotated() must return either AnnotatedParameter or AnnotatedField but {0} was returned for {1} | |
WELD-001522 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to restore InjectionPoint. No matching InjectionPoint found on {0} | |
WELD-001523 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to restore InjectionPoint. Multiple matching InjectionPoints found on {0}: - {1}, - {2} | |
WELD-001524 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Unable to load proxy class for bean {0} with class {1} using classloader {2} | |
WELD-001525 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException | Instance.destroy() is not supported. The underlying context {0} does not support destroying of contextual instances | |
WELD-001526 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Managed bean declaring a passivating scope has a non-passivation capable decorator. Bean: {0} Decorator: {1} | |
WELD-001527 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Managed bean declaring a passivating scope has a non-serializable interceptor. Bean: {0} Interceptor: {1} | |
WELD-001529 | DEBUG | An InjectionTarget is created for a {0} which does not have any appropriate constructor. It will not be possible to produce instances of this type! | |
WELD-001530 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.CreationException | Cannot produce an instance of {0}. | |
WELD-001531 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException | Instance.iterator().remove() is not supported. | |
WELD-001532 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | A passivation capable bean cannot have a null id: {0} | |
WELD-001533 | DEBUG | An InjectionTarget is created for a non-static inner {0}. It will not be possible to produce instances of this type! | |
WELD-001534 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Bean class which has decorators must have a public constructor without parameters: {0} | |
WELD-001535 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException | Constructor without parameters cannot be private in bean class which has decorators: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-001536 | TRACE | Found {0} constructors annotated with @Inject for {1} | |
WELD-001537 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | An InjectionTarget is created for a {0} which does not have any appropriate constructor. | |
WELD-001538 | TRACE | Created context instance for bean {0} identified as {1} | |
WELD-001539 | TRACE | Created MH initializer body for decorator proxy: {0} | |
WELD-001540 | TRACE | Adding method to enterprise proxy: {0} | |
WELD-001541 | TRACE | Adding method to proxy: {0} | |
WELD-001542 | TRACE | Retrieving/generating proxy class {0} | |
WELD-001543 | TRACE | Created Proxy class of type {0} supporting interfaces {1} | |
WELD-001544 | TRACE | MethodHandler processing returning bean instance for {0} | |
WELD-001545 | TRACE | MethodHandler processing call to {0} for {1} | |
WELD-001546 | TRACE | Setting new MethodHandler with bean instance for {0} on {1} | |
WELD-001547 | TRACE | Invoking interceptor chain for method {0} on {1} | |
WELD-001548 | TRACE | Invoking method {0} directly on {1} | |
WELD-001549 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Unable to determine parent creational context of {0} | |
WELD-001550 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A producer field with a parameterized type with a type variable must be declared @Dependent scoped: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-001551 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A producer field type may not contain a wildcard: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-001552 | WARN | An extension ({0}) has a non-static public field ({1}). | |
WELD-001553 | TRACE | Proxy activated after passivation for {0} | |
WELD-001554 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Bean.{0}() returned null for {1} | |
WELD-001555 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Decorator.{0}() returned null for {1} | |
WELD-001556 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Specializing {0} cannot specialize a non-managed bean {1} | |
WELD-001557 | WARN | Unable to dump the proxy class file for {0} | |
WELD-001558 | WARN | Unable to create directory {0} to dump the proxy classes. | |
WELD-001562 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A producer method return type may not be a type variable or an array type whose component type is a type variable: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-001563 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | A producer field type may not be a type variable or an array type whose component type is a type variable: {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-001564 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Injection point metadata injected into a stateless session bean may only be accessed within its business method invocation | |
WELD-001568 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to create ClassFile for: {1}. | |
WELD-001601 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot extract rawType from {0} | |
WELD-001602 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException | Cannot create qualifier instance model for {0} at {1} StackTrace: | |
WELD-001700 | WARN | Interceptor annotation class {0} not found, interception based on it is not enabled | |
WELD-001701 | TRACE | Invoking next interceptor in chain: {0} | |
WELD-001702 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException | Interceptor.getInterceptorBindings() returned null for {0} | |
WELD-001703 | WARN | Unable to determine the @Intercepted Bean> for {0} | |
WELD-001704 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | @Intercepted Bean> can only be injected into an interceptor: {0} | |
WELD-001705 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.CreationException | Target instance not created - one of the interceptor methods in the AroundConstruct chain did not invoke InvocationContext.proceed() for: {0} | |
WELD-001800 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Unable to get bean identifier at position {0} from {1} | |
WELD-001801 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.InvalidObjectException | Unable to deserialize {0} | |
WELD-001900 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Invalid configuration property value {0} for key {1} | |
WELD-001901 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Configuration property type {0} does not match the required type {1} for configuration key {2} | |
WELD-001902 | DEBUG | Following configuration was detected and applied: {0} | |
WELD-001903 | DEBUG | Configuration key {0} already set to {1} in a source with higher priority, value {2} from {3} is ignored | |
WELD-001904 | WARN | Unsupported configuration key found and ignored: {0} | |
WELD-001905 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException | Configuration key {0} set to different values in the same source: - {1} - {2} | |
WELD-001906 | DEBUG | ResourceLoader not specified for {0}, file properties will not be loaded | |
WELD-001907 | DEBUG | Reading properties file: {0} |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFHTTP000002 | org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException | Port value %s out of range | |
WFHTTP000003 | ERROR | Failed to acquire session | |
WFHTTP000004 | java.io.IOException | Invalid response type %s | |
WFHTTP000005 | java.io.IOException | Invalid response code %s (full response %s) | |
WFHTTP000006 | ERROR | Failed to write exception | |
WFHTTP000007 | java.io.IOException | Invalid content encoding %s | |
WFHTTP000008 | java.lang.SecurityException | Authentication failed | |
WFHTTP000009 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unsupported qop version in digest auth | |
WFHTTP000010 | ERROR | Error parsing authentication-info header | |
WFHTTP000011 | java.io.IOException | Stream is closed | |
WFHTTP000012 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Attempted to do blocking IO from the IO thread. This is prohibited as it may result in deadlocks |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFHTTPEJB000001 | java.io.IOException | Unexpected data in response | |
WFHTTPEJB000002 | java.io.IOException | No session id in response | |
WFHTTPEJB000003 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not resolve target for locator %s | |
WFHTTPEJB000004 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could create HTTP EJBReceiver for protocol %s | |
WFHTTPEJB000006 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | EJB not stateful | |
WFHTTPEJB000007 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Session was not active | |
WFHTTPEJB000008 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Session was not active | |
WFHTTPEJB000009 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Wrong view type | |
WFHTTPEJB000010 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot enlist in transaction | |
WFHTTPEJB000011 | java.io.IOException | Invalid transaction type %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYAC0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the app client configuration file to use (default is "appclient.xml") | |
WFLYAC0000 | java.lang.String | Display this message and exit | |
WFLYAC0000 | java.lang.String | Set the url of the application server instance to connect to | |
WFLYAC0000 | java.lang.String | Load ejb-client.properties file from the given url | |
WFLYAC0000 | java.lang.String | Load system properties from the given url | |
WFLYAC0000 | java.lang.String | Set a system property | |
WFLYAC0000 | java.lang.String | Print version and exit | |
WFLYAC0000 | java.lang.String | Runs the container with the security manager enabled. | |
WFLYAC0000 | java.lang.String | The appclient script starts an application client which can be used to test and access the deployed EJBs. | |
WFLYAC0002 | ERROR | %s running app client main | |
WFLYAC0004 | java.lang.String | You must specify the application client to execute | |
WFLYAC0005 | java.lang.String | Argument expected for option %s | |
WFLYAC0006 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not find application client jar in deployment | |
WFLYAC0007 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not find application client %s | |
WFLYAC0008 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load application client main class | |
WFLYAC0010 | java.lang.String | Unable to load properties from URL %s | |
WFLYAC0011 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not start app client %s as no main class was found | |
WFLYAC0012 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not start app client %s as no main method was found on main class %s | |
WFLYAC0013 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Duplicate subsystem declaration | |
WFLYAC0015 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to parse %s | |
WFLYAC0016 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to parse %s at [%d,%d] | |
WFLYAC0017 | java.lang.String | Malformed URL provided for option %s | |
WFLYAC0018 | java.lang.RuntimeException | More than one application client found and no app client name specified | |
WFLYAC0020 | java.lang.String | Unknown option %s | |
WFLYAC0021 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not load callback-handler class %s | |
WFLYAC0022 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not create instance of callback-handler class %s | |
WFLYAC0023 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could find application client %s | |
WFLYAC0024 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot specify both a host to connect to and an ejb-client.properties file. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYBATCH000001 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Error processing META-INF/batch-jobs directory. | |
WFLYBATCH000002 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Resources of type %s cannot be removed | |
WFLYBATCH000003 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not find deployment name: %s | |
WFLYBATCH000004 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The service JobOperatorService has been stopped and cannot execute operations. | |
WFLYBATCH000005 | javax.batch.operations.NoSuchJobException | The job name '%s' was not found for the deployment. | |
WFLYBATCH000006 | javax.batch.operations.JobStartException | Could not find the job XML file in the deployment: %s | |
WFLYBATCH000007 | WARN | Failed processing the job XML file %s. Attempting to execute this job may result in errors. | |
WFLYBATCH000008 | WARN | Empty job-repository element found in deployment descriptor. Using the default job repository for deployment %s. | |
WFLYBATCH000009 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed | |
WFLYBATCH000011 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to create %s job repository. | |
WFLYBATCH000013 | ERROR | Only one job repository can be defined in the jboss-all.xml deployment descriptor. The first job repository will be used. | |
WFLYBATCH000014 | WARN | Stopping execution %d of %s for deployment %s | |
WFLYBATCH000015 | ERROR | Failed to stop execution %d for job %s on deployment %s | |
WFLYBATCH000016 | ERROR | Failed to restart execution %d for job %s on deployment %s | |
WFLYBATCH000017 | INFO | Restarting previously stopped batch job %s. Previous execution id %d. New execution id %d. | |
WFLYBATCH000019 | javax.batch.operations.BatchRuntimeException | No batch environment was found for class loader: %s | |
WFLYBATCH000020 | javax.batch.operations.JobSecurityException | Permission denied. User %s does not have %s permissions. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYBATCH-DEPRECATED000002 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid job repository type '%s'. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCC0001 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot add deployment actions after starting creation of a rollout plan | |
WFLYCC0002 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot add deployment actions after starting creation of a rollout plan | |
WFLYCC0003 | java.lang.String | Cannot convert %s to %s | |
WFLYCC0004 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot derive a deployment name from %s -- use an overloaded method variant that takes a 'name' parameter | |
WFLYCC0005 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot use a DeploymentPlan not created by this manager | |
WFLYCC0007 | java.lang.String | Deployment with name %s already present in the domain | |
WFLYCC0008 | java.lang.String | failed | |
WFLYCC0009 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Global rollback is not compatible with a server restart | |
WFLYCC0010 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Graceful shutdown already configured with a timeout of %d ms | |
WFLYCC0011 | java.lang.String | Only one version of deployment with a given unique name can exist in the domain. The deployment plan specified that a new version of deployment %s replace an existing deployment with the same unique name, but did not apply the replacement to all server groups. Missing server groups were: %s | |
WFLYCC0012 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid action type %s | |
WFLYCC0013 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Preceding action was not a %s | |
WFLYCC0014 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is not a valid URI | |
WFLYCC0015 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal %s value %d -- must be greater than %d | |
WFLYCC0016 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal %s value %d -- must be greater than %d and less than %d | |
WFLYCC0017 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Screen real estate is expensive; displayUnits must be 5 characters or less | |
WFLYCC0019 | java.lang.String | No failure details provided | |
WFLYCC0020 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No %s is configured | |
WFLYCC0022 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is closed | |
WFLYCC0023 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Operation outcome is %s | |
WFLYCC0024 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s operations are not allowed after content and deployment modifications | |
WFLYCC0025 | org.jboss.as.controller.client.helpers.domain.RollbackCancelledException | Rollback was cancelled | |
WFLYCC0026 | org.jboss.as.controller.client.helpers.domain.RollbackCancelledException | Rollback was itself rolled back | |
WFLYCC0027 | org.jboss.as.controller.client.helpers.domain.RollbackCancelledException | Rollback timed out | |
WFLYCC0028 | java.lang.String | Deployment with name %s already present in the server | |
WFLYCC0029 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unknown action type %s | |
WFLYCC0030 | org.jboss.as.controller.client.logging.ControllerClientLogger$LeakDescription | Allocation stack trace: | |
WFLYCC0031 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No failure description as the operation was successful. | |
WFLYCC0032 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The operation name was not defined. | |
WFLYCC0033 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The address must be of type ModelType.LIST. | |
WFLYCC0034 | WARN | Closing leaked controller client | |
WFLYCC0035 | WARN | Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit | |
WFLYCC0036 | java.io.IOException | Stream was closed | |
WFLYCC0037 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to parse the configuration file: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCLCOM0001 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | %2$g is not a valid value for parameter %1$s. The value must be %3$s %4$g | |
WFLYCLCOM0002 | WARN | Failed to close %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCLEJBINF0001 | WARN | Failed to passivate stateful session bean %s | |
WFLYCLEJBINF0002 | WARN | Failed to passivate stateful session bean group %s | |
WFLYCLEJBINF0003 | WARN | Failed to expire stateful session bean %s | |
WFLYCLEJBINF0004 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Failed to deserialize %s | |
WFLYCLEJBINF0005 | DEBUG | Failed to cancel expiration/passivation of bean %s on primary owner. | |
WFLYCLEJBINF0006 | DEBUG | Failed to schedule expiration/passivation of bean %s on primary owner. | |
WFLYCLEJBINF0008 | WARN | Stateful session bean %s refers to an invalid bean group %s | |
WFLYCLEJBINF0009 | WARN | Disabling eviction for cache '%s'. SFSB passivation should be configured via the associated EJB subsystem passivation-store. | |
WFLYCLEJBINF0010 | WARN | Disabling expiration for '%s'. SFSB expiration should be configured per §4.3.11 of the EJB specification. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCLINF0001 | INFO | Activating Infinispan subsystem. | |
WFLYCLINF0002 | INFO | Started %s cache from %s container | |
WFLYCLINF0003 | INFO | Stopped %s cache from %s container | |
WFLYCLINF0004 | WARN | The '%s' attribute of the '%s' element is no longer supported and will be ignored | |
WFLYCLINF0005 | WARN | The '%s' attribute specified on the 'transport' element of a cache container is no longer valid; use the same attribute specified on the 'transport' element of corresponding JGroups stack instead | |
WFLYCLINF0006 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to locate a data source bound to %s | |
WFLYCLINF0007 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to locate data source %s | |
WFLYCLINF0008 | org.jboss.msc.inject.InjectionException | Could not resolve destination address for outbound socket binding named '%s' | |
WFLYCLINF0010 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is not a valid cache store | |
WFLYCLINF0027 | java.lang.String | Could not determine 'stack' attribute from JGroups subsystem | |
WFLYCLINF0028 | java.lang.String | Executor configuration '%s' was deprecated and will only be used to support legacy slaves in the domain. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCLJG0001 | INFO | Activating JGroups subsystem. JGroups version %s | |
WFLYCLJG0007 | java.lang.String | Failed to parse %s | |
WFLYCLJG0008 | java.lang.String | Failed to locate %s | |
WFLYCLJG0010 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Transport for stack %s is not defined. Please specify both a transport and protocol list, either as optional parameters to add() or via batching. | |
WFLYCLJG0015 | java.lang.String | Unknown metric %s | |
WFLYCLJG0016 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to load protocol class %s | |
WFLYCLJG0017 | java.lang.String | Privileged access exception on attribute/method %s | |
WFLYCLJG0021 | java.lang.String | Attributes referencing threads subsystem can only be used to support older slaves in the domain. | |
WFLYCLJG0022 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s entry not found in configured key store | |
WFLYCLJG0023 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s key store entry does not contain a private key | |
WFLYCLJG0024 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s key store entry does not contain a secret key | |
WFLYCLJG0025 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Configured credential source does not reference a clear-text password credential | |
WFLYCLJG0028 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not resolve destination address for outbound socket binding named '%s' | |
WFLYCLJG0029 | WARN | Ignoring unrecognized %s properties: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCLSNG0001 | INFO | Singleton deployment detected. Deployment will reset using %s policy. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCLSV0001 | INFO | This node will now operate as the singleton provider of the %s service | |
WFLYCLSV0002 | INFO | This node will no longer operate as the singleton provider of the %s service | |
WFLYCLSV0003 | INFO | %s elected as the singleton provider of the %s service | |
WFLYCLSV0004 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No response received from master node of the %s service, retrying... | |
WFLYCLSV0005 | ERROR | Failed to start %s service | |
WFLYCLSV0006 | WARN | Failed to reach quorum of %2$d for %1$s service. No singleton master will be elected. | |
WFLYCLSV0007 | INFO | Just reached required quorum of %2$d for %1$s service. If this cluster loses another member, no node will be chosen to provide this service. | |
WFLYCLSV0008 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Detected multiple primary providers for %s service: %s | |
WFLYCLSV0009 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Singleton service %s is not started. | |
WFLYCLSV0010 | WARN | Failed to purge %s/%s registry of old registry entries for: %s | |
WFLYCLSV0011 | WARN | Failed to notify %s/%s registry listener of %s(%s) event | |
WFLYCLSV0012 | WARN | Failed to notify %s/%s service provider registration listener of new providers: %s | |
WFLYCLSV0013 | WARN | No node was elected as the singleton provider of the %s service | |
WFLYCLSV0014 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Specified quorum %d must be greater than zero | |
WFLYCLSV0015 | WARN | Failed to restore local %s/%s registry entry following network partititon merge |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCLWEBINF0001 | WARN | Failed to passivate attributes of session %s | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0002 | WARN | Failed to passivate attribute %2$s of session %1$s | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0003 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Session %s is not valid | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0004 | WARN | Failed to expire session %s | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0005 | DEBUG | Failed to cancel expiration/passivation of session %s on primary owner. | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0006 | DEBUG | Failed to schedule expiration/passivation of session %s on primary owner. | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0007 | WARN | Failed to activate attributes of session %s | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0008 | WARN | Failed to activate attribute %2$s of session %1$s | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0009 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Failed to read attribute %2$s of session %1$s | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0010 | WARN | Failed to activate authentication for single sign on %s | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0011 | WARN | Session %s is missing cache entry for attribute %s | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0012 | WARN | Disabling eviction for cache '%s'. Web session passivation should be configured via | |
WFLYCLWEBINF0013 | WARN | Disabling expiration for cache '%s'. Web session expiration should be configured per §7.5 of the servlet specification. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCLWEBUT0001 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Session %s is invalid | |
WFLYCLWEBUT0002 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Session %s already exists | |
WFLYCLWEBUT0003 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Session manager was stopped |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCM0002 | java.lang.String | Error initializing the process state listener %s | |
WFLYCM0003 | ERROR | Error invoking the process state listener %s | |
WFLYCM0004 | ERROR | The process state listener %s took to much time to complete. | |
WFLYCM0005 | ERROR | Error cleaning up for the process state listener %s | |
WFLYCM0006 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Error to load module %s | |
WFLYCM0007 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Error to load class %s from module %s | |
WFLYCM0008 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Error to instantiate instance of class %s from module %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCNT0001 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid hash '%s' for content at address %s; current hash is '%s' -- perhaps the content has been updated by another caller? | |
WFLYCNT0002 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot obtain Message Digest algorithm SHA-1 | |
WFLYCNT0003 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal child type %s -- must be %s | |
WFLYCNT0004 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal child resource class %s | |
WFLYCNT0005 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No content found with hash %s | |
WFLYCNT0006 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | null parent |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYCTL-001 | ERROR | Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s | |
WFLYCTL-001 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Failed to load module %s | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | Operation %s | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | %nService %s was depended upon by | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | is missing [%s] | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | %s (missing) dependents: %s %n | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | %s (unavailable) dependents: %s %n | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | %s (no longer required)%n | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | %s (new available)%n | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | Services that were unable to start: | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | Services that may be the cause: | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | attributes %s | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | capability '%s' requires it for address '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | capability '%s' requires it for attribute '%s' at address '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | %s | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | %s in context '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | ; Possible registration points for this capability: %s | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | ; There are no known registration points which can provide this capability. | |
WFLYCTL0000 | java.lang.String | Couldn't convert %s to %s | |
WFLYCTL0001 | WARN | Cannot resolve address %s, so cannot match it to any InetAddress | |
WFLYCTL0002 | ERROR | Error booting the container | |
WFLYCTL0003 | ERROR | Error booting the container due to insufficient stack space for the thread used to execute boot operations. The thread was configured with a stack size of [%1$d]. Setting system property %2$s to a value higher than [%1$d] may resolve this problem. | |
WFLYCTL0004 | ERROR | %s caught exception attempting to revert operation %s at address %s | |
WFLYCTL0005 | ERROR | Failed executing operation %s at address %s | |
WFLYCTL0006 | ERROR | Failed executing subsystem %s boot operations | |
WFLYCTL0007 | ERROR | Failed to close resource %s | |
WFLYCTL0008 | ERROR | Failed to persist configuration change | |
WFLYCTL0009 | ERROR | Failed to store configuration to %s | |
WFLYCTL0010 | ERROR | Invalid value %s for system property %s -- using default value [%d] | |
WFLYCTL0011 | WARN | Address %1$s is a wildcard address, which will not match against any specific address. Do not use the '%2$s' configuration element to specify that an interface should use a wildcard address; use '%3$s' | |
WFLYCTL0013 | ERROR | Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) | |
WFLYCTL0015 | WARN | Wildcard address detected - will ignore other interface criteria. | |
WFLYCTL0016 | ERROR | Received no final outcome response for operation %s with address %s from remote process at address %s. The result of this operation will only include the remote process' preliminary response to the request. | |
WFLYCTL0017 | DEBUG | Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s | |
WFLYCTL0019 | WARN | Graceful shutdown of the handler used for native management requests did not complete within [%d] ms but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding | |
WFLYCTL0020 | WARN | Graceful shutdown of the handler used for native management requests failed but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding | |
WFLYCTL0021 | WARN | Invalid value '%s' for system property '%s' -- value must be convertible into an int | |
WFLYCTL0022 | WARN | Multiple addresses or network interfaces matched the selection criteria for interface '%s'. Matching addresses: %s. Matching network interfaces: %s. The interface will use address %s and network interface %s. | |
WFLYCTL0023 | WARN | Value '%s' for interface selection criteria 'inet-address' is ambiguous, as more than one address or network interface available on the machine matches it. Because of this ambiguity, no address will be selected as a match. Matching addresses: %s. Matching network interfaces: %s. | |
WFLYCTL0024 | ERROR | Could not read target definition! | |
WFLYCTL0027 | ERROR | Operation was interrupted before service container stability could be reached. Process should be restarted. Step that first updated the service container was '%s' at address '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0028 | INFO | Attribute '%s' in the resource at address '%s' is deprecated, and may be removed in future version. See the attribute description in the output of the read-resource-description operation to learn more about the deprecation. | |
WFLYCTL0029 | WARN | Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit | |
WFLYCTL0030 | java.lang.String | No resource definition is registered for address %s | |
WFLYCTL0031 | java.lang.String | No operation named '%s' exists at address %s | |
WFLYCTL0032 | WARN | There were problems during the transformation process for target host: '%s' %nProblems found: %n%s | |
WFLYCTL0033 | WARN | Extension '%s' is deprecated and may not be supported in future versions | |
WFLYCTL0034 | INFO | Subsystems %s provided by legacy extension '%s' are not supported on servers running this version. The extension is only supported for use by hosts running a previous release in a mixed-version managed domain. On this server the extension will not register any subsystems, and future attempts to create or address subsystem resources on this server will result in failure. | |
WFLYCTL0035 | ERROR | Update of the management operation audit log failed | |
WFLYCTL0036 | ERROR | [%d] consecutive management operation audit logging failures have occurred; disabling audit logging | |
WFLYCTL0037 | ERROR | Update of the management operation audit log failed in handler '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0038 | ERROR | [%d] consecutive management operation audit logging failures have occurred in handler '%s'; disabling this handler for audit logging | |
WFLYCTL0039 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | %s already defined | |
WFLYCTL0041 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | A %s %s already declared has already been declared in %s %s | |
WFLYCTL0042 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | A %s or a %s %s already declared has already been declared in %s %s | |
WFLYCTL0043 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | An %s named '%s' is already registered at location '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0044 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Ambiguous configuration file name '%s' as there are multiple files in %s that end in %s | |
WFLYCTL0045 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Ambiguous name '%s' in %s: %s | |
WFLYCTL0048 | java.lang.String | Attribute %s is not writable | |
WFLYCTL0050 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unable to determine a default name based on the local host name | |
WFLYCTL0051 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create %s | |
WFLYCTL0052 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not delete %s | |
WFLYCTL0053 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot register submodels with a null PathElement | |
WFLYCTL0054 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot register non-runtime-only submodels with a runtime-only parent | |
WFLYCTL0055 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | Cannot remove %s | |
WFLYCTL0056 | ERROR | Could not rename %s to %s | |
WFLYCTL0057 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot write to %s | |
WFLYCTL0058 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Child %s of element %s already declared | |
WFLYCTL0059 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not get canonical file for boot file: %s | |
WFLYCTL0060 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not get canonical file for main file: %s | |
WFLYCTL0062 | java.lang.String | Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed: | |
WFLYCTL0063 | java.lang.String | Composite operation was rolled back | |
WFLYCTL0064 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Configuration files whose complete name is %s are not allowed | |
WFLYCTL0065 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No configuration file ending in %s found in %s | |
WFLYCTL0066 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No directory %s was found | |
WFLYCTL0067 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Either a %s or %s domain controller configuration must be declared. | |
WFLYCTL0068 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | An attribute named '%s' has already been declared | |
WFLYCTL0069 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Duplicate %s declaration | |
WFLYCTL0070 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Duplicate %s declaration %s | |
WFLYCTL0071 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | Duplicate path element '%s' found | |
WFLYCTL0072 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Duplicate interface declaration | |
WFLYCTL0073 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | An element of this type named '%s' has already been declared | |
WFLYCTL0075 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Duplicate resource %s | |
WFLYCTL0076 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Duplicate resource type %s | |
WFLYCTL0079 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed initializing module %s | |
WFLYCTL0080 | java.lang.String | Failed services | |
WFLYCTL0081 | org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException | Failed to back up %s | |
WFLYCTL0082 | org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException | Failed to create backup copies of configuration file %s | |
WFLYCTL0083 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Failed to load module | |
WFLYCTL0084 | org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException | Failed to marshal configuration | |
WFLYCTL0085 | org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException | Failed to parse configuration | |
WFLYCTL0086 | java.lang.String | Failed to persist configuration change: %s | |
WFLYCTL0088 | org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException | Failed to take a snapshot of %s to %s | |
WFLYCTL0089 | org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException | Failed to write configuration | |
WFLYCTL0090 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s does not exist | |
WFLYCTL0091 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No files beginning with '%s' found in %s | |
WFLYCTL0092 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s cannot be used except in a full server boot | |
WFLYCTL0094 | java.lang.String | Illegal interface criteria type %s; must be %s | |
WFLYCTL0095 | java.lang.String | Illegal value %s for interface criteria %s; must be %s | |
WFLYCTL0096 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Resource is immutable | |
WFLYCTL0097 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Wrong type for '%s'. Expected %s but was %s | |
WFLYCTL0099 | java.lang.String | %s is invalid | |
WFLYCTL0100 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | %d is not a valid %s | |
WFLYCTL0101 | java.lang.String | Invalid address %s (%s) | |
WFLYCTL0102 | java.lang.String | Invalid 'value' %s -- must be of the form address/mask | |
WFLYCTL0103 | java.lang.String | Invalid mask %s (%s) | |
WFLYCTL0104 | java.lang.String | Invalid address %s (%s) | |
WFLYCTL0105 | java.lang.String | %s is invalid in combination with %s | |
WFLYCTL0106 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Invalid value '%s' for attribute '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0107 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Illegal value %d for attribute '%s' must be between %d and %d (inclusive) | |
WFLYCTL0108 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Illegal value '%s' for attribute '%s' must be an integer | |
WFLYCTL0109 | java.lang.String | Invalid pattern %s for interface criteria %s | |
WFLYCTL0110 | java.lang.String | Invalid resource address element '%s'. The key '%s' is not valid for an element in a resource address. | |
WFLYCTL0111 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Load factor must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1 | |
WFLYCTL0112 | java.lang.String | '%s' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a maximum length of %d characters | |
WFLYCTL0113 | java.lang.String | '%s' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a minimum length of %d characters | |
WFLYCTL0114 | java.lang.String | [%d] is an invalid size for parameter %s. A maximum length of [%d] is required | |
WFLYCTL0115 | java.lang.String | [%d] is an invalid size for parameter %s. A minimum length of [%d] is required | |
WFLYCTL0116 | java.lang.String | %d is an invalid value for parameter %s. A maximum value of %d is required | |
WFLYCTL0117 | java.lang.String | %d is an invalid value for parameter %s. A minimum value of %d is required | |
WFLYCTL0118 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid modification after completed step | |
WFLYCTL0119 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Value %s for attribute %s is not a valid multicast address | |
WFLYCTL0120 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | An outbound socket binding: %s cannot have both %s as well as a %s at the same time | |
WFLYCTL0121 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is not a valid value for parameter %s -- must be one of %s | |
WFLYCTL0122 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Value %s for attribute %s does not represent a properly hex-encoded SHA1 hash | |
WFLYCTL0123 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Stage %s is not valid for context process type %s | |
WFLYCTL0124 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid step stage specified | |
WFLYCTL0126 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Can not have a negative size table! | |
WFLYCTL0127 | java.lang.String | Invalid type %s | |
WFLYCTL0128 | java.lang.String | Invalid resource address element '%s'. The value '%s' is not valid for an element in a resource address. Character '%s' is not allowed. | |
WFLYCTL0129 | java.lang.String | Invalid value %s for %s; legal values are %s | |
WFLYCTL0132 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Must include one of the following elements: %s | |
WFLYCTL0133 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Missing required attribute(s): %s | |
WFLYCTL0134 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Missing required element(s): %s | |
WFLYCTL0135 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Interrupted awaiting loading of module %s | |
WFLYCTL0136 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Interrupted awaiting initialization of module %s | |
WFLYCTL0137 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Model contains multiple %s nodes | |
WFLYCTL0138 | java.lang.String | Namespace with prefix %s already registered with schema URI %s | |
WFLYCTL0139 | java.lang.String | No namespace with URI %s found | |
WFLYCTL0140 | java.lang.String | Nested %s not allowed | |
WFLYCTL0144 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No active step | |
WFLYCTL0147 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | No child type %s | |
WFLYCTL0149 | java.lang.String | No interface criteria was provided | |
WFLYCTL0150 | java.lang.String | No operation handler | |
WFLYCTL0152 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is not a directory | |
WFLYCTL0153 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No %s%s found for %s | |
WFLYCTL0154 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot execute asynchronous operation without an executor | |
WFLYCTL0155 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | '%s' may not be null | |
WFLYCTL0157 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Operation already complete | |
WFLYCTL0158 | java.lang.String | Operation handler failed: %s | |
WFLYCTL0160 | java.lang.String | Operation rolling back | |
WFLYCTL0161 | java.lang.String | Operation succeeded, committing | |
WFLYCTL0162 | java.lang.String | There is no operation %s registered at address %s | |
WFLYCTL0164 | java.lang.String | Parsing problem at [row,col]:[%d ,%d]%nMessage: %s | |
WFLYCTL0165 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | No configuration persister was injected | |
WFLYCTL0169 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | A proxy handler is already registered at location '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0171 | java.lang.String | Removing services has lead to unsatisfied dependencies: | |
WFLYCTL0172 | java.lang.String | %s is required | |
WFLYCTL0173 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | %s is reserved | |
WFLYCTL0175 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | Resource %s does not exist; a resource at address %s cannot be created until all ancestor resources have been added | |
WFLYCTL0176 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | rollback() has already been invoked | |
WFLYCTL0177 | java.lang.String | Schema with URI %s already registered with location %s | |
WFLYCTL0178 | java.lang.String | No schema location with URI %s found | |
WFLYCTL0179 | java.util.concurrent.CancellationException | Service install was cancelled | |
WFLYCTL0180 | java.lang.String | Services with missing/unavailable dependencies | |
WFLYCTL0181 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Get service registry only supported in runtime operations | |
WFLYCTL0182 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Service removal only supported in runtime operations | |
WFLYCTL0183 | java.lang.String | Service status report%n | |
WFLYCTL0184 | java.lang.String | New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:%n | |
WFLYCTL0185 | java.lang.String | Newly corrected services:%n | |
WFLYCTL0186 | java.lang.String | Services which failed to start: | |
WFLYCTL0187 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Get service target only supported in runtime operations | |
WFLYCTL0188 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Stage %s is already complete | |
WFLYCTL0190 | java.lang.String | Step handler %s for operation %s at address %s failed handling operation rollback -- %s | |
WFLYCTL0191 | java.lang.String | Interrupted awaiting subsystem boot operation execution | |
WFLYCTL0192 | java.lang.String | Boot operations for subsystem %s failed without explanation | |
WFLYCTL0193 | java.lang.String | Failed executing subsystem %s boot operations | |
WFLYCTL0194 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Table is full! | |
WFLYCTL0195 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Interrupted awaiting transaction commit or rollback | |
WFLYCTL0197 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected attribute '%s' encountered | |
WFLYCTL0198 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected element '%s' encountered | |
WFLYCTL0199 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected end of element '%s' encountered | |
WFLYCTL0201 | java.lang.String | Unknown attribute '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0202 | java.lang.String | No known child type named %s | |
WFLYCTL0203 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unknown property in interface criteria list: %s | |
WFLYCTL0204 | java.lang.String | Unknown interface criteria type %s | |
WFLYCTL0205 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unknown interface %s %s must be declared in element %s | |
WFLYCTL0206 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unknown %s %s %s must be declared in element %s | |
WFLYCTL0207 | java.lang.String | Validation failed for %s | |
WFLYCTL0208 | java.lang.String | ... and %s more | |
WFLYCTL0209 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Invalid value '%s' for attribute '%s' -- valid values are %s | |
WFLYCTL0210 | java.lang.String | Caught SecurityException attempting to resolve expression '%s' -- %s | |
WFLYCTL0211 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot resolve expression '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0212 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | Duplicate resource %s | |
WFLYCTL0214 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not get main file: %s. Specified files must be relative to the configuration dir: %s | |
WFLYCTL0216 | org.jboss.as.controller.registry.Resource$NoSuchResourceException | Management resource '%s' not found | |
WFLYCTL0217 | java.lang.String | Child resource '%s' not found | |
WFLYCTL0218 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | A node is already registered at '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0219 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | An attempt was made to unregister extension %s which still has subsystem %s registered | |
WFLYCTL0220 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | An override model registration is not allowed for the root model registration | |
WFLYCTL0221 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | An override model registration is not allowed for non-wildcard model registrations. This registration is for the non-wildcard name '%s'. | |
WFLYCTL0222 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | A registration named '*' is not an override model and cannot be unregistered via the unregisterOverrideModel API. | |
