JBoss EAP 6.4 Model Reference


Code Level Return Type Message
IJ000100 INFO Closing a connection for you. Please close them yourself: %s
IJ000102 INFO Throwable trying to close a connection for you, please close it yourself
IJ000103 INFO Could not find a close method on alleged connection object (%s). Please close your own connections
IJ000201 ERROR SecurityContext setup failed: %s
IJ000202 ERROR SecurityContext setup failed since CallbackSecurity was null
IJ000301 INFO Registered a null handle for managed connection: %s
IJ000302 INFO Unregistered handle that was not registered: %s for managed connection: %s
IJ000303 INFO Unregistered a null handle for managed connection: %s
IJ000305 WARN Connection error occured: %s
IJ000306 WARN Unknown connection error occured: %s
IJ000307 WARN Notified of error on a different managed connection
IJ000311 INFO Throwable from unregister connection
IJ000312 ERROR Error while closing connection handle
IJ000313 ERROR There is something wrong with the pooling
IJ000315 ERROR Pool %s has %d active handles
IJ000401 WARN Error during tidy up connection: %s
IJ000402 WARN ResourceException in returning connection: %s
IJ000403 WARN Reconnecting a connection handle that still has a managed connection: %s %s
IJ000404 WARN Unchecked throwable in managedConnectionDisconnected() cl=%s
IJ000406 ERROR Throwable in returning connection: %s
IJ000501 WARN Thread %s is not the enlisting thread %s
IJ000502 WARN Transaction %s error in beforeCompletion %s
IJ000503 WARN Transaction %s error in afterCompletion %s
IJ000504 WARN Transaction not found: %s
IJ000601 INFO ConnectionValidator has been interrupted
IJ000602 WARN ConnectionValidator ignored unexpected runtime exception
IJ000603 WARN ConnectionValidator ignored unexpected error
IJ000604 WARN Throwable while attempting to get a new connection: %s
IJ000605 WARN Destroying connection that could not be successfully matched %s for %s
IJ000606 WARN Throwable while trying to match managed connection, destroying connection: %s
IJ000607 WARN ResourceException cleaning up managed connection: %s
IJ000608 WARN Destroying returned connection, maximum pool size exceeded %s
IJ000609 WARN Attempt to return connection twice: %s
IJ000610 WARN Unable to fill pool
IJ000611 WARN Warning: Background validation was specified with a non compliant ManagedConnectionFactory interface
IJ000612 WARN Destroying connection that could not be successfully matched: %s
IJ000613 WARN Throwable while trying to match managed connection, destroying connection: %s
IJ000614 ERROR Exception during createSubject() for %s: %s
IJ000615 WARN Destroying active connection in pool: %s (%s)
IJ000616 ERROR Leak detected in pool: %s (%s) (%d)
IJ000701 WARN Exception during unbind
IJ000901 WARN Error during connection close
IJ000902 ERROR Error during inflow crash recovery for '%s' (%s)
IJ000903 ERROR Error creating Subject for crash recovery: %s (%s)
IJ000904 WARN No security domain defined for crash recovery: %s
IJ000905 WARN Subject for crash recovery was null: %s
IJ000906 ERROR Error during crash recovery: %s (%s)
IJ001001 WARN No users.properties were found
IJ001002 ERROR Error while loading users.properties
IJ001003 WARN No roles.properties were found
IJ001004 ERROR Error while loading roles.properties
IJ001005 WARN No callback.properties were found
IJ001006 ERROR Error while loading callback.properties
IJ001101 WARN Prepare called on a local tx. Use of local transactions on a JTA transaction with more than one branch may result in inconsistent data in some cases of failure
IJ010001 ERROR Parsing error of ra.xml file: %s
IJ010002 ERROR Parsing error of ironjacamar.xml file: %s
IJ010003 ERROR No @Connector was found and no definition in the ra.xml metadata either
IJ010004 ERROR More than one @Connector was found but the correct one wasn't defined in the ra.xml metadata
IJ010005 WARN Detected JCA 1.7 deployment. Downgrading to JCA 1.6
IJ020001 INFO Required license terms for %s
IJ020002 INFO Deployed: %s
IJ020003 WARN Failure during validation report generation: %s
IJ020004 WARN Only one connection definition found with a mismatch in class-name: %s
IJ020005 WARN Only one admin object found with a mismatch in class-name: %s
IJ020006 ERROR ConnectionFactory is null
IJ020007 ERROR Exception during createSubject(): %s
IJ020008 WARN Invalid config-property: %s
IJ020009 WARN Invalid connection definition with class-name: %s
IJ020010 ERROR Connection definition with missing class-name
IJ020011 ERROR Admin object with missing class-name
IJ020012 WARN Admin object not bound: %s
IJ020013 WARN Connection factory not bound: %s
IJ020014 INFO Admin object not specification compliant. See for additional details: %s
IJ020015 INFO Connection factory not specification compliant. See for additional details: %s
IJ020016 WARN Missing element. XA recovery disabled for: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
JBAS-00001 ERROR Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s
JBAS-00001 WARN Server '%s' (managed by host '%s') is unstable and should be stopped or restarted. An unstable server may not stop normally, so the 'kill' operation may be required to terminate the server process.
JBAS-00001 WARN Could not send initial module availability report to channel %s
JBAS000044 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException jboss.as.jpa.scopedname hint (%s) contains illegal '%s' character
JBAS010150 ERROR Unable to roll back active transaction
JBAS010151 ERROR Unable to get transaction state
JBAS010152 ERROR APPLICATION ERROR: transaction still active in request with status %s
JBAS010153 WARN Node identifier property is set to the default value. Please make sure it is unique.