WFLYCTL0223 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The root resource registration does not support overrides, so no override can be removed. | |
WFLYCTL0224 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | There is no operation %s registered at address %s | |
WFLYCTL0225 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to recover services during operation rollback | |
WFLYCTL0226 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | A subsystem named '%s' cannot be registered by extension '%s' -- a subsystem with that name has already been registered by extension '%s'. | |
WFLYCTL0227 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Operation has no '%s' field. %s | |
WFLYCTL0228 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Operation has a null or empty name. %s | |
WFLYCTL0229 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No operation called '%s' at '%s'. %s | |
WFLYCTL0230 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Operation contains a parameter '%s' which is not one of the expected parameters %s. %s | |
WFLYCTL0231 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Required parameter %s is not present. %s | |
WFLYCTL0232 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Alternative parameter '%s' for required parameter '%s' was used. Please use one or the other. %s | |
WFLYCTL0233 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not convert the parameter '%s' to a %s. %s | |
WFLYCTL0234 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The value '%s' passed in for '%s' is smaller than the minimum value '%s'. %s | |
WFLYCTL0235 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The value '%s' passed in for '%s' is bigger than the maximum value '%s'. %s | |
WFLYCTL0236 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The value '%s' passed in for '%s' is shorter than the minimum length '%s'. %s | |
WFLYCTL0237 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The value '%s' passed in for '%s' is longer than the maximum length '%s'. %s | |
WFLYCTL0238 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is expected to be a list of %s. %s | |
WFLYCTL0239 | java.lang.String | 'required' parameter: '%s' must be a boolean in the description of the operation at %s: %s | |
WFLYCTL0240 | java.lang.String | Undefined request property '%s' in description of the operation at %s: %s | |
WFLYCTL0241 | java.lang.String | There is no type for parameter '%s' in the description of the operation at %s: %s | |
WFLYCTL0242 | java.lang.String | Could not determine the type of parameter '%s' in the description of the operation at %s: %s | |
WFLYCTL0243 | java.lang.String | The '%s' attribute of the '%s' parameter can not be converted to its type: %s in the description of the operation at %s: %s | |
WFLYCTL0244 | java.lang.String | The '%s' attribute of the '%s' parameter can not be converted to an integer in the description of the operation at %s: %s | |
WFLYCTL0245 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Illegal '%s' value %s -- must be a valid port number | |
WFLYCTL0246 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot resolve the localhost address to create a UUID-based name for this process | |
WFLYCTL0247 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Do not call ServiceController.setMode(REMOVE), use OperationContext.removeService() instead. | |
WFLYCTL0248 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid value %s for %s; legal values are %s | |
WFLYCTL0249 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | Operation '%s' targeted at resource '%s' was directly invoked by a user. User operations are not permitted to directly update the persistent configuration of a server in a managed domain. | |
WFLYCTL0250 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | An operation handler attempted to access the operation response server results object on a process type other than '%s'. The current process type is '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0251 | java.lang.String | Can't have both loopback and inet-address criteria | |
WFLYCTL0253 | java.lang.String | Can't have same criteria for both not and inclusion %s | |
WFLYCTL0254 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid value '%s' for attribute '%s' -- no interface configuration with that name exists | |
WFLYCTL0256 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not find a path called '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0257 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Path entry is read-only: '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0258 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | There is already a path entry called: '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0260 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid relativePath value '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0261 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | '%s' is a Windows absolute path | |
WFLYCTL0262 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Path '%s' is read-only; it cannot be removed | |
WFLYCTL0263 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Path '%s' is read-only; it cannot be modified | |
WFLYCTL0264 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | %s may not be ModelType.EXPRESSION | |
WFLYCTL0265 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | PathManager not available on processes of type '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0266 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Value %s for attribute %s is not a valid multicast address | |
WFLYCTL0267 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Path '%s' cannot be removed, since the following paths depend on it: %s | |
WFLYCTL0268 | org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException | Failed to rename temp file %s to %s | |
WFLYCTL0269 | java.lang.String | Invalid locale format: %s | |
WFLYCTL0271 | java.lang.String | Operation cancelled | |
WFLYCTL0272 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationCancellationException | Operation cancelled asynchronously | |
WFLYCTL0273 | java.io.IOException | Stream was killed | |
WFLYCTL0274 | java.io.IOException | Stream was closed | |
WFLYCTL0275 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot define both '%s' and '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0276 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Failed to delete file %s | |
WFLYCTL0277 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | An alias is already registered at location '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0279 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Alias target address not found: %s | |
WFLYCTL0280 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No operation called '%s' found for alias address '%s' which maps to '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0281 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Resource registration is not an alias | |
WFLYCTL0282 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Model contains fields that are not known in definition, fields: %s, path: %s | |
WFLYCTL0283 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Could not marshal attribute as element: %s | |
WFLYCTL0284 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Could not marshal attribute as attribute: %s | |
WFLYCTL0285 | java.lang.String | Operation %s invoked against multiple target addresses failed at address %s with failure description %s | |
WFLYCTL0286 | java.lang.String | Operation %s invoked against multiple target addresses failed at address %s. See the operation result for details. | |
WFLYCTL0287 | java.lang.String | Operation %s invoked against multiple target addresses failed at addresses %s. See the operation result for details. | |
WFLYCTL0288 | java.lang.String | One or more services were unable to start due to one or more indirect dependencies not being available. | |
WFLYCTL0289 | java.lang.String | No operation entry called '%s' registered at '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0290 | java.lang.String | No operation handler called '%s' registered at '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0291 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | There is no registered path to resolve with path attribute '%s' and/or relative-to attribute '%s on: %s | |
WFLYCTL0292 | java.lang.String | Attributes do not support expressions in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host. | |
WFLYCTL0293 | java.lang.String | Attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host. | |
WFLYCTL0294 | java.lang.String | Transforming resource %s to core model version '%s' -- %s %s | |
WFLYCTL0295 | java.lang.String | Transforming operation %s at resource %s to core model version '%s' -- %s %s | |
WFLYCTL0296 | java.lang.String | Transforming resource %s to subsystem '%s' model version '%s' -- %s %s | |
WFLYCTL0297 | java.lang.String | Transforming operation %s at resource %s to subsystem '%s' model version '%s' -- %s %s | |
WFLYCTL0298 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Node contains an unresolved expression %s -- a resolved model is required | |
WFLYCTL0299 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Transforming resource %s for host controller '%s' to core model version '%s' -- there were problems with some of the attributes and this resource will need to be ignored on that host. Details of the problems: %s | |
WFLYCTL0300 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Transforming resource %s for host controller '%s' to subsystem '%s' model version '%s' --there were problems with some of the attributes and this resource will need to be ignored on that host. Details of problems: %s | |
WFLYCTL0301 | java.lang.String | The following attributes do not support expressions: %s | |
WFLYCTL0302 | java.lang.String | The following attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host: %s | |
WFLYCTL0303 | java.lang.String | Resource %s is rejected on the target host, and will need to be ignored on the host | |
WFLYCTL0304 | java.lang.String | Operation %2$s at %1s is rejected on the target host and will need to be ignored on the host | |
WFLYCTL0305 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unless the Host Controller is started with command line option %s and the %s attribute is not set to %s, %s must be declared or the %s and the %s need to be provided. | |
WFLYCTL0306 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | read only context | |
WFLYCTL0307 | java.lang.String | We are trying to read data from the master host controller, which is currently busy executing another set of operations. This is a temporary situation, please retry | |
WFLYCTL0309 | java.lang.String | Legacy extension '%s' is not supported on servers running this version. The extension is only supported for use by hosts running a previous release in a mixed-version managed domain | |
WFLYCTL0310 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | Extension module %s not found | |
WFLYCTL0311 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to load Extension module %s | |
WFLYCTL0312 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | no context to delegate with id: %s | |
WFLYCTL0313 | org.jboss.as.controller.UnauthorizedException | Unauthorized to execute operation '%s' for resource '%s' -- %s | |
WFLYCTL0314 | java.lang.SecurityException | Users with multiple roles are not allowed | |
WFLYCTL0317 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | There is no handler called '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0318 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The operation context is not an AbstractOperationContext | |
WFLYCTL0319 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The handler is referenced by %s and so cannot be removed | |
WFLYCTL0320 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The resolved file %s either does not exist or is a directory | |
WFLYCTL0321 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not back up '%s' to '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0322 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Attempt was made to both remove and add a handler from a composite operation - update the handler instead | |
WFLYCTL0323 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Attempt was made to both add and remove a handler from a composite operation | |
WFLYCTL0324 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Attempt was made to both update and remove a handler from a composite operation | |
WFLYCTL0325 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Attempt was made to both remove and add a handler reference from a composite operation | |
WFLYCTL0327 | org.jboss.as.controller.access.rbac.UnknowRoleException | Unknown role '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0328 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot remove standard role '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0329 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown base role '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0330 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Role '%s' is already registered | |
WFLYCTL0331 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Can only create child audit logger for main audit logger | |
WFLYCTL0332 | java.lang.String | Permission denied | |
WFLYCTL0333 | java.lang.SecurityException | Cannot add a Permission to a readonly PermissionCollection | |
WFLYCTL0334 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Incompatible permission type %s | |
WFLYCTL0335 | java.lang.String | Management resource '%s' not found | |
WFLYCTL0336 | java.lang.String | The following attributes are nillable in the current model but must be defined in the target model version: %s | |
WFLYCTL0337 | java.io.IOException | Unsupported Identity type '%X' received. | |
WFLYCTL0338 | java.io.IOException | Unsupported Identity parameter '%X' received parsing identity type '%X'. | |
WFLYCTL0339 | java.lang.String | The following attributes must be defined as %s in the current model: %s | |
WFLYCTL0340 | java.lang.String | The following attributes must NOT be defined as %s in the current model: %s | |
WFLYCTL0341 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | A uri with bad syntax '%s' was passed for validation. | |
WFLYCTL0342 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Illegal value %d for operation header %s; value must be greater than zero | |
WFLYCTL0343 | java.lang.String | The service container has been destabilized by a previous operation and further runtime updates cannot be processed. Restart is required. | |
WFLYCTL0344 | java.lang.String | Operation timed out awaiting service container stability | |
WFLYCTL0345 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Timeout after %d seconds waiting for existing service %s to be removed so a new instance can be installed. | |
WFLYCTL0346 | ERROR | Invalid value %s for property %s; must be a numeric value greater than zero. Default value of %d will be used. | |
WFLYCTL0347 | DEBUG | Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for initial service container stability before allowing runtime changes for operation '%s' at address '%s'. Operation will roll back; process restart is required. | |
WFLYCTL0348 | ERROR | Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for service container stability. Operation will roll back. Step that first updated the service container was '%s' at address '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0349 | ERROR | Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for service container stability while finalizing an operation. Process must be restarted. Step that first updated the service container was '%s' at address '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0350 | INFO | Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' interrupted while awaiting initial response; remote process has been notified to cancel operation | |
WFLYCTL0351 | INFO | Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' interrupted while awaiting final response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation | |
WFLYCTL0352 | INFO | Cancelling operation '%s' with id '%d' running on thread '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0353 | java.io.IOException | No response handler for request %s | |
WFLYCTL0354 | INFO | Attempting reconnect to syslog handler '%s; after timeout of %d seconds | |
WFLYCTL0355 | INFO | Reconnecting to syslog handler '%s failed | |
WFLYCTL0356 | WARN | Failed to emit notification %s | |
WFLYCTL0357 | java.lang.String | Notification of type %s is not described for the resource at the address %s | |
WFLYCTL0358 | java.lang.String | The resource was added at the address %s. | |
WFLYCTL0359 | java.lang.String | The resource was removed at the address %s. | |
WFLYCTL0360 | java.lang.String | The attribute %s value has been changed from %s to %s. | |
WFLYCTL0361 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Capabilities cannot be queried in stage '%s'; they are not available until stage '%s'. | |
WFLYCTL0362 | java.lang.String | Capabilities required by resource '%s' are not available: | |
WFLYCTL0363 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Capability '%s' is already registered in context '%s'. | |
WFLYCTL0364 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Capability '%s' is unknown. | |
WFLYCTL0365 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Capability '%s' is unknown in context '%s'. | |
WFLYCTL0366 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Capability '%s' does not expose a runtime API. | |
WFLYCTL0367 | java.lang.String | Cannot remove capability '%s' as it is required by other capabilities: | |
WFLYCTL0368 | java.lang.String | Cannot remove capability '%s' from context '%s' as it is required by other capabilities: | |
WFLYCTL0369 | java.lang.String | Required capabilities are not available: | |
WFLYCTL0370 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Incomplete expression: %s | |
WFLYCTL0371 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | The element '%s' is no longer supported, please use '%s' instead | |
WFLYCTL0372 | java.lang.String | List attribute '%s' contains duplicates, which are not allowed | |
WFLYCTL0373 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Deployment resource must be runtime only | |
WFLYCTL0374 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to resolve expressions at this location. | |
WFLYCTL0375 | WARN | Update of the management operation audit log failed on the handler '%s' due to '%s'. Please make sure that the syslog server is running and reachable | |
WFLYCTL0376 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected attribute '%s' encountered. Valid attributes are: '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0377 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected element '%s' encountered. Valid elements are: '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0378 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Attribute '%s' is not of type '%s', it is type '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0379 | java.lang.String | System boot is in process; execution of remote management operations is not currently available | |
WFLYCTL0380 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Attribute '%s' needs to be set or passed before attribute '%s' can be correctly set | |
WFLYCTL0381 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal permission name '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0382 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal permission actions '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0383 | java.lang.String | No operation is defined %s | |
WFLYCTL0384 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The call to registerHostCapable() should happen before registering models or transformers for the '%s' subsystem. | |
WFLYCTL0385 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | An attempt was made to register the non-host capable subsystem '%s' from extension module '%s' in the host model. | |
WFLYCTL0386 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The host controller info can only be accessed after the model stage on boot | |
WFLYCTL0387 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal path address '%s' , it is not in a correct CLI format | |
WFLYCTL0388 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create empty configuration file %s | |
WFLYCTL0389 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create an empty configuration at file %s as there is an existing non-empty configuration there | |
WFLYCTL0390 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | An invalid key '%s' has been supplied for parameter '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0391 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not resolve attribute expression: '%s', invalid index '%d' | |
WFLYCTL0392 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not resolve attribute expression: '%s', type is not a list | |
WFLYCTL0393 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not resolve attribute expression: '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0394 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Capability '%s' does not provide services of type '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0395 | INFO | Operation %s against the resource at address %s is deprecated, and it might be removed in future version. See the the output of the read-operation-description operation to learn more about the deprecation. | |
WFLYCTL0396 | java.lang.String | Resource %s is discarded on the target host %s | |
WFLYCTL0397 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed | |
WFLYCTL0398 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | An attempt was made to rename the resource found at %s to %s. However, '%s' is one of the resource types defined to be ordered on the parent resource %s | |
WFLYCTL0399 | java.lang.String | The capability '%s' required by capability '%s' in context '%s' is available in one or more socket binding groups, but not all socket binding capabilities required by '%s' can be resolved from a single socket binding group, so this configuration is invalid | |
WFLYCTL0400 | ERROR | Capability '%s' in context '%s' associated with resource '%s' requires capability '%s'. It is available in one or more socket binding groups, but not all socket binding capabilities required by '%s' can be resolved from a single socket binding group, so this configuration is invalid | |
WFLYCTL0401 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Couldn't build the report | |
WFLYCTL0402 | ERROR | Subsystems %s provided by legacy extension '%s' are not supported on servers running this version. Both the subsystem and the extension must be removed or migrated before the server will function. | |
WFLYCTL0403 | ERROR | Unexpected failure during execution of the following operation(s): %s | |
WFLYCTL0404 | java.lang.String | Unexpected exception during execution: %s | |
WFLYCTL0405 | WARN | Couldn't find a transformer to %s, falling back to %s | |
WFLYCTL0406 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not convert the attribute '%s' to a %s | |
WFLYCTL0407 | ERROR | Failed sending completed response %s for %d | |
WFLYCTL0408 | ERROR | Failed sending failure response %s for %d | |
WFLYCTL0409 | java.lang.String | Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' timed out after %d ms while awaiting initial response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation | |
WFLYCTL0410 | INFO | Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' timed out after %d ms while awaiting final response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation | |
WFLYCTL0411 | WARN | Failed to parse element '%s', ignoring ... | |
WFLYCTL0412 | java.lang.String | Required services that are not installed: | |
WFLYCTL0413 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The deprecated parameter %s has been set in addition to the current parameter %s but with different values | |
WFLYCTL0414 | WARN | Could not create a timestamped backup of current history dir %s, so it may still include versions from the previous boot. | |
WFLYCTL0415 | java.lang.String | Modification of the runtime service container by a management operation has begun | |
WFLYCTL0416 | java.lang.String | Modification of the runtime service container by a management operation has completed | |
WFLYCTL0417 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot add more than one jvm. Add of '%s' attempted, but '%s' already exists | |
WFLYCTL0418 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | A %s or a %s %s already declared has already been declared in %s %s | |
WFLYCTL0419 | java.lang.String | '%s' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a maximum length of %d bytes | |
WFLYCTL0420 | java.lang.String | '%s' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a minimum length of %d bytes | |
WFLYCTL0421 | java.lang.String | Exploded deployment is not supported by some servers | |
WFLYCTL0422 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load module '%s' for transformers | |
WFLYCTL0423 | java.io.IOException | Masked password command has the wrong format.%nUsage: MASK- | |
WFLYCTL0433 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | '%s' is not a valid representation of a resource address | |
WFLYCTL0434 | java.lang.String | Boot complete | |
WFLYCTL0435 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Attribute %s of resource %s was not marked as reload required, either set the RESTART_ALL_SERVICES flag, or register a custom write handler. | |
WFLYCTL0436 | org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException | Cannot register capability '%s' at location '%s' as it is already registered in context '%s' at location(s) '%s' | |
WFLYCTL0437 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Duplicate extension: an %s element with %s attribute value '%s' has already been parsed | |
WFLYCTL0438 | java.lang.String | Couldn't convert '%s' into proper warning level, threshold falling back to 'ALL'. Possible values: SEVERE,WARNING,INFO,CONFIG,FINE,FINER,FINEST,ALL,OFF | |
WFLYCTL0439 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Value %s for attribute %s is not a valid subnet format | |
WFLYCTL0440 | WARN | Cannot delete file or directory %s | |
WFLYCTL0441 | java.lang.String | Operation has resulted in failed or missing services %n | |
WFLYCTL0442 | WARN | Error stopping server | |
WFLYCTL0443 | WARN | Error getting the password from the supplier %s | |
WFLYCTL0444 | INFO | The handler for operation '%s' at address '%s' attempted to add a stage %s step. This is not valid for a 'profile' resource on process type %s so this step will not be executed. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYDC0001 | WARN | Ignoring 'include' child of 'socket-binding-group' %s | |
WFLYDC0002 | WARN | Ignoring 'include' child of 'profile' %s | |
WFLYDC0003 | INFO | Interrupted awaiting final response from server %s on host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation | |
WFLYDC0004 | WARN | Caught exception awaiting final response from server %s on host %s | |
WFLYDC0005 | INFO | Interrupted awaiting final response from host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation | |
WFLYDC0006 | WARN | Caught exception awaiting final response from host %s | |
WFLYDC0007 | WARN | Caught exception closing input stream | |
WFLYDC0008 | INFO | Domain model has changed on re-connect. The following servers will need to be restarted for changes to take affect: %s | |
WFLYDC0009 | ERROR | %s caught %s waiting for task %s. Cancelling task | |
WFLYDC0011 | ERROR | No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment %s. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure. | |
WFLYDC0012 | WARN | failed to set server (%s) into a restart required state | |
WFLYDC0013 | java.lang.String | Registration of remote hosts is not supported on slave host controllers | |
WFLYDC0014 | java.lang.String | The master host controller cannot register slave host controllers as it's current running mode is '%s' | |
WFLYDC0015 | java.lang.String | There is already a registered host named '%s' | |
WFLYDC0016 | java.lang.String | %s is missing %s: %s | |
WFLYDC0017 | java.lang.String | %s recognizes only %s as children: %s | |
WFLYDC0018 | java.lang.String | in-series is missing groups: %s | |
WFLYDC0019 | java.lang.String | server-group expects one and only one child: %s | |
WFLYDC0020 | java.lang.String | One of the groups does not define neither server-group nor concurrent-groups: %s | |
WFLYDC0021 | java.lang.String | Unexplained failure | |
WFLYDC0022 | java.lang.String | Operation failed or was rolled back on all servers. | |
WFLYDC0023 | java.lang.String | Interrupted waiting for result from server %s | |
WFLYDC0024 | java.lang.String | Exception getting result from server %s: %s | |
WFLYDC0025 | java.lang.String | Invalid rollout plan. %s is not a valid child of node %s | |
WFLYDC0026 | java.lang.String | Invalid rollout plan. Plan operations affect server groups %s that are not reflected in the rollout plan | |
WFLYDC0027 | java.lang.String | Invalid rollout plan. Server group %s appears more than once in the plan. | |
WFLYDC0028 | java.lang.String | Invalid rollout plan. Server group %s has a %s value of %s; must be between 0 and 100. | |
WFLYDC0029 | java.lang.String | Invalid rollout plan. Server group %s has a %s value of %s; cannot be less than 0. | |
WFLYDC0030 | java.lang.String | Interrupted waiting for result from host %s | |
WFLYDC0032 | java.lang.String | Operation %s for address %s can only be handled by the master Domain Controller; this host is not the master Domain Controller | |
WFLYDC0033 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Operation targets host %s but that host is not registered | |
WFLYDC0034 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Caught %s storing deployment content -- %s | |
WFLYDC0035 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unexpected initial path key %s | |
WFLYDC0036 | java.lang.String | Null stream at index %d | |
WFLYDC0037 | java.lang.String | Invalid byte stream. | |
WFLYDC0038 | java.lang.String | Invalid url stream. | |
WFLYDC0039 | java.lang.String | Only 1 piece of content is currently supported (AS7-431) | |
WFLYDC0040 | java.lang.String | No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository. | |
WFLYDC0041 | java.lang.String | A slave domain controller cannot accept deployment content uploads | |
WFLYDC0042 | java.lang.String | No deployment with name %s found | |
WFLYDC0043 | java.lang.String | Cannot remove deployment %s from the domain as it is still used by server groups %s | |
WFLYDC0044 | java.lang.String | Invalid '%s' value: %d, the maximum index is %d | |
WFLYDC0045 | java.lang.String | %s is not a valid URL -- %s | |
WFLYDC0046 | java.lang.String | Error obtaining input stream from URL %s -- %s | |
WFLYDC0047 | java.lang.String | Invalid content declaration | |
WFLYDC0049 | java.lang.String | Cannot use %s with the same value for parameters %s and %s. Use %s to redeploy the same content or %s to replace content with a new version with the same name. | |
WFLYDC0050 | java.lang.String | Deployment %s is already started | |
WFLYDC0051 | java.lang.String | Unknown %s %s | |
WFLYDC0052 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unknown server group %s | |
WFLYDC0053 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unknown server %s | |
WFLYDC0054 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid code %d | |
WFLYDC0055 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Repository does not contain any deployment with hash %s | |
WFLYDC0056 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Expected only one deployment, found %d | |
WFLYDC0057 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No profile called: %s | |
WFLYDC0058 | java.lang.String | No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment '%s'. This is a fatal boot error. To correct the problem, either restart with the --admin-only switch set and use the CLI to install the missing content or remove it from the configuration, or remove the deployment from the xml configuraiton file and restart. | |
WFLYDC0059 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to load module '%s'. | |
WFLYDC0060 | java.lang.String | Invalid JSF slot value: '%s'. The host controller is not able to use a JSF slot value different from its default. This resource will be ignored on that host | |
WFLYDC0061 | java.lang.String | Operation '%s' fails because the attributes are not known from the subsytem '%s' model version '%s': %s | |
WFLYDC0062 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No socket-binding-group named: %s | |
WFLYDC0063 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | There is already a deployment called %s with the same runtime name %s on server group %s | |
WFLYDC0064 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot remove server-group '%s' since it's still in use by servers %s | |
WFLYDC0065 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Wildcard operations are not supported as part of composite operations | |
WFLYDC0066 | java.lang.String | Failed to send message: %s | |
WFLYDC0067 | java.lang.String | Failed to send response header: %s | |
WFLYDC0068 | java.lang.String | Host registration task got interrupted | |
WFLYDC0069 | java.lang.String | Host registration task failed: %s | |
WFLYDC0070 | INFO | %s interrupted awaiting server prepared response(s) -- cancelling updates for servers %s | |
WFLYDC0071 | INFO | Interrupted awaiting host prepared response(s) -- cancelling updates for hosts %s | |
WFLYDC0072 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Caught IOException reading uploaded deployment content | |
WFLYDC0073 | WARN | %s deployment has been re-deployed, its content will not be removed. You will need to restart it. | |
WFLYDC0074 | java.lang.String | Operation failed or was rolled back on all servers. Server failures: | |
WFLYDC0075 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot synchronize the model due to missing extensions: %s | |
WFLYDC0076 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Duplicate included profile '%s' | |
WFLYDC0077 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Duplicate included socket binding group '%s' | |
WFLYDC0078 | java.lang.String | The profile clone operation is not available on the host '%s'. To be able to use it in a domain containing older slaves which do not support the profile clone operation, you need to either: a) Make sure that all older slaves with a model version smaller than 4.0.0 ignore the cloned profile and the profile specified in the 'to-profile' parameter. b) Reload the domain controller into admin-only mode, perform the clone, then reload the domain controller into normal mode again, and check whether the slaves need reloading. | |
WFLYDC0079 | INFO | Timed out after %d ms awaiting host prepared response(s) from hosts %s -- cancelling updates for hosts %s | |
WFLYDC0080 | java.lang.String | Timed out after %d ms awaiting host prepared response(s) -- remote host %s has been notified to cancel operation | |
WFLYDC0081 | INFO | Timed out after %d ms awaiting final response from host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation | |
WFLYDC0082 | INFO | %s timed out after %d ms awaiting server prepared response(s) -- cancelling updates for servers %s | |
WFLYDC0083 | INFO | Timed out after %d ms awaiting final response from server %s on host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation | |
WFLYDC0084 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode a deployment in a self-contained server | |
WFLYDC0085 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode an unmanaged deployment | |
WFLYDC0086 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode an already exploded deployment | |
WFLYDC0087 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode an already deployed deployment | |
WFLYDC0088 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot add content to a deployment in a self-contained server | |
WFLYDC0089 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot add content to an unmanaged deployment | |
WFLYDC0090 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot add content to an unexploded deployment | |
WFLYDC0091 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot remove content from a deployment in a self-contained server | |
WFLYDC0092 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot remove content from an unmanaged deployment | |
WFLYDC0093 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot remove content from an unexploded deployment | |
WFLYDC0094 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot read content from a deployment in a self-contained server | |
WFLYDC0095 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot read content from an unmanaged deployment | |
WFLYDC0096 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot read content from an unexploded deployment | |
WFLYDC0097 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode a subdeployment of an unexploded deployment |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Enter the details of the new user to add. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Realm (%s) | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Username | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Username (%s) | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Password | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Re-enter Password | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | About to add user '%s' for realm '%s' | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Is this correct | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The username '%s' is easy to guess | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Are you sure you want to add user '%s' yes/no? | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Added user '%s' to file '%s' | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Error | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Is this new user going to be used for one AS process to connect to another AS process? %ne.g. for a slave host controller connecting to the master or for a Remoting connection for server to server EJB calls. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | yes/no? | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | To represent the user add the following to the server-identities definition | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | What type of user do you wish to add? %n a) Management User (mgmt-users.properties) %n b) Application User (application-users.properties) | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | What groups do you want this user to belong to? (Please enter a comma separated list, or leave blank for none) | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Added user '%s' with groups %s to file '%s' | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | User '%s' already exists and is enabled, would you like to... %n a) Update the existing user password and roles %n b) Disable the existing user %n c) Type a new username | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | User '%s' already exists and is disabled, would you like to... %n a) Update the existing user password and roles %n b) Enable the existing user %n c) Type a new username | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Updated user '%s' to file '%s' | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Updated user '%s' with groups %s to file '%s' | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The password must be different from the username | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The password should be different from the username | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The password must not be one of the following restricted values {%s} | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The password should not be one of the following restricted values {%s} | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | %s characters | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | %d alphabetic character(s) | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | %d digit(s) | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | %s non-alphanumeric symbol(s) | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The password must contain at least %s | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The password should contain at least %s | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Are you sure you want to use the password entered yes/no? | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The add-user script is a utility for adding new users to the properties files for out-of-the-box authentication. It can be used to manage users in ManagementRealm and ApplicationRealm. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Usage: ./add-user.sh [args...]%nwhere args include: | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | If set add an application user instead of a management user | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Define the location of the domain config directory. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Define the location of the server config directory. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The file name of the user properties file which can be an absolute path. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The file name of the group properties file which can be an absolute path. (If group properties is specified then user properties MUST also be specified). | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Password of the user, this will be checked against the password requirements defined within the add-user.properties configuration | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the user | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the realm used to secure the management interfaces (default is "ManagementRealm") | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Activate the silent mode (no output to the console) | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Comma-separated list of roles for the user. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Comma-separated list of groups for the user. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Enable the user | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Disable the user | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Automatically confirm warning in interactive mode | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | If set the secret value will be printed. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Display this message and exit | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | yes | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | y | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | no | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | n | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | The realm name supplied must match the name used by the server configuration which by default would be '%s' | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Are you sure you want to set the realm to '%s' | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Password requirements are listed below. To modify these restrictions edit the add-user.properties configuration file. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Password recommendations are listed below. To modify these restrictions edit the add-user.properties configuration file. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Using realm '%s' as specified on the command line. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.String | Using realm '%s' as discovered from the existing property files. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.io.IOException | Users properties file '%s' contains multiple realm name declarations | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The callback handler is not initialized for domain server %s. | |
WFLYDM0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to obtain credential for server %s | |
WFLYDM0001 | WARN | Properties file defined with default user and password, this will be easy to guess. | |
WFLYDM0002 | WARN | Whitespace has been trimmed from the Base64 representation of the secret identity. | |
WFLYDM0003 | WARN | The attribute 'password' is deprecated, 'keystore-password' should be used instead. | |
WFLYDM0004 | WARN | The realm name of the defined security realm '%s' does not match the realm name within the properties file '%s'. | |
WFLYDM0009 | java.io.IOException | Unable to perform verification | |
WFLYDM0010 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid Realm '%s' expected '%s' | |
WFLYDM0011 | javax.naming.NamingException | Can't follow referral for authentication: %s | |
WFLYDM0013 | java.io.IOException | No username provided. | |
WFLYDM0014 | java.io.IOException | No password to verify. | |
WFLYDM0016 | javax.security.auth.callback.UnsupportedCallbackException | Realm choice not currently supported. | |
WFLYDM0017 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to load properties | |
WFLYDM0018 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to start service | |
WFLYDM0019 | java.lang.String | User '%s' not found. | |
WFLYDM0020 | javax.naming.NamingException | User '%s' not found in directory. | |
WFLYDM0021 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No java.io.Console available to interact with user. | |
WFLYDM0023 | java.lang.String | No %s files found. | |
WFLYDM0024 | java.lang.String | No Username entered, exiting. | |
WFLYDM0025 | java.lang.String | No Password entered, exiting. | |
WFLYDM0026 | java.lang.String | The passwords do not match. | |
WFLYDM0028 | java.lang.String | Username must be alphanumeric with the exception of the following accepted symbols (%s) | |
WFLYDM0029 | java.lang.String | Invalid response. (Valid responses are %s and %s) | |
WFLYDM0030 | java.lang.String | Unable to add user to %s due to error %s | |
WFLYDM0031 | java.lang.String | Unable to add load users from %s due to error %s | |
WFLYDM0033 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple username/password based authentication mechanisms (%s). Only one is allowed | |
WFLYDM0034 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | One of '%s' or '%s' required. | |
WFLYDM0035 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Only one of '%s' or '%s' is required. | |
WFLYDM0037 | java.lang.String | No security context has been established. | |
WFLYDM0039 | java.lang.String | Invalid response. (Valid responses are A, a, B, or b) | |
WFLYDM0040 | java.lang.String | Unable to update user to %s due to error %s | |
WFLYDM0041 | java.io.IOException | The user '%s' is not allowed in a local authentication. | |
WFLYDM0042 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Multiple CallbackHandlerServices for the same mechanism (%s) | |
WFLYDM0043 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No CallbackHandler available for mechanism %s in realm %s | |
WFLYDM0044 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No plug in providers found for module name %s | |
WFLYDM0045 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unable to load plug-in for module %s due to error (%s) | |
WFLYDM0046 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No authentication plug-in found for name %s | |
WFLYDM0047 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to initialise plug-in %s due to error %s | |
WFLYDM0048 | java.lang.String | Password is not strong enough, it is '%s'. It should be at least '%s'. | |
WFLYDM0049 | org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException | Password must not be equal to '%s', this value is restricted. | |
WFLYDM0050 | java.lang.String | Password must have at least %d digit. | |
WFLYDM0051 | java.lang.String | Password must have at least %s non-alphanumeric symbol. | |
WFLYDM0052 | java.lang.String | Password must have at least %d alphanumeric character. | |