JBAS010200 ERROR Caught InterruptedException; Failing request by %s to lock %s
JBAS010201 WARN Received remoteLock call from self
JBAS010220 WARN Partition %s message wrapper does not contain Object[] object!
JBAS010221 WARN Partition %s message does not contain a MethodCall object!
JBAS010222 WARN Membership listener callback failure: %s
JBAS010223 ERROR %s failed
JBAS010224 ERROR %s failed for service %s
JBAS010225 INFO New cluster view for partition %s (id: %d, delta: %d, merge: %b) : %s
JBAS010226 INFO New cluster view for partition %s: %d (%s delta: %d, merge: %b)
JBAS010227 WARN No %s registered to receive state for service %s
JBAS010228 WARN Partition %s message or message buffer is null!
JBAS010229 WARN Partition %s failed extracting message body from request bytes
JBAS010230 WARN Partition %s failed deserializing message buffer (msg=%s)
JBAS010231 WARN Received concurrent requests to get service state for %s
JBAS010232 INFO Suspected member: %s
JBAS010233 WARN Failed to stop lock manager
JBAS010234 ERROR Caught Throwable handling asynch events
JBAS010235 ERROR %s Thread interrupted
JBAS010236 WARN Caught exception asynchronously invoking method %s on service %s
JBAS010237 ERROR failed setting %s for service %s
JBAS010238 INFO Number of cluster members: %d
JBAS010260 INFO Activating JGroups subsystem.
JBAS010261 TRACE Setting %s.%s=%d
JBAS010262 TRACE Failed to set non-existent %s.%s=%d
JBAS010263 TRACE Could not set %s.%s and %s.%s, %s socket binding does not specify a multicast socket
JBAS010264 ERROR Error accessing original value for property %s of protocol %s
JBAS010265 WARN property %s for protocol %s attempting to override socket binding value %s : property value %s will be ignored
JBAS010280 INFO Activating Infinispan subsystem.
JBAS010281 INFO Started %s cache from %s container
JBAS010282 INFO Stopped %s cache from %s container
JBAS010283 WARN The 'eager' attribute specified on the 'transaction' element of a cache is no longer valid
JBAS010284 WARN The '%s' attribute specified on the 'transport' element of a cache container is no longer valid; use the same attribute specified on the 'transport' element of corresponding JGroups stack instead
JBAS010285 DEBUG '%s' cache container installed.
JBAS010286 WARN Attribute 'virtual-nodes' has been deprecated - converting legacy 'virtual-nodes' value to 'segments' value
JBAS010300 WARN %s: rolling back transaction with exception
JBAS010320 INFO Adding missing jvm route entry to web session cache
JBAS010321 WARN %s replication granularity is deprecated. Falling back to %s granularity instead.
JBAS010322 WARN Failed to load session %s
JBAS010323 INFO Removed stale jvm route entry from web session cache on behalf of member %s
JBAS010324 INFO Updating jvm route entry in web session cache. old = %s, new = %s
JBAS010325 WARN Possible concurrency problem: Replicated version id %d is less than or equal to in-memory version for session %s
JBAS010340 INFO This node will now operate as the singleton provider of the %s service
JBAS010341 INFO This node will no longer operate as the singleton provider of the %s service
JBAS010342 INFO %s elected as the singleton provider of the %s service
JBAS010343 DEBUG No response received from master node of the %s service, retrying...
JBAS010344 ERROR Failed to start %s service
JBAS010400 INFO Bound data source [%s]
JBAS010401 INFO Bound JCA %s [%s]
JBAS010402 WARN Unable to instantiate driver class "%s": %s
JBAS010403 INFO Deploying JDBC-compliant driver %s (version %d.%d)
JBAS010404 INFO Deploying non-JDBC-compliant driver %s (version %d.%d)
JBAS010405 INFO Registered admin object at %s
JBAS010406 INFO Registered connection factory %s
JBAS010407 INFO Starting service %s
JBAS010408 INFO Starting %s Subsystem (%s)
JBAS010409 INFO Unbound data source [%s]
JBAS010410 INFO Unbound JCA %s [%s]
JBAS010411 WARN in standalone -ds.xml deployments aren't supported: Ignoring %s
JBAS010415 WARN Method %s on DataSource class %s not found. Ignoring
JBAS010416 DEBUG Forcing ironjacamar.xml descriptor to null
JBAS010429 ERROR Unable to register recovery: %s (%s)
JBAS010477 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException At least one of ARCHIVE or MODULE is required
JBAS010487 WARN Unable to find driver class name in "%s" jar
JBAS010489 WARN -ds.xml file deployments are deprecated. Support may be removed in a future version.
JBAS010600 WARN Closing leaked controller client
JBAS010601 WARN Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit
JBAS010800 WARN Ignoring 'include' child of 'socket-binding-group' %s
JBAS010801 WARN Ignoring 'include' child of 'profile' %s
JBAS010802 INFO Interrupted awaiting final response from server %s on host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
JBAS010803 WARN Caught exception awaiting final response from server %s on host %s
JBAS010804 INFO Interrupted awaiting final response from host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
JBAS010805 WARN Caught exception awaiting final response from host %s
JBAS010806 WARN Caught exception closing input stream
JBAS010807 INFO Domain model has changed on re-connect. The following servers will need to be restarted for changes to take affect: %s
JBAS010808 ERROR %s caught %s waiting for task %s. Cancelling task
JBAS010810 ERROR No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment %s. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure.