WFLYDM0053 | org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException | Password must have at least %s characters! | |
WFLYDM0054 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to load key trust file. | |
WFLYDM0055 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to operate on trust store. | |
WFLYDM0056 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to create delegate trust manager. | |
WFLYDM0057 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | The syslog-handler can only contain one protocol %s | |
WFLYDM0058 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | There is no handler called '%s' | |
WFLYDM0059 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | There is already a protocol configured for the syslog handler at %s | |
WFLYDM0060 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No syslog protocol was given | |
WFLYDM0061 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | There is no formatter called '%s' | |
WFLYDM0062 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Can not remove formatter, it is still referenced by the handler '%s' | |
WFLYDM0063 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Handler names must be unique. There is already a handler called '%s' at %s | |
WFLYDM0064 | java.lang.String | Different realm names detected '%s', '%s' reading user property files, all realms must be equal. | |
WFLYDM0065 | java.lang.String | The user supplied realm name '%s' does not match the realm name discovered from the property file(s) '%s'. | |
WFLYDM0066 | java.lang.String | A group properties file '%s' has been specified, however no user properties has been specified. | |
WFLYDM0067 | java.lang.String | A realm name must be specified. | |
WFLYDM0068 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The current operation(s) would result in role based access control being enabled but leave it impossible for authenticated users to be assigned roles. | |
WFLYDM0069 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The runtime role mapping configuration is inconsistent, the server must be restarted. | |
WFLYDM0070 | java.lang.String | Invalid response. (Valid responses are A, a, B, b, C or c) | |
WFLYDM0071 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Role '%s' already contains an %s for type=%s, name=%s, realm=%s. | |
WFLYDM0072 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple authorization configurations (%s). Only one is allowed | |
WFLYDM0073 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple username-to-dn resources within the authorization=ldap resource (%s). Only one is allowed | |
WFLYDM0074 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Configuration for security realm '%s' does not contain any group-search resource within the authorization=ldap resource. | |
WFLYDM0075 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple group-search resources within the authorization=ldap resource (%s). Only one is allowed | |
WFLYDM0076 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The role name '%s' is not a valid standard role. | |
WFLYDM0077 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The role name '%s' is not a valid standard role and is not a host scoped role or a server group scoped role. | |
WFLYDM0078 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The scoped role '%s' can not be removed as a role mapping still exists. | |
WFLYDM0079 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | A %s already exists with name '%s' | |
WFLYDM0080 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The name '%s' conflicts with the standard role name of '%s' - comparison is case insensitive. | |
WFLYDM0081 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The base-role '%s' is not one of the standard roles for the current authorization provider. | |
WFLYDM0082 | org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException | The password must be different from the username | |
WFLYDM0083 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | The KeyStore %s does not contain any keys. | |
WFLYDM0084 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | The alias specified '%s' is not a Key, valid aliases are %s | |
WFLYDM0085 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | The alias specified '%s' does not exist in the KeyStore, valid aliases are %s | |
WFLYDM0086 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | The KeyStore can not be found at %s | |
WFLYDM0087 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple cache definitions at the same position in the hierarchy. Only one is allowed | |
WFLYDM0088 | javax.naming.NamingException | Unable to load username for supplied username '%s' | |
WFLYDM0089 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No operation was found that has been holding the operation execution write lock for long than [%d] seconds | |
WFLYDM0090 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Invalid Keytab path | |
WFLYDM0091 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | logout has already been called on this SubjectIdentity. | |
WFLYDM0092 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to obtain Kerberos TGT | |
WFLYDM0093 | ERROR | Login failed using Keytab for principal '%s' to handle request for host '%s' | |
WFLYDM0094 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Kerberos is enabled for authentication on security realm '%s' but no Keytab has been added to the server-identity. | |
WFLYDM0095 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | No cipher suites in common, supported=(%s), requested=(%s) | |
WFLYDM0096 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | No protocols in common, supported=(%s), requested=(%s) | |
WFLYDM0097 | org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException | Password should not be equal to '%s', this value is restricted. | |
WFLYDM0098 | org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException | The password should be different from the username | |
WFLYDM0099 | org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException | Password should have at least %s characters! | |
WFLYDM0100 | java.lang.String | Password should have at least %d alphanumeric character. | |
WFLYDM0101 | java.lang.String | Password should have at least %d digit. | |
WFLYDM0102 | java.lang.String | Password should have at least %s non-alphanumeric symbol. | |
WFLYDM0103 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid size %s | |
WFLYDM0104 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The suffix (%s) can not contain seconds or milliseconds. | |
WFLYDM0105 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The suffix (%s) is invalid. A suffix must be a valid date format. | |
WFLYDM0106 | java.lang.String | File permissions problems found while attempting to update %s file. | |
WFLYDM0107 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Operation '%s' has been holding the operation execution write lock for longer than [%d] seconds, but it is part of the rollout of a domain-wide operation with domain-uuid '%s' that has other operations that are alsonot progressing. Their ids are: %s. Cancellation of the operation on the master host controller is recommended. | |
WFLYDM0108 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported resource '%s' | |
WFLYDM0109 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | The Keytab file '%s' does not exist. | |
WFLYDM0110 | javax.naming.NamingException | Unable to load a simple name for group '%s' | |
WFLYDM0111 | WARN | Keystore %s not found, it will be auto generated on first use with a self signed certificate for host %s | |
WFLYDM0112 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to generate self signed certificate | |
WFLYDM0113 | WARN | Generated self signed certificate at %s. Please note that self signed certificates are not secure, and should only be used for testing purposes. Do not use this self signed certificate in production.%nSHA-1 fingerprint of the generated key is %s%nSHA-256 fingerprint of the generated key is %s | |
WFLYDM0114 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to lazily initialize SSL context | |
WFLYDM0135 | java.lang.String | The resource %s wasn't working properly and has been removed. | |
WFLYDM0137 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to create tmp dir for auth tokens as file already exists. | |
WFLYDM0138 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to create auth dir %s. | |
WFLYDM0139 | java.security.GeneralSecurityException | No SubjectIdentity found for %s/%s. | |
WFLYDM0140 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | You shouldn't use the system property "%s" as it is deprecated. Use the management model configuration instead. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYDMHTTP0001 | ERROR | Unexpected error executing model request | |
WFLYDMHTTP0002 | ERROR | Unexpected error executing deployment upload request | |
WFLYDMHTTP0003 | WARN | Unable to load console module for slot %s, disabling console | |
WFLYDMHTTP0004 | ERROR | Unable to load error context for slot %s, disabling error context. | |
WFLYDMHTTP0005 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid operation '%s' | |
WFLYDMHTTP0006 | java.lang.String | The security realm is not ready to process requests, see %s | |
WFLYDMHTTP0007 | org.jboss.modules.ModuleNotFoundException | No console module available with module name %s | |
WFLYDMHTTP0010 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid Credential Type '%s' | |
WFLYDMHTTP0011 | INFO | Management interface is using different addresses for HTTP (%s) and HTTPS (%s). Redirection of HTTPS requests from HTTP socket to HTTPS socket will not be supported. | |
WFLYDMHTTP0012 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | A secure socket has been defined for the HTTP interface, however the referenced security realm is not supplying a SSLContext. | |
WFLYDMHTTP0013 | java.lang.String | Invalid useStreamIndex value '%d'. The operation response had %d streams attached. | |
WFLYDMHTTP0014 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The ManagementHttpServer has already been built using this Builder. | |
WFLYDMHTTP0015 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No SecurityRealm or SSLContext has been provided. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYDR0001 | INFO | Content added at location %s | |
WFLYDR0002 | INFO | Content removed from location %s | |
WFLYDR0003 | WARN | Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit | |
WFLYDR0004 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot create directory %s | |
WFLYDR0005 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot obtain SHA-1 %s | |
WFLYDR0006 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Directory %s is not writable | |
WFLYDR0007 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is not a directory | |
WFLYDR0009 | INFO | Content %s is obsolete and will be removed | |
WFLYDR0010 | ERROR | Couldn't delete content %s | |
WFLYDR0011 | INFO | Couldn't list directory files for %s | |
WFLYDR0012 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot hash current deployment content %s | |
WFLYDR0013 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Access denied to the content at %s in the deployment | |
WFLYDR0014 | ERROR | Error deleting deployment %s | |
WFLYDR0015 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is not an archive file | |
WFLYDR0016 | org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException | Achive file %s not found | |
WFLYDR0017 | INFO | Content exploded at location %s | |
WFLYDR0018 | org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException | Error exploding content for %s | |
WFLYDR0019 | org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException | Deployment is locked by another operation | |
WFLYDR0020 | org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException | Error accessing deployment files | |
WFLYDR0021 | org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException | Error updating content of exploded deployment | |
WFLYDR0022 | org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException | Error copying files of exploded deployment to %s | |
WFLYDR0023 | ERROR | Error deleting file %s | |
WFLYDR0024 | ERROR | Error copying file %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYDS0000 | java.lang.String | A previous version of this content was deployed and remains deployed. | |
WFLYDS0001 | WARN | Cannot delete deployment progress marker file %s | |
WFLYDS0002 | WARN | Cannot remove extraneous deployment marker file %s | |
WFLYDS0003 | WARN | Deployment of '%s' requested, but the deployment is not present | |
WFLYDS0004 | INFO | Found %1$s in deployment directory. To trigger deployment create a file called %1$s%2$s | |
WFLYDS0005 | ERROR | Caught exception writing deployment marker file %s | |
WFLYDS0006 | WARN | Reliable deployment behaviour is not possible when auto-deployment of exploded content is enabled (i.e. deployment without use of "%s"' marker files). Configuration of auto-deployment of exploded content is not recommended in any situation where reliability is desired. Configuring the deployment scanner's %s setting to "false" is recommended. | |
WFLYDS0007 | WARN | The deployment scanner found that the content for exploded deployment %1$s has been deleted, but auto-deploy/undeploy for exploded deployments is not enabled and the %1$s%2$s marker file for this deployment has not been removed. As a result, the deployment is not being undeployed, but resources needed by the deployment may have been deleted and application errors may occur. Deleting the %1$s%2$s marker file to trigger undeploy is recommended. | |
WFLYDS0008 | ERROR | Failed checking whether %s was a complete zip | |
WFLYDS0009 | ERROR | File system deployment service failed | |
WFLYDS0010 | INFO | Scan found incompletely copied file content for deployment %s. Deployment changes will not be processed until all content is complete. | |
WFLYDS0011 | ERROR | The deployment scanner found a directory named %1$s that was not inside a directory whose name ends with .ear, .jar, .rar, .sar or .war. This is likely the result of unzipping an archive directly inside the %2$s directory, which is a user error. The %1$s directory will not be scanned for deployments, but it is possible that the scanner may find other files from the unzipped archive and attempt to deploy them, leading to errors. | |
WFLYDS0012 | ERROR | Scan of %s threw Exception | |
WFLYDS0013 | INFO | Started %s for directory %s | |
WFLYDS0014 | WARN | Scan found content configured for auto-deploy that could not be safely auto-deployed. See details above. Deployment changes will not be processed until all problematic content is either removed or whether to deploy the content or not is indicated via a %s or %s marker file. Problematic deployments are %s | |
WFLYDS0015 | INFO | Re-attempting failed deployment %s | |
WFLYDS0016 | ERROR | Failed checking whether %s was a complete XML | |
WFLYDS0017 | ERROR | Initial deployment scan failed | |
WFLYDS0018 | INFO | Deployment %s was previously deployed by this scanner but has been undeployed by another management tool. Marker file %s is being added to record this fact. | |
WFLYDS0019 | INFO | Deployment %s was previously deployed by this scanner but has been removed from the server deployment list by another management tool. Marker file %s is being added to record this fact. | |
WFLYDS0021 | java.lang.String | Deployment content %s appears to be incomplete and is not progressing toward completion. This content cannot be auto-deployed.%s | |
WFLYDS0022 | java.lang.String | Did not receive a response to the deployment operation within the allowed timeout period [%d seconds]. Check the server configuration file and the server logs to find more about the status of the deployment. | |
WFLYDS0025 | java.lang.String | File %s cannot be scanned because it does not begin with a ZIP file format local file header signature | |
WFLYDS0026 | java.lang.String | File %s cannot be scanned because it uses the currently unsupported ZIP64 format | |
WFLYDS0029 | java.lang.String | scanner not configured | |
WFLYDS0030 | java.lang.String | File %2$s was configured for auto-deploy but could not be safely auto-deployed. The reason the file could not be auto-deployed was: %1$s. To enable deployment of this file create a file called %2$s%3$s | |
WFLYDS0031 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Extension with module 'org.jboss.as.deployment-scanner' cannot be installed in a managed domain. Please remove it and any subsystem referencing it | |
WFLYDS0032 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to list files in directory %s. Check that the contents of the directory are readable. | |
WFLYDS0033 | INFO | Deployment %s was previously undeployed by this scanner but has been redeployed by another management tool. Marker file %s is being removed to record this fact. | |
WFLYDS0034 | ERROR | Failed synchronizing status of deployment %s. | |
WFLYDS0035 | java.lang.String | Scan found %s which is not well-formed at lineNumber: %s, columnNumber: %s. Either the file was incompletely copied at the time of the scanning or it is just wrong. | |
WFLYDS0036 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Deployment model operation failed. %s | |
WFLYDS0037 | WARN | %s does not exist | |
WFLYDS0038 | WARN | %s is not a directory | |
WFLYDS0039 | WARN | %s is not writable | |
WFLYDS0040 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not find relative-to path entry for %s | |
WFLYDS0041 | WARN | %s is not readable | |
WFLYDS0042 | ERROR | Boot-time scan failed due to inaccessible deployment directory: %s | |
WFLYDS0043 | WARN | Deployment directory scan failed due to inaccessible deployment directory: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYEE0002 | WARN | Could not resolve %s %s | |
WFLYEE0006 | WARN | Failed to destroy component instance %s | |
WFLYEE0007 | WARN | Not installing optional component %s due to an exception (enable DEBUG log level to see the cause) | |
WFLYEE0009 | WARN | [Managed Bean spec, section %s] Managed bean implementation class MUST NOT be an interface - %s is an interface, hence won't be considered as a managed bean. | |
WFLYEE0010 | WARN | [Managed Bean spec, section %s] Managed bean implementation class MUST NOT be abstract or final - %s won't be considered as a managed bean, since it doesn't meet that requirement. | |
WFLYEE0011 | WARN | Exception while invoking pre-destroy interceptor for component class: %s | |
WFLYEE0014 | WARN | %s in subdeployment ignored. jboss-ejb-client.xml is only parsed for top level deployments. | |
WFLYEE0019 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not find alternate deployment descriptor %s specified for %s | |
WFLYEE0020 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s annotations must provide a %s. | |
WFLYEE0021 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot add any more items once getSortedItems() has been called | |
WFLYEE0022 | java.lang.RuntimeException | %s may not be empty | |
WFLYEE0023 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s cannot be null or empty: %s | |
WFLYEE0024 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not configure component %s | |
WFLYEE0025 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not determine type for resource-env-ref %s | |
WFLYEE0026 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not determine type for %s %s please specify the %s. | |
WFLYEE0027 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not load %s referenced in env-entry | |
WFLYEE0028 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load interceptor class %s | |
WFLYEE0029 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not load interceptor class %s on component %s | |
WFLYEE0030 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not load view class %s for component %s | |
WFLYEE0031 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Unable to process modules in application.xml for EAR [%s], module file %s not found | |
WFLYEE0032 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Unable to parse resource-ref URI: %s | |
WFLYEE0033 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not resolve injection point %s on class %s specified in web.xml | |
WFLYEE0034 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not resolve method %s on class %s with annotations %s | |
WFLYEE0036 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Cannot specify both a %s and a %s in an environment entry. | |
WFLYEE0037 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Circular dependency installing %s | |
WFLYEE0038 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | %s annotation is only allowed on a class. %s is not a class. | |
WFLYEE0040 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | A component named '%s' is already defined in this module | |
WFLYEE0041 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Component class %s for component %s has errors: %n%s | |
WFLYEE0042 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Failed to construct component instance | |
WFLYEE0043 | org.jboss.as.ee.component.ComponentIsStoppedException | Component is stopped | |
WFLYEE0044 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Component not available (interrupted) | |
WFLYEE0045 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No component found for type '%s' | |
WFLYEE0046 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Failed to instantiate component view | |
WFLYEE0047 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Incompatible conflicting binding at %s source: %s | |
WFLYEE0048 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not find default constructor for %s | |
WFLYEE0050 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No default constructor for interceptor class %s on component %s | |
WFLYEE0051 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s elements must provide a %s. | |
WFLYEE0052 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to install component %s | |
WFLYEE0053 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to parse %s | |
WFLYEE0054 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to process children for EAR [%s] | |
WFLYEE0055 | java.lang.String | Failed to read %s entries for application [%s] | |
WFLYEE0056 | java.lang.String | Failed to read %s entries for module [%s, %s] | |
WFLYEE0057 | java.lang.String | Failed to read %s entries for component [%s, %s, %s] | |
WFLYEE0058 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No matching field found for '%s' | |
WFLYEE0059 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No injection target found | |
WFLYEE0060 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | %s of type java.lang.Character is not exactly one character long %s | |
WFLYEE0061 | java.lang.RuntimeException | %s is not a valid descriptor | |
WFLYEE0062 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Injection target %s on class %s is not compatible with the type of injection: %s | |
WFLYEE0063 | java.lang.String | Invalid number of arguments for method %s annotated with %s on class %s | |
WFLYEE0064 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | A return type of %s is required for method %s annotated with %s on class %s | |
WFLYEE0065 | java.lang.String | Invalid signature for method %s annotated with %s on class %s, signature must be '%s' | |
WFLYEE0066 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Invalid value: %s for '%s' element | |
WFLYEE0067 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Method does not exist %s | |
WFLYEE0068 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No matching method found for method %s (%s) on %s | |
WFLYEE0069 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | @%s is only valid on method targets. | |
WFLYEE0070 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Multiple components found for type '%s' | |
WFLYEE0071 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | More than one matching method found for method '%s (%s) on %s | |
WFLYEE0072 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Multiple setter methods for %s on class %s found when applying | |
WFLYEE0073 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No component instance associated | |
WFLYEE0074 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Binding name must not be null: %s | |
WFLYEE0075 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Managed bean class name cannot be null or empty | |
WFLYEE0076 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Resource reference type cannot be null or empty | |
WFLYEE0077 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot register a null resource reference processor | |
WFLYEE0078 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is null | |
WFLYEE0079 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Can't add %s, priority 0x%s is already taken by %s | |
WFLYEE0082 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Service not started | |
WFLYEE0083 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s injection target is invalid. Only setter methods are allowed: %s | |
WFLYEE0084 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unknown AnnotationTarget type: %s | |
WFLYEE0085 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Unknown %s type %s | |
WFLYEE0086 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not find method %s %s on view %s of %s | |
WFLYEE0088 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected element '%s' encountered | |
WFLYEE0089 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to process jboss-ejb-client.xml | |
WFLYEE0090 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Exception while parsing jboss-ejb-client.xml file found at %s | |
WFLYEE0091 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | %s | |
WFLYEE0092 | java.lang.String | No message destination with name %s for binding %s | |
WFLYEE0093 | java.lang.String | More than one message destination with name %s for binding %s destinations: %s | |
WFLYEE0094 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to load jboss.properties | |
WFLYEE0095 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Unsupported ear module type: %s | |
WFLYEE0096 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | library-directory of value / is not supported | |
WFLYEE0097 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Module may not be a child of the EAR's library directory. Library directory: %s, module file name: %s | |
WFLYEE0098 | java.lang.RuntimeException | ManagedReference was null and injection is not optional for injection into field %s | |
WFLYEE0100 | java.lang.String | Global modules may not specify 'annotations', 'meta-inf' or 'services'. | |
WFLYEE0102 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EE Concurrent Service's value uninitialized. | |
WFLYEE0103 | java.io.IOException | EE Concurrent ContextHandle serialization must be handled by the factory. | |
WFLYEE0104 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The EE Concurrent Context %s already has a factory named %s | |
WFLYEE0105 | java.io.IOException | EE Concurrent Context %s does not has a factory named %s | |
WFLYEE0106 | java.io.IOException | EE Concurrent Context %s service not installed. | |
WFLYEE0107 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EE Concurrent Transaction Setup Provider service not installed. | |
WFLYEE0108 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Instance data can only be set during construction | |
WFLYEE0109 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | A class must not declare more than one AroundInvoke method. %s has %s methods annotated. | |
WFLYEE0110 | ERROR | Failed to run scheduled task | |
WFLYEE0111 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot run scheduled task %s as container is suspended | |
WFLYEE0112 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The core-threads value must be greater than 0 when the queue-length is %s | |
WFLYEE0113 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The max-threads value %d cannot be less than the core-threads value %d. | |
WFLYEE0114 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Class does not implement all of the provided interfaces |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The object name | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | Whether this managed object is state manageable | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | Whether this managed object is a statistics provider | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | Whether this managed object is an event provider | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The deployment descriptor | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The server object name descriptor | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The servers | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The deployed objects | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The resources | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The java vms | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The server vendor | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The server version | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The jvm name | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The java vendor | |
WFLYEEMGMT0000 | java.lang.String | The node | |
WFLYEEMGMT0001 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Only required in local view | |
WFLYEEMGMT0002 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Expected at least %d elements in parameter array with size %d | |
WFLYEEMGMT0003 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Bad type for parameter at %d. Expected %s, but was %s | |
WFLYEEMGMT0004 | javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException | No attribute called %s | |
WFLYEEMGMT0005 | javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException | No mbean found called %s | |
WFLYEEMGMT0007 | javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException | Could not find %s | |
WFLYEEMGMT0008 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid ObjectName: %s | |
WFLYEEMGMT0009 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create ObjectName: %s | |
WFLYEEMGMT0010 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is read-only | |
WFLYEEMGMT0011 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Not yet implemented | |
WFLYEEMGMT0012 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown method: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYEJB0004 | ERROR | failed to get tx manager status; ignoring | |
WFLYEJB0005 | ERROR | failed to set rollback only; ignoring | |
WFLYEJB0006 | WARN | ActivationConfigProperty %s will be ignored since it is not allowed by resource adapter: %s | |
WFLYEJB0007 | ERROR | Discarding stateful component instance: %s due to exception | |
WFLYEJB0010 | WARN | Default interceptor class %s is not listed in the | |
WFLYEJB0015 | WARN | Unknown timezone id: %s found in schedule expression. Ignoring it and using server's timezone: %s | |
WFLYEJB0016 | WARN | Timer persistence is not enabled, persistent timers will not survive JVM restarts | |
WFLYEJB0017 | INFO | Next expiration is null. No tasks will be scheduled for timer %S | |
WFLYEJB0018 | ERROR | Ignoring exception during setRollbackOnly | |
WFLYEJB0020 | ERROR | Error invoking timeout for timer: %s | |
WFLYEJB0021 | INFO | Timer: %s will be retried | |
WFLYEJB0022 | ERROR | Error during retrying timeout for timer: %s | |
WFLYEJB0023 | INFO | Retrying timeout for timer: %s | |
WFLYEJB0024 | INFO | Timer is not active, skipping retry of timer: %s | |
WFLYEJB0026 | WARN | Could not read timer information for EJB component %s | |
WFLYEJB0028 | ERROR | %s is not a directory, could not restore timers | |
WFLYEJB0029 | ERROR | Could not restore timer from %s | |
WFLYEJB0030 | ERROR | error closing file | |
WFLYEJB0031 | ERROR | Could not restore timers for %s | |
WFLYEJB0032 | ERROR | Could not create directory %s to persist EJB timers. | |
WFLYEJB0034 | ERROR | EJB Invocation failed on component %s for method %s | |
WFLYEJB0035 | WARN | Could not find EJB for locator %s, EJB client proxy will not be replaced | |
WFLYEJB0036 | WARN | EJB %s is not being replaced with a Stub as it is not exposed over IIOP | |
WFLYEJB0037 | ERROR | Dynamic stub creation failed for class %s | |
WFLYEJB0042 | INFO | Started message driven bean '%s' with '%s' resource adapter | |
WFLYEJB0043 | WARN | A previous execution of timer %s is still in progress, skipping this overlapping scheduled execution at: %s. | |
WFLYEJB0044 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Resource adapter repository is not available | |
WFLYEJB0045 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not find an Endpoint for resource adapter %s | |
WFLYEJB0046 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Endpoint is not available for message driven component %s | |
WFLYEJB0047 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not deactivate endpoint for message driven component %s | |
WFLYEJB0049 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not create an instance of cluster node selector %s for cluster %s | |
WFLYEJB0050 | WARN | Failed to parse property %s due to %s | |
WFLYEJB0051 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not find view %s for EJB %s | |
WFLYEJB0052 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot perform asynchronous local invocation for component that is not a session bean | |
WFLYEJB0053 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is not a Stateful Session bean in app: %s module: %s distinct-name: %s | |
WFLYEJB0054 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to marshal EJB parameters | |
WFLYEJB0055 | javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException | No matching deployment for EJB: %s | |
WFLYEJB0056 | javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException | Could not find EJB in matching deployment: %s | |
WFLYEJB0057 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s annotation is only valid on method targets | |
WFLYEJB0058 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method %s, on class %s, annotated with @javax.interceptor.AroundTimeout is expected to accept a single param of type javax.interceptor.InvocationContext | |
WFLYEJB0059 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method %s, on class %s, annotated with @javax.interceptor.AroundTimeout must return Object type | |
WFLYEJB0060 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Wrong tx on thread: expected %s, actual %s | |
WFLYEJB0061 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unknown transaction attribute %s on invocation %s | |
WFLYEJB0062 | javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRequiredException | Transaction is required for invocation %s | |
WFLYEJB0063 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Transaction present on server in Never call (EJB3 | |
WFLYEJB0064 | ERROR | Failed to set transaction for rollback only | |
WFLYEJB0065 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | View interface cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0068 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load view class for component %s | |
WFLYEJB0073 | javax.ejb.RemoveException | Illegal call to EJBHome.remove(Object) on a session bean | |
WFLYEJB0074 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EJB 3.1 FR setRollbackOnly is not allowed with SUPPORTS transaction attribute | |
WFLYEJB0075 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Cannot call getPrimaryKey on a session bean | |
WFLYEJB0076 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Singleton beans cannot have EJB 2.x views | |
WFLYEJB0078 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Bean %s does not have an EJBLocalObject | |
WFLYEJB0079 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | [EJB 3.1 spec, section 14.1.1] Class: %s cannot be marked as an application exception because it is not of type java.lang.Exception | |
WFLYEJB0080 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | [EJB 3.1 spec, section 14.1.1] Exception class: %s cannot be marked as an application exception because it is of type java.rmi.RemoteException | |
WFLYEJB0081 | java.lang.RuntimeException | %s annotation is allowed only on classes. %s is not a class | |
WFLYEJB0082 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Bean %s specifies @Remote annotation, but does not implement 1 interface | |
WFLYEJB0083 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Bean %s specifies @Local annotation, but does not implement 1 interface | |
WFLYEJB0084 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not analyze remote interface for %s | |
WFLYEJB0085 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Exception while parsing %s | |
WFLYEJB0086 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to install management resources for %s | |
WFLYEJB0087 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load view %s | |
WFLYEJB0088 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not determine type of ejb-ref %s for injection target %s | |
WFLYEJB0089 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not determine type of ejb-local-ref %s for injection target %s | |
WFLYEJB0090 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | @EJB injection target %s is invalid. Only setter methods are allowed | |
WFLYEJB0091 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | @EJB attribute 'name' is required for class level annotations. Class: %s | |
WFLYEJB0092 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | @EJB attribute 'beanInterface' is required for class level annotations. Class: %s | |
WFLYEJB0093 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Module hasn't been attached to deployment unit %s | |
WFLYEJB0094 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | EJB 3.1 FR 5.4.2 MessageDrivenBean %s does not implement 1 interface nor specifies message listener interface | |
WFLYEJB0095 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown session bean type %s | |
WFLYEJB0096 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | More than one method found with name %s on %s | |
WFLYEJB0097 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unknown EJB locator type %s | |
WFLYEJB0098 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not create CORBA object for %s | |
WFLYEJB0099 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Provided locator %s was not for EJB %s | |
WFLYEJB0100 | java.io.IOException | Failed to lookup java:comp/ORB | |
WFLYEJB0101 | java.io.IOException | %s is not an ObjectImpl | |
WFLYEJB0102 | javax.resource.spi.UnavailableException | Message endpoint %s has already been released | |
WFLYEJB0105 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is not an EJB component | |
WFLYEJB0106 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load method param class %s of timeout method | |
WFLYEJB0107 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Timer invocation failed, invoker is not started | |
WFLYEJB0109 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid value for second: %s | |
WFLYEJB0110 | org.jboss.as.ejb3.tx.TimerTransactionRolledBackException | Timer invocation failed, transaction rolled back | |
WFLYEJB0111 | INFO | No jndi bindings will be created for EJB %s since no views are exposed | |
WFLYEJB0118 | WARN | [EJB3.1 spec, section 4.9.2] Session bean implementation class MUST NOT be a interface - %s is an interface, hence won't be considered as a session bean | |
WFLYEJB0119 | WARN | [EJB3.1 spec, section 4.9.2] Session bean implementation class MUST be public, not abstract and not final - %s won't be considered as a session bean, since it doesn't meet that requirement | |
WFLYEJB0120 | WARN | [EJB3.1 spec, section 5.6.2] Message driven bean implementation class MUST NOT be a interface - %s is an interface, hence won't be considered as a message driven bean | |
WFLYEJB0121 | WARN | [EJB3.1 spec, section 5.6.2] Message driven bean implementation class MUST be public, not abstract and not final - %s won't be considered as a message driven bean, since it doesn't meet that requirement | |
WFLYEJB0125 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not create an instance of deployment node selector %s | |
WFLYEJB0127 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | EJB %s of type %s must have public default constructor | |
WFLYEJB0128 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | EJB %s of type %s must not be inner class | |
WFLYEJB0129 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | EJB %s of type %s must be declared public | |
WFLYEJB0130 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | EJB %s of type %s must not be declared final | |
WFLYEJB0132 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | @PostConstruct method of EJB singleton %s of type %s has been recursively invoked | |
WFLYEJB0137 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Only session and message-driven beans with bean-managed transaction demarcation are allowed to access UserTransaction | |
WFLYEJB0139 | java.lang.String | The timer service has been disabled. Please add a | |
WFLYEJB0140 | java.lang.String | This EJB does not have any timeout methods | |
WFLYEJB0141 | ERROR | Exception calling deployment added listener | |
WFLYEJB0142 | ERROR | Exception calling deployment removal listener | |
WFLYEJB0143 | ERROR | Failed to remove management resources for %s -- %s | |
WFLYEJB0144 | INFO | CORBA interface repository for %s: %s | |
WFLYEJB0145 | ERROR | Cannot unregister EJBHome from CORBA naming service | |
WFLYEJB0146 | ERROR | Cannot deactivate home servant | |
WFLYEJB0147 | ERROR | Cannot deactivate bean servant | |
WFLYEJB0150 | ERROR | Could not write method invocation failure for method %s on bean named %s for appname %s modulename %s distinctname %s due to | |
WFLYEJB0151 | ERROR | Exception while generating session id for component %s with invocation %s | |
WFLYEJB0156 | WARN | %s retrying %d | |
WFLYEJB0157 | ERROR | Failed to get status | |
WFLYEJB0158 | ERROR | Failed to rollback | |
WFLYEJB0159 | ERROR | BMT stateful bean '%s' did not complete user transaction properly status=%s | |
WFLYEJB0161 | WARN | Failed to reinstate timer '%s' (id=%s) from its persistent state | |
WFLYEJB0162 | WARN | A previous execution of timer %s is being retried, skipping this scheduled execution at: %s | |
WFLYEJB0163 | ERROR | Cannot create table for timer persistence | |
WFLYEJB0164 | ERROR | Exception running timer task for timer %s on EJB %s | |
WFLYEJB0166 | WARN | The @%s annotation is deprecated and will be ignored. | |
WFLYEJB0167 | WARN | The <%2$s xmlns="%1$s"/> element will be ignored. | |
WFLYEJB0168 | javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException | Could not find EJB with id %s | |
WFLYEJB0169 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Component not set in InterceptorContext: %s | |
WFLYEJB0170 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method name cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0171 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Bean %s does not have a Home interface | |
WFLYEJB0172 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Bean %s does not have a Local Home interface | |
WFLYEJB0173 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EJB 3.1 FR 13.6.1 Only beans with container-managed transaction demarcation can use getRollbackOnly. | |
WFLYEJB0174 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | getRollbackOnly() not allowed without a transaction. | |
WFLYEJB0175 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | getRollbackOnly() not allowed after transaction is completed (EJBTHREE-1445) | |
WFLYEJB0177 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | jndi name cannot be null during lookup | |
WFLYEJB0178 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No NamespaceContextSelector available, cannot lookup %s | |
WFLYEJB0179 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not lookup jndi name: %s | |
WFLYEJB0180 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot lookup jndi name: %s since it doesn't belong to java:app, java:module, java:comp or java:global namespace | |
WFLYEJB0181 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not lookup jndi name: %s in context: %s | |
WFLYEJB0182 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EJB 3.1 FR 13.6.1 Only beans with container-managed transaction demarcation can use setRollbackOnly. | |
WFLYEJB0183 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | setRollbackOnly() not allowed without a transaction. | |
WFLYEJB0184 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | EjbJarConfiguration cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0185 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot set security roles to null | |
WFLYEJB0193 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot link from a null or empty security role: %s | |
WFLYEJB0194 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot link to a null or empty security role: %s | |
WFLYEJB0195 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | EjbJarConfiguration not found as an attachment in deployment unit: %s | |
WFLYEJB0196 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | ComponentViewInstance not available in interceptor context: %s | |
WFLYEJB0199 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No resource adapter registered with resource adapter name %s | |
WFLYEJB0201 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Security is not enabled | |
WFLYEJB0202 | java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException | Task did not complete in %s %S | |
WFLYEJB0203 | java.util.concurrent.CancellationException | Task was cancelled | |
WFLYEJB0206 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Not implemented yet | |
WFLYEJB0213 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unexpected component: %s component Expected %s | |
WFLYEJB0214 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EjbJarConfiguration hasn't been set in %s Cannot create component create service for EJB %S | |
WFLYEJB0218 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | PoolConfig cannot be null or empty | |
WFLYEJB0220 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | [EJB 3.1 spec, section 4.9.7] - Can't add view class: %s as local view since it's already marked as remote view for bean: %s | |
WFLYEJB0221 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Business interface type cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0222 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Bean %s does not have an %s | |
WFLYEJB0223 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EJB 3.1 FR getRollbackOnly is not allowed with SUPPORTS attribute | |
WFLYEJB0224 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Not a business method %s. Do not call non-public methods on EJB's | |
WFLYEJB0225 | java.lang.Exception | Component instance isn't available for invocation: %s | |
WFLYEJB0228 | javax.ejb.ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException | EJB 3.1 FR concurrent access timeout on %s - could not obtain lock within %s %s | |
WFLYEJB0234 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Session id hasn't been set for stateful component: %s | |
WFLYEJB0235 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | @Remove method identifier cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0236 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Component %s with component class: %s%n isn't a %s component | |
WFLYEJB0237 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | both methodIntf and className are set on %s | |
WFLYEJB0238 | javax.ejb.IllegalLoopbackException | EJB 3.1 PFD2 upgrading from read to write lock is not allowed | |
WFLYEJB0239 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0240 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invocation context: %s cannot be processed because it's not applicable for a method invocation | |
WFLYEJB0241 | javax.ejb.ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException | EJB 3.1 PFD2 concurrent access timeout on %s - could not obtain lock within %s | |
WFLYEJB0242 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Illegal lock type %s on %s for component %s | |
WFLYEJB0243 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot call %s, no %s is present for this invocation | |
WFLYEJB0244 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No asynchronous invocation in progress | |
WFLYEJB0246 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | %s is deprecated | |
WFLYEJB0253 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Should be overridden | |
WFLYEJB0255 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | | |
WFLYEJB0256 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Default interceptors cannot specify a method to bind to in ejb-jar.xml | |
WFLYEJB0258 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Two ejb-jar.xml bindings for %s specify an absolute order | |
WFLYEJB0259 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not find method %s.%s referenced in ejb-jar.xml | |
WFLYEJB0260 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | More than one method %s found on class %s referenced in ejb-jar.xml. Specify the parameter types to resolve the ambiguity | |
WFLYEJB0261 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not find method %s.%s with parameter types %s referenced in ejb-jar.xml | |
WFLYEJB0262 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not load component class for component %s | |
WFLYEJB0263 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load EJB view class | |
WFLYEJB0264 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not merge data for %s | |
WFLYEJB0265 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not load EJB class %s | |
WFLYEJB0266 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Only one %s method is allowed on bean %s | |
WFLYEJB0267 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not determine type of corresponding implied EJB 2.x local interface (see EJB 3.1 21.4.5)%n due to multiple create* methods with different return types on home %s | |
WFLYEJB0268 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not find EJB %s referenced by @DependsOn annotation in %s | |
WFLYEJB0269 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | More than one EJB called %s referenced by @DependsOn annotation in %s Components:%s | |
WFLYEJB0270 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Async method %s does not return void or Future | |
WFLYEJB0271 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not load application exception class %s in ejb-jar.xml | |
WFLYEJB0272 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | EJB %s entity bean %s implemented TimedObject, but has a different timeout method specified either via annotations or via the deployment descriptor | |
WFLYEJB0273 | java.lang.RuntimeException | %s does not have an EJB 2.x local interface | |
WFLYEJB0274 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Local Home not allowed for %s | |
WFLYEJB0275 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not resolve corresponding ejbCreate or @Init method for home interface method %s on EJB %s | |
WFLYEJB0276 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EJBComponent has not been set in the current invocation context %s | |
WFLYEJB0277 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Value cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0278 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot create %s from a null schedule expression | |
WFLYEJB0279 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Second cannot be null in schedule expression %s | |
WFLYEJB0280 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Minute cannot be null in schedule expression %s | |
WFLYEJB0281 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Hour cannot be null in schedule expression %s | |
WFLYEJB0282 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | day-of-month cannot be null in schedule expression %s | |
WFLYEJB0283 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | day-of-week cannot be null in schedule expression %s | |
WFLYEJB0284 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Month cannot be null in schedule expression %s | |
WFLYEJB0285 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Year cannot be null in schedule expression %s | |
WFLYEJB0286 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid range value: %s | |
WFLYEJB0287 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid list expression: %s | |
WFLYEJB0288 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid increment value: %s | |
WFLYEJB0289 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | There are no valid seconds for expression: %s | |
WFLYEJB0290 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | There are no valid minutes for expression: %s | |
WFLYEJB0291 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid value: %s since %s doesn't support values of types %s | |
WFLYEJB0292 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | A list value can only contain either a range or an individual value. Invalid value: %s | |
WFLYEJB0293 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not parse: %s in schedule expression | |
WFLYEJB0294 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid value: %s Valid values are between %s and %s | |
WFLYEJB0295 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid value for day-of-month: %s | |
WFLYEJB0296 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Relative day-of-month cannot be null or empty | |
WFLYEJB0297 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is not a relative value | |
WFLYEJB0298 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Value is null, cannot determine if it's relative | |
WFLYEJB0303 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invoker cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0305 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Executor cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0306 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | initialExpiration cannot be null while creating a timer | |
WFLYEJB0307 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s cannot be negative while creating a timer | |
WFLYEJB0308 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | expiration cannot be null while creating a single action timer | |
WFLYEJB0309 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | expiration.getTime() cannot be negative while creating a single action timer | |
WFLYEJB0310 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | duration cannot be negative while creating single action timer | |
WFLYEJB0311 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Duration cannot negative while creating the timer | |
WFLYEJB0312 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Expiration date cannot be null while creating a timer | |
WFLYEJB0313 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | expiration.getTime() cannot be negative while creating a timer | |
WFLYEJB0314 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Initial duration cannot be negative while creating timer | |
WFLYEJB0315 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Interval cannot be negative while creating timer | |
WFLYEJB0316 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | initial expiration date cannot be null while creating a timer | |
WFLYEJB0317 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | interval duration cannot be negative while creating timer | |
WFLYEJB0318 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Creation of timers is not allowed during lifecycle callback of non-singleton EJBs | |
WFLYEJB0319 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | initial expiration is null | |
WFLYEJB0320 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | interval duration is negative | |
WFLYEJB0321 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | schedule is null | |
WFLYEJB0325 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot invoke timer service methods in lifecycle callback of non-singleton beans | |
WFLYEJB0326 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Timer cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0327 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s Timer handles are only available for persistent timers. | |
WFLYEJB0328 | javax.ejb.NoMoreTimeoutsException | No more timeouts for timer %s | |
WFLYEJB0329 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Timer %s is not a calendar based timer | |
WFLYEJB0330 | javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException | Timer has expired | |
WFLYEJB0331 | javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException | Timer was canceled | |
WFLYEJB0335 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Id cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0336 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Timed objectid cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0337 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Timer service cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0338 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Timerservice with timedObjectId: %s is not registered | |
WFLYEJB0339 | javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException | Timer for handle: %s is not active | |
WFLYEJB0341 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot invoke getTimeoutMethod on a timer which is not an auto-timer | |
WFLYEJB0342 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load declaring class: %s of timeout method | |
WFLYEJB0343 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot invoke timeout method because method %s is not a timeout method | |
WFLYEJB0344 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not create timer file store directory %s | |
WFLYEJB0345 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Timer file store directory %s does not exist | |
WFLYEJB0346 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Timer file store directory %s is not a directory | |
WFLYEJB0347 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EJB %s is enabled for security but doesn't have a security domain set | |
WFLYEJB0348 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is not an EJB component | |
WFLYEJB0349 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load view class for ejb %s | |
WFLYEJB0350 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Component named %s with component class %s is not an EJB component | |
WFLYEJB0353 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | ResourceBundle based descriptions of %s are not supported | |
WFLYEJB0354 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Runtime attribute %s is not marshallable | |
WFLYEJB0356 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EJB component type %s does not support pools | |
WFLYEJB0357 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unknown EJBComponent type %s | |
WFLYEJB0360 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | EJB method security metadata cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0361 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | View classname cannot be null or empty | |
WFLYEJB0362 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | View method cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0363 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s cannot handle method %s of view class %s.Expected view method to be %s on view class %s | |
WFLYEJB0364 | javax.ejb.EJBAccessException | Invocation on method: %s of bean: %s is not allowed | |
WFLYEJB0365 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown EJB Component description type %s | |
WFLYEJB0366 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unknown attribute %s | |
WFLYEJB0367 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unknown operation %s | |
WFLYEJB0368 | java.lang.String | No EJB component registered for address %s | |
WFLYEJB0369 | java.lang.String | No EJB component is available for address %s | |
WFLYEJB0370 | java.lang.String | EJB component for address %s is in %n state %s, must be in state %s | |
WFLYEJB0372 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Component class %s has multiple @Timeout annotations | |
WFLYEJB0373 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Current component is not an EJB %s | |
WFLYEJB0374 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s not allowed in lifecycle methods | |
WFLYEJB0376 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot call %s when invoking through %s or %s | |
WFLYEJB0377 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is not allowed from stateful beans | |
WFLYEJB0378 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Failed to acquire a permit within %s %s | |
WFLYEJB0379 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Acquire semaphore was interrupted | |
WFLYEJB0380 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is deprecated | |
WFLYEJB0382 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not determine ClassLoader for stub %s | |
WFLYEJB0383 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No message listener of type %s found in resource adapter %s | |
WFLYEJB0384 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not find method %s from view %s on EJB class %s | |
WFLYEJB0385 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s cannot be null or empty | |
WFLYEJB0386 | javax.ejb.RemoveException | EJB 4.6.4 Cannot remove EJB via EJB 2.x remove() method while participating in a transaction | |
WFLYEJB0387 | java.rmi.RemoteException | Transaction propagation over IIOP is not supported | |
WFLYEJB0388 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot call method %s in afterCompletion callback | |
WFLYEJB0389 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot call %s when state is %s | |
WFLYEJB0390 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is already associated with serialization group %s | |
WFLYEJB0391 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is not compatible with serialization group %s | |
WFLYEJB0392 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cache entry %s is in use | |
WFLYEJB0393 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cache entry %s is not in use | |
WFLYEJB0394 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to acquire lock on %s | |
WFLYEJB0395 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is already a member of serialization group %s | |
WFLYEJB0396 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is not a member of serialization group %s | |
WFLYEJB0397 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s already exists in cache | |
WFLYEJB0398 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is missing from cache | |
WFLYEJB0399 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Incompatible cache implementations in nested hierarchy | |
WFLYEJB0400 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to passivate %s | |
WFLYEJB0401 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to activate %s | |
WFLYEJB0402 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to create passivation directory: %s | |
WFLYEJB0403 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to create passivation directory: %s | |
WFLYEJB0404 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Group creation context already exists | |
WFLYEJB0405 | java.lang.String | No EJB found with interface of type '%s' and name '%s' for binding %s | |
WFLYEJB0406 | java.lang.String | No EJB found with interface of type '%s' for binding %s | |
WFLYEJB0407 | java.lang.String | More than one EJB found with interface of type '%s' and name '%s' for binding %s. Found: %s | |
WFLYEJB0408 | java.lang.String | More than one EJB found with interface of type '%s' for binding %s. Found: %s | |
WFLYEJB0409 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | @Clustered annotation cannot be used with message driven beans. %s failed since %s bean is marked with @Clustered on class %s | |
WFLYEJB0410 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | @Clustered annotation cannot be used with entity beans. %s failed since %s bean is marked with @Clustered on class %s | |
WFLYEJB0411 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | @Clustered annotation is currently not supported for singleton EJB. %s failed since %s bean is marked with @Clustered on class %s | |
WFLYEJB0412 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | %s failed since @Clustered annotation cannot be used for %s bean on class %s | |
WFLYEJB0413 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | | |
WFLYEJB0414 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Default interceptors cannot specify an | |
WFLYEJB0416 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s cannot be null | |
WFLYEJB0419 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Pool name cannot be empty string for bean %s | |
WFLYEJB0420 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No EjbContext available as no EJB invocation is active | |
WFLYEJB0421 | org.jboss.as.ejb3.component.EJBComponentUnavailableException | Invocation cannot proceed as component is shutting down | |
WFLYEJB0423 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not create session for stateful bean %s | |
WFLYEJB0436 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown channel creation option type %s | |
WFLYEJB0437 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not determine remote interface from home interface %s for bean %s | |
WFLYEJB0438 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not determine local interface from local home interface %s for bean %s | |
WFLYEJB0441 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | EJB business method %s must be public | |
WFLYEJB0442 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Unexpected Error | |
WFLYEJB0443 | java.lang.String | EJB 3.1 FR 13.3.3: BMT bean %s should complete transaction before returning. | |
WFLYEJB0444 | java.lang.String | Timer service resource %s is not suitable for the target. Only a configuration with a single file-store and no other configured data-store is supported on target | |
WFLYEJB0445 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Detected asymmetric usage of cache | |
WFLYEJB0446 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The timer %s is already active. | |
WFLYEJB0447 | javax.transaction.RollbackException | Transaction '%s' was already rolled back | |
WFLYEJB0448 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Transaction '%s' is in unexpected state (%s) | |
WFLYEJB0449 | java.lang.String | Timerservice API is not allowed on stateful session bean %s | |
WFLYEJB0450 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Entity Beans are no longer supported, beans %s cannot be deployed | |
WFLYEJB0451 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Attribute '%s' is not supported on current version servers; it is only allowed if its value matches '%s' | |
WFLYEJB0453 | ERROR | Failed to persist timer %s | |
WFLYEJB0454 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Only one instance on | |
WFLYEJB0455 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | | |
WFLYEJB0456 | ERROR | Failed to refresh timers for %s | |
WFLYEJB0457 | java.lang.String | Unexpected Error | |
WFLYEJB0459 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Module %s containing bean %s is not deployed in ear but it specifies resource adapter name '%s' in a relative format. | |
WFLYEJB0460 | WARN | The transaction isolation need to be equal or stricter than READ_COMMITTED to ensure that the timer run once-and-only-once | |
WFLYEJB0461 | ERROR | Update timer failed and it was not possible to rollback the transaction! | |
WFLYEJB0462 | WARN | Unable to detect database dialect from connection metadata or JDBC driver name. Please configure this manually using the 'datasource' property in your configuration. Known database dialect strings are %s | |
WFLYEJB0463 | WARN | Invalid transaction attribute type %s on SFSB lifecycle method %s of class %s, valid types are REQUIRES_NEW and NOT_SUPPORTED. Method will be treated as NOT_SUPPORTED. | |
WFLYEJB0464 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The "disable-default-ejb-permissions" attribute may not be set to true | |
WFLYEJB0465 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Invalid client descriptor configuration: 'profile' and 'remoting-ejb-receivers' cannot be used together | |
WFLYEJB0466 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to process business interfaces for EJB class %s | |
WFLYEJB0467 | org.jboss.as.ejb3.component.EJBComponentUnavailableException | The request was rejected as the container is suspended | |
WFLYEJB0468 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Timer invocation failed | |
WFLYEJB0469 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed | |
WFLYEJB0471 | java.lang.RuntimeException | RMI/IIOP Violation: %s%n | |
WFLYEJB0472 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot obtain exception repository id for %s:%n%s | |
WFLYEJB0473 | INFO | JNDI bindings for session bean named '%s' in deployment unit '%s' are as follows:%s | |
WFLYEJB0474 | ERROR | Attribute '%s' is not supported on current version servers; it is only allowed if its value matches '%s'. This attribute should be removed. | |
WFLYEJB0475 | INFO | MDB delivery started: %s,%s | |
WFLYEJB0476 | INFO | MDB delivery stopped: %s,%s | |
WFLYEJB0477 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | MDB delivery group is missing: %s | |
WFLYEJB0480 | ERROR | Loaded timer (%s) for EJB (%s) and this node that is marked as being in a timeout. The original timeout may not have been processed. Please use graceful shutdown to ensure timeout tasks are finished before shutting down. | |
WFLYEJB0481 | INFO | Strict pool %s is using a max instance size of %d (per class), which is derived from thread worker pool sizing. | |
WFLYEJB0482 | INFO | Strict pool %s is using a max instance size of %d (per class), which is derived from the number of CPUs on this host. | |
WFLYEJB0483 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Attributes are mutually exclusive: %s, %s | |
WFLYEJB0485 | WARN | Transaction type %s is unspecified for the %s method of the %s message-driven bean. It will be handled as NOT_SUPPORTED. | |
WFLYEJB0486 | INFO | Parameter 'default-clustered-sfsb-cache' was defined for the 'add' operation for resource '%s'. This parameter is deprecated and its previous behavior has been remapped to attribute 'default-sfsb-cache'. As a result the 'default-sfsb-cache' attribute has been set to '%s' and the 'default-sfsb-passivation-disabled-cache' attribute has been set to '%s'. | |
WFLYEJB0487 | ERROR | Unexpected invocation state %s | |
WFLYEJB0488 | java.lang.SecurityException | Unauthenticated (anonymous) access to this EJB method is not authorized | |
WFLYEJB0489 | ERROR | Timer %s not running as transaction could not be started | |
WFLYEJB0490 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Multiple security domains not supported | |
WFLYEJB0491 | javax.ejb.EJBException | The transaction begin request was rejected as the container is suspended | |
WFLYEJB0492 | INFO | EJB subsystem suspension waiting for active transactions, %d transaction(s) remaining | |
WFLYEJB0493 | INFO | EJB subsystem suspension complete | |
WFLYEJB0494 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to obtain SSLContext | |
WFLYEJB0495 | WARN | Ignoring the persisted start or end date for scheduled expression of timer ID:%s as it is not valid : %s. | |
WFLYEJB0496 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not create an instance of EJB client interceptor %s | |
WFLYEJB0497 | WARN | Failed to persist timer %s on startup. This is likely due to another cluster member making the same change, and should not affect operation. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYELY00000 | java.lang.String | Reload dependent services which might already have cached the secret value | |
WFLYELY00000 | java.lang.String | Update dependent resources as alias "%s" does not exist anymore | |
WFLYELY00002 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Can not inject the same realm '%s' in a single security domain. | |
WFLYELY00003 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | The operation did not contain an address with a value for '%s'. | |
WFLYELY00004 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to start the service. | |
WFLYELY00005 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to access KeyStore to complete the requested operation. | |
WFLYELY00007 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The required service '%s' is not UP, it is currently '%s'. | |
WFLYELY00008 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid operation name '%s', expected one of '%s' | |
WFLYELY00009 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unable to complete operation. '%s' | |
WFLYELY00010 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to save KeyStore - KeyStore file '%s' does not exist. | |
WFLYELY00012 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | No suitable provider found for type '%s' | |
WFLYELY00013 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The default-realm '%s' is not in the list of realms [%s] referenced by this domain. | |
WFLYELY00014 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to load the properties files required to start the properties file backed realm: Users file: '%s' Groups file: '%s' | |
WFLYELY00015 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | The custom component implementation '%s' doe not implement 'org.wildfly.extension.elytron.Configurable' however configuration has been supplied. | |
WFLYELY00016 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The supplied regular expression '%s' is invalid. | |
WFLYELY00017 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Property file referenced in properties-realm does not exist: %s | |
WFLYELY00018 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to create %s for algorithm '%s'. | |
WFLYELY00019 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | No '%s' found in injected value. | |
WFLYELY00020 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to reload the properties files required to by the properties file backed realm. | |
WFLYELY00021 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Exception while creating the permission object for the permission mapping. Please check [class-name], [target-name] (name of permission) and [action] of [%s]. | |
WFLYELY00022 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | KeyStore file '%s' does not exist and required. | |
WFLYELY00023 | WARN | KeyStore file '%s' does not exist. Used blank. | |
WFLYELY00024 | WARN | Certificate [%s] in KeyStore is not valid | |
WFLYELY00025 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Referenced property file is invalid: %s | |
WFLYELY00027 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to obtain OID for X.500 attribute '%s' | |
WFLYELY00028 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The X.500 attribute must be defined by name or by OID | |
WFLYELY00029 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to parse URL '%s' | |
WFLYELY00030 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Realm '%s' does not support cache | |
WFLYELY00031 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to access CRL file. | |
WFLYELY00032 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unable to reload CRL file. | |
WFLYELY00033 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unable to access entry [%s] from key store [%s]. | |
WFLYELY00034 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | A principal query can only have a single key mapper | |
WFLYELY00035 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to load module '%s'. | |
WFLYELY00036 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Security realm '%s' has been referenced twice in the same security domain. | |
WFLYELY00037 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Injected value is not of '%s' type. | |
WFLYELY00909 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Credential store '%s' does not support given credential store entry type '%s' | |
WFLYELY00910 | java.io.IOException | Password cannot be resolved for key-store "%s" | |
WFLYELY00911 | java.io.IOException | Credential store "%s" protection parameter cannot be resolved | |
WFLYELY00913 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Credential alias "%s" of credential type "%s" already exists in the store | |
WFLYELY00914 | java.security.NoSuchProviderException | Provider loader "%s" cannot supply Credential Store provider of type "%s" | |
WFLYELY00916 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Credential cannot be resolved | |
WFLYELY00917 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Password cannot be resolved for dir-context | |
WFLYELY00920 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Credential alias "%s" of credential type "%s" does not exist in the store | |
WFLYELY01000 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Identity with name [%s] already exists. | |
WFLYELY01001 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not create identity with name [%s]. | |
WFLYELY01002 | java.lang.String | Identity with name [%s] not found. | |
WFLYELY01003 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not delete identity with name [%s]. | |
WFLYELY01004 | java.lang.String | Identity with name [%s] not authorized. | |
WFLYELY01005 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not read identity [%s] from security domain [%s]. | |
WFLYELY01007 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not read identity with name [%s]. | |
WFLYELY01008 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to obtain the authorization identity. | |
WFLYELY01009 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to add attribute. | |
WFLYELY01010 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to remove attribute. | |
WFLYELY01011 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not create password. | |
WFLYELY01012 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unexpected password type [%s]. | |
WFLYELY01013 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Pattern [%s] requires a capture group | |
WFLYELY01014 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid [%s] definition. Only one of '%s' or '%s' can be set in one Object in the list of filters. | |
WFLYELY01015 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to perform automatic outflow for '%s' | |
WFLYELY01016 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Server '%s' not known | |
WFLYELY01017 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid value for cipher-suite-filter. %s | |
WFLYELY01018 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid size %s | |
WFLYELY01019 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The suffix (%s) can not contain seconds or milliseconds. | |
WFLYELY01020 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The suffix (%s) is invalid. A suffix must be a valid date format. | |
WFLYELY01022 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to set policy [%s] | |
WFLYELY01023 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Could not find policy provider with name [%s] | |
WFLYELY01024 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to register policy context handlers | |
WFLYELY01025 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to create policy [%s] | |
WFLYELY01026 | WARN | Element '%s' with attribute '%s' set to '%s' is unused. Since unused policy configurations can no longer be stored in the configuration model this item is being discarded. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYEMB0011 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid JBoss home directory: %s | |
WFLYEMB0014 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot load module %s from: %s | |
WFLYEMB0017 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot load embedded server factory: %s | |
WFLYEMB0018 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot get reflective method '%s' for: %s | |
WFLYEMB0019 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot create standalone server using factory: %s | |
WFLYEMB0020 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot setup embedded process | |
WFLYEMB0021 | org.wildfly.core.embedded.EmbeddedProcessStartException | Cannot start embedded process | |
WFLYEMB0022 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot invoke '%s' on embedded process | |
WFLYEMB0023 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The embedded server is stopping and invocations on the ModelControllerClient are not available | |
WFLYEMB0024 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The embedded server is reloading and invocations on the ModelControllerClient are not yet available | |
WFLYEMB0026 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot create host controller using factory: %s | |
WFLYEMB0027 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The embedded server is stopped and invocations on the ModelControllerClient are not available |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYHC-001 | WARN | Server '%s' (managed by host '%s') is unstable and should be stopped or restarted. An unstable server may not stop normally, so the 'kill' operation may be required to terminate the server process. | |
WFLYHC0000 | java.lang.String | Use %s --help for information on valid command line arguments and their syntax. | |
WFLYHC0001 | WARN | Could not connect to remote domain controller %s | |
WFLYHC0002 | ERROR | Could not connect to master. Error was: %s | |
WFLYHC0003 | INFO | Creating http management service using network interface (%s) port (%d) securePort (%d) | |
WFLYHC0005 | WARN | Existing server [%s] with status: %s | |
WFLYHC0008 | ERROR | Failed to start server (%s) | |
WFLYHC0009 | ERROR | Failed to stop server (%s) | |
WFLYHC0011 | WARN | Ignoring | |
WFLYHC0012 | ERROR | No | |
WFLYHC0013 | WARN | No security realm defined for http management service, all access will be unrestricted. | |
WFLYHC0014 | ERROR | No server called %s available | |
WFLYHC0015 | WARN | Connection to remote host-controller closed. Trying to reconnect. | |
WFLYHC0016 | WARN | Ignoring | |
WFLYHC0018 | INFO | Reconnecting server %s | |
WFLYHC0019 | INFO | Registered remote slave host "%s", %s | |
WFLYHC0020 | INFO | Registering server %s | |
WFLYHC0021 | INFO | Server [%s] connected using connection [%s] | |
WFLYHC0023 | INFO | Starting server %s | |
WFLYHC0024 | INFO | Stopping server %s | |
WFLYHC0026 | INFO | Unregistered remote slave host "%s" | |
WFLYHC0027 | INFO | Unregistering server %s | |
WFLYHC0029 | INFO | Unregistered at domain controller | |
WFLYHC0030 | WARN | Connection to remote host "%s" closed unexpectedly | |
WFLYHC0031 | WARN | Cannot load the domain model using --backup | |
WFLYHC0033 | ERROR | Caught exception during boot | |
WFLYHC0034 | java.lang.String | Host Controller boot has failed in an unrecoverable manner; exiting. See previous messages for details. | |
WFLYHC0035 | ERROR | Installation of the domain-wide configuration has failed. Because the running mode of this Host Controller is ADMIN_ONLY boot has been allowed to proceed. If ADMIN_ONLY mode were not in effect the process would be terminated due to a critical boot failure. | |
WFLYHC0037 | INFO | The master host controller has been restarted. Re-registering this slave host controller with the new master. | |
WFLYHC0038 | WARN | The master host controller could not be reached in the last [%d] milliseconds. Re-connecting. | |
WFLYHC0039 | INFO | The slave host controller "%s" has been restarted or is attempting to reconnect. Unregistering the current connection to this slave. | |
WFLYHC0040 | WARN | The slave host controller "%s" could not be reached in the last [%d] milliseconds. Unregistering. | |
WFLYHC0041 | java.lang.String | Argument expected for option %s. %s | |
WFLYHC0042 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Attempting to set '%s' when '%s' was already set | |
WFLYHC0043 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to connect due to authentication failure. | |
WFLYHC0044 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot access a remote file repository from the master domain controller | |
WFLYHC0045 | java.io.IOException | Unable to create local directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0046 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot obtain a valid default address for communicating with the ProcessController using either %s or InetAddress.getLocalHost(). Please check your system's network configuration or use the %s command line switch to configure a valid address | |
WFLYHC0047 | java.lang.String | Cannot restart server %s as it is not currently started; it is %s | |
WFLYHC0048 | java.lang.String | Cannot start servers when the Host Controller running mode is %s | |
WFLYHC0049 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Close should be managed by the service | |
WFLYHC0050 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Configuration persister for domain model is already initialized | |
WFLYHC0051 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Interrupted while trying to connect to master | |
WFLYHC0052 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not connect to master in %d attempts within %s ms | |
WFLYHC0053 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not get the server inventory in %d %s | |
WFLYHC0054 | java.io.IOException | Did not read the entire file. Missing: %d | |
WFLYHC0055 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Error closing down host | |
WFLYHC0056 | java.lang.String | Failed to retrieve profile operations from domain controller | |
WFLYHC0057 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to get file from remote repository | |
WFLYHC0058 | java.lang.String | Failed to get server status | |
WFLYHC0059 | java.lang.String | Failed to read authentication key: %s | |
WFLYHC0061 | javax.security.sasl.SaslException | Insufficient information to generate hash. | |
WFLYHC0062 | java.lang.String | Invalid option '%s'. %s | |
WFLYHC0063 | org.jboss.as.protocol.mgmt.RequestProcessingException | Invalid root id [%d] | |
WFLYHC0064 | java.lang.String | Value for %s is not an %s -- %s. %s | |
WFLYHC0065 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invocations of %s after HostController boot are not allowed | |
WFLYHC0066 | java.lang.String | Malformed URL provided for option %s. %s | |
WFLYHC0067 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Must call %s before checking for slave status | |
WFLYHC0068 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Must call %s before persisting the domain model | |
WFLYHC0071 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No server inventory | |
WFLYHC0077 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | There is already a registered server named '%s' | |
WFLYHC0078 | java.lang.String | Server (%s) still running | |
WFLYHC0079 | javax.security.sasl.SaslException | Unable to generate hash | |
WFLYHC0080 | java.lang.String | Unable to load properties from URL %s. %s | |
WFLYHC0081 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Undefined socket binding group for server %s | |
WFLYHC0082 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Included socket binding group %s is not defined | |
WFLYHC0084 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown %s %s | |
WFLYHC0085 | java.lang.String | Value for %s is not a known host -- %s. %s | |
WFLYHC0087 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Host-Controller is already shutdown. | |
WFLYHC0090 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | HostControllerEnvironment does not support system property updates | |
WFLYHC0091 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Resources of type %s cannot be ignored | |
WFLYHC0092 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | An '%s' element whose 'type' attribute is '%s' has already been found | |
WFLYHC0093 | java.lang.String | The JVM input arguments cannot be accessed so system properties passed directly to this Host Controller JVM will not be passed through to server processes. Cause of the problem: %s | |
WFLYHC0094 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Missing configuration value for: %s | |
WFLYHC0095 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Home directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYHC0097 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Domain base directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYHC0098 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Domain base directory is not a directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0099 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Configuration directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYHC0100 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Domain data directory is not a directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0101 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create domain data directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0102 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Domain content directory is not a directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0103 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create domain content directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0104 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Log directory is not a directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0105 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create log directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0106 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Servers directory is not a directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0107 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create servers directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0108 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Domain temp directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYHC0109 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create domain temp directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0110 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to connect due to SSL failure. | |
WFLYHC0111 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Option '%s' already exists | |
WFLYHC0113 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Host controller management version %s.%s is too old, Only %s.%s or higher are supported | |
WFLYHC0114 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Failed to add extensions used by the domain. Failure description: %s | |
WFLYHC0115 | java.lang.String | Argument %s has no value. %s | |
WFLYHC0116 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot access S3 file: %s | |
WFLYHC0117 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Failed to obtain domain controller data from S3 file | |
WFLYHC0118 | java.io.IOException | Cannot write domain controller data to S3 file: %s | |
WFLYHC0119 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot access S3 bucket '%s': %s | |
WFLYHC0120 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Tried all domain controller discovery option(s) but unable to connect | |
WFLYHC0121 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | pre_signed_put_url and pre_signed_delete_url must have the same path | |
WFLYHC0122 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | pre_signed_put_url and pre_signed_delete_url must both be set or both unset | |
WFLYHC0123 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | pre-signed url %s must point to a file within a bucket | |
WFLYHC0124 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | pre-signed url %s is not a valid url | |
WFLYHC0125 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | pre-signed url %s may only have a subdirectory under a bucket | |
WFLYHC0126 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Creating location-constrained bucket with unsupported calling-format | |
WFLYHC0127 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid location: %s | |
WFLYHC0128 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid bucket name: %s | |
WFLYHC0129 | java.io.IOException | bucket '%s' could not be accessed (rsp=%d (%s)). Maybe the bucket is owned by somebody else or the authentication failed | |
WFLYHC0130 | java.io.IOException | Unexpected response: %s | |
WFLYHC0131 | java.lang.RuntimeException | HTTP redirect support required | |
WFLYHC0132 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unexpected error parsing bucket listing(s) | |
WFLYHC0133 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Couldn't initialize a SAX driver for the XMLReader | |
WFLYHC0134 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot instantiate discovery option class '%s': %s | |
WFLYHC0137 | ERROR | Could not write domain controller data to S3 file. Error was: %s | |
WFLYHC0138 | ERROR | Could not remove S3 file. Error was: %s | |
WFLYHC0140 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Can't execute transactional operation '%s' from slave controller | |
WFLYHC0142 | ERROR | Failed to apply domain-wide configuration from master host controller | |
WFLYHC0143 | ERROR | Failed to apply domain-wide configuration from master host controller. Operation outcome: %s. Failure description %s | |
WFLYHC0144 | ERROR | The host cannot start because it was started in running mode '%s' with no access to a local copy of the domain wide configuration policy, the '%s' attribute was set to '%s' and the domain wide configuration policy could not be obtained from the Domain Controller host. Startup will be aborted. Use the '%s' command line argument to start if you need to start without connecting to a domain controller connection. | |
WFLYHC0145 | ERROR | The host cannot start because it was started in running mode '%s' with no access to a local copy of the domain wide configuration policy, and the '%s' attribute was set to '%s'. Startup will be aborted. Use the '%s' command line argument to start in running mode '%s'. | |
WFLYHC0146 | WARN | Could not discover master using discovery option %s. Error was: %s | |
WFLYHC0147 | WARN | No domain controller discovery options remain. | |
WFLYHC0148 | INFO | Connected to master host controller at %s | |
WFLYHC0149 | INFO | Option %s was set; obtaining domain-wide configuration from %s | |
WFLYHC0150 | INFO | Trying to reconnect to master host controller. | |
WFLYHC0151 | ERROR | No domain controller discovery configuration was provided and the '%s' attribute was set to '%s'. Startup will be aborted. Use the %s command line argument to start in %s mode if you need to start without a domain controller connection and then use the management tools to configure one. | |
WFLYHC0152 | INFO | Server %s will be started with JVM launch command prefix '%s' | |
WFLYHC0153 | java.io.IOException | Channel closed | |
WFLYHC0157 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create domain auto-start directory: %s | |
WFLYHC0158 | INFO | Error persisting server autostart status | |
WFLYHC0159 | java.lang.String | Invalid discovery type %s | |
WFLYHC0160 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not read or create the domain UUID in file: %s | |
WFLYHC0162 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The binding name '%s' in socket binding group '%s' is not unique. Names must be unique across socket-binding, local-destination-outbound-socket-binding and remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding | |
WFLYHC0163 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Profile '%s' is involved in a cycle | |
WFLYHC0164 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Profile '%s' defines subsystem '%s' which is also defined in its ancestor profile '%s'. Overriding subsystems is not supported | |
WFLYHC0165 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Socket binding group '%s' is involved in a cycle | |