JBAS010811 WARN failed to set server (%s) into a restart required state
JBAS010812 INFO %s interrupted awaiting server prepared response(s) -- cancelling updates for servers %s
JBAS010813 INFO Interrupted awaiting host prepared response(s) -- cancelling updates for hosts %s
JBAS010814 WARN %s deployment has been re-deployed, its content will not be removed. You will need to restart it.
JBAS010815 INFO Timed out after %d ms awaiting host prepared response(s) from hosts %s -- cancelling updates for hosts %s
JBAS010816 INFO Timed out after %d ms awaiting final response from host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
JBAS010817 INFO %s timed out after %d ms awaiting server prepared response(s) -- cancelling updates for servers %s
JBAS010818 INFO Timed out after %d ms awaiting final response from server %s on host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
JBAS010900 WARN Could not connect to remote domain controller at %s -- %s
JBAS010901 ERROR Could not connect to master. Aborting. Error was: %s
JBAS010902 INFO Creating http management service using network interface (%s) port (%d) securePort (%d)
JBAS010903 WARN Error retrieving domain model from remote domain controller %s:%d: %s
JBAS010904 WARN Existing server [%s] with status: %s
JBAS010905 ERROR Failed to create server process %s
JBAS010906 ERROR Failed to send reconnect message to server %s
JBAS010907 ERROR Failed to start server (%s)
JBAS010908 ERROR Failed to stop server (%s)
JBAS010909 WARN Graceful shutdown of server %s was requested but is not presently supported. Falling back to rapid shutdown.
JBAS010910 WARN Ignoring for jvm '%s' type jvm: %s
JBAS010911 ERROR No configuration was provided and the current running mode ('%s') requires access to the Domain Controller host. Startup will be aborted. Use the %s command line argument to start in %s mode if you need to start without a domain controller connection and then use the management tools to configure one.
JBAS010912 WARN No security realm defined for http management service, all access will be unrestricted.
JBAS010913 ERROR No server called %s available
JBAS010914 WARN Connection to remote host-controller closed.
JBAS010915 WARN Ignoring
JBAS010917 INFO Reconnecting server %s
JBAS010918 INFO Registered remote slave host "%s", %s
JBAS010919 INFO Registering server %s
JBAS010920 INFO Server [%s] registered using connection [%s]
JBAS010921 WARN Graceful shutdown of the handler used for messages from other Host Controllers did not cleanly complete but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding
JBAS010922 INFO Starting server %s
JBAS010923 INFO Stopping server %s
JBAS010924 WARN Server %s is not in the expected %s state: %s
JBAS010925 INFO Unregistered remote slave host "%s"
JBAS010926 INFO Unregistering server %s
JBAS010927 INFO Registered at domain controller
JBAS010928 INFO Unregistered at domain controller
JBAS010929 WARN Connection to remote host "%s" closed unexpectedly
JBAS010930 WARN Cannot load the domain model using using --backup
JBAS010931 WARN Cannot store the domain model using using --cached-dc
JBAS010932 ERROR Caught exception during boot
JBAS010933 FATAL Host Controller boot has failed in an unrecoverable manner; exiting. See previous messages for details.
JBAS010934 ERROR Installation of the domain-wide configuration has failed. Because the running mode of this Host Controller is ADMIN_ONLY boot has been allowed to proceed. If ADMIN_ONLY mode were not in effect the process would be terminated due to a critical boot failure.
JBAS010935 WARN Graceful shutdown of the handler used for messages from other Host Controllers did not complete within [%d] ms but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding
JBAS010936 INFO The master host controller has been restarted. Re-registering this slave host controller with the new master.
JBAS010937 WARN The master host controller could not be reached in the last [%d] milliseconds. Re-connecting.
JBAS010938 INFO The slave host controller "%s" has been restarted or is attempting to reconnect. Unregistering the current connection to this slave.
JBAS010939 WARN The slave host controller "%s" could not be reached in the last [%d] milliseconds. Unregistering.
JBAS011000 WARN Transactional datasource %s could not be proxied and will not be enlisted in transactions automatically
JBAS011001 WARN Could not resolve %s %s
JBAS011002 WARN Class Path entry %s in %s does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.
JBAS011003 WARN Class Path entry in %s may not point to a sub deployment.
JBAS011004 WARN Class Path entry %s in %s not found.
JBAS011005 WARN Failed to destroy component instance %s
JBAS011006 WARN Not installing optional component %s due to an exception (enable DEBUG log level to see the cause)
JBAS011007 WARN Ignoring property %s due to missing setter method: %s(%s) on datasource class: %s
JBAS011008 WARN [Managed Bean spec, section %s] Managed bean implementation class MUST NOT be an interface - %s is an interface, hence won't be considered as a managed bean.
JBAS011009 WARN [Managed Bean spec, section %s] Managed bean implementation class MUST NOT be abstract or final - %s won't be considered as a managed bean, since it doesn't meet that requirement.
JBAS011010 WARN Exception while invoking pre-destroy interceptor for component class: %s
JBAS011011 WARN Transactional datasource %s will not be enlisted in the transaction as the transaction subsystem is not available
JBAS011012 DEBUG Injection for a member with static modifier is only acceptable on application clients, ignoring injection for target %s
JBAS011013 WARN %s in subdeployment ignored. jboss-ejb-client.xml is only parsed for top level deployments.