WFLYHC0166 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Socket binding group '%s' defines socket binding '%s' which is also defined in its ancestor socket binding group '%s'. Overriding socket bindings is not supported | |
WFLYHC0167 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Profile '%s' includes profile '%s' and profile '%s'. Both these profiles define subsystem '%s', which is not supported | |
WFLYHC0168 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Socket binding group '%s' includes socket binding group '%s' and socket binding group '%s'. Both these socket binding groups define socket binding '%s', which is not supported | |
WFLYHC0169 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Reload into running mode is not supported with embedded host controller, admin-only=true must be specified. | |
WFLYHC0170 | java.lang.String | Error releasing shared lock after host registration for operationID: %s | |
WFLYHC0171 | ERROR | Failed getting the response from the suspend listener for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0172 | ERROR | Failed executing the suspend operation for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0173 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | It is not possible to use use-current-host-config=false while specifying a host-config | |
WFLYHC0174 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | It is not possible to use use-current-domain-config=false while specifying a domain-config | |
WFLYHC0175 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | domain-config '%s' specified for reload could not be found | |
WFLYHC0177 | WARN | No security realm defined for native management service; all access will be unrestricted. | |
WFLYHC0178 | FATAL | Aborting with exit code %d | |
WFLYHC0179 | INFO | ProcessController has signalled to shut down; shutting down | |
WFLYHC0180 | INFO | Shutting down in response to management operation '%s' | |
WFLYHC0181 | INFO | Host Controller shutdown has been requested via an OS signal | |
WFLYHC0182 | INFO | Timed out after %d ms awaiting server suspend response(s) for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0183 | java.lang.String | Timed out after %d ms awaiting server suspend response(s) for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0184 | INFO | %s interrupted awaiting server suspend response(s) | |
WFLYHC0185 | java.lang.String | %s interrupted awaiting server suspend response(s) | |
WFLYHC0186 | java.lang.String | Failed executing the suspend operation for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0187 | java.lang.String | Failed getting the response from the suspend listener for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0188 | INFO | Timed out after %d ms awaiting server resume response(s) for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0189 | java.lang.String | Timed out after %d ms awaiting server resume response(s) for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0190 | INFO | %s interrupted awaiting server resume response(s) | |
WFLYHC0191 | java.lang.String | %s interrupted awaiting server resume response(s) | |
WFLYHC0192 | java.lang.String | Failed executing the resume operation for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0193 | java.lang.String | Failed getting the response from the resume listener for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0194 | ERROR | Failed executing the resume operation for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0195 | ERROR | Failed getting the response from the resume listener for server: %s | |
WFLYHC0196 | ERROR | Cannot move the file %s to %s, unable to persist domain configuration changes: %s | |
WFLYHC0197 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | If attribute %s is defined one of ssl-context or security-realm must also be defined | |
WFLYHC0198 | WARN | Server '%s' is unstable and should be stopped or restarted. An unstable server may not stop normally, so the 'kill' operation may be required to terminate the server process. | |
WFLYHC0199 | WARN | Server '%s' (managed by host '%s') has not responded to an operation request within the configured timeout. This may mean the server has become unstable. | |
WFLYHC0200 | ERROR | Reporting instability of server '%s' to Domain Controller failed. | |
WFLYHC0201 | java.lang.String | Error synchronizing the host model with the domain controller model with failure : %s. | |
WFLYHC0202 | WARN | The domain configuration was successfully applied, but reload is required before changes become active. | |
WFLYHC0203 | WARN | The domain configuration was successfully applied, but restart is required before changes become active. | |
WFLYHC0204 | WARN | No logging configuration file could be found for the servers initial boot. Logging will not be configured until the logging subsystem is activated for the server %s | |
WFLYHC0205 | ERROR | An error occurred setting the -Dlogging.configuration property for server %s. Configuration path %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYIIOP0001 | INFO | Activating IIOP Subsystem | |
WFLYIIOP0002 | ERROR | Error fetching CSIv2Policy | |
WFLYIIOP0003 | WARN | Caught exception while encoding GSSUPMechOID | |
WFLYIIOP0004 | ERROR | Internal error | |
WFLYIIOP0005 | ERROR | Failed to create CORBA naming context | |
WFLYIIOP0006 | WARN | Unbind failed for %s | |
WFLYIIOP0007 | ERROR | Failed to obtain JSSE security domain with name %s | |
WFLYIIOP0008 | INFO | CORBA Naming Service started | |
WFLYIIOP0009 | INFO | CORBA ORB Service started | |
WFLYIIOP0010 | WARN | Compatibility problem: Class javax.rmi.CORBA.ClassDesc does not conform to the Java(TM) Language to IDL Mapping Specification (01-06-07), section | |
WFLYIIOP0011 | WARN | Could not deactivate IR object | |
WFLYIIOP0012 | WARN | Could not deactivate anonymous IR object | |
WFLYIIOP0013 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | SSL support has been enabled but no security domain or client/server SSL contexts have been specified | |
WFLYIIOP0014 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unexpected exception | |
WFLYIIOP0015 | org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION | Unexpected ContextError in SAS reply | |
WFLYIIOP0016 | org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL | Could not parse SAS reply: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0017 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not register initial reference for SASCurrent | |
WFLYIIOP0018 | org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION | SAS context does not exist | |
WFLYIIOP0019 | org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION | Could not decode initial context token | |
WFLYIIOP0020 | org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION | Could not decode target name in initial context token | |
WFLYIIOP0021 | org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION | Could not decode incoming principal name | |
WFLYIIOP0022 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Exception decoding context data in %s | |
WFLYIIOP0023 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Batch size not numeric: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0024 | javax.naming.NamingException | Error getting binding list | |
WFLYIIOP0025 | javax.naming.NamingException | Error generating object via object factory | |
WFLYIIOP0026 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Error constructing context: either ORB or NamingContext must be supplied | |
WFLYIIOP0027 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | %s does not name a NamingContext | |
WFLYIIOP0028 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Cannot convert IOR to NamingContext: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0029 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | ORB.resolve_initial_references("NameService") does not return a NamingContext | |
WFLYIIOP0030 | javax.naming.NamingException | COS Name Service not registered with ORB under the name 'NameService' | |
WFLYIIOP0031 | javax.naming.NamingException | Cannot connect to ORB | |
WFLYIIOP0032 | javax.naming.NamingException | Invalid IOR or URL: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0033 | javax.naming.NamingException | Invalid object reference: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0034 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | %s does not contain an IOR | |
WFLYIIOP0035 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Only instances of org.omg.CORBA.Object can be bound | |
WFLYIIOP0036 | javax.naming.NamingException | No object reference bound for specified name | |
WFLYIIOP0037 | javax.naming.InvalidNameException | Invalid empty name | |
WFLYIIOP0038 | javax.naming.InvalidNameException | %s: unescaped \ at end of component | |
WFLYIIOP0039 | javax.naming.InvalidNameException | %s: Invalid character being escaped | |
WFLYIIOP0040 | java.net.MalformedURLException | Invalid %s URL: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0041 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Problem with PortableRemoteObject.toStub(); object not exported or stub not found | |
WFLYIIOP0042 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Cannot invoke javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.toStub(java.rmi.Remote) | |
WFLYIIOP0043 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No method definition for javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.toStub(java.rmi.Remote) | |
WFLYIIOP0044 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Problem invoking javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub.connect() | |
WFLYIIOP0045 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Cannot invoke javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub.connect() | |
WFLYIIOP0046 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No method definition for javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub.connect(org.omg.CORBA.ORB) | |
WFLYIIOP0047 | java.net.MalformedURLException | Invalid IIOP URL version: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0048 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | javax.rmi packages not available | |
WFLYIIOP0049 | java.net.MalformedURLException | ISO-Latin-1 decoder unavailable | |
WFLYIIOP0050 | java.net.MalformedURLException | Invalid URI encoding: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0051 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Error configuring domain socket factory: failed to lookup JSSE security domain | |
WFLYIIOP0052 | java.io.IOException | keyManager[] is null for security domain %s | |
WFLYIIOP0053 | java.io.IOException | Failed to get SSL context | |
WFLYIIOP0054 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to start the JBoss Corba Naming Service | |
WFLYIIOP0055 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Foreign Transaction | |
WFLYIIOP0056 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Exception raised during encoding | |
WFLYIIOP0057 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Exception getting slot in TxServerInterceptor | |
WFLYIIOP0058 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Exception setting slot in TxServerInterceptor | |
WFLYIIOP0059 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot analyze a null class | |
WFLYIIOP0060 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Bad type for a constant: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0061 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot analyze special class: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0062 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Not an accessor: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0063 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Not a class or interface: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0064 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Class %s is not an interface | |
WFLYIIOP0065 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Not a primitive type: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0066 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException | Field %s of interface %s is a constant, but it is not primitive or String | |
WFLYIIOP0067 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException | Exception type %s must be a checked exception class | |
WFLYIIOP0068 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException | All interface methods must throw javax.rmi.RemoteException but method %s of interface %s does not | |
WFLYIIOP0069 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Name cannot be null, empty or qualified | |
WFLYIIOP0070 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Primitive types have no IR IDs | |
WFLYIIOP0071 | java.lang.RuntimeException | No SHA message digest available | |
WFLYIIOP0072 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unknown primitive type: %s | |
WFLYIIOP0073 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot analyze java.lang.String: it is a special case | |
WFLYIIOP0074 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot analyze java.lang.Class: it is a special case | |
WFLYIIOP0075 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException | Value type %s cannot implement java.rmi.Remote | |
WFLYIIOP0076 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException | Value type %s cannot be a proxy or inner class | |
WFLYIIOP0077 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Error loading class %s | |
WFLYIIOP0078 | java.lang.RuntimeException | No read method in helper class %s | |
WFLYIIOP0079 | java.lang.RuntimeException | No write method in helper class %s | |
WFLYIIOP0080 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Error unmarshaling %s | |
WFLYIIOP0081 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Error marshaling %s | |
WFLYIIOP0082 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot obtain exception repository id for %s | |
WFLYIIOP0083 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot marshal parameter: unexpected number of parameters | |
WFLYIIOP0084 | org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER | Cannot change RMI/IIOP mapping | |
WFLYIIOP0085 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Bad kind %d for TypeCode | |
WFLYIIOP0086 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | Wrong interface repository | |
WFLYIIOP0087 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | Duplicate repository name | |
WFLYIIOP0088 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid null class | |
WFLYIIOP0089 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | Bad class %s for a constant | |
WFLYIIOP0090 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | TypeCode for class %s is unknown | |
WFLYIIOP0091 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | TypeCode for class %s already established | |
WFLYIIOP0092 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | Name collision while creating package | |
WFLYIIOP0093 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | Class %s is not an array class | |
WFLYIIOP0094 | org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER | Cannot destroy RMI/IIOP mapping | |
WFLYIIOP0095 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | Bad kind for super valuetype of %s | |
WFLYIIOP0096 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | ValueDef %s unable to resolve reference to implemented interface %s | |
WFLYIIOP0097 | org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException | ValueDef %s unable to resolve reference to abstract base valuetype %s | |
WFLYIIOP0098 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to resolve initial reference %s | |
WFLYIIOP0099 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to create POA from parent | |
WFLYIIOP0100 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to instantiate POA: either the running ORB or the parent POA must be specified | |
WFLYIIOP0101 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to activate POA | |
WFLYIIOP0102 | org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL | Caught exception destroying Iterator %s | |
WFLYIIOP0103 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | IOR settings imply ssl connections usage, but secure connections have not been configured | |
WFLYIIOP0104 | java.lang.String | Inconsistent transport-config configuration: %s is supported, please configure it to %s value | |
WFLYIIOP0105 | java.lang.String | Inconsistent transport-config configuration: %s is not supported, please remove it or configure it to none value | |
WFLYIIOP0106 | java.lang.String | Inconsistent transport-config configuration: %s is set to true, please configure %s as required | |
WFLYIIOP0109 | WARN | SSL socket is required by server but secure connections have not been configured | |
WFLYIIOP0110 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Client requires SSL but server does not support it | |
WFLYIIOP0111 | java.lang.String | SSL has not been configured but ssl-port property has been specified - the connection will use clear-text protocol | |
WFLYIIOP0113 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Authentication context has been defined but it is ineffective because the security initializer is not set to 'elytron' | |
WFLYIIOP0114 | java.lang.String | Elytron security initializer not supported in previous iiop-openjdk versions and can't be converted |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYIO001 | INFO | Worker '%s' has auto-configured to %d core threads with %d task threads based on your %d available processors | |
WFLYIO002 | INFO | Worker '%s' has auto-configured to %d core threads based on your %d available processors | |
WFLYIO003 | INFO | Worker '%s' has auto-configured to %d task threads based on your %d available processors | |
WFLYIO004 | WARN | Worker '%s' would auto-configure to %d task threads based on %d available processors, however your system does not have enough file descriptors configured to support this configuration. It is likely you will experience application degradation unless you increase your file descriptor limit. | |
WFLYIO005 | WARN | Your system is configured with %d file descriptors, but your current application server configuration will require a minimum of %d (and probably more than that); attempting to adjust, however you should expect stability problems unless you increase this number | |
WFLYIO006 | java.lang.String | no metrics available | |
WFLYIO007 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unexpected bind address conflict in resource "%s" when attempting to establish binding for destination %s to %s: a binding of %s already existed |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYJCA0001 | INFO | Bound data source [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0002 | INFO | Bound JCA %s [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0003 | WARN | Unable to instantiate driver class "%s": %s | |
WFLYJCA0004 | INFO | Deploying JDBC-compliant driver %s (version %d.%d) | |
WFLYJCA0005 | INFO | Deploying non-JDBC-compliant driver %s (version %d.%d) | |
WFLYJCA0006 | INFO | Registered admin object at %s | |
WFLYJCA0007 | INFO | Registered connection factory %s | |
WFLYJCA0009 | INFO | Starting %s Subsystem (%s) | |
WFLYJCA0010 | INFO | Unbound data source [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0011 | INFO | Unbound JCA %s [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0012 | WARN | | |
WFLYJCA0015 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | the attribute driver-name (%s) cannot be different from driver resource name (%s) | |
WFLYJCA0016 | WARN | Method %s on DataSource class %s not found. Ignoring | |
WFLYJCA0017 | DEBUG | Forcing ironjacamar.xml descriptor to null | |
WFLYJCA0018 | INFO | Started Driver service with driver-name = %s | |
WFLYJCA0019 | INFO | Stopped Driver service with driver-name = %s | |
WFLYJCA0020 | WARN | Unsupported selector's option: %s | |
WFLYJCA0021 | WARN | Unsupported policy's option: %s | |
WFLYJCA0022 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to start JGroups channel %s for distributed workmanager %s | |
WFLYJCA0023 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot find WorkManager %s or it isn't a distributed workmanager. Only DWM can override configurations | |
WFLYJCA0024 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to start JGroups transport for distributed workmanager %s | |
WFLYJCA0025 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unsupported selector's option: %s | |
WFLYJCA0026 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unsupported policy's option: %s | |
WFLYJCA0027 | WARN | No ironjacamar.security defined for %s | |
WFLYJCA0028 | WARN | @ConnectionFactoryDefinition will have limited management: %s | |
WFLYJCA0029 | WARN | @AdministeredObjectDefinition will have limited management: %s | |
WFLYJCA0030 | org.jboss.jca.deployers.common.DeployException | unable to deploy | |
WFLYJCA0031 | org.jboss.jca.deployers.common.DeployException | unable to validate and deploy ds or xads | |
WFLYJCA0032 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to start the ds because it generated more than one cf | |
WFLYJCA0033 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Error during the deployment of %s | |
WFLYJCA0034 | java.lang.String | Unable to instantiate driver class "%s". See log (WARN) for more details | |
WFLYJCA0035 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Specified driver version doesn't match with actual driver version | |
WFLYJCA0036 | java.lang.String | Failed to create %s instance for [%s]%n reason: %s | |
WFLYJCA0037 | java.lang.String | failed to get metrics: %s | |
WFLYJCA0038 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to get module attachment for %s | |
WFLYJCA0039 | org.jboss.jca.deployers.common.DeployException | failed to get url delimiter | |
WFLYJCA0040 | java.lang.String | failed to invoke operation: %s | |
WFLYJCA0041 | java.lang.String | Failed to load module for driver [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0042 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | failed to match pool. Check JndiName: %s | |
WFLYJCA0043 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to parse service xml [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0044 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to process RA child archives for [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0045 | java.lang.String | failed to set attribute: %s | |
WFLYJCA0046 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to start RA deployment [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0047 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Connection is not valid | |
WFLYJCA0049 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Non-explicit JNDI bindings not supported | |
WFLYJCA0050 | java.lang.String | no metrics available | |
WFLYJCA0051 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s should be an annotation | |
WFLYJCA0052 | java.lang.String | %s is null | |
WFLYJCA0053 | java.lang.String | %s service [%s] is already started | |
WFLYJCA0054 | java.lang.String | %s service [%s] is not available | |
WFLYJCA0056 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Service not started | |
WFLYJCA0058 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is undefined | |
WFLYJCA0061 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to load native libraries | |
WFLYJCA0064 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Exception deploying datasource %s | |
WFLYJCA0065 | java.lang.String | No DataSource exists at address %s | |
WFLYJCA0066 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unknown attribute %s | |
WFLYJCA0067 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unknown operation %s | |
WFLYJCA0069 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | At least one xa-datasource-property is required for an xa-datasource | |
WFLYJCA0070 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Jndi name is required | |
WFLYJCA0071 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Jndi name have to start with java:/ or java:jboss/ | |
WFLYJCA0072 | org.jboss.jca.deployers.common.DeployException | Deployment %s failed | |
WFLYJCA0073 | java.lang.String | Failed to load module for RA [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0074 | java.lang.NoSuchMethodException | Method %s not found | |
WFLYJCA0075 | java.lang.NoSuchMethodException | Field %s not found | |
WFLYJCA0076 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown property resolution for property %s | |
WFLYJCA0077 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | At least one of ARCHIVE or MODULE is required | |
WFLYJCA0078 | java.lang.String | Rar are supported only in uncompressed form. Failed to load module for RA [%s] | |
WFLYJCA0079 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to deploy datasource %s because driver is not specified | |
WFLYJCA0080 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | RAR '%s' not yet deployed. | |
WFLYJCA0083 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Connection factory interface (%s) is incorrect for resource adapter '%s' while deploying %s | |
WFLYJCA0084 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Admin object declared for JCA 1.0 resource adapter '%s' while deploying %s | |
WFLYJCA0085 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Admin object class (%s) is incorrect for resource adapter '%s' while deploying %s | |
WFLYJCA0086 | WARN | Unable to find driver class name in "%s" jar | |
WFLYJCA0087 | ERROR | Unable to register recovery: %s (%s) | |
WFLYJCA0088 | java.lang.String | Attributes %s rejected. Must be true | |
WFLYJCA0089 | WARN | Exception during unregistering deployment | |
WFLYJCA0090 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Jndi name shouldn't include '//' or end with '/' | |
WFLYJCA0091 | WARN | -ds.xml file deployments are deprecated. Support may be removed in a future version. | |
WFLYJCA0092 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed | |
WFLYJCA0093 | INFO | The '%s' operation is deprecated. Use of the 'add' or 'remove' operations is preferred, or if required the 'write-attribute' operation can used to set the deprecated 'enabled' attribute | |
WFLYJCA0096 | ERROR | Error during recovery shutdown | |
WFLYJCA0097 | WARN | Exception while stopping resource adapter | |
WFLYJCA0098 | INFO | Bound non-transactional data source: %s | |
WFLYJCA0099 | INFO | Unbound non-transactional data source: %s | |
WFLYJCA0100 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Operation %s is not supported | |
WFLYJCA0101 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Thread pool: %s(type: %s) can not be added for workmanager: %s, only one thread pool is allowed for each type. | |
WFLYJCA0102 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Attribute %s can only be defined if %s is true | |
WFLYJCA0103 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Attribute %s can only be defined if %s is undefined or false | |
WFLYJCA0104 | java.lang.String | Subject=%s Subject identity=%s | |
WFLYJCA0106 | INFO | Elytron handler handle: %s | |
WFLYJCA0107 | java.lang.SecurityException | Execution subject was not provided to the callback handler | |
WFLYJCA0108 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Supplied callback doesn't contain a security domain reference | |
WFLYJCA0109 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Callback with security domain is required - use createCallbackHandler(Callback callback) instead | |
WFLYJCA0110 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | CredentialSourceSupplier is invalid for DSSecurity | |
WFLYJCA0111 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | WorkManager hasn't elytron-enabled flag set accordingly with RA one | |
WFLYJCA0112 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Datasource %s is disabled |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYJDR0000 | java.lang.String | Display this message and exit | |
WFLYJDR0000 | java.lang.String | hostname that the management api is bound to. (default: localhost) | |
WFLYJDR0000 | java.lang.String | port that the management api is bound to. (default: 9990) | |
WFLYJDR0000 | java.lang.String | Protocol that is used to connect. Can be remote, http or https (default: http) | |
WFLYJDR0000 | java.lang.String | Configuration file of the server if it is not running. | |
WFLYJDR0000 | java.lang.String | JBoss Diagnostic Reporter (JDR) is a subsystem built to collect information to aid in troubleshooting. The jdr script is a utility for generating JDR reports. | |
WFLYJDR0007 | java.lang.String | Could not create zipfile. | |
WFLYJDR0008 | java.lang.String | Could not configure JDR. At least one configuration step failed. | |
WFLYJDR0009 | java.lang.String | No JDR commands were loaded. Be sure that a valid Plugin class is specified in plugins.properties. | |
WFLYJDR0011 | ERROR | Could not find JDR properties file. | |
WFLYJDR0012 | ERROR | Could not create JDR properties file at %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYJMX-001 | java.lang.Error | Invalid ObjectName: %s,%s; %s | |
WFLYJMX-001 | java.lang.Error | Invalid ObjectName: %s,%s,%s; %s | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | entry | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | An entry | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | The key | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | The value | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | A map | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | The map is indexed by 'key' | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | Complex type | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | A complex type | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | This mbean does not support expressions for attributes or operation parameters, even when supported by the underlying model. Instead the resolved attribute is returned, and the real typed value must be used when writing attributes/invoking operations. | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | This mbean supports raw expressions for attributes and operation parameters where supported by the underlying model. If no expression is used, the string representation is converted into the real attribute value. | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | To be able to set and read expressions go to %s | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | To read resolved values and to write typed attributes and use typed operation parameters go to %s | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | This attribute supports expressions | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | This attribute does not support expressions | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | A composite type representing a property | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | The property name | |
WFLYJMX0000 | java.lang.String | The property value | |
WFLYJMX0004 | WARN | No ObjectName available to unregister | |
WFLYJMX0005 | ERROR | Failed to unregister [%s] | |
WFLYJMX0006 | WARN | | |
WFLYJMX0007 | javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException | Could not find any attribute matching: %s | |
WFLYJMX0008 | javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException | Attribute %s is not writable | |
WFLYJMX0009 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not create ObjectName for address %s from string %s | |
WFLYJMX0010 | javax.management.ReflectionException | Could not set %s | |
WFLYJMX0011 | javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException | No description provider found for %s | |
WFLYJMX0012 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s and %s have different lengths | |
WFLYJMX0013 | javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException | Bad type for '%s' | |
WFLYJMX0014 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid key %s for %s | |
WFLYJMX0015 | java.lang.Error | Invalid ObjectName: %s; %s | |
WFLYJMX0017 | javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException | No MBean found with name %s | |
WFLYJMX0018 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to register mbean [%s] | |
WFLYJMX0019 | javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException | No operation called '%s' | |
WFLYJMX0020 | javax.management.MBeanException | No operation called '%s' at %s | |
WFLYJMX0022 | javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException | No registration found for path address %s | |
WFLYJMX0024 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unknown type %s | |
WFLYJMX0025 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown value %s | |
WFLYJMX0026 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Need the name parameter for wildcard add | |
WFLYJMX0029 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown domain: %s | |
WFLYJMX0030 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Expression can not be converted into target type %s | |
WFLYJMX0031 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown child %s | |
WFLYJMX0032 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | ObjectName cannot be null | |
WFLYJMX0036 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | There is no handler called '%s' | |
WFLYJMX0037 | javax.management.JMRuntimeException | Unauthorized access | |
WFLYJMX0038 | javax.management.JMRuntimeException | Not authorized to write attribute: '%s' | |
WFLYJMX0039 | javax.management.JMRuntimeException | Not authorized to read attribute: '%s' | |
WFLYJMX0040 | javax.management.JMRuntimeException | Not authorized to invoke operation: '%s' | |
WFLYJMX0041 | javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException | You can't create mbeans under the reserved domain '%s' | |
WFLYJMX0042 | javax.management.OperationsException | Don't know how to deserialize | |
WFLYJMX0043 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | %s is not supported | |
WFLYJMX0044 | java.lang.String | You can't register mbeans under the reserved domain '%s' | |
WFLYJMX0045 | java.lang.String | You can't unregister mbeans under the reserved domain '%s' | |
WFLYJMX0046 | javax.management.RuntimeOperationsException | The ObjectName coming from MBeanRegistration.preRegister() '%s' is in a reserved JMX domain | |
WFLYJMX0047 | ERROR | An error happened unregistering the '%s' MBean registered in a reserved JMX domain | |
WFLYJMX0048 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Add notification listener using ObjectName %s is not supported | |
WFLYJMX0049 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Remove notification listener using ObjectName %s is not supported | |
WFLYJMX0050 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Add notification listener using ObjectName %s is not supported | |
WFLYJMX0051 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Remove notification listener using ObjectName %s is not supported |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYJPA0001 | WARN | Duplicate Persistence Unit definition for %s in application. One of the duplicate persistence.xml should be removed from the application. Application deployment will continue with the persistence.xml definitions from %s used. The persistence.xml definitions from %s will be ignored. | |
WFLYJPA0002 | INFO | Read persistence.xml for %s | |
WFLYJPA0003 | INFO | Starting %s Service '%s' | |
WFLYJPA0004 | INFO | Stopping %s Service '%s' | |
WFLYJPA0006 | ERROR | Could not load default persistence provider module. | |
WFLYJPA0007 | ERROR | Failed to stop persistence unit service %s | |
WFLYJPA0008 | WARN | Failed to get module attachment for %s | |
WFLYJPA0010 | INFO | Starting Persistence Unit (phase %d of 2) Service '%s' | |
WFLYJPA0011 | INFO | Stopping Persistence Unit (phase %d of 2) Service '%s' | |
WFLYJPA0012 | WARN | Unexpected problem gathering statistics | |
WFLYJPA0015 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Container managed entity manager can only be closed by the container (will happen when @remove method is invoked on containing SFSB) | |
WFLYJPA0017 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Container managed entity manager can only be closed by the container (auto-cleared at tx/invocation end and closed when owning component is closed.) | |
WFLYJPA0018 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not create instance of adapter class '%s' | |
WFLYJPA0019 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not deploy application packaged persistence provider '%s' | |
WFLYJPA0020 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Couldn't get Hibernate session factory from entity manager | |
WFLYJPA0021 | java.lang.String | Cannot inject RESOURCE_LOCAL container managed EntityManagers using @PersistenceContext | |
WFLYJPA0025 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Couldn't load %s from JPA modules classloader | |
WFLYJPA0027 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Persistence provider module load error %s (class %s) | |
WFLYJPA0029 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Cannot specify both %s (%s) and %s (%s) in %s for %s | |
WFLYJPA0030 | javax.ejb.EJBException | Found extended persistence context in SFSB invocation call stack but that cannot be used because the transaction already has a transactional context associated with it. This can be avoided by changing application code, either eliminate the extended persistence context or the transactional context. See JPA spec 2.0 section Scoped persistence unit name=%s, persistence context already in transaction =%s, extended persistence context =%s. | |
WFLYJPA0031 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not find child '%s' on '%s' | |
WFLYJPA0032 | java.lang.String | Class level %s annotation on class %s must provide a %s | |
WFLYJPA0033 | java.lang.String | Can't find a persistence unit named %s in %s | |
WFLYJPA0034 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Can't find a persistence unit named %s#%s at %s | |
WFLYJPA0036 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | An error occurred while getting the transaction associated with the current thread: %s | |
WFLYJPA0037 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to get adapter for persistence provider '%s' | |
WFLYJPA0038 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to add persistence unit service for %s | |
WFLYJPA0040 | java.lang.String | Failed to parse %s | |
WFLYJPA0041 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Can only inject from a Hibernate EntityManagerFactoryImpl | |
WFLYJPA0043 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Persistence unit name (%s) contains illegal '%s' character | |
WFLYJPA0044 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | jboss.as.jpa.scopedname hint (%s) contains illegal '%s' character | |
WFLYJPA0048 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Persistence provider adapter module (%s) has more than one adapter | |
WFLYJPA0053 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Internal %s error, null %s passed in | |
WFLYJPA0057 | javax.persistence.PersistenceException | PersistenceProvider '%s' not found | |
WFLYJPA0058 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not find relative path: %s | |
WFLYJPA0059 | java.lang.String | %s injection target is invalid. Only setter methods are allowed: %s | |
WFLYJPA0060 | javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException | Transaction is required to perform this operation (either use a transaction or extended persistence context) | |
WFLYJPA0061 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Persistence unitName was not specified and there are %d persistence unit definitions in application deployment %s. Either change the application deployment to have only one persistence unit definition or specify the unitName for each reference to a persistence unit. | |
WFLYJPA0062 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not create instance of persistence provider class %s | |
WFLYJPA0063 | java.lang.RuntimeException | internal error, the number of stateful session beans (%d) associated with an extended persistence context (%s) cannot be a negative number. | |
WFLYJPA0064 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | JTA transaction already has a 'SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED' persistence context (EntityManager) joined to it but a component with a 'SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED' is now being used. Change the calling component code to join the persistence context (EntityManager) to the transaction or change the called component code to also use 'SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED'. See JPA spec 2.1 section Scoped persistence unit name=%s. | |
WFLYJPA0065 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Resources of type %s cannot be registered | |
WFLYJPA0066 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Resources of type %s cannot be removed | |
WFLYJPA0067 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Classloader '%s' has more than one Persistence provider adapter | |
WFLYJPA0069 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Persistence provider adapter module load error %s | |
WFLYJPA0070 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | A container-managed extended persistence context can only be initiated within the scope of a stateful session bean (persistence unit '%s'). | |
WFLYJPA0071 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Deployment '%s' specified more than one Hibernate Search module name ('%s','%s') |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYJSF0001 | WARN | WildFlyConversationAwareViewHandler was improperly initialized. Expected ViewHandler parent. | |
WFLYJSF0002 | ERROR | Could not load JSF managed bean class: %s | |
WFLYJSF0003 | ERROR | JSF managed bean class %s has no default constructor | |
WFLYJSF0004 | ERROR | Failed to parse %s, managed beans defined in this file will not be available | |
WFLYJSF0005 | WARN | Unknown JSF version '%s'. Default version '%s' will be used instead. | |
WFLYJSF0006 | WARN | JSF version slot '%s' is missing from module %s | |
WFLYJSF0007 | INFO | Activated the following JSF Implementations: %s | |
WFLYJSF0008 | java.lang.String | Failed to load annotated class: %s | |
WFLYJSF0009 | java.lang.String | Annotation %s in class %s is only allowed on classes | |
WFLYJSF0013 | java.lang.String | @ManagedBean is only allowed at class level %s | |
WFLYJSF0014 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Default JSF implementation slot '%s' is invalid |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYLOG-001 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Expected '%s' or '%s' next in filter expression | |
WFLYLOG0006 | ERROR | Failed to close resource %s | |
WFLYLOG0007 | WARN | The attribute %s could not be set as it is not a configurable property value. | |
WFLYLOG0008 | java.lang.String | The path manager service does not appear to be started. Any changes may be lost as a result of this. | |
WFLYLOG0010 | WARN | Logging profile '%s' was specified for deployment '%s' but was not found. Using system logging configuration. | |
WFLYLOG0011 | WARN | The configuration file in '%s' appears to be a J.U.L. configuration file. The log manager does not allow this type of configuration file. | |
WFLYLOG0012 | WARN | Replacing handler '%s' during add operation. Either the handler type or the module name differs from the initial configuration. | |
WFLYLOG0013 | WARN | A configurator class, '%s', is not a known configurator and will be replaced. | |
WFLYLOG0014 | ERROR | The log context (%s) could not be removed for deployment %s | |
WFLYLOG0015 | WARN | The per-logging deployment property (%s) has been deprecated. Please use the %s attribute to enable/disable per-deployment logging. | |
WFLYLOG0016 | WARN | The per-logging deployment property (%s) is being ignored because the attribute %s has been set to ignore configuration files in the deployment %s. | |
WFLYLOG0019 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Failed to load module '%s' for %s '%s' | |
WFLYLOG0021 | java.lang.String | Class '%s' could not be found. | |
WFLYLOG0023 | java.lang.String | Handler %s is already assigned. | |
WFLYLOG0025 | java.lang.String | Filter %s is invalid | |
WFLYLOG0026 | java.lang.String | Log level %s is invalid. | |
WFLYLOG0027 | java.lang.String | Overflow action %s is invalid. | |
WFLYLOG0028 | java.lang.String | Invalid size %s | |
WFLYLOG0035 | java.lang.String | Logger '%s' was not found. | |
WFLYLOG0039 | java.lang.String | An absolute path (%s) cannot be specified for relative-to. | |
WFLYLOG0041 | java.lang.String | The suffix (%s) is invalid. A suffix must be a valid date format. | |
WFLYLOG0042 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to configure logging using '%s' configuration file. | |
WFLYLOG0043 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Error occurred while searching for logging configuration files. | |
WFLYLOG0044 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Handler %s is attached to the following handlers and cannot be removed; %s | |
WFLYLOG0045 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Handler %s is attached to the following loggers and cannot be removed; %s | |
WFLYLOG0046 | java.lang.String | Cannot add handler (%s) to itself | |
WFLYLOG0047 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The handler is closed, cannot publish to a closed handler | |
WFLYLOG0048 | java.lang.String | Configuration for handler '%s' could not be found. | |
WFLYLOG0049 | java.lang.String | Configuration for logger '%s' could not be found. | |
WFLYLOG0050 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Method %s on class %s is not supported | |
WFLYLOG0051 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to write configuration file %s | |
WFLYLOG0061 | java.lang.String | Formatter '%s' is not found | |
WFLYLOG0070 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Truncated filter expression string | |
WFLYLOG0071 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid escape found in filter expression string | |
WFLYLOG0072 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Filter '%s' is not found | |
WFLYLOG0073 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Expected identifier next in filter expression | |
WFLYLOG0074 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Expected string next in filter expression | |
WFLYLOG0075 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Expected '%s' next in filter expression | |
WFLYLOG0076 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unexpected end of filter expression | |
WFLYLOG0078 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The logging subsystem requires the log manager to be org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager. The subsystem has not be initialized and cannot be used. To use JBoss Log Manager you must add the system property "java.util.logging.manager" and set it to "org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager" | |
WFLYLOG0079 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to read the log file '%s' | |
WFLYLOG0080 | org.jboss.as.controller.registry.Resource$NoSuchResourceException | File '%s' was not found and cannot be found in the %s directory. | |
WFLYLOG0081 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | File '%s' is not allowed to be read. | |
WFLYLOG0082 | java.lang.String | The suffix (%s) can not contain seconds or milliseconds. | |
WFLYLOG0083 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Path '%s' is a directory and cannot be used as a log file. | |
WFLYLOG0084 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Resources of type %s cannot be registered | |
WFLYLOG0085 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Resources of type %s cannot be removed | |
WFLYLOG0086 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not determine deployment name from the address %s. | |
WFLYLOG0087 | ERROR | Failed to process logging directory %s. Log files cannot be listed. | |
WFLYLOG0088 | ERROR | Could not determine %s had any children resources. | |