JBAS011100 WARN Could not close handle to mounted %s
JBAS011101 WARN Could not load class file %s
JBAS011102 WARN Exception closing file %s
JBAS011103 WARN Failed to undeploy %s
JBAS011104 WARN File on ClassPath could not be found: %s
JBAS011105 WARN Encountered unknown file type, skipping: %s
JBAS011200 WARN %s annotation not on Class: %s
JBAS011201 WARN %s annotation not on Class or Method: %s
JBAS011202 ERROR More than one mapping found for JAX-RS servlet: %s the second mapping %s will not work
JBAS011203 WARN No Servlet mappings found for JAX-RS application: %s either annotate it with @ApplicationPath or add a servlet-mapping in web.xml
JBAS011204 WARN %s found and ignored in web.xml. This is not necessary, as Resteasy will use the container integration in the JAX-RS 1.1 specification in section 2.3.2
JBAS011205 WARN The context param org.jboss.as.jaxrs.disableSpringIntegration is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Please use org.jboss.as.jaxrs.enableSpringIntegration instead
JBAS011300 ERROR Could not shutdown rmi registry
JBAS011301 ERROR Could not stop connector server
JBAS011302 ERROR Could not unbind jmx connector from registry
JBAS011303 WARN No ObjectName available to unregister
JBAS011304 ERROR Failed to unregister [%s]
JBAS011305 WARN is no longer supporting. should be used instead to allow remote connections via JBoss Remoting.
JBAS011400 WARN Duplicate Persistence Unit definition for %s in application. One of the duplicate persistence.xml should be removed from the application. Application deployment will continue with the persistence.xml definitions from %s used. The persistence.xml definitions from %s will be ignored.
JBAS011401 INFO Read persistence.xml for %s
JBAS011402 INFO Starting %s Service '%s'
JBAS011403 INFO Stopping %s Service '%s'
JBAS011404 ERROR Could not load default persistence provider adaptor module. Management attributes will not be registered for the adaptor
JBAS011405 ERROR Could not load default persistence provider module.
JBAS011406 ERROR Failed to stop persistence unit service %s
JBAS011407 WARN Failed to get module attachment for %s
JBAS011408 WARN Could not load entity class '%s', ignoring this error and continuing with application deployment
JBAS011409 java.lang.String Can't find a persistence unit named %s in %s
JBAS011501 WARN An error occurred trying to set the property '%s' on handler '%s'.
JBAS011504 WARN Unknown property '%s' for '%s'.
JBAS011505 ERROR Failed to close resource %s
JBAS011506 WARN The attribute %s could not be set as it is not a configurable property value.
JBAS011507 WARN The path manager service does not appear to be started. Any changes may be lost as a result of this.
JBAS011508 WARN Filters are not currently supported for log4j appenders.
JBAS011509 WARN Logging profile '%s' was specified for deployment '%s' but was not found. Using system logging configuration.
JBAS011510 WARN The configuration file in '%s' appears to be a J.U.L. configuration file. The log manager does not allow this type of configuration file.
JBAS011511 WARN Replacing handler '%s' during add operation. Either the handler type or the module name differs from the initial configuration.
JBAS011512 WARN A configurator class, '%s', is not a known configurator and will be replaced.
JBAS011513 ERROR The log context (%s) could not be removed for deployment %s
JBAS011600 WARN AIO wasn't located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO. If your platform is Linux, install LibAIO to enable the AIO journal
JBAS011601 INFO Bound messaging object to jndi name %s
JBAS011602 ERROR Exception while stopping JMS server
JBAS011603 WARN Failed to destroy %s: %s
JBAS011604 ERROR %s caught exception attempting to revert operation %s at address %s
JBAS011605 INFO Unbound messaging object to jndi name %s
JBAS011606 ERROR Could not close file %s
JBAS011607 WARN Failed to unbind messaging object bound to jndi name %s in %d %s
JBAS011608 WARN Element %s is deprecated and will not be taken into account
JBAS011609 WARN Attribute %s is deprecated and will not be taken into account
JBAS011610 INFO Started %s %s
JBAS011611 INFO Stopped %s %s
JBAS011612 WARN Attribute %s of the resource at %s is deprecated and setting its value will not be taken into account
JBAS011613 WARN Can not change the clustered attribute to false: The hornetq-server resource at %s has cluster-connection children resources and will remain clustered.
JBAS011618 WARN There is no resource matching the expiry-address %s for the address-settings %s, expired messages from destinations matching this address-setting will be lost!
JBAS011619 WARN There is no resource matching the dead-letter-address %s for the address-settings %s, undelivered messages from destinations matching this address-setting will be lost!
JBAS011700 ERROR Error adding metrics.
JBAS011701 ERROR %s failed to start.
JBAS011702 ERROR %s failed to stop.
JBAS011703 ERROR Mod_cluster requires Advertise but Multicast interface is not available
JBAS011704 INFO Mod_cluster uses default load balancer provider
JBAS011705 ERROR Error applying properties to load metric class '%s'. Metric will not be loaded.
JBAS011800 INFO Activating Naming Subsystem
JBAS011801 WARN Failed to set %s
JBAS011802 INFO Starting Naming Service
JBAS011803 ERROR Unable to send header, closing channel
JBAS011804 ERROR Error determining version selected by client.