WFLYLOG0089 | WARN | The log manager check was skipped and the log manager system property, "java.util.logging.manager", does not appear to be set to "org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager". The current value is "%s". Some behavior of the logged output such as MDC and NDC may not work as expected. | |
WFLYLOG0090 | WARN | The following path expressions could not be resolved while attempting to determine which log files are available to be read: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYMAIL0001 | INFO | Bound mail session [%s] | |
WFLYMAIL0002 | INFO | Unbound mail session [%s] | |
WFLYMAIL0003 | DEBUG | Removed mail session [%s] | |
WFLYMAIL0004 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | No outbound socket binding configuration '%s' is available. | |
WFLYMAIL0009 | WARN | Host name [%s] could not be resolved! |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYMODCLS0001 | ERROR | Error adding metrics. | |
WFLYMODCLS0004 | ERROR | Mod_cluster requires Advertise but Multicast interface is not available | |
WFLYMODCLS0005 | INFO | Mod_cluster uses default load balancer provider | |
WFLYMODCLS0006 | ERROR | Error applying properties to load metric class '%s'. Metric will not be loaded. | |
WFLYMODCLS0007 | WARN | Metric of type '%s' is no longer supported and will be ignored. | |
WFLYMODCLS0011 | java.lang.String | Virtual host '%s' or context '%s' not found | |
WFLYMODCLS0014 | java.lang.String | Need valid host and port | |
WFLYMODCLS0015 | java.lang.String | session-draining-strategy must either be undefined or have the value "DEFAULT" | |
WFLYMODCLS0016 | java.lang.String | No IP address could be resolved for the specified host of the proxy. | |
WFLYMODCLS0017 | java.lang.String | 'proxy-list' usage not allowed in the current model, can only be used to support older slaves | |
WFLYMODCLS0018 | java.lang.String | Usage of only one 'proxy-list' (only to support EAP 6.x slaves) or 'proxies' attributes allowed | |
WFLYMODCLS0019 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | '%s' is not a valid value for excluded-contexts. | |
WFLYMODCLS0020 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Only one of 'ssl-context' attribute or 'ssl' resource can be defined! | |
WFLYMODCLS0021 | WARN | Value 'ROOT' for excluded-contexts is deprecated, to exclude the root context use '/' instead. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYMSG-001 | java.lang.String | Illegal value %s for element %s as it could not be converted to required type %s | |
WFLYMSG0009 | WARN | Element %s is deprecated and will not be taken into account | |
WFLYMSG0010 | WARN | Attribute %s is deprecated and will not be taken into account | |
WFLYMSG0013 | WARN | Attribute %s of the resource at %s is deprecated and setting its value will not be taken into account | |
WFLYMSG0014 | java.lang.String | Can not change the clustered attribute to false: The hornetq-server resource at %s has cluster-connection children resources and will remain clustered. | |
WFLYMSG0017 | WARN | Element %s is deprecated and %s will be used in its place | |
WFLYMSG0019 | java.lang.String | Alternative attribute of (%s) is already defined. | |
WFLYMSG0020 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | All attribute definitions must have the same xml name -- found %s but already had %s | |
WFLYMSG0021 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | All attribute definitions must have unique names -- already found %s | |
WFLYMSG0023 | java.lang.String | Operation cannot include both parameter %s and parameter %s | |
WFLYMSG0034 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Ignoring unhandled element: %s, at: %s | |
WFLYMSG0035 | java.lang.String | Illegal element %s: cannot be used when %s is used | |
WFLYMSG0036 | java.lang.String | Illegal value %s for element %s | |
WFLYMSG0038 | java.lang.String | %s is invalid | |
WFLYMSG0039 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Attribute %s has unexpected type %s | |
WFLYMSG0040 | java.lang.String | Operation must include parameter %s or parameter %s | |
WFLYMSG0044 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Multiple %s children found; only one is allowed | |
WFLYMSG0045 | java.lang.String | %s is required | |
WFLYMSG0046 | java.lang.String | Either %s or %s is required | |
WFLYMSG0051 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Implement support for element %s | |
WFLYMSG0059 | java.lang.String | Only one of %s or %s is required | |
WFLYMSG0067 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The broadcast group '%s' defines reference to nonexistent connector '%s'. Available connectors '%s'. | |
WFLYMSG0069 | java.lang.String | Attribute (%s) can not been undefined as the resource does not define any alternative to this attribute. | |
WFLYMSG0070 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Attributes %s is an alias for attribute %s; both cannot be set with conflicting values. | |
WFLYMSG0071 | WARN | There is no resource matching the expiry-address %s for the address-settings %s, expired messages from destinations matching this address-setting will be lost! | |
WFLYMSG0072 | WARN | There is no resource matching the dead-letter-address %s for the address-settings %s, undelivered messages from destinations matching this address-setting will be lost! | |
WFLYMSG0076 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Parameter %s contains duplicate elements [%s] | |
WFLYMSG0079 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The migrate operation can not be performed: the server must be in admin-only mode | |
WFLYMSG0080 | java.lang.String | Can not migrate attribute %s to resource %s. Use instead the socket-binding attribute to configure this broadcast-group. | |
WFLYMSG0081 | java.lang.String | Migration failed, see results for more details. | |
WFLYMSG0082 | java.lang.String | Classes providing the %s are discarded during the migration. To use them in the new messaging-activemq subsystem, you will have to extend the Artemis-based Interceptor. | |
WFLYMSG0083 | java.lang.String | Can not migrate the HA configuration of %s. Its shared-store and backup attributes holds expressions and it is not possible to determine unambiguously how to create the corresponding ha-policy for the messaging-activemq's server. | |
WFLYMSG0084 | java.lang.String | Can not migrate attribute %s to resource %s. Use instead the socket-binding attribute to configure this discovery-group. | |
WFLYMSG0085 | java.lang.String | Can not create a legacy-connection-factory based on connection-factory %s. It uses a HornetQ in-vm connector that is not compatible with Artemis in-vm connector | |
WFLYMSG0086 | java.lang.String | Can not migrate attribute %s to resource %s. The attribute uses an expression that can be resolved differently depending on system properties. After migration, this attribute must be added back with an actual value instead of the expression. | |
WFLYMSG0087 | java.lang.String | Can not migrate attribute %s to resource %s. This attribute is not supported by the new messaging-activemq subsystem. | |
WFLYMSG0088 | java.lang.String | Can not migrate attribute failback-delay to resource %s. Artemis detects failback deterministically and it no longer requires to specify a delay for failback to occur. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYMSGAMQ0001 | INFO | AIO wasn't located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO. | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0002 | INFO | Bound messaging object to jndi name %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0003 | ERROR | Exception while stopping JMS server | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0004 | WARN | Failed to destroy %s: %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0005 | ERROR | %s caught exception attempting to revert operation %s at address %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0006 | INFO | Unbound messaging object to jndi name %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0007 | ERROR | Could not close file %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0008 | WARN | Failed to unbind messaging object bound to jndi name %s in %d %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0011 | INFO | Started %s %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0012 | INFO | Stopped %s %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0015 | WARN | Ignoring %s property that is not a known property for pooled connection factory. | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0016 | INFO | Registered HTTP upgrade for %s protocol handled by %s acceptor | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0018 | WARN | No connectors were explicitly defined for the pooled connection factory %s. Using %s as the connector. | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0022 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot bind a null or empty string as jndi name | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0025 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot unbind a null or empty string as jndi name | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0026 | java.lang.String | A child resource of type %1$s already exists; the messaging subsystem only allows a single resource of type %1$s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0027 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Connector %s not defined | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0028 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to create %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0029 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to find SocketBinding for broadcast binding: %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0030 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to find SocketBinding for connector: %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0031 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to find SocketBinding for discovery binding: %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0032 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to shutdown %s server | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0033 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to start service | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0036 | java.lang.String | Illegal value %s for element %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0037 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Resource is immutable | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0038 | java.lang.String | %s is invalid | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0039 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Attribute %s has unexpected type %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0042 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Service %s is not in state %s, it is in state %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0043 | java.lang.String | JNDI name %s is already registered | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0045 | java.lang.String | %s is required | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0046 | java.lang.String | Either %s or %s is required | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0047 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | %s is null | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0050 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Read support for attribute %s was not properly implemented | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0052 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Support for operation %s was not properly implemented | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0053 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Runtime handling for %s is not implemented | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0054 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No ActiveMQ Server is available under name %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0055 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not parse file %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0056 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Handler cannot handle operation %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0057 | java.lang.String | No message destination registered at address %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0058 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | SecurityDomainContext has not been set | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0060 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to recover %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0063 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Resources of type %s cannot be registered | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0064 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Resources of type %s cannot be removed | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0066 | java.lang.String | Resource at the address %s can not be managed, the server is in backup mode | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0067 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The broadcast group '%s' defines reference to nonexistent connector '%s'. Available connectors '%s'. | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0068 | javax.jms.IllegalStateRuntimeException | It is not permitted to call this method on injected JMSContext (see JMS 2.0 spec, §12.4.5). | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0071 | WARN | There is no resource matching the expiry-address %s for the address-settings %s, expired messages from destinations matching this address-setting will be lost! | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0072 | WARN | There is no resource matching the dead-letter-address %s for the address-settings %s, undelivered messages from destinations matching this address-setting will be lost! | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0073 | java.lang.String | Can not remove JNDI name %s. The resource must have at least one JNDI name | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0075 | INFO | AIO wasn't located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO. Your platform is Linux, install LibAIO to enable the AIO journal and achieve optimal performance. | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0076 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Parameter %s contains duplicate elements [%s] | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0077 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Can not remove unknown entry %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0078 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Only one %s child resource is allowed, found children: %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0079 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0080 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Discovery group %s is not defined | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0081 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unsupported type of broadcast group configuration for legacy resource: %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0082 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unsupported type of connector factory for legacy resource: %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0083 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The %s operation can not be performed: the server must be in %s mode | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0084 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The server does not define any in-vm connector. One is required to be able to import a journal | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0085 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to load class %s from module %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0086 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to load module %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0087 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to load connector service factory class: %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0088 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | %s is an invalid value for parameter %s, it should be multiple of %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0089 | WARN | Resource at %s is not correctly configured: when its attribute %s is defined, the other attributes %s will not be taken into account | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0090 | org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException | The Elytron security domain cannot be null | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0091 | DEBUG | Failed to authenticate username %s. Exception message: %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0092 | DEBUG | Failed to authenticate username %s: cannot verify username/password pair | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0093 | DEBUG | Failed to authorize username %s: missing permissions | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0094 | WARN | Unable to detect database dialect from connection metadata or JDBC driver name. Please configure this manually using the 'journal-database' property in your configuration. Known database dialect strings are %s | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0095 | WARN | Multiple client-mapping found in [%s] socket binding used by ActiveMQ [%s] transport configuration. Using address: [host: %s, port %s] | |
WFLYMSGAMQ0096 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | The %s operation can not be performed on a JDBC store journal |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYNAM0001 | INFO | Activating Naming Subsystem | |
WFLYNAM0002 | WARN | Failed to set %s | |
WFLYNAM0003 | INFO | Starting Naming Service | |
WFLYNAM0012 | ERROR | Failed to release binder service, used for a runtime made JNDI binding | |
WFLYNAM0013 | ERROR | Failed to obtain jndi view value for entry %s. | |
WFLYNAM0014 | java.lang.SecurityException | Attempt to add a Permission to a readonly PermissionCollection | |
WFLYNAM0015 | java.lang.String | %s cannot be null. | |
WFLYNAM0016 | javax.naming.NamingException | Could not dereference object | |
WFLYNAM0017 | javax.naming.NamingException | Unable to list a non Context binding. | |
WFLYNAM0018 | java.lang.String | Could not lookup link | |
WFLYNAM0020 | javax.naming.NamingException | Could not resolve service %s | |
WFLYNAM0021 | javax.naming.NamingException | Could not resolve service reference to %s in factory %s. Service was in state %s. | |
WFLYNAM0022 | javax.naming.NamingException | Could not resolve service reference to %s in factory %s. This is a bug in ServiceReferenceObjectFactory. State was %s. | |
WFLYNAM0023 | java.lang.String | Duplicate JNDI bindings for '%s' are not compatible. [%s] != [%s] | |
WFLYNAM0024 | javax.naming.InvalidNameException | An empty name is not allowed | |
WFLYNAM0025 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Jndi entry '%s' is not yet registered in context '%s' | |
WFLYNAM0026 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Failed to destroy root context | |
WFLYNAM0027 | javax.naming.NamingException | Failed instantiate %s %s from classloader %s | |
WFLYNAM0028 | java.lang.String | Failed to read %s context entries. | |
WFLYNAM0029 | java.lang.String | Failed to start %s | |
WFLYNAM0030 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Illegal context in name: %s | |
WFLYNAM0032 | javax.naming.NamingException | Invalid context reference. Not a '%s' reference. | |
WFLYNAM0033 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | A valid JNDI name must be provided: %s | |
WFLYNAM0034 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Load factor must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1 | |
WFLYNAM0035 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | invalid permission, unknown action: %s | |
WFLYNAM0036 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | invalid permission, unknown action: %s | |
WFLYNAM0037 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Can not have a negative size table! | |
WFLYNAM0038 | java.lang.String | Jndi view is only available in runtime mode. | |
WFLYNAM0039 | javax.naming.NameNotFoundException | Name '%s' not found in context '%s' | |
WFLYNAM0041 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is null | |
WFLYNAM0042 | javax.naming.NamingException | Failed to create object factory from classloader. | |
WFLYNAM0043 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Naming context is read-only | |
WFLYNAM0044 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Service with name [%s] already bound. | |
WFLYNAM0045 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Table is full! | |
WFLYNAM0046 | javax.naming.NamingException | Thread interrupted while retrieving service reference for service %s | |
WFLYNAM0047 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Invalid name for context binding %s | |
WFLYNAM0048 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid binding name %s, name must start with one of %s | |
WFLYNAM0049 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unknown binding type %s | |
WFLYNAM0050 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unsupported simple binding type %s | |
WFLYNAM0051 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to transform URL binding value %s | |
WFLYNAM0052 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not load module %s | |
WFLYNAM0053 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not load class %s from module %s | |
WFLYNAM0054 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not instantiate instance of class %s from module %s | |
WFLYNAM0055 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Class %s from module %s is not an instance of ObjectFactory | |
WFLYNAM0059 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Resource lookup for injection failed: %s | |
WFLYNAM0060 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Binding type %s requires attribute named %s defined | |
WFLYNAM0061 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Binding type %s can not take a 'cache' attribute | |
WFLYNAM0062 | javax.naming.NamingException | Failed to lookup %s | |
WFLYNAM0063 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s service not started | |
WFLYNAM0064 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot rebind external context lookup |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYORB0038 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Illegal initializer value: %s. Should be one of [security,transactions] | |
WFLYORB0039 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Illegal SSL config option: %s. Should be one of [0.20,40,60] | |
WFLYORB0132 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Properties %s cannot be emulated using OpenJDK ORB and are not supported | |
WFLYORB0133 | WARN | JacORB is not used as an ORB implementation anymore. JacORB subsystem would be emulated using the current OpenJDK ORB implementation. Ability to emulate legacy JacORB configurations using OpenJDK ORB will be removed in future. | |
WFLYORB0134 | java.lang.String | Properties %s cannot be emulated using OpenJDK ORB and are not supported | |
WFLYORB0135 | java.lang.String | Migration failed, see results for more details. | |
WFLYORB0136 | java.lang.String | The properties %s use expressions. Configuration properties that are used to resolve those expressions should be transformed manually to the new iiop-openjdk subsystem format |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYPAT0000 | java.lang.String | Conflicts detected | |
WFLYPAT0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | failed to resolve a jboss.home.dir use the --distribution attribute to point to a valid installation | |
WFLYPAT0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No layers directory found at %s | |
WFLYPAT0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot find layer '%s' under directory %s | |
WFLYPAT0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | no associated module or bundle repository with layer '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Duplicate %s '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Not a directory %s | |
WFLYPAT0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | patch types don't match | |
WFLYPAT0000 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | invalid rollback information | |
WFLYPAT0001 | WARN | Cannot delete file %s | |
WFLYPAT0002 | WARN | Cannot invalidate %s | |
WFLYPAT0003 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Patch does not apply - expected (%s), but was (%s) | |
WFLYPAT0004 | java.io.IOException | Failed to delete (%s) | |
WFLYPAT0005 | java.io.IOException | Failed to create directory (%s) | |
WFLYPAT0008 | java.lang.String | File at path specified by argument %s does not exist | |
WFLYPAT0011 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Cannot rollback patch (%s) | |
WFLYPAT0012 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Patch '%s' already applied | |
WFLYPAT0013 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | There is no layer called %s installed | |
WFLYPAT0014 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Failed to resolve a valid patch descriptor for %s %s | |
WFLYPAT0015 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Requires patch '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0016 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Patch is incompatible with patch '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0017 | org.jboss.as.patching.ContentConflictsException | Conflicts detected | |
WFLYPAT0018 | java.io.SyncFailedException | copied content does not match expected hash for item: %s | |
WFLYPAT0019 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | invalid patch name '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0020 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot rollback. No patches applied. | |
WFLYPAT0021 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Patch '%s' not found in history. | |
WFLYPAT0023 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to show history of patches | |
WFLYPAT0024 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unable to apply or rollback a patch when the server is in a restart-required state. | |
WFLYPAT0025 | java.lang.String | failed to load identity info | |
WFLYPAT0026 | java.lang.String | No more patches | |
WFLYPAT0027 | java.lang.String | No patch history %s | |
WFLYPAT0028 | java.lang.String | Patch is missing file %s | |
WFLYPAT0029 | java.lang.String | File is not readable %s | |
WFLYPAT0030 | java.lang.String | Layer not found %s | |
WFLYPAT0031 | ERROR | failed to undo change for: '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0032 | java.lang.String | missing: '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0033 | java.lang.String | inconsistent state: '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0034 | java.lang.String | in error: '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0035 | WARN | Cannot rename file %s | |
WFLYPAT0036 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot process backup by renaming file %s | |
WFLYPAT0037 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot process restore by renaming file %s | |
WFLYPAT0038 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Duplicate element patch-id (%s) | |
WFLYPAT0039 | java.lang.String | Requested %s version %s did not match the installed version %s | |
WFLYPAT0040 | java.lang.String | failed to load %s info | |
WFLYPAT0041 | java.lang.String | Patch %s found in more than one stream: %s and %s | |
WFLYPAT0042 | java.lang.String | Patch bundle is empty | |
WFLYPAT0043 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Content item type is missing in '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0044 | java.lang.String | Unsupported content type '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0045 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Unrecognized condition format '%s' | |
WFLYPAT0046 | org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException | Cannot copy files to temporary directory %s: %s. Note that '-Djava.io.tmpdir' switch can be used to set different temporary directory. | |
WFLYPAT0047 | java.io.IOException | Cannot copy files from %s to %s: %s | |
WFLYPAT0048 | ERROR | Error when restoring file[%s] - %s | |
WFLYPAT0049 | java.io.IOException | Some backup files were not removed. | |
WFLYPAT0050 | INFO | %s cumulative patch ID is: %s, one-off patches include: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Usage: %s [args...]%nwhere args include: | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Keep a copy of the persistent domain configuration even if this host is not the Domain Controller. If ignore-unused-configuration is unset in host.xml, then the complete domain configuration will be stored, otherwise the configured value of ignore-unused-configuration will be used. | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | If this host is not the Domain Controller and cannot contact the Domain Controller at boot, a locally cached copy of the domain configuration is used for boot (if available, see --backup.) The Domain Controller is background polled until it becomes available. Note that starting a host with --cached-dc when the Domain Controller is available will cache a copy of the domain configuration even if --backup is not used. | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the domain configuration file to use (default is "domain.xml") (Same as -c) | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the domain configuration file to use (default is "domain.xml") (Same as --domain-config) | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the domain configuration file to use. This differs from '--domain-config', '-c' and '-domain-config' in that the initial file is never overwritten. | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Display this message and exit | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Address on which the host controller should listen for communication from the process controller | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Port on which the host controller should listen for communication from the process controller | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the host configuration file to use (default is "host.xml") | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the host configuration file to use. This differs from '--host-config' in that the initial file is never overwritten. | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Address on which the process controller listens for communication from processes it controls | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Port on which the process controller listens for communication from processes it controls | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Load system properties from the given url | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Set a system property | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Print version and exit | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Set system property jboss.bind.address to the given value | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Set system property jboss.bind.address. | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Set system property jboss.default.multicast.address to the given value | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Set the host controller's running type to ADMIN_ONLY causing it to open administrative interfaces and accept management requests but not start servers or, if this host controller is the master for the domain, accept incoming connections from slave host controllers. | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Set system property jboss.domain.master.address to the given value. In a default slave Host Controller config, this is used to configure the address of the master Host Controller. | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Set system property jboss.domain.master.port to the given value. In a default slave Host Controller config, this is used to configure the port used for native management communication by the master Host Controller. | |
WFLYPC0000 | java.lang.String | Runs the server with a security manager installed. | |
WFLYPC0001 | WARN | Attempted to reconnect non-existent process '%s' | |
WFLYPC0002 | WARN | Attempted to remove non-existent process '%s' | |
WFLYPC0003 | WARN | Attempted to start non-existent process '%s' | |
WFLYPC0004 | WARN | Attempted to stop non-existent process '%s' | |
WFLYPC0005 | WARN | Attempted to register duplicate named process '%s' | |
WFLYPC0006 | WARN | Failed to send authentication key to process '%s': %s | |
WFLYPC0007 | ERROR | Failed to send data bytes to process '%s' input stream | |
WFLYPC0008 | ERROR | Failed to send reconnect message to process '%s' input stream | |
WFLYPC0009 | ERROR | Failed to start process '%s' | |
WFLYPC0010 | ERROR | Failed to write %s message to connection: %s | |
WFLYPC0011 | INFO | Process '%s' finished with an exit status of %d | |
WFLYPC0012 | WARN | Received connection with invalid version from %s | |
WFLYPC0013 | WARN | Received unrecognized greeting code 0x%02x from %s | |
WFLYPC0014 | WARN | Received connection with unknown credentials from %s | |
WFLYPC0015 | WARN | Received unknown message with code 0x%02x | |
WFLYPC0016 | INFO | All processes finished; exiting | |
WFLYPC0017 | INFO | Shutting down process controller | |
WFLYPC0018 | INFO | Starting process '%s' | |
WFLYPC0019 | INFO | Stopping process '%s' | |
WFLYPC0020 | ERROR | Stream processing failed for process '%s': %s | |
WFLYPC0021 | INFO | Waiting %d seconds until trying to restart process %s. | |
WFLYPC0022 | WARN | Failed to kill process '%s', trying to destroy the process instead. | |
WFLYPC0023 | java.lang.String | No value was provided for argument %s | |
WFLYPC0024 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not find java executable under %s. | |
WFLYPC0025 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Authentication key must be 24 bytes long | |
WFLYPC0027 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Java home '%s' does not exist. | |
WFLYPC0028 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Java home's bin '%s' does not exist. The home directory was determined to be %s. | |
WFLYPC0029 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s length is invalid | |
WFLYPC0030 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid option: %s | |
WFLYPC0031 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Command contains a null component | |
WFLYPC0033 | ERROR | Failed to accept a connection | |
WFLYPC0034 | ERROR | Failed to close resource %s | |
WFLYPC0035 | ERROR | Failed to close the server socket %s | |
WFLYPC0036 | ERROR | Failed to close a socket | |
WFLYPC0037 | ERROR | Failed to finish the marshaller %s | |
WFLYPC0038 | ERROR | Failed to finish the unmarshaller %s | |
WFLYPC0039 | ERROR | Failed to handle incoming connection | |
WFLYPC0040 | ERROR | Failed to handle socket failure condition | |
WFLYPC0041 | ERROR | Failed to handle socket finished condition | |
WFLYPC0042 | ERROR | Failed to handle socket shut down condition | |
WFLYPC0043 | ERROR | Failed to read a message | |
WFLYPC0044 | WARN | Leaked a message output stream; cleaning | |
WFLYPC0045 | java.io.IOException | Failed to create server thread | |
WFLYPC0046 | java.io.IOException | Failed to read object | |
WFLYPC0047 | java.io.UTFDataFormatException | Invalid byte | |
WFLYPC0048 | java.io.UTFDataFormatException | Invalid byte:%s(%d) | |
WFLYPC0049 | java.io.IOException | Invalid byte token. Expecting '%s' received '%s' | |
WFLYPC0050 | java.io.IOException | Invalid command byte read: %s | |
WFLYPC0051 | java.io.IOException | Invalid start chunk start [%s] | |
WFLYPC0056 | java.io.EOFException | Read %d bytes. | |
WFLYPC0058 | java.io.IOException | Stream closed | |
WFLYPC0059 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Thread creation was refused | |
WFLYPC0060 | java.io.EOFException | Unexpected end of stream | |
WFLYPC0061 | java.io.IOException | Write channel closed | |
WFLYPC0062 | java.io.IOException | Writes are already shut down |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYPL0001 | INFO | Activating PicketLink %s Subsystem | |
WFLYPL0002 | INFO | Configuring PicketLink Federation for deployment [%s] | |
WFLYPL0003 | INFO | Bound [%s] to [%s] | |
WFLYPL0004 | INFO | Ignoring unexpected event type [%s] | |
WFLYPL0005 | ERROR | Error while configuring the metrics collector. Metrics will not be collected. | |
WFLYPL0007 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load module [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0009 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load class [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0010 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No type provided for %s. You must specify a class-name or code. | |
WFLYPL0011 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to get metrics %s. | |
WFLYPL0012 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Attribute [%s] is not longer supported. | |
WFLYPL0013 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | [%s] can only have [%d] child of type [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0014 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid attribute [%s] definition for [%s]. Only one of the following attributes are allowed: [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0015 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Required attribute [%s] for [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0016 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | [%s] requires one of the given attributes [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0017 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Type [%s] already defined. | |
WFLYPL0018 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | [%s] can not be empty. | |
WFLYPL0019 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | [%s] requires child [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0050 | org.picketlink.idm.config.SecurityConfigurationException | Entities module not found [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0051 | org.picketlink.idm.config.SecurityConfigurationException | Could not configure JPA store. | |
WFLYPL0052 | org.picketlink.idm.config.SecurityConfigurationException | Could not lookup EntityManagerFactory [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0053 | org.picketlink.idm.config.SecurityConfigurationException | Could not create transactional EntityManager. | |
WFLYPL0054 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | You must provide at least one identity configuration. | |
WFLYPL0055 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | You must provide at least one identity store for identity configuration [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0056 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No supported type provided. | |
WFLYPL0057 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No mapping was defined. | |
WFLYPL0100 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No Identity Provider configuration found for federation [%s]. | |
WFLYPL0101 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No type provided for the handler. You must specify a class-name or code. | |
WFLYPL0102 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not parse default STS configuration. | |
WFLYPL0104 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not configure SAML Metadata to deployment [%s]. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYPMB0001 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No known attribute %s | |
WFLYPMB0002 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | A platform mbean resource does not have a writable model | |
WFLYPMB0003 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Adding child resources is not supported | |
WFLYPMB0004 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Removing child resources is not supported | |
WFLYPMB0005 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No BufferPoolMXBean with name %s currently exists | |
WFLYPMB0006 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Read support for attribute %s was not properly implemented | |
WFLYPMB0007 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Write support for attribute %s was not properly implemented | |
WFLYPMB0008 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No GarbageCollectorMXBean with name %s currently exists | |
WFLYPMB0009 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No MemoryManagerMXBean with name %s currently exists | |
WFLYPMB0010 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No MemoryPoolMXBean with name %s currently exists |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYPOJO0001 | INFO | Found legacy bean/pojo namespace: %s - might be missing some xml features (potential exceptions). | |
WFLYPOJO0002 | WARN | Ignoring uninstall action on target: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0003 | WARN | Error invoking callback: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0004 | WARN | Error invoking incallback: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0005 | WARN | Error invoking uncallback: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0006 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to get module attachment for %s | |
WFLYPOJO0007 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Missing deployment reflection index for %s | |
WFLYPOJO0008 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to parse POJO xml [ %s ] | |
WFLYPOJO0010 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot instantiate new collection instance. | |
WFLYPOJO0011 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot instantiate new map instance. | |
WFLYPOJO0012 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Too dynamic to determine injected type from factory! | |
WFLYPOJO0013 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Too dynamic to determine injected type from dependency! | |
WFLYPOJO0014 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Previous node is not a value config: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0015 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null factory method! | |
WFLYPOJO0016 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null bean info! | |
WFLYPOJO0017 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid number of type instances match: %s, type: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0018 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot determine injected type: %s, try setting class attribute (if available). | |
WFLYPOJO0019 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null or empty alias. | |
WFLYPOJO0020 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null or empty dependency. | |
WFLYPOJO0021 | java.lang.String | Missing value | |
WFLYPOJO0022 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null value | |
WFLYPOJO0023 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null name | |
WFLYPOJO0024 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null method name! | |
WFLYPOJO0025 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown type: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0026 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal parameter length: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0027 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Missing factory method in ctor configuration: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0028 | java.lang.String | Missing bean info, set bean's class attribute: %s | |
WFLYPOJO0029 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Wrong types size, doesn't match parameters! | |
WFLYPOJO0030 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null ClassInfo! | |
WFLYPOJO0031 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No such constructor: %s for class %s. | |
WFLYPOJO0032 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method not found %s%s for class %s. | |
WFLYPOJO0033 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No such getter: %s on class %s. | |
WFLYPOJO0034 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No such setter: %s on class %s. | |
WFLYPOJO0035 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Ambiguous match %s. | |
WFLYPOJO0036 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Ambiguous match of %s for name %s on class %s. | |
WFLYPOJO0037 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Field not found %s for class %s. | |
WFLYPOJO0038 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Exception while parsing POJO descriptor file: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYPRT0001 | WARN | Got error closing channel %s | |
WFLYPRT0003 | ERROR | Failed to close resource %s | |
WFLYPRT0004 | ERROR | Failed to close the server socket %s | |
WFLYPRT0018 | WARN | No such request (%d) associated with channel %s | |
WFLYPRT0023 | java.net.ConnectException | Could not connect to %s. The connection timed out | |
WFLYPRT0030 | java.io.IOException | Invalid byte token. Expecting '%d' received '%d' | |
WFLYPRT0032 | java.io.IOException | Invalid signature [%s] | |
WFLYPRT0034 | java.io.IOException | Invalid type: %s | |
WFLYPRT0035 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Type is neither %s or %s: %s | |
WFLYPRT0051 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Operation with id %d already registered | |
WFLYPRT0052 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null executor | |
WFLYPRT0053 | java.net.ConnectException | Could not connect to %s. The connection failed | |
WFLYPRT0054 | java.io.IOException | Channel closed | |
WFLYPRT0055 | java.io.IOException | no handler registered for request type '%s'. | |
WFLYPRT0056 | java.io.IOException | No response handler for request %s | |
WFLYPRT0057 | INFO | %s cancelled task by interrupting thread %s | |
WFLYPRT0058 | INFO | %s cancelled task before execution began | |
WFLYPRT0059 | INFO | You are using a deprecated way to set the client bind address. Please use the "--bind" parameter on the CLI instead of the %s system property. | |
WFLYPRT0060 | java.io.IOException | Channel open request timed out |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYREQCON001 | WARN | Failed to cancel queued task %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYRMT0001 | INFO | Listening on %s | |
WFLYRMT0002 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Could not start channel listener | |
WFLYRMT0004 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | %s | |
WFLYRMT0005 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to start service | |
WFLYRMT0006 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Endpoint is null | |
WFLYRMT0016 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid QOP value: %s | |
WFLYRMT0017 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid Strength value: %s | |
WFLYRMT0018 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot create a valid URI from %s -- %s | |
WFLYRMT0020 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid Strength '%s' string given | |
WFLYRMT0021 | java.io.IOException | HTTP Upgrade request missing Sec-JbossRemoting-Key header | |
WFLYRMT0022 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Worker configuration is no longer used, please use endpoint worker configuration | |
WFLYRMT0023 | java.lang.String | Only one of '%s' configuration or '%s' configuration is allowed | |
WFLYRMT0024 | INFO | The remoting subsystem is present but no io subsystem was found. An io subsystem was not required when remoting schema '%s' was current but now is, so a default subsystem is being added. | |
WFLYRMT0025 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Can't remove %s as JMX uses it as a remoting endpoint | |
WFLYRMT0026 | java.lang.String | Change of worker to '%s' in remoting might require the same change in resources depending on remoting. | |
WFLYRMT0027 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to obtain SSLContext |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYRS0001 | WARN | %s annotation not on Class: %s | |
WFLYRS0002 | WARN | %s annotation not on Class or Method: %s | |
WFLYRS0003 | ERROR | More than one mapping found for JAX-RS servlet: %s the second mapping %s will not work | |
WFLYRS0006 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not load JAX-RS Application class | |
WFLYRS0010 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | JAX-RS resource %s does not correspond to a view on the EJB %s. @Path annotations can only be placed on classes or interfaces that represent a local, remote or no-interface view of an EJB. | |
WFLYRS0011 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Invalid value for parameter %s: %s | |
WFLYRS0012 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No spring integration jar found | |
WFLYRS0013 | WARN | The context param org.jboss.as.jaxrs.disableSpringIntegration is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Please use org.jboss.as.jaxrs.enableSpringIntegration instead | |
WFLYRS0014 | ERROR | Failed to register management view for REST resource class: %s | |
WFLYRS0015 | WARN | No Servlet declaration found for JAX-RS application. In %s either provide a class that extends javax.ws.rs.core.Application or declare a servlet class in web.xml. | |
WFLYRS0016 | INFO | RESTEasy version %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYRTS0001 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Can't import global transaction to wildfly transaction client. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYSAR0001 | java.lang.String | Failed to execute legacy service %s method | |
WFLYSAR0002 | WARN | Unable to find PropertyEditor for type %s | |
WFLYSAR0003 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Class not found | |
WFLYSAR0004 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Class not instantiated | |
WFLYSAR0005 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to get %s attachment for %s | |
WFLYSAR0006 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to parse service xml [%s] | |
WFLYSAR0007 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Method '%s(%s)' not found for: %s | |
WFLYSAR0008 | java.lang.String | Missing one or more required attributes: | |
WFLYSAR0009 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s is null | |
WFLYSAR0010 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s method for property '%s' not found for: %s | |
WFLYSAR0011 | java.lang.String | Unexpected content of type '%s' named '%s', text is: %s | |
WFLYSAR0012 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to process SAR child archives for [%s] | |
WFLYSAR0013 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Malformed dependency name %s | |
WFLYSAR0014 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not find default constructor for %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter directory to store encrypted files: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter Keystore URL: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter Keystore password: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter 8 character salt: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter iteration count as a number (e.g.: 44): | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter Keystore Alias: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter your password: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Values entered don't match | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Values match | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Problem occurred: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Please enter a Digit:: 0: Start Interactive Session 1: Remove Interactive Session 2: Exit | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Starting an interactive session | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Removing the current interactive session | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Keystore URL | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Keystore password | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Directory containing encrypted files | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | 8 character salt | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Iteration count | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Vault keystore alias | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Vault block | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Attribute name | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Secured attribute value (such as password) to store | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Check whether the secured attribute already exists in the Vault | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Help | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter your password again: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter Keystore password again: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Remove secured attribute from the Vault | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Automatically create keystore when it doesn't exist | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Secured attribute %s has been successfuly removed from vault | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Secured attribute %s was not removed from vault, check whether it exist | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Please enter a Digit:: 0: Store a secured attribute 1: Check whether a secured attribute exists 2: Remove secured attribute 3: Exit | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Task: Store a secured attribute | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Please enter secured attribute value (such as password) | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Please enter secured attribute value again | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter Vault Block: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Enter Attribute Name: | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Task: Verify whether a secured attribute exists | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | No value has been stored for %s | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | A value exists for %s | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Task: Remove secured attribute | |
WFLYSEC0000 | java.lang.String | Action not specified | |
WFLYSEC0001 | INFO | Current PicketBox version=%s | |
WFLYSEC0002 | INFO | Activating Security Subsystem | |
WFLYSEC0003 | WARN | Error deleting JACC Policy | |
WFLYSEC0004 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to get the Module Class Loader | |
WFLYSEC0005 | javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException | Operation not supported : %s | |
WFLYSEC0006 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Missing module name for the %s | |
WFLYSEC0007 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Runtime Exception: | |
WFLYSEC0009 | javax.naming.InvalidNameException | Name cannot be null or empty | |
WFLYSEC0011 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Argument %s is null | |
WFLYSEC0012 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to start the %s service | |
WFLYSEC0013 | java.lang.ClassNotFoundException | Class not found : %s | |
WFLYSEC0015 | java.lang.SecurityException | Security Exception | |
WFLYSEC0017 | org.jboss.as.server.services.security.VaultReaderException | Vault Reader Exception: | |
WFLYSEC0018 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Use the ResourceDescriptionResolver variant | |
WFLYSEC0019 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Unsupported Operation | |
WFLYSEC0022 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | A security domain can have either an | |
WFLYSEC0023 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Missing required attribute: either %s or %s must be present | |
WFLYSEC0024 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | auth-module references a login module stack that doesn't exist::%s | |
WFLYSEC0025 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Address did not contain a security domain name | |
WFLYSEC0026 | java.lang.SecurityException | Vault is not initialized | |
WFLYSEC0027 | java.lang.SecurityException | Invalid User | |
WFLYSEC0028 | java.lang.SecurityException | Security Management not injected | |
WFLYSEC0029 | java.lang.SecurityException | Security realm '%s' not found. | |
WFLYSEC0031 | javax.security.auth.login.LoginException | Failure calling CallbackHandler '%s' | |
WFLYSEC0032 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No authentication cache for security domain '%s' available | |
WFLYSEC0033 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No UserPrincipalFound constructing RemotingConnectionPrincipal. | |
WFLYSEC0034 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Interrupted waiting for security domain '%s' | |
WFLYSEC0035 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Required security domain is not available '%s' | |
WFLYSEC0037 | java.lang.Exception | Keystore '%s' doesn't exist. keystore could be created: keytool -genseckey -alias Vault -storetype jceks -keyalg AES -keysize 128 -storepass secretsecret -keypass secretsecret -keystore %s | |
WFLYSEC0038 | java.lang.Exception | Keystore [%s] is not writable or not a file. | |
WFLYSEC0039 | java.lang.Exception | Keystore password has to be specified. | |
WFLYSEC0041 | java.lang.Exception | Encryption directory is not a directory or doesn't exist. (%s) | |
WFLYSEC0042 | java.lang.Exception | Cannot create encryption directory %s | |
WFLYSEC0043 | java.lang.Exception | Iteration count has to be within 1 - 2147483647, but it is %s. | |
WFLYSEC0044 | java.lang.Exception | Salt has to be exactly 8 characters long. | |
WFLYSEC0045 | java.lang.Exception | Exception encountered: | |
WFLYSEC0046 | java.lang.Exception | Vault alias has to be specified. | |
WFLYSEC0047 | java.lang.String | Secured attribute value has been stored in Vault. Please make note of the following: ******************************************** Vault Block:%s Attribute Name:%s Configuration should be done as follows: %s ******************************************** | |
WFLYSEC0048 | java.lang.String | Vault Configuration commands in WildFly for CLI: | |
WFLYSEC0049 | java.lang.String | No console. | |
WFLYSEC0056 | java.lang.String | Initializing Vault | |
WFLYSEC0057 | java.lang.String | Vault is initialized and ready for use | |
WFLYSEC0058 | java.lang.String | Handshake with Vault complete | |
WFLYSEC0059 | java.lang.String | Exception encountered: | |
WFLYSEC0061 | java.lang.String | again: | |
WFLYSEC0068 | java.lang.String | Problem while parsing command line parameters: | |
WFLYSEC0080 | java.lang.String | Secured attribute (password) already exists. | |
WFLYSEC0081 | java.lang.String | Secured attribute (password) doesn't exist. | |
WFLYSEC0100 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Legacy security domain %s doesn't contain a valid JSSE configuration | |
WFLYSEC0101 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unable to find a %s configuration in JSSE security domain %s | |
WFLYSEC0102 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Could not find a %s of type %s in the JSSE security domain %s | |
WFLYSEC0103 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to create AuthorizationIdentity: no authenticated Subject was found | |
WFLYSEC0104 | WARN | Default %s cache capability missing. Assuming %s as default-cache. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYSM0002 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Invalid version found in the permissions element. Found %s, expected %s | |
WFLYSM0003 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Subsystem configuration error: the following permissions are not implied by the maximum permissions set %s | |
WFLYSM0004 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Deployment configuration error: the following permissions are not implied by the maximum permissions set %s | |
WFLYSM0005 | java.lang.String | Empty maximum sets are not understood in the target model version and must be rejected | |
WFLYSM0006 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected element '%s' encountered | |
WFLYSM0007 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected attribute '%s' encountered | |
WFLYSM0008 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected end of document | |
WFLYSM0009 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Missing required attribute(s): %s | |
WFLYSM0010 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Missing required element(s): %s | |
WFLYSM0011 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected content of type %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the server configuration file to use (default is "standalone.xml") (Same as -c) | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the server configuration file to use (default is "standalone.xml") (Same as --server-config) | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Name of the server configuration file to use. This differs from '--server-config' and '-c' in that the original file is never overwritten. | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Display this message and exit | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Load system properties from the given url | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Set a security property | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Set a system property | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Print version and exit | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Set system property jboss.bind.address to the given value | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Set system property jboss.bind.address. | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Set system property jboss.default.multicast.address to the given value | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Set the server's running type to ADMIN_ONLY causing it to open administrative interfaces and accept management requests but not start other runtime services or accept end user requests. Cannot be used in conjunction with --start-mode. | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Activate debug mode with an optional argument to specify the port. Only works if the launch script supports it. | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Runs the server with a security manager installed. | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Sets the start mode of the server, it can be either 'normal','admin-only' or 'suspend'. If this is 'suspend' the server will start in suspended mode, and will not service requests until it has been resumed. If this is started in admin-only mode the server will only open administrative interfaces and accept management requests but not start other runtime services or accept end user requests. Cannot be used in conjunction with --admin-only. | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Configured system properties: | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | VM Arguments: %s | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Configured system environment: | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | Notification emitted when the process state changes | |
WFLYSRV0000 | java.lang.String | The attribute '%s' has changed from '%s' to '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0001 | WARN | %s in subdeployment ignored. jboss-deployment-structure.xml is only parsed for top level deployments. | |
WFLYSRV0002 | ERROR | Could not read provided index: %s | |
WFLYSRV0003 | WARN | Could not index class %s at %s | |
WFLYSRV0007 | ERROR | Undeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s | |
WFLYSRV0008 | ERROR | Undeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message | |
WFLYSRV0009 | INFO | Undeployed "%s" (runtime-name: "%s") | |
WFLYSRV0010 | INFO | Deployed "%s" (runtime-name : "%s") | |
WFLYSRV0011 | ERROR | Redeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s | |
WFLYSRV0012 | ERROR | Redeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message | |
WFLYSRV0013 | INFO | Redeployed "%s" | |
WFLYSRV0014 | ERROR | Replacement of deployment "%s" by deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s | |
WFLYSRV0015 | ERROR | Replacement of deployment "%s" by deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message | |
WFLYSRV0016 | INFO | Replaced deployment "%s" with deployment "%s" | |
WFLYSRV0017 | WARN | Annotations import option %s specified in jboss-deployment-structure.xml for additional module %s has been ignored. Additional modules cannot import annotations. | |
WFLYSRV0018 | WARN | Deployment "%s" is using a private module ("%s") which may be changed or removed in future versions without notice. | |
WFLYSRV0019 | WARN | Deployment "%s" is using an unsupported module ("%s") which may be changed or removed in future versions without notice. | |
WFLYSRV0020 | WARN | Exception occurred removing deployment content %s | |
WFLYSRV0021 | ERROR | Deploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s | |
WFLYSRV0022 | ERROR | Deploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message | |
WFLYSRV0023 | WARN | Failed to parse property (%s), value (%s) as an integer | |
WFLYSRV0024 | ERROR | Cannot add module '%s' as URLStreamHandlerFactory provider | |
WFLYSRV0025 | INFO | %s started in %dms - Started %d of %d services (%d services are lazy, passive or on-demand) | |
WFLYSRV0026 | ERROR | %s started (with errors) in %dms - Started %d of %d services (%d services failed or missing dependencies, %d services are lazy, passive or on-demand) | |
WFLYSRV0027 | INFO | Starting deployment of "%s" (runtime-name: "%s") | |
WFLYSRV0028 | INFO | Stopped deployment %s (runtime-name: %s) in %dms | |
WFLYSRV0034 | WARN | No security realm or sasl server authentication defined for native management service; all access will be unrestricted. | |
WFLYSRV0035 | WARN | No security realm or http server authentication defined for http management service; all access will be unrestricted. | |
WFLYSRV0039 | INFO | Creating http management service using socket-binding (%s) | |
WFLYSRV0040 | INFO | Creating http management service using secure-socket-binding (%s) | |
WFLYSRV0041 | INFO | Creating http management service using socket-binding (%s) and secure-socket-binding (%s) | |
WFLYSRV0042 | WARN | Caught exception closing input stream for uploaded deployment content | |
WFLYSRV0043 | ERROR | Deployment unit processor %s unexpectedly threw an exception during undeploy phase %s of %s | |
WFLYSRV0045 | WARN | Extension %s is missing the required manifest attribute %s-%s (skipping extension) | |
WFLYSRV0046 | WARN | Extension %s URI syntax is invalid: %s | |
WFLYSRV0047 | WARN | Could not find Extension-List entry %s referenced from %s | |
WFLYSRV0048 | WARN | A server name configuration was provided both via system property %s ('%s') and via the xml configuration ('%s'). The xml configuration value will be used. | |
WFLYSRV0049 | INFO | %s starting | |
WFLYSRV0050 | INFO | %s stopped in %dms | |
WFLYSRV0051 | INFO | Admin console listening on http://%s:%d | |
WFLYSRV0052 | INFO | Admin console listening on https://%s:%d | |
WFLYSRV0053 | INFO | Admin console listening on http://%s:%d and https://%s:%d | |
WFLYSRV0054 | INFO | Admin console is not enabled | |
WFLYSRV0055 | ERROR | Caught exception during boot | |
WFLYSRV0056 | java.lang.String | Server boot has failed in an unrecoverable manner; exiting. See previous messages for details. | |
WFLYSRV0057 | ERROR | No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment %s. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure. | |
WFLYSRV0058 | WARN | Additional resource root %s added via jboss-deployment-structure.xml does not exist | |
WFLYSRV0059 | WARN | Class Path entry %s in %s does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference. | |
WFLYSRV0060 | INFO | Http management interface listening on http://%s:%d/management | |
WFLYSRV0061 | INFO | Http management interface listening on https://%s:%d/management | |
WFLYSRV0062 | INFO | Http management interface listening on http://%s:%d/management and https://%s:%d/management | |
WFLYSRV0063 | INFO | Http management interface is not enabled | |
WFLYSRV0064 | WARN | urn:jboss:deployment-structure namespace found in jboss.xml for a sub deployment %s. This is only valid in a top level deployment. | |
WFLYSRV0065 | WARN | Failed to unmount deployment overlay | |
WFLYSRV0067 | WARN | jboss-deployment-dependencies cannot be used in a sub deployment, it must be specified at ear level: %s | |
WFLYSRV0068 | ERROR | No deployment overlay content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment %s at location %s. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure. | |
WFLYSRV0069 | INFO | Defer %s for %s making it %s | |
WFLYSRV0070 | INFO | Deployment restart detected for deployment %s, performing full redeploy instead. | |
WFLYSRV0071 | WARN | The operating system has limited the number of open files to %d for this process; a value of at least 4096 is recommended | |
WFLYSRV0072 | java.lang.String | Value expected for option %s | |
WFLYSRV0073 | java.lang.String | Invalid option '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0074 | java.lang.String | Malformed URL '%s' provided for option '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0075 | java.lang.String | Unable to load properties from URL '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0076 | org.jboss.as.server.services.security.VaultReaderException | Error initializing vault -- %s | |
WFLYSRV0079 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | hostControllerName must be null if the server is not in a managed domain | |
WFLYSRV0080 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | hostControllerName may not be null if the server is in a managed domain | |
WFLYSRV0081 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | An IP address cannot be resolved using the given interface selection criteria. Failure was -- %s | |
WFLYSRV0082 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | failed to resolve interface %s | |
WFLYSRV0083 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to start the http-interface service | |
WFLYSRV0084 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository. | |
WFLYSRV0085 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No deployment with name %s found | |
WFLYSRV0086 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot use %s with the same value for parameters %s and %s. Use %s to redeploy the same content or %s to replace content with a new version with the same name. | |
WFLYSRV0087 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Deployment %s is already started | |
WFLYSRV0088 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Missing configuration value for: %s | |
WFLYSRV0093 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Caught IOException reading uploaded deployment content | |
WFLYSRV0094 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Null stream at index [%d] | |
WFLYSRV0095 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | '%s' is not a valid URL | |
WFLYSRV0096 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Error obtaining input stream from URL '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0097 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | ServiceModuleLoader already started | |
WFLYSRV0098 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | ServiceModuleLoader already stopped | |
WFLYSRV0099 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | '%s' cannot be loaded from a ServiceModuleLoader as its name does not start with '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0100 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to read '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0101 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Deployment root is required | |
WFLYSRV0102 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Sub-deployments require a parent deployment unit | |
WFLYSRV0103 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No Module Identifier attached to deployment '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0104 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to create VFSResourceLoader for root [%s] | |
WFLYSRV0105 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to get file from remote repository | |
WFLYSRV0106 | java.io.IOException | Unable to create local directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0107 | java.io.IOException | Did not read the entire file. Missing: %d | |
WFLYSRV0108 | java.lang.String | No value was provided for argument %s%n | |
WFLYSRV0109 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not find the file repository connection to the host controller. | |
WFLYSRV0112 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown mount type %s | |
WFLYSRV0113 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to create temp file provider | |
WFLYSRV0115 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | System property %s cannot be set via the xml configuration file or from a management client; it's value must be known at initial process start so it can only set from the commmand line | |
WFLYSRV0116 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | System property %s cannot be set after the server name has been set via the xml configuration file or from a management client | |
WFLYSRV0117 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to initialise a basic SSLContext '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0119 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Home directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYSRV0120 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Bundles directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYSRV0121 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Configuration directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYSRV0122 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Server base directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYSRV0123 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Server data directory is not a directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0124 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create server data directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0125 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Server content directory is not a directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0126 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create server content directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0127 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Log directory is not a directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0128 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create log directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0129 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Server temp directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYSRV0130 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create server temp directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0131 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Controller temp directory does not exist: %s | |
WFLYSRV0132 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create server temp directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0133 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Domain base dir does not exist: %s | |
WFLYSRV0134 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Domain config dir does not exist: %s | |
WFLYSRV0135 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Server base directory is not a directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0136 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create server base directory: %s | |
WFLYSRV0137 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment '%s'. This is a fatal boot error. To correct the problem, either restart with the --admin-only switch set and use the CLI to install the missing content or remove it from the configuration, or remove the deployment from the xml configuration file and restart. | |
WFLYSRV0138 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | VFS is not available from the configured module loader | |
WFLYSRV0139 | org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceNotFoundException | Server controller service was removed | |
WFLYSRV0140 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Root service was removed | |
WFLYSRV0141 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot start server | |
WFLYSRV0143 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No directory called '%s' exists under '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0144 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | -D%s=%s does not exist | |
WFLYSRV0145 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | -D%s=%s is not a directory | |
WFLYSRV0146 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Error copying '%s' to '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0147 | java.io.InvalidObjectException | %s is null | |
WFLYSRV0148 | java.io.InvalidObjectException | portOffset is out of range | |
WFLYSRV0149 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Invalid '%s' value: %d, the maximum index is %d | |
WFLYSRV0150 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot create input stream from URL '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0151 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No bytes available at param %s | |
WFLYSRV0152 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Only 1 piece of content is current supported (AS7-431) | |
WFLYSRV0153 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to process phase %s of %s | |
WFLYSRV0156 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to index deployment root for annotations | |
WFLYSRV0157 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No Seam Integration jar present: %s | |
WFLYSRV0158 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to instantiate a %s | |
WFLYSRV0159 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No deployment repository available. | |
WFLYSRV0160 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to mount deployment content | |
WFLYSRV0161 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to get manifest for deployment %s | |
WFLYSRV0163 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot merge resource root for a different file. This: %s mergee: %s | |
WFLYSRV0164 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to create temp file provider | |
WFLYSRV0165 | java.io.IOException | Resource is too large to be a valid class file | |
WFLYSRV0166 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Sub deployment %s in jboss-deployment-structure.xml was not found. Available sub deployments: %s | |
WFLYSRV0167 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No jboss-deployment-structure.xml file found at %s | |
WFLYSRV0168 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Error loading jboss-deployment-structure.xml from %s | |
WFLYSRV0169 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Sub deployment '%s' is listed twice in jboss-deployment-structure.xml | |
WFLYSRV0170 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Additional module name '%s' is not valid. Names must start with 'deployment.' | |
WFLYSRV0171 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | External resource roots not supported, resource roots may not start with a '/' : %s | |
WFLYSRV0172 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected end of document | |
WFLYSRV0173 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Missing one or more required attributes:%s | |
WFLYSRV0174 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Unexpected content of type '%s', name is '%s', text is: '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0175 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | No method found with id: %s on class (or its super class) %s | |
WFLYSRV0177 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Error getting reflective information for %s with ClassLoader %s | |
WFLYSRV0178 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | External Module Service already started | |
WFLYSRV0179 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to load module: %s | |
WFLYSRV0187 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to get multicast address for %s | |
WFLYSRV0188 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to get multicast address for %s | |
WFLYSRV0190 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot add more than one socket binding group. Add of '%s' attempted, but '%s' already exists | |
WFLYSRV0191 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Can't use both --server-config and --initial-server-config | |
WFLYSRV0192 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | Duplicate namespace %s in jboss-all.xml | |
WFLYSRV0193 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Two different versions of the same namespaces are present in jboss-all.xml, %s and %s are both present | |
WFLYSRV0194 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Error loading jboss-all.xml from %s | |
WFLYSRV0195 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot obtain required module for: %s | |
WFLYSRV0196 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to get content for deployment overlay %s at %s | |
WFLYSRV0198 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No deployment overlay content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment overlay '%s' at location %s. This is a fatal boot error. To correct the problem, either restart with the --admin-only switch set and use the CLI to install the missing content or remove it from the configuration, or remove the deployment overlay from the xml configuration file and restart. | |
WFLYSRV0199 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | No deployment overlay content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository. | |
WFLYSRV0200 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to read file %s | |
WFLYSRV0201 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot have more than one of %s | |
WFLYSRV0202 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Unknown content item key: %s | |
WFLYSRV0203 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot use %s when %s are used | |
WFLYSRV0204 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Null '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0205 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | There is already a deployment called %s with the same runtime name %s | |
WFLYSRV0206 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Multiple deployment unit processors registered with priority %s and class %s | |
WFLYSRV0207 | INFO | Starting subdeployment (runtime-name: "%s") | |
WFLYSRV0208 | INFO | Stopped subdeployment (runtime-name: %s) in %dms | |
WFLYSRV0209 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | When specifying a 'module' you also need to specify the 'code' | |
WFLYSRV0210 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Server is already paused | |
WFLYSRV0211 | INFO | Suspending server with %d ms timeout. | |
WFLYSRV0212 | INFO | Resuming server | |
WFLYSRV0213 | WARN | Failed to connect to host-controller, retrying. | |
WFLYSRV0215 | ERROR | Failed to resume activity %s. To resume normal operation it is recommended that you restart the server. | |
WFLYSRV0216 | ERROR | Error cleaning obsolete content %s | |
WFLYSRV0219 | WARN | %s deployment has been re-deployed, its content will not be removed. You will need to restart it. | |
WFLYSRV0220 | INFO | Server shutdown has been requested via an OS signal | |
WFLYSRV0221 | WARN | Deployment "%s" is using a deprecated module ("%s") which may be removed in future versions without notice. | |
WFLYSRV0222 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal permission name '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0223 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Illegal permission actions '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0224 | ERROR | Could not mount overlay %s as parent %s is not a directory | |
WFLYSRV0227 | org.jboss.as.server.services.security.VaultReaderException | Security exception accessing the vault | |
WFLYSRV0230 | ERROR | Vault is not initialized; resolution of vault expressions is not possible | |
WFLYSRV0231 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not read or create the server UUID in file: %s | |
WFLYSRV0232 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not get module info for module name: %s | |
WFLYSRV0233 | java.lang.String | Undeployed "%s" (runtime-name: "%s") | |
WFLYSRV0234 | java.lang.String | Deployed "%s" (runtime-name : "%s") | |
WFLYSRV0235 | INFO | Security Manager is enabled | |
WFLYSRV0236 | INFO | Suspending server with no timeout. | |
WFLYSRV0237 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | It is not possible to use use-current-server-config=false while specifying a server-config | |
WFLYSRV0238 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | server-config '%s' specified for reload could not be found | |
WFLYSRV0239 | FATAL | Aborting with exit code %d | |
WFLYSRV0240 | INFO | ProcessController has signalled to shut down; shutting down | |
WFLYSRV0241 | INFO | Shutting down in response to management operation '%s' | |
WFLYSRV0242 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode a deployment in a self-contained server | |
WFLYSRV0243 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode an unmanaged deployment | |
WFLYSRV0244 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode an already exploded deployment | |
WFLYSRV0245 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode an already deployed deployment | |
WFLYSRV0246 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot add content to a deployment in a self-contained server | |
WFLYSRV0247 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot add content to an unmanaged deployment | |
WFLYSRV0248 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot add content to an unexploded deployment | |
WFLYSRV0249 | ERROR | Could not copy files from the managed content repository to the running deployment for %s | |
WFLYSRV0250 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot remove content from a deployment in a self-contained server | |
WFLYSRV0251 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot remove content from an unmanaged deployment | |
WFLYSRV0252 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot remove content from an unexploded deployment | |
WFLYSRV0253 | ERROR | Could not delete file %s from the running deployment %s | |
WFLYSRV0254 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot read content from a deployment in a self-contained server | |
WFLYSRV0255 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot read content from an unmanaged deployment | |
WFLYSRV0257 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Required system property '%s' not set | |
WFLYSRV0258 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot explode a subdeployment of an unexploded deployment | |
WFLYSRV0259 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | If attribute secure-socket-binding is defined one of ssl-context or security-realm must also be defined | |
WFLYSRV0260 | INFO | Starting server in suspended mode | |
WFLYSRV0261 | java.lang.String | Boot complete | |
WFLYSRV0262 | java.lang.String | You cannot set both --start-mode and --admin-only | |
WFLYSRV0263 | java.lang.String | Unknown start mode %s | |
WFLYSRV0264 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Cannot specify both admin-only and start-mode | |
WFLYSRV0265 | WARN | Invalid value '%s' for system property '%s' -- value must be a non-negative integer | |
WFLYSRV0266 | WARN | Server home is set to '%s', but server real home is '%s' - unpredictable results may occur. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYSYSJMX0001 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null method name | |
WFLYSYSJMX0002 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown lifecyle method %s | |
WFLYSYSJMX0003 | java.lang.String | Error in destroy %s | |
WFLYSYSJMX0004 | java.lang.String | Error in stop %s | |
WFLYSYSJMX0005 | java.lang.String | Initialization failed %s | |
WFLYSYSJMX0006 | java.lang.String | Starting failed %s | |
WFLYSYSJMX0007 | java.lang.String | Stopping failed %s | |
WFLYSYSJMX0008 | java.lang.String | Destroying failed %s | |
WFLYSYSJMX0009 | java.lang.String | Initialization failed during postRegister |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYTHR0001 | WARN | The '%s' attribute is no longer supported. The value [%f] of the '%s' attribute is being combined with the value [%f] of the '%s' attribute and the current processor count [%d] to derive a new value of [%d] for '%s'. | |
WFLYTHR0002 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported attribute '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0003 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported attribute '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0004 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported attribute '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0005 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported attribute '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0006 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported attribute '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0007 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported attribute '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0008 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported attribute '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0009 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported attribute '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0010 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unsupported attribute '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0011 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The executor service hasn't been initialized. | |
WFLYTHR0012 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The executor service hasn't been initialized. | |
WFLYTHR0013 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The executor service hasn't been initialized. | |
WFLYTHR0014 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The thread factory service hasn't been initialized. | |
WFLYTHR0015 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The executor service hasn't been initialized. | |
WFLYTHR0016 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Service '%s' not found. | |
WFLYTHR0017 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Service '%s' not found. | |
WFLYTHR0018 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Service '%s' not found. | |
WFLYTHR0019 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Service '%s' not found. | |
WFLYTHR0020 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Service '%s' not found. | |
WFLYTHR0021 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to locate executor service '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0024 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Missing '%s' for parameter '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0025 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Missing '%s' for parameter '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0027 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | %s must be greater than or equal to zero | |
WFLYTHR0028 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | %s must be greater than or equal to zero | |
WFLYTHR0029 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Missing '%s' for '%s' | |
WFLYTHR0030 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Failed to parse '%s', allowed values are: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYTX0001 | ERROR | Unable to roll back active transaction | |
WFLYTX0002 | ERROR | Unable to get transaction state | |
WFLYTX0003 | ERROR | APPLICATION ERROR: transaction still active in request with status %s | |
WFLYTX0004 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Create failed | |
WFLYTX0005 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | %s manager create failed | |
WFLYTX0006 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to configure object store browser bean | |
WFLYTX0007 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Service not started | |
WFLYTX0008 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Start failed | |
WFLYTX0009 | java.lang.String | Unknown metric %s | |
WFLYTX0010 | java.lang.RuntimeException | MBean Server service not installed, this functionality is not available if the JMX subsystem has not been installed. | |
WFLYTX0012 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Attributes %s and %s are alternatives; both cannot be set with conflicting values. | |
WFLYTX0013 | WARN | The %s attribute on the %s is set to the default value. This is a danger for environments running multiple servers. Please make sure the attribute value is unique. | |
WFLYTX0015 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Jndi names have to start with java:/ or java:jboss/ | |
WFLYTX0016 | WARN | Transaction started in EE Concurrent invocation left open, starting rollback to prevent leak. | |
WFLYTX0017 | WARN | Failed to rollback transaction. | |
WFLYTX0018 | WARN | Failed to suspend transaction. | |
WFLYTX0019 | WARN | System error while checking for transaction leak in EE Concurrent invocation. | |
WFLYTX0020 | java.io.IOException | EE Concurrent ContextHandle serialization must be handled by the factory. | |
WFLYTX0021 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | EE Concurrent's TransactionSetupProviderService not started. | |
WFLYTX0023 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | %s must be undefined if %s is 'true'. | |
WFLYTX0024 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | %s must be defined if %s is defined. | |
WFLYTX0025 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Either %s must be 'true' or %s must be defined. | |
WFLYTX0026 | WARN | The transaction %s could not be removed from the cache during cleanup. | |
WFLYTX0027 | WARN | The pre-jca synchronization %s associated with tx %s failed during after completion | |
WFLYTX0028 | WARN | The jca synchronization %s associated with tx %s failed during after completion | |
WFLYTX0029 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Syncs are not allowed to be registered when the tx is in state %s | |
WFLYTX0030 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed | |
WFLYTX0031 | javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | The attribute '%s' is no longer supported | |
WFLYTX0032 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | %s must be defined if %s is 'true'. | |
WFLYTX0033 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Only one of %s and %s can be 'true'. | |
WFLYTX0034 | DEBUG | relative_to property of the object-store is set to the default value with jboss.server.data.dir | |
WFLYTX0035 | javax.resource.spi.work.WorkCompletedException | Cannot find or import inflow transaction for xid %s and work %s | |
WFLYTX0036 | javax.resource.spi.work.WorkCompletedException | Imported jca inflow transaction with xid %s of work %s is inactive | |
WFLYTX0037 | javax.resource.spi.work.WorkCompletedException | Unexpected error on resuming transaction %s for work %s | |
WFLYTX0038 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unexpected error on suspending transaction for work %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYUT0001 | ERROR | Could not initialize JSP | |
WFLYUT0003 | INFO | Undertow %s starting | |
WFLYUT0004 | INFO | Undertow %s stopping | |
WFLYUT0005 | WARN | Secure listener for protocol: '%s' not found! Using non secure port! | |
WFLYUT0006 | INFO | Undertow %s listener %s listening on %s:%d | |
WFLYUT0007 | INFO | Undertow %s listener %s stopped, was bound to %s:%d | |