JBAS011805 ERROR Closing channel %s due to an error
JBAS011806 DEBUG Channel end notification received, closing channel %s
JBAS011807 ERROR Unexpected internal error
JBAS011808 ERROR Null correlationId so error not sent to client
JBAS011809 ERROR Failed to send exception response to client
JBAS011810 ERROR Unexpected parameter type - expected: %d received: %d
JBAS011811 ERROR Failed to release binder service, used for a runtime made JNDI binding
JBAS011812 ERROR Failed to obtain jndi view value for entry %s.
JBAS011900 ERROR Cannot start bundle: %s
JBAS011904 WARN Cannot find composite annotation index in: %s
JBAS011905 WARN Cannot undeploy bundle: %s
JBAS011906 INFO Activating OSGi Subsystem
JBAS011907 INFO Register module: %s
JBAS011908 INFO Unregister module: %s
JBAS011909 ERROR Management operation '%s' failed
JBAS011910 WARN Cannot resolve requirements: %s
JBAS011911 INFO Bound system context: %s
JBAS011912 INFO Unbound system context: %s
JBAS011913 INFO Register HttpService alias: %s
JBAS011914 INFO Unregister HttpService alias: %s
JBAS011915 WARN Cannot deploy from management operation, bypassing deployment unit processors: %s
JBAS011916 INFO Activate deferred module phase for: %s
JBAS011917 WARN Deactivate deferred module phase for: %s
JBAS011918 WARN Service '%s' failed to start
JBAS011919 WARN Service '%s' failed to stop
JBAS012000 WARN Attempted to reconnect non-existent process '%s'
JBAS012001 WARN Attempted to remove non-existent process '%s'
JBAS012002 WARN Attempted to start non-existent process '%s'
JBAS012003 WARN Attempted to stop non-existent process '%s'
JBAS012004 WARN Attempted to register duplicate named process '%s'
JBAS012005 WARN Failed to send authentication key to process '%s': %s
JBAS012006 ERROR Failed to send data bytes to process '%s' input stream
JBAS012007 ERROR Failed to send reconnect message to process '%s' input stream
JBAS012008 ERROR Failed to start process '%s'
JBAS012009 ERROR Failed to write %s message to connection: %s
JBAS012010 INFO Process '%s' finished with an exit status of %d
JBAS012011 WARN Received connection with invalid version from %s
JBAS012012 WARN Received unrecognized greeting code 0x%02x from %s
JBAS012013 WARN Received connection with unknown credentials from %s
JBAS012015 INFO All processes finished; exiting
JBAS012016 INFO Shutting down process controller
JBAS012017 INFO Starting process '%s'
JBAS012018 INFO Stopping process '%s'
JBAS012019 ERROR Stream processing failed for process '%s': %s
JBAS012020 INFO Waiting %d seconds until trying to restart process %s.
JBAS012021 WARN Failed to kill process '%s', trying to destroy the process instead.
JBAS012022 WARN The use of -Djava.security.manager has been deprecated. Please use the -secmgr command line argument or SECMGR=true environment variable.
JBAS012100 WARN Got error closing channel %s
JBAS012102 ERROR Failed to close resource %s
JBAS012103 ERROR Failed to close the server socket %s
JBAS012114 WARN Executor is not needed for client
JBAS012118 WARN No such request (%d) associated with channel %s
JBAS012119 INFO %s cancelled task by interrupting thread %s
JBAS012120 INFO %s cancelled task before execution began
JBAS012400 WARN The '%s' attribute is no longer supported. The value [%f] of the '%s' attribute is being combined with the value [%f] of the '%s' attribute and the current processor count [%d] to derive a new value of [%d] for '%s'.
JBAS012600 ERROR Could not load JSF managed bean class: %s
JBAS012600 ERROR Could not load JSF managed bean class: %s
JBAS012601 ERROR JSF managed bean class %s has no default constructor
JBAS012601 ERROR JSF managed bean class %s has no default constructor
JBAS012602 ERROR Failed to parse %s, managed beans defined in this file will not be available
JBAS012602 ERROR Failed to parse %s, managed beans defined in this file will not be available
JBAS012603 WARN Unknown JSF version '%s'. Default version '%s' will be used instead.
JBAS012603 WARN Unknown JSF version '%s'. Default version '%s' will be used instead.
JBAS012610 ERROR Could not load JSF managed bean class: %s
JBAS012611 ERROR JSF managed bean class %s has no default constructor
JBAS012612 ERROR Failed to parse %s, managed beans defined in this file will not be available
JBAS012613 WARN Unknown JSF version '%s'. Default version '%s' will be used instead.
JBAS012614 WARN JSF version slot '%s' is missing from module %s
JBAS012615 INFO Activated the following JSF Implementations: %s
JBAS013100 INFO Starting creation of a JBoss Diagnostic Report (JDR).
JBAS013101 INFO Completed creation of a JBoss Diagnostic Report (JDR).
JBAS013102 ERROR Unable to create JDR report, JBoss Home directory cannot be determined.
JBAS013103 WARN JDR python interpreter encountered an exception.
JBAS013104 WARN Unable to decode a url while creating JDR report.
JBAS013105 WARN Plugin contrib location is not a directory. Ignoring.
JBAS013106 ERROR Could not create zipfile.
JBAS013107 ERROR Could not configure JDR.
JBAS013108 ERROR No JDR commands were loaded. Be sure that a valid Plugin class is specified in plugins.properties.
JBAS013200 ERROR %s
JBAS013201 ERROR %s running app client main
JBAS013202 ERROR Error closing connection
JBAS013370 INFO Current PicketBox version=%s
JBAS013371 INFO Activating Security Subsystem
JBAS013372 WARN Error deleting JACC Policy
JBAS013373 WARN Attempt to create the second Security Vault is invalid. Only one Security Vault is supported. Change your configuration, please.
JBAS013400 ERROR No operation named '%s' exists at address %s
JBAS013403 WARN There were problems during the transformation process for target host: '%s' %nProblems found: %n%s
JBAS013404 WARN Extension '%s' is deprecated and may not be supported in future versions
JBAS013405 INFO Subsystems %s provided by legacy extension '%s' are not supported on servers running this version. The extension is only supported for use by hosts running a previous release in a mixed-version managed domain. On this server the extension will not register any subsystems, and future attempts to create or address subsystem resources on this server will result in failure.
JBAS013406 ERROR Update of the management operation audit log failed
JBAS013407 ERROR [%d] consecutive management operation audit logging failures have occurred; disabling audit logging
JBAS013408 ERROR Update of the management operation audit log failed in handler '%s'
JBAS013409 ERROR [%d] consecutive management operation audit logging failures have occurred in handler '%s'; disabling this handler for audit logging
JBAS013410 ERROR Invalid value %s for property %s; must be a numeric value greater than zero. Default value of %d will be used.
JBAS013411 DEBUG Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for initial service container stability before allowing runtime changes for operation '%s' at address '%s'. Operation will roll back; process restart is required.
JBAS013412 ERROR Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for service container stability. Operation will roll back. Step that first updated the service container was '%s' at address '%s'
JBAS013413 ERROR Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for service container stability while finalizing an operation. Process must be restarted. Step that first updated the service container was '%s' at address '%s'
JBAS013414 INFO Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' interrupted while awaiting initial response; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
JBAS013415 INFO Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' interrupted while awaiting final response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation
JBAS013416 INFO Cancelling operation '%s' with id '%d' running on thread '%s'
JBAS013417 INFO Attempting reconnect to syslog handler '%s; after timeout of %d seconds
JBAS013418 INFO Reconnecting to syslog handler '%s failed
JBAS013419 WARN Failed to emit notification %s
JBAS013420 WARN Notification of type %s is not described for the resource at the address %s
JBAS013421 WARN Update of the management operation audit log failed on the handler '%s' due to '%s'. Please make sure that the syslog server is running and reachable
JBAS013422 ERROR Unexpected failure during execution of the following operation(s): %s
JBAS013423 ERROR Failed sending completed response %s for %d
JBAS013424 ERROR Failed sending failure response %s for %d
JBAS013425 INFO Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' timed out after %d ms while awaiting final response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation
JBAS014000 INFO Started JAXR subsystem, binding JAXR connection factory into JNDI as: %s
JBAS014001 ERROR Cannot bind JAXR ConnectionFactory
JBAS014002 INFO UnBinding JAXR ConnectionFactory: %s
JBAS014003 ERROR Cannot unbind JAXR ConnectionFactory
JBAS014004 DEBUG Obtained the JAXR factory name from System Property %s, using jaxr implementation %s
JBAS014005 DEBUG Obtained the JAXR factory name from JBoss configuration %s, using jaxr implementation %s
JBAS014006 DEBUG Obtained the JAXR factory name from the ServiceLoader API reading file META-INF/services/javax.xml.registry.ConnectionFactory, using jaxr implementation %s
JBAS014007 DEBUG Using default JAXR factory implementation %s
JBAS014100 ERROR Failed to remove %s from cache
JBAS014101 INFO Failed to find SFSB instance with session ID %s in cache
JBAS014102 ERROR Asynchronous invocation failed
JBAS014103 ERROR failed to get tx manager status; ignoring
JBAS014104 ERROR failed to set rollback only; ignoring
JBAS014105 WARN ActivationConfigProperty %s will be ignored since it is not allowed by resource adapter: %s
JBAS014106 ERROR Discarding stateful component instance: %s due to exception
JBAS014107 ERROR Failed to remove bean: %s with session id %s
JBAS014108 INFO Could not find stateful session bean instance with id: %s for bean: %s during destruction. Probably already removed
JBAS014110 WARN Default interceptor class %s is not listed in the section of ejb-jar.xml and will not be applied
JBAS014111 WARN No method named: %s found on EJB: %s while processing exclude-list element in ejb-jar.xml
JBAS014112 WARN No method named: %s with param types: %s found on EJB: %s while processing exclude-list element in ejb-jar.xml
JBAS014113 WARN No method named: %s found on EJB: %s while processing method-permission element in ejb-jar.xml
JBAS014114 WARN No method named: %s with param types: %s found on EJB: %s while processing method-permission element in ejb-jar.xml
JBAS014115 WARN Unknown timezone id: %s found in schedule expression. Ignoring it and using server's timezone: %s
JBAS014116 WARN Timer persistence is not enabled, persistent timers will not survive JVM restarts
JBAS014117 INFO Next expiration is null. No tasks will be scheduled for timer %S
JBAS014118 ERROR Ignoring exception during setRollbackOnly
JBAS014119 WARN Unregistered an already registered Timerservice with id %s and a new instance will be registered
JBAS014120 ERROR Error invoking timeout for timer: %s
JBAS014121 INFO Timer: %s will be retried
JBAS014122 ERROR Error during retrying timeout for timer: %s
JBAS014123 INFO Retrying timeout for timer: %s
JBAS014124 INFO Timer is not active, skipping retry of timer: %s
JBAS014126 WARN Could not read timer information for EJB component %s
JBAS014127 ERROR Could not remove persistent timer %s
JBAS014128 ERROR %s is not a directory, could not restore timers
JBAS014129 ERROR Could not restore timer from %s
JBAS014130 ERROR error closing file
JBAS014131 ERROR Could not restore timers for %s
JBAS014132 ERROR Could not create directory %s to persist EJB timers.
JBAS014133 ERROR Discarding entity component instance: %s due to exception
JBAS014134 ERROR EJB Invocation failed on component %s for method %s
JBAS014135 WARN Could not find EJB for locator %s, EJB client proxy will not be replaced
JBAS014136 WARN EJB %s is not being replaced with a Stub as it is not exposed over IIOP
JBAS014137 ERROR Dynamic stub creation failed for class %s
JBAS014138 ERROR Exception releasing entity
JBAS014139 INFO Unsupported client marshalling strategy %s received on channel %s ,no further communication will take place
JBAS014140 ERROR Closing channel %s due to an error
JBAS014141 DEBUG Channel end notification received, closing channel %s
JBAS014142 INFO Started message driven bean '%s' with '%s' resource adapter
JBAS014143 WARN A previous execution of timer [%s %s] is still in progress, skipping this overlapping scheduled execution at: %s as timer state is %s
JBAS014150 WARN Failed to parse property %s due to %s
JBAS014164 ERROR Failed to set transaction for rollback only
JBAS014211 INFO No jndi bindings will be created for EJB %s since no views are exposed
JBAS014212 WARN Could not send cluster formation message to the client on channel %s
JBAS014213 WARN Could not send module availability notification of module %s on channel %s
JBAS014214 WARN Could not send module un-availability notification of module %s on channel %s
JBAS014215 WARN Could not send a cluster formation message for cluster: %s to the client on channel %s
JBAS014216 WARN Could not write a new cluster node addition message to channel %s
JBAS014217 WARN Could not write a cluster node removal message to channel %s
JBAS014218 WARN [EJB3.1 spec, section 4.9.2] Session bean implementation class MUST NOT be a interface - %s is an interface, hence won't be considered as a session bean
JBAS014219 WARN [EJB3.1 spec, section 4.9.2] Session bean implementation class MUST be public, not abstract and not final - %s won't be considered as a session bean, since it doesn't meet that requirement
JBAS014220 WARN [EJB3.1 spec, section 5.6.2] Message driven bean implementation class MUST NOT be a interface - %s is an interface, hence won't be considered as a message driven bean
JBAS014221 WARN [EJB3.1 spec, section 5.6.2] Message driven bean implementation class MUST be public, not abstract and not final - %s won't be considered as a message driven bean, since it doesn't meet that requirement
JBAS014222 WARN Method %s was a async method but the client could not be informed about the same. This will mean that the client might block till the method completes
JBAS014223 WARN Asynchronous invocations are only supported on session beans. Bean class %s is not a session bean, invocation on method %s will have no asynchronous semantics
JBAS014224 INFO Cannot add cluster node %s to cluster %s since none of the client mappings matched for address %s
JBAS014241 ERROR Exception calling deployment added listener
JBAS014242 ERROR Exception calling deployment removal listener
JBAS014243 ERROR Failed to remove management resources for %s -- %s
JBAS014244 INFO CORBA interface repository for %s: %s
JBAS014245 ERROR Cannot unregister EJBHome from CORBA naming service
JBAS014246 ERROR Cannot deactivate home servant
JBAS014247 ERROR Cannot deactivate bean servant
JBAS014248 ERROR Exception on channel %s from message %s
JBAS014249 ERROR Error invoking method %s on bean named %s for appname %s modulename %s distinctname %s
JBAS014250 ERROR Could not write method invocation failure for method %s on bean named %s for appname %s modulename %s distinctname %s due to
JBAS014251 ERROR Exception while generating session id for component %s with invocation id: %s on channel %s
JBAS014252 ERROR Could not write out message to channel due to
JBAS014253 ERROR Could not write out invocation success message to channel due to
JBAS014254 WARN Received unsupported message header 0x%s on channel %s
JBAS014255 ERROR Error during transaction management of transaction id %s
JBAS014256 WARN %s retrying %d
JBAS014257 ERROR Failed to get status
JBAS014258 ERROR Failed to rollback
JBAS014259 ERROR BMT stateful bean '%s' did not complete user transaction properly status=%s
JBAS014260 ERROR Cannot delete cache %s %s, will be deleted on exit
JBAS014261 WARN Failed to reinstate timer '%s' (id=%s) from its persistent state
JBAS014262 WARN A previous execution of timer %s is being retried, skipping this scheduled execution at: %s
JBAS014265 ERROR Error during transaction recovery
JBAS014268 ERROR Failure in caller transaction.
JBAS014269 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Only one instance on with an ejb-name of * can be present.
JBAS014270 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException elements that use the wildcard EJB name * can only use a method name of *
JBAS014271 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Module %s containing bean %s is not deployed in ear but it specifies resource adapter name '%s' in a relative format.
JBAS014272 ERROR Cannot create table for timer persistence
JBAS014273 ERROR Exception running timer task for timer %s on EJB %s
JBAS014274 ERROR Failed to refresh timers for %s
JBAS014275 WARN The transaction isolation need to be equal or stricter than READ_COMMITTED to ensure that the timer run once-and-only-once
JBAS014276 ERROR Update timer failed and it was not possible to rollback the transaction!
JBAS014277 WARN Unable to detect database dialect from connection metadata or JDBC driver name. Please configure this manually using the 'datasource' property in your configuration. Known database dialect strings are %s
JBAS014278 WARN EJB %s couldn't be passivated and will remain active.
JBAS014279 WARN Invalid transaction attribute type %s on SFSB lifecycle method %s of class %s, valid types are REQUIRES_NEW and NOT_SUPPORTED. Method will be treated as NOT_SUPPORTED.
JBAS014600 WARN Cannot resolve address %s, so cannot match it to any InetAddress
JBAS014601 ERROR Error booting the container
JBAS014602 ERROR Error booting the container due to insufficient stack space for the thread used to execute boot operations. The thread was configured with a stack size of [%1$d]. Setting system property %2$s to a value higher than [%1$d] may resolve this problem.
JBAS014603 ERROR %s caught exception attempting to revert operation %s at address %s
JBAS014604 ERROR Failed executing operation %s at address %s
JBAS014605 ERROR Failed executing subsystem %s boot operations
JBAS014606 ERROR Failed to close resource %s
JBAS014607 ERROR Failed to persist configuration change
JBAS014608 ERROR Failed to store configuration to %s
JBAS014609 ERROR Invalid value %s for system property %s -- using default value [%d]
JBAS014610 WARN Address %1$s is a wildcard address, which will not match against any specific address. Do not use the '%2$s' configuration element to specify that an interface should use a wildcard address; use '%3$s', '%4$s', or '%5$s'
JBAS014611 ERROR No handler for %s at address %s
JBAS014612 ERROR Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s)
JBAS014613 ERROR Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) -- due to insufficient stack space for the thread used to execute operations. If this error is occurring during server boot, setting system property %s to a value higher than [%d] may resolve this problem.
JBAS014614 WARN Wildcard address detected - will ignore other interface criteria.
JBAS014615 ERROR Received no final outcome response for operation %s with address %s from remote process at address %s. The result of this operation will only include the remote process' preliminary response to the request.
JBAS014616 DEBUG Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s
JBAS014617 WARN A subystem '%s' was registered without calling ExtensionContext.createTracker(). The subsystems are registered normally but won't be cleaned up when the extension is removed.
JBAS014618 WARN Graceful shutdown of the handler used for native management requests did not complete within [%d] ms but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding
JBAS014619 WARN Graceful shutdown of the handler used for native management requests failed but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding
JBAS014620 WARN Invalid value '%s' for system property '%s' -- value must be convertible into an int
JBAS014621 WARN Multiple addresses or network interfaces matched the selection criteria for interface '%s'. Matching addresses: %s. Matching network interfaces: %s. The interface will use address %s and network interface %s.
JBAS014622 WARN Value '%s' for interface selection criteria 'inet-address' is ambiguous, as more than one address or network interface available on the machine matches it. Because of this ambiguity, no address will be selected as a match. Matching addresses: %s. Matching network interfaces: %s.
JBAS014623 ERROR Could not read target definition!
JBAS014624 ERROR Could not transform
JBAS014625 WARN We have no transformer for subsystem: %s-%d.%d model transfer can break!
JBAS014626 ERROR Operation was interrupted before service container stability could be reached. Process should be restarted. Step that first updated the service container was '%s' at address '%s'
JBAS014627 INFO Attribute '%s' in the resource at address '%s' is deprecated, and may be removed in future version. See the attribute description in the output of the read-resource-description operation to learn more about the deprecation.
JBAS014628 WARN Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit
JBAS014629 ERROR No resource definition is registered for address %s
JBAS014900 INFO Content added at location %s
JBAS014901 INFO Content removed from location %s
JBAS014902 WARN Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit
JBAS014903 INFO Content %s is obsolete and will be removed
JBAS014904 ERROR Couldn't delete content %s
JBAS014905 INFO Couldn't list directory files for %s
JBAS015000 WARN Cannot delete deployment progress marker file %s
JBAS015001 WARN Cannot remove extraneous deployment marker file %s
JBAS015002 WARN Deployment of '%s' requested, but the deployment is not present
JBAS015003 INFO Found %1$s in deployment directory. To trigger deployment create a file called %1$s%2$s
JBAS015004 ERROR Caught exception writing deployment marker file %s
JBAS015005 WARN Reliable deployment behaviour is not possible when auto-deployment of exploded content is enabled (i.e. deployment without use of "%s"' marker files). Configuration of auto-deployment of exploded content is not recommended in any situation where reliability is desired. Configuring the deployment scanner's %s setting to "false" is recommended.
JBAS015006 WARN The deployment scanner found that the content for exploded deployment %1$s has been deleted, but auto-deploy/undeploy for exploded deployments is not enabled and the %1$s%2$s marker file for this deployment has not been removed. As a result, the deployment is not being undeployed, but resources needed by the deployment may have been deleted and application errors may occur. Deleting the %1$s%2$s marker file to trigger undeploy is recommended.
JBAS015007 ERROR Failed checking whether %s was a complete zip
JBAS015008 ERROR File system deployment service failed
JBAS015009 INFO Scan found incompletely copied file content for deployment %s. Deployment changes will not be processed until all content is complete.
JBAS015010 ERROR The deployment scanner found a directory named %1$s that was not inside a directory whose name ends with .ear, .jar, .rar, .sar or .war. This is likely the result of unzipping an archive directly inside the %2$s directory, which is a user error. The %1$s directory will not be scanned for deployments, but it is possible that the scanner