WFLYUT0008 | INFO | Undertow %s listener %s suspending | |
WFLYUT0009 | INFO | Could not load class designated by HandlesTypes [%s]. | |
WFLYUT0010 | WARN | Could not load web socket endpoint %s. | |
WFLYUT0011 | WARN | Could not load web socket application config %s. | |
WFLYUT0012 | INFO | Started server %s. | |
WFLYUT0013 | WARN | Could not create redirect URI. | |
WFLYUT0014 | INFO | Creating file handler for path '%s' with options [directory-listing: '%s', follow-symlink: '%s', case-sensitive: '%s', safe-symlink-paths: '%s'] | |
WFLYUT0016 | WARN | Could not resolve name in absolute ordering: %s | |
WFLYUT0017 | WARN | Could not delete servlet temp file %s | |
WFLYUT0018 | INFO | Host %s starting | |
WFLYUT0019 | INFO | Host %s stopping | |
WFLYUT0020 | WARN | Clustering not supported, falling back to non-clustered session manager | |
WFLYUT0021 | INFO | Registered web context: '%s' for server '%s' | |
WFLYUT0022 | INFO | Unregistered web context: '%s' from server '%s' | |
WFLYUT0023 | INFO | Skipped SCI for jar: %s. | |
WFLYUT0024 | WARN | Failed to persist session attribute %s with value %s for session %s | |
WFLYUT0025 | ERROR | Failed to register policy context handler for key %s | |
WFLYUT0027 | java.lang.String | Failed to parse XML descriptor %s at [%s,%s] | |
WFLYUT0028 | java.lang.String | Failed to parse XML descriptor %s | |
WFLYUT0029 | java.lang.String | @WebServlet is only allowed at class level %s | |
WFLYUT0030 | java.lang.String | @WebInitParam requires name and value on %s | |
WFLYUT0031 | java.lang.String | @WebFilter is only allowed at class level %s | |
WFLYUT0032 | java.lang.String | @WebListener is only allowed at class level %s | |
WFLYUT0033 | java.lang.String | @RunAs needs to specify a role name on %s | |
WFLYUT0034 | java.lang.String | @DeclareRoles needs to specify role names on %s | |
WFLYUT0035 | java.lang.String | @MultipartConfig is only allowed at class level %s | |
WFLYUT0036 | java.lang.String | @ServletSecurity is only allowed at class level %s | |
WFLYUT0037 | java.lang.RuntimeException | %s has the wrong component type, it cannot be used as a web component | |
WFLYUT0038 | java.lang.String | TLD file %s not contained in root %s | |
WFLYUT0039 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Failed to resolve module for deployment %s | |
WFLYUT0040 | java.lang.String | Duplicate others in absolute ordering | |
WFLYUT0041 | java.lang.String | Invalid relative ordering | |
WFLYUT0042 | java.lang.String | Conflict occurred processing web fragment in JAR: %s | |
WFLYUT0043 | java.lang.String | Relative ordering processing error with JAR: %s | |
WFLYUT0044 | java.lang.String | Ordering includes both before and after others in JAR: %s | |
WFLYUT0045 | java.lang.String | Duplicate name declared in JAR: %s | |
WFLYUT0046 | WARN | Unknown web fragment name declared in JAR: %s | |
WFLYUT0047 | java.lang.String | Relative ordering conflict with JAR: %s | |
WFLYUT0048 | java.lang.String | Failed to process WEB-INF/lib: %s | |
WFLYUT0049 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Error loading SCI from module: %s | |
WFLYUT0050 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Unable to resolve annotation index for deployment unit: %s | |
WFLYUT0051 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Deployment error processing SCI for jar: %s | |
WFLYUT0052 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Security context creation failed | |
WFLYUT0053 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No security context found | |
WFLYUT0054 | java.lang.String | Unknown metric %s | |
WFLYUT0055 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null default host | |
WFLYUT0056 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Null host name | |
WFLYUT0057 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Null parameter %s | |
WFLYUT0058 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot activate context: %s | |
WFLYUT0059 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not construct handler for class: %s. with parameters %s | |
WFLYUT0060 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Invalid persistent sessions directory %s | |
WFLYUT0061 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Failed to create persistent sessions dir %s | |
WFLYUT0062 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Could not create log directory: %s | |
WFLYUT0063 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not find the port number listening for protocol %s | |
WFLYUT0064 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to configure handler %s | |
WFLYUT0065 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Handler class %s was not a handler or a wrapper | |
WFLYUT0066 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Failed to configure handler %s | |
WFLYUT0067 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Servlet class not defined for servlet %s | |
WFLYUT0068 | ERROR | Error obtaining authorization helper | |
WFLYUT0069 | ERROR | Ignoring shared-session-config in jboss-all.xml in deployment %s. This entry is only valid in top level deployments. | |
WFLYUT0070 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Could not load handler %s from %s module | |
WFLYUT0071 | WARN | No ALPN provider found, HTTP/2 will not be enabled. To remove this message set enable-http2 to false on the listener %s in the Undertow subsystem. | |
WFLYUT0072 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not find configured external path %s | |
WFLYUT0073 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | mod_cluster advertise socket binding requires multicast address to be set | |
WFLYUT0074 | ERROR | Could not find TLD %s | |
WFLYUT0075 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot register resource of type %s | |
WFLYUT0076 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot remove resource of type %s | |
WFLYUT0077 | ERROR | Error invoking secure response | |
WFLYUT0078 | ERROR | Failed to register management view for websocket %s at %s | |
WFLYUT0079 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No SSL Context available from security realm '%s'. Either the realm is not configured for SSL, or the server has not been reloaded since the SSL config was added. | |
WFLYUT0080 | WARN | Valves are no longer supported, %s is not activated. | |
WFLYUT0081 | WARN | The deployment %s will not be distributable because this feature is disabled in web-fragment.xml of the module %s. | |
WFLYUT0082 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Could not start '%s' listener. | |
WFLYUT0083 | java.lang.String | %s is not allowed to be null | |
WFLYUT0084 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | There are no mechanisms available from the HttpAuthenticationFactory. | |
WFLYUT0085 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The required mechanism '%s' is not available in mechanisms %s from the HttpAuthenticationFactory. | |
WFLYUT0086 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No authentication mechanisms have been selected. | |
WFLYUT0087 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Duplicate default web module '%s' configured on server '%s', host '%s' | |
WFLYUT0089 | java.lang.String | Predicate %s was not valid, message was: %s | |
WFLYUT0090 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Key alias %s does not exist in the configured key store | |
WFLYUT0091 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Key store entry %s is not a private key entry | |
WFLYUT0092 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Credential alias %s does not exist in the configured credential store | |
WFLYUT0093 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Credential %s is not a clear text password | |
WFLYUT0094 | WARN | Configuration option [%s] ignored when using Elytron subsystem | |
WFLYUT0095 | java.lang.String | the path ['%s'] doesn't exist on file system | |
WFLYUT0096 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unable to obtain identity for name %s | |
WFLYUT0097 | java.lang.String | If http-upgrade is enabled, remoting worker and http(s) worker must be the same. Please adjust values if need be. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYWEB0001 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Migrate operation only allowed in admin only mode | |
WFLYWEB0002 | java.lang.String | Could not migrate resource %s | |
WFLYWEB0003 | java.lang.String | Could not migrate attribute %s from resource %s | |
WFLYWEB0004 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Could not migrate SSL connector as no SSL config is defined | |
WFLYWEB0005 | java.lang.String | Migration failed, see results for more details. | |
WFLYWEB0006 | java.lang.String | Could not migrate verify-client attribute %s to the Undertow equivalent | |
WFLYWEB0007 | java.lang.String | Could not migrate verify-client expression %s | |
WFLYWEB0008 | java.lang.String | Could not migrate valve %s | |
WFLYWEB0009 | java.lang.String | Could not migrate attribute %s from valve %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYWELD-001 | DEBUG | Discovered %s | |
WFLYWELD0000 | DEBUG | Unable to load annotation %s | |
WFLYWELD0001 | ERROR | Failed to setup Weld contexts | |
WFLYWELD0002 | ERROR | Failed to tear down Weld contexts | |
WFLYWELD0003 | INFO | Processing weld deployment %s | |
WFLYWELD0005 | ERROR | Could not find BeanManager for deployment %s | |
WFLYWELD0006 | DEBUG | Starting Services for CDI deployment: %s | |
WFLYWELD0007 | WARN | Could not load portable extension class %s | |
WFLYWELD0008 | WARN | @Resource injection of type %s is not supported for non-ejb components. Injection point: %s | |
WFLYWELD0009 | DEBUG | Starting weld service for deployment %s | |
WFLYWELD0010 | DEBUG | Stopping weld service for deployment %s | |
WFLYWELD0011 | WARN | Warning while parsing %s:%s %s | |
WFLYWELD0012 | WARN | Warning while parsing %s:%s %s | |
WFLYWELD0013 | WARN | Deployment %s contains CDI annotations but no bean archive was found (no beans.xml or class with bean defining annotations was present). | |
WFLYWELD0014 | ERROR | Exception tearing down thread state | |
WFLYWELD0016 | ERROR | Could not read entries | |
WFLYWELD0017 | WARN | URL scanner does not understand the URL protocol %s, CDI beans will not be scanned. | |
WFLYWELD0018 | WARN | Found both WEB-INF/beans.xml and WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/beans.xml. It is not portable to use both locations at the same time. Weld is going to use the former location for this deployment. | |
WFLYWELD0019 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could get beans.xml file as URL when processing file: %s | |
WFLYWELD0020 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Could not load interceptor class : %s | |
WFLYWELD0021 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Service %s didn't implement the javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension interface | |
WFLYWELD0022 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | View of type %s not found on EJB %s | |
WFLYWELD0030 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown interceptor class for CDI injection %s | |
WFLYWELD0031 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s cannot be null | |
WFLYWELD0032 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Injection point represents a method which doesn't follow JavaBean conventions (must have exactly one parameter) %s | |
WFLYWELD0033 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | %s annotation not found on %s | |
WFLYWELD0034 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not resolve @EJB injection for %s on %s | |
WFLYWELD0035 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Resolved more than one EJB for @EJB injection of %s on %s. Found %s | |
WFLYWELD0036 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Could not determine bean class from injection point type of %s | |
WFLYWELD0037 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Error injecting persistence unit into CDI managed bean. Can't find a persistence unit named '%s' in deployment %s for injection point %s | |
WFLYWELD0038 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not inject SecurityManager, security is not enabled | |
WFLYWELD0039 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Singleton not set for %s. This means that you are trying to access a weld deployment with a Thread Context ClassLoader that is not associated with the deployment. | |
WFLYWELD0040 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is already running | |
WFLYWELD0041 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s is not started | |
WFLYWELD0043 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | BeanDeploymentArchive with id %s not found in deployment | |
WFLYWELD0044 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Error injecting resource into CDI managed bean. Can't find a resource named %s | |
WFLYWELD0045 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot determine resource name. Both jndiName and mappedName are null | |
WFLYWELD0046 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Cannot inject injection point %s | |
WFLYWELD0047 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | %s cannot be used at runtime | |
WFLYWELD0048 | java.lang.String | These attributes must be 'true' for use with CDI 1.0 '%s' | |
WFLYWELD0049 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Error injecting resource into CDI managed bean. Can't find a resource named %s defined on %s | |
WFLYWELD0050 | org.jboss.weld.resources.spi.ClassFileInfoException | %s was not found in composite index | |
WFLYWELD0051 | org.jboss.weld.resources.spi.ClassFileInfoException | Cannot load %s | |
WFLYWELD0052 | WARN | Using deployment classloader to load proxy classes for module %s. Package-private access will not work. To fix this the module should declare dependencies on %s | |
WFLYWELD0053 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Component interceptor support not available for: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYWELDEJB0001 | javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException | EJB has been removed: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYWS0001 | WARN | Cannot load WS deployment aspects from %s | |
WFLYWS0002 | INFO | Activating WebServices Extension | |
WFLYWS0003 | INFO | Starting %s | |
WFLYWS0004 | INFO | Stopping %s | |
WFLYWS0005 | FATAL | Error while creating configuration service | |
WFLYWS0006 | ERROR | Error while destroying configuration service | |
WFLYWS0007 | WARN | Could not read WSDL from: %s | |
WFLYWS0008 | WARN | [JAXWS 2.2 spec, section 7.7] The @WebService and @WebServiceProvider annotations are mutually exclusive - %s won't be considered as a webservice endpoint, since it doesn't meet that requirement | |
WFLYWS0009 | WARN | WebService endpoint class cannot be final - %s won't be considered as a webservice endpoint | |
WFLYWS0010 | WARN | Ignoring | |
WFLYWS0011 | ERROR | Cannot register record processor in JMX server | |
WFLYWS0012 | ERROR | Cannot unregister record processor from JMX server | |
WFLYWS0013 | INFO | MBeanServer not available, skipping registration/unregistration of %s | |
WFLYWS0014 | WARN | Multiple EJB3 endpoints in the same deployment with different declared security roles; be aware this might be a security risk if you're not controlling allowed roles (@RolesAllowed) on each ws endpoint method. | |
WFLYWS0015 | ERROR | Cannot register endpoint: %s in JMX server | |
WFLYWS0016 | ERROR | Cannot unregister endpoint: %s from JMX server | |
WFLYWS0017 | WARN | Invalid handler chain file: %s | |
WFLYWS0018 | ERROR | Web service method %s must not be static or final. See section of "Web Services for Java EE, Version 1.4". | |
WFLYWS0019 | ERROR | Web service method %s must be public. See section of "Web Services for Java EE, Version 1.4". | |
WFLYWS0020 | ERROR | Web service implementation class %s does not contain method %s | |
WFLYWS0021 | ERROR | Web service implementation class %s does not contain an accessible method %s | |
WFLYWS0022 | ERROR | Web service implementation class %s may not declare a finalize() method. See section of "Web Services for Java EE, Version 1.4". | |
WFLYWS0023 | java.lang.NullPointerException | Null endpoint name | |
WFLYWS0024 | java.lang.NullPointerException | Null endpoint class | |
WFLYWS0025 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot resolve module or classloader for deployment %s | |
WFLYWS0026 | javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException | Handler chain config file %s not found in %s | |
WFLYWS0027 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unexpected element: %s | |
WFLYWS0028 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unexpected end tag: %s | |
WFLYWS0029 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Reached end of xml document unexpectedly | |
WFLYWS0030 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not find class attribute for deployment aspect | |
WFLYWS0031 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create a deployment aspect of class: %s | |
WFLYWS0032 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not find property name attribute for deployment aspect: %s | |
WFLYWS0033 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not find property class attribute for deployment aspect: %s | |
WFLYWS0034 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unsupported property class: %s | |
WFLYWS0035 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create list of type: %s | |
WFLYWS0036 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Could not create map of type: %s | |
WFLYWS0037 | java.lang.String | No metrics available | |
WFLYWS0038 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot find component view: %s | |
WFLYWS0039 | java.io.IOException | Child '%s' not found for VirtualFile: %s | |
WFLYWS0040 | java.lang.Exception | Failed to create context | |
WFLYWS0041 | java.lang.Exception | Failed to start context | |
WFLYWS0042 | java.lang.Exception | Failed to stop context | |
WFLYWS0043 | java.lang.Exception | Failed to destroy context | |
WFLYWS0044 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot create servlet delegate: %s | |
WFLYWS0045 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot obtain deployment property: %s | |
WFLYWS0046 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Multiple security domains not supported. First domain: '%s' second domain: '%s' | |
WFLYWS0047 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Web Service endpoint %s with URL pattern %s is already registered. Web service endpoint %s is requesting the same URL pattern. | |
WFLYWS0048 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | @WebServiceRef injection target is invalid. Only setter methods are allowed: %s | |
WFLYWS0049 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | @WebServiceRef attribute 'name' is required for class level annotations. | |
WFLYWS0050 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | @WebServiceRef attribute 'type' is required for class level annotations. | |
WFLYWS0051 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Config %s doesn't exist | |
WFLYWS0052 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | Unsupported handler chain type: %s. Supported types are either %s or %s | |
WFLYWS0054 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Config %s: %s handler chain with id %s doesn't exist | |
WFLYWS0057 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Unable to get URL for: %s | |
WFLYWS0058 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | JAX-RPC not supported | |
WFLYWS0059 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | %s library (%s) detected in ws endpoint deployment; either provide a proper deployment replacing embedded libraries with container module dependencies or disable the webservices subsystem for the current deployment adding a proper jboss-deployment-structure.xml descriptor to it. The former approach is recommended, as the latter approach causes most of the webservices Java EE and any JBossWS specific functionality to be disabled. | |
WFLYWS0060 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Web service endpoint class %s not found | |
WFLYWS0061 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | The endpointInterface %s declared in the @WebService annotation on web service implementation bean %s was not found. | |
WFLYWS0062 | org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException | Class verification of Java Web Service implementation class %s failed. | |
WFLYWS0063 | org.jboss.as.webservices.config.DisabledOperationException | Could not update WS server configuration because of pending former model update(s) requiring reload. | |
WFLYWS0064 | org.jboss.as.webservices.config.DisabledOperationException | Could not update WS server configuration because of existing WS deployment on the server. | |
WFLYWS0065 | WARN | Annotation '@%s' found on class '%s'. Perhaps you forgot to add a '%s' module dependency to your deployment? | |
WFLYWS0066 | org.jboss.wsf.spi.WSFException | Servlet class %s declared in web.xml; either provide a proper deployment relying on JBossWS or disable the webservices subsystem for the current deployment adding a proper jboss-deployment-structure.xml descriptor to it. The former approach is recommended, as the latter approach causes most of the webservices Java EE and any JBossWS specific functionality to be disabled. | |
WFLYWS0067 | ERROR | Could not activate the webservices subsystem. | |
WFLYWS0068 | org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException | Service %s not available | |
WFLYWS0070 | DEBUG | Authorization failed for user: %s | |
WFLYWS0071 | DEBUG | Failed to authenticate username %s:, incorrect username/password | |
WFLYWS0072 | DEBUG | Error occured when authenticate username %s. Exception message: %s | |
WFLYWS0073 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The target endpoint %s is undeploying or stopped |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFLYXTS0001 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | TxBridge inbound recovery service start failed | |
WFLYXTS0002 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | TxBridge outbound recovery service start failed | |
WFLYXTS0003 | org.jboss.msc.service.StartException | XTS service start failed | |
WFLYXTS0004 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Service not started | |
WFLYXTS0009 | WARN | Rejecting call because it is not part of any XTS transaction |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFNAM-0001 | TRACE | Service configuration failure loading naming providers | |
WFNAM00000 | INFO | WildFly Naming version %s | |
WFNAM00003 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Invalid naming provider URI: %s | |
WFNAM00004 | javax.naming.NameNotFoundException | Name "%s" is not found | |
WFNAM00005 | javax.naming.InvalidNameException | Invalid empty name | |
WFNAM00006 | javax.naming.NoPermissionException | Cannot modify read-only naming context | |
WFNAM00007 | javax.naming.InvalidNameException | Invalid URL scheme name "%s" | |
WFNAM00009 | java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException | Name index %d is out of bounds | |
WFNAM00010 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid null name segment at index %d | |
WFNAM00011 | javax.naming.InvalidNameException | Missing close quote '%s' in name "%s" | |
WFNAM00012 | javax.naming.InvalidNameException | Unterminated escape sequence in name "%s" | |
WFNAM00014 | org.wildfly.naming.client.RenameAcrossNamingProvidersException | Renaming from "%s" to "%s" across providers is not supported | |
WFNAM00015 | javax.naming.NotContextException | Composite name segment "%s" does not refer to a context | |
WFNAM00016 | DEBUG | Closing context "%s" failed | |
WFNAM00017 | javax.naming.CommunicationException | No JBoss Remoting endpoint has been configured | |
WFNAM00018 | javax.naming.CommunicationException | Failed to connect to remote host | |
WFNAM00019 | javax.naming.InterruptedNamingException | Naming operation interrupted | |
WFNAM00020 | javax.naming.CommunicationException | Remote naming operation failed | |
WFNAM00022 | javax.naming.CommunicationException | The server provided no compatible protocol versions | |
WFNAM00023 | javax.naming.CommunicationException | Received an invalid response from the server | |
WFNAM00024 | javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException | Naming operation not supported | |
WFNAM00025 | INFO | org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory is deprecated; new applications should use org.wildfly.naming.client.WildFlyInitialContextFactory instead | |
WFNAM00026 | javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException | No provider for found for URI: %s | |
WFNAM00029 | javax.naming.CommunicationException | Invalid leading bytes in header | |
WFNAM00031 | java.io.IOException | Outcome not understood | |
WFNAM00032 | javax.naming.AuthenticationException | Peer authentication failed | |
WFNAM00033 | javax.naming.AuthenticationException | Connection sharing not supported | |
WFNAM00034 | ERROR | Unexpected parameter type - expected: %d received: %d | |
WFNAM00035 | ERROR | Failed to send exception response to client | |
WFNAM00036 | WARN | Unexpected internal error | |
WFNAM00037 | ERROR | null correlationId so error not sent to client | |
WFNAM00038 | java.io.IOException | Unrecognized messageId | |
WFNAM00039 | ERROR | Unable to send header, closing channel | |
WFNAM00040 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unsupported protocol version [ %d ] | |
WFNAM00041 | ERROR | Error determining version selected by client | |
WFNAM00042 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Cannot specify both a callback handler and a username/password for connection | |
WFNAM00043 | java.lang.RuntimeException | Unable to load callback handler class "%s" | |
WFNAM00044 | javax.naming.NamingException | Unable to instantiate callback handler instance of type "%s" | |
WFNAM00049 | INFO | Usage of the legacy "remote.connections" property is deprecated; please use javax.naming.Context#PROVIDER_URL instead | |
WFNAM00051 | WARN | Provider URLs already given via standard mechanism; ignoring legacy property-based connection configuration | |
WFNAM00052 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Invalid value given for property "%s": "%s" is not numeric | |
WFNAM00053 | javax.naming.ConfigurationException | Failed to synthesize a valid provider URL | |
WFNAM00054 | WARN | Ignoring duplicate destination URI "%s" | |
WFNAM00055 | org.wildfly.naming.client.ExhaustedDestinationsException | No more destinations are available to attempt the operation (%d blacklisted, %d transiently failed). See suppressed exceptions for details | |
WFNAM00056 | org.wildfly.naming.client.ExhaustedDestinationsException | No more destinations are available to attempt the operation. |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFSM-00001 | DEBUG | Permission check failed (permission "%s" in code source "%s" of "%s", principals "%s") | |
WFSM-00001 | DEBUG | Permission check failed (permission "%s" in code source "%s" of "%s") | |
WFSM000001 | java.security.AccessControlException | Permission check failed (permission "%s" in code source "%s" of "%s") | |
WFSM000002 | java.lang.SecurityException | Security manager may not be changed | |
WFSM000003 | java.lang.SecurityException | Unknown security context type | |
WFSM000004 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unexpected character '%s' at offset %d of '%s' | |
WFSM000005 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid action '%s' at offset %d of '%s' | |
WFSM000006 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid permission name '%s' | |
WFSM000007 | java.lang.SecurityException | Permission collection is read-only | |
WFSM000008 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid permission (expected an instance of %s, but got %s) |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
WFTXN-001 | java.lang.String | Subordinate XAResource at %s | |
WFTXN-001 | DEBUG | Failed to configure a remote transaction service provider | |
WFTXN-001 | DEBUG | Closing the recovery stream after recovery failed threw an exception | |
WFTXN-001 | TRACE | Got exception on inbound message | |
WFTXN-001 | TRACE | Got exception on outbound message | |
WFTXN-001 | TRACE | Failure on running doRecover during initialization | |
WFTXN0000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No transaction associated with the current thread | |
WFTXN0001 | javax.transaction.NotSupportedException | A transaction is already in progress | |
WFTXN0002 | javax.transaction.InvalidTransactionException | Transaction is not a supported instance: %s | |
WFTXN0003 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid transaction location URI (must be absolute): %s | |
WFTXN0004 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No transaction provider installed for URI: %s | |
WFTXN0005 | javax.transaction.InvalidTransactionException | Transaction not associated with this provider | |
WFTXN0006 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Negative transaction timeout provided | |
WFTXN0007 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | A transaction is already associated with the current thread | |
WFTXN0008 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Cannot register a synchronization on a remote transaction | |
WFTXN0009 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Cannot enlist or delist resources on a remote transaction | |
WFTXN0010 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Failed to receive protocol message from remote peer | |
WFTXN0011 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Failed to send protocol message to remote peer | |
WFTXN0012 | javax.transaction.SystemException | The peer threw a SystemException; see peer logs for more information | |
WFTXN0013 | java.lang.SecurityException | The peer threw a SecurityException; see peer logs for more information | |
WFTXN0014 | javax.transaction.SystemException | An unexpected protocol error occurred | |
WFTXN0015 | javax.transaction.SystemException | The protocol operation was interrupted locally | |
WFTXN0016 | javax.transaction.RollbackException | The remote peer rolled back the transaction | |
WFTXN0017 | javax.transaction.RollbackException | Rollback-only transaction rolled back | |
WFTXN0018 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Invalid transaction state | |
WFTXN0019 | javax.transaction.HeuristicMixedException | The peer threw a HeuristicMixedException; see peer logs for more information | |
WFTXN0020 | javax.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException | The peer threw a HeuristicRollbackException; see peer logs for more information | |
WFTXN0021 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Failed to acquire a connection for this operation | |
WFTXN0022 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | The resource manager for remote connection to %s was already enlisted in a transaction | |
WFTXN0023 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid flag value | |
WFTXN0024 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Duplicate transaction encountered for destination %s, transaction ID %s | |
WFTXN0025 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Failed to receive protocol message from remote peer | |
WFTXN0026 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Failed to send protocol message to remote peer | |
WFTXN0027 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | The protocol operation was interrupted locally | |
WFTXN0028 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | An unexpected protocol error occurred | |
WFTXN0029 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | The peer threw an XA exception | |
WFTXN0030 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid handle type; expected %s, actually received %s | |
WFTXN0031 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Commit not allowed on imported transaction | |
WFTXN0032 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Rollback not allowed on imported transaction | |
WFTXN0033 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Multiple remote transaction providers registered on endpoint: %s | |
WFTXN0034 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Failed to acquire a connection for this operation | |
WFTXN0035 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid handle type requested; expected a subtype of Transaction (non-inclusive), got %s | |
WFTXN0036 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Transaction operation failed due to thread interruption | |
WFTXN0037 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No transaction provider associated with the current thread | |
WFTXN0038 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No local transaction provider associated with the current thread | |
WFTXN0039 | java.lang.NullPointerException | Invalid null transaction | |
WFTXN0040 | DEBUG | Rollback failed unexpectedly | |
WFTXN0041 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No provider interface matching %s is available from the transaction provider | |
WFTXN0042 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Connection to remote transaction service failed | |
WFTXN0043 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Connection to remote transaction service interrupted | |
WFTXN0044 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Unknown response received from peer | |
WFTXN0045 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Failed to receive a response from peer | |
WFTXN0046 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | The peer threw an IllegalStateException; see peer logs for more information | |
WFTXN0047 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Unknown XA response received from peer | |
WFTXN0048 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Failed to receive an XA response from peer | |
WFTXN0049 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Negative transaction timeout provided | |
WFTXN0050 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Unrecognized parameter with ID 0x%02x received | |
WFTXN0051 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Expected parameter with ID 0x%02x, got parameter with ID 0x%02x instead | |
WFTXN0052 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Expected parameter with ID 0x%02x, got parameter with ID 0x%02x instead | |
WFTXN0053 | org.wildfly.transaction.client.DelayedEnlistmentException | Delayed enlistment has failed | |
WFTXN0054 | org.wildfly.transaction.client.SynchronizationException | Before-completion failed for resource %s | |
WFTXN0055 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Two-phase operation on single-phase transaction | |
WFTXN0056 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown provider for remote transactions with URI scheme "%s" | |
WFTXN0057 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Attempted to outflow the same transaction from two different transaction managers | |
WFTXN0058 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | This delayed enlistment handle was already enlisted | |
WFTXN0059 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | This delayed enlistment handle was already forgotten | |
WFTXN0060 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Transaction timed out | |
WFTXN0061 | javax.transaction.RollbackException | Transaction is marked rollback-only | |
WFTXN0062 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Transaction is not active | |
WFTXN0063 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Provider created a null transaction | |
WFTXN0064 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid connection endpoint provided | |
WFTXN0065 | javax.transaction.SystemException | No transaction for ID %d | |
WFTXN0066 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Failed to set transaction as rollback-only | |
WFTXN0067 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Transaction is not active | |
WFTXN0068 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Subordinate enlistment failed for unknown reason | |
WFTXN0069 | javax.transaction.InvalidTransactionException | Connection does not match the transaction; the connection may have closed | |
WFTXN0070 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | No such transaction | |
WFTXN0071 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | An unexpected failure condition occurred | |
WFTXN0072 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No local transaction provider node name specified in the transaction manager environment | |
WFTXN0073 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unexpected provider transaction mismatch; expected %s, got %s | |
WFTXN0074 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Heuristic-mixed outcome | |
WFTXN0075 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Heuristic-commit outcome | |
WFTXN0076 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Transaction rolled back | |
WFTXN0077 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Heuristic-rollback outcome | |
WFTXN0078 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Invalid transaction state | |
WFTXN0079 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | An unexpected resource manager error occurred | |
WFTXN0080 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Operation not allowed on non-imported transaction | |
WFTXN0081 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Invalid transaction state for operation | |
WFTXN0082 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Cannot import a new transaction on a suspended server | |
WFTXN0083 | javax.transaction.xa.XAException | Cannot import a new transaction on a suspended server | |
WFTXN0084 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | UserTransaction access is forbidden in the current context | |
WFTXN0085 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Operation failed with an unexpected exception type | |
WFTXN0086 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unexpected transaction type encountered; expected %s but encountered %s | |
WFTXN0087 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown transaction manager type %s | |
WFTXN0088 | java.lang.SecurityException | User %s does not have permission %s | |
WFTXN0089 | javax.transaction.SystemException | Failed to configure transaction timeout of %d | |
WFTXN0090 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Cannot assign location "%s" to transaction because it is already located at "%s" |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
XNIO-00001 | INFO | XNIO version %s | |
XNIO-00001 | TRACE | Closing resource %s | |
XNIO-00001 | TRACE | Closing resource %s failed | |
XNIO-00001 | TRACE | Shutting down reads on %s failed | |
XNIO-00001 | INFO | XNIO NIO Implementation Version %s | |
XNIO-00001 | TRACE | Starting up with selector provider %s | |
XNIO-00001 | TRACE | Using %s for main selectors and %s for temp selectors | |
XNIO000000 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method parameter '%s' cannot be null | |
XNIO000001 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method parameter '%s' must be greater than %d | |
XNIO000002 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unsupported socket address %s | |
XNIO000003 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Method parameter '%s' contains disallowed null value at index %d | |
XNIO000004 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Bind address %s is not the same type as destination address %s | |
XNIO000005 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No such field named "%s" in %s | |
XNIO000006 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Class "%s" not found in %s | |
XNIO000007 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Field named "%s" is not accessible (public) in %s | |
XNIO000008 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Field named "%s" is not static in %s | |
XNIO000009 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Copy with negative count is not supported | |
XNIO000010 | WARN | Invalid option '%s' in property '%s': %s | |
XNIO000011 | ERROR | Task %s failed with an exception | |
XNIO000012 | java.nio.ReadOnlyBufferException | Attempt to write to a read-only buffer | |
XNIO000013 | java.nio.BufferUnderflowException | Buffer underflow | |
XNIO000014 | java.nio.BufferOverflowException | Buffer overflow | |
XNIO000015 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Parameter '%s' is out of range | |
XNIO000015 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Parameter '%s' is out of range | |
XNIO000016 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Mixed direct and heap buffers not allowed | |
XNIO000017 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Buffer was already freed | |
XNIO000018 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Access a thread-local random from the wrong thread | |
XNIO000019 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Channel not available from connection | |
XNIO000020 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No parser for this option value type | |
XNIO000021 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid format for property value '%s' | |
XNIO000022 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Class %s not found | |
XNIO000023 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Class %s is not an instance of %s | |
XNIO000024 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid option name '%s' | |
XNIO000025 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Invalid null option '%s' | |
XNIO000026 | java.io.IOException | Read with append is not supported | |
XNIO000027 | java.io.IOException | Requested file open mode requires Java 7 or higher | |
XNIO000028 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Current thread is not an XNIO I/O thread | |
XNIO000029 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Compression format not supported | |
XNIO000030 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Both channels must come from the same worker | |
XNIO000031 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | At least one channel must have a connection | |
XNIO000032 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | At least one channel must be an SSL channel | |
XNIO000033 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | '%s' is not a valid QOP value | |
XNIO000034 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Failed to instantiate %s | |
XNIO000035 | org.xnio.channels.ConcurrentStreamChannelAccessException | Stream channel was accessed concurrently | |
XNIO000036 | java.io.CharConversionException | Malformed input | |
XNIO000037 | java.io.CharConversionException | Unmappable character | |
XNIO000038 | java.io.CharConversionException | Character decoding problem | |
XNIO000039 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Value for option '%s' is out of range | |
XNIO000040 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Mismatched IP address type; expected %s but got %s | |
XNIO000041 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | '%s' is not a valid Strength value | |
XNIO000100 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | 'https' URL scheme chosen but no SSL provider given | |
XNIO000101 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Unknown URL scheme '%s' given; must be one of 'http' or 'https' | |
XNIO000200 | javax.security.sasl.SaslException | Unexpected extra SASL challenge data received | |
XNIO000201 | javax.security.sasl.SaslException | Unexpected extra SASL response data received | |
XNIO000300 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Socket buffer is too small | |
XNIO000301 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Application buffer is too small | |
XNIO000302 | java.io.IOException | SSLEngine required a bigger send buffer but our buffer was already big enough | |
XNIO000303 | java.io.IOException | Unexpected wrap result status: %s | |
XNIO000304 | java.io.IOException | Unexpected handshake status: %s | |
XNIO000305 | java.io.IOException | Unexpected unwrap result status: %s | |
XNIO000306 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | SSL connection is not from this provider | |
XNIO000800 | org.xnio.channels.ReadTimeoutException | Read timed out | |
XNIO000800 | org.xnio.channels.ReadTimeoutException | Read timed out | |
XNIO000801 | org.xnio.channels.WriteTimeoutException | Write timed out | |
XNIO000801 | org.xnio.channels.WriteTimeoutException | Write timed out | |
XNIO000802 | org.xnio.channels.FixedLengthOverflowException | Write past the end of a fixed-length channel | |
XNIO000803 | org.xnio.channels.FixedLengthUnderflowException | Close before all bytes were written to a fixed-length channel (%d bytes remaining) | |
XNIO000804 | java.io.IOException | Received an invalid message length of %d | |
XNIO000805 | java.io.EOFException | Writes have been shut down | |
XNIO000806 | java.io.IOException | Transmitted message is too large | |
XNIO000807 | java.io.IOException | Unflushed data truncated | |
XNIO000808 | java.io.InterruptedIOException | I/O operation was interrupted | |
XNIO000808 | java.io.InterruptedIOException | I/O operation was interrupted | |
XNIO000809 | java.io.IOException | Cannot flush due to insufficient buffer space | |
XNIO000810 | java.io.IOException | Deflater doesn't need input, but won't produce output | |
XNIO000811 | java.io.IOException | Inflater needs dictionary | |
XNIO000812 | java.io.EOFException | Connection closed unexpectedly | |
XNIO000813 | java.io.IOException | The stream is closed | |
XNIO000814 | java.io.IOException | Mark not set | |
XNIO000815 | org.xnio.ClosedWorkerException | Worker is shut down | |
XNIO000816 | java.lang.String | Redirect encountered establishing connection | |
XNIO000900 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Method '%s' is not supported on this implementation | |
XNIO000900 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException | Method '%s' is not supported on this implementation | |
XNIO001000 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Blocking I/O is not allowed on the current thread | |
XNIO001001 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No XNIO provider found | |
XNIO001002 | java.util.concurrent.CancellationException | Operation was cancelled | |
XNIO001003 | WARN | Running IoFuture notifier %s failed | |
XNIO001004 | java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException | Operation timed out | |
XNIO001005 | java.lang.SecurityException | Not allowed to read non-XNIO properties | |
XNIO001006 | ERROR | Failed to invoke file watch callback | |
XNIO001006 | ERROR | Failed to invoke file watch callback | |
XNIO001007 | ERROR | A channel event listener threw an exception | |
XNIO001008 | ERROR | A channel exception handler threw an exception | |
XNIO001009 | ERROR | Failed to accept a connection on %s: %s | |
XNIO001010 | ERROR | Failed to submit task to executor: %s (closing %s) | |
XNIO007000 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | No threads configured | |
XNIO007001 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Balancing token count must be greater than zero and less than thread count | |
XNIO007002 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Balancing connection count must be greater than zero when tokens are used | |
XNIO007003 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | Buffer is too large | |
XNIO007004 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | No functional selector provider is available | |
XNIO007005 | java.lang.IllegalStateException | Unexpected exception opening a selector | |
XNIO007006 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | XNIO IO factory is from the wrong provider | |
XNIO007007 | java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException | Thread is terminating | |
XNIO008000 | WARN | Received an I/O error on selection: %s |
Code | Level | Return Type | Message |
jlibaio143001 | WARN | You have a native library with a different version than expected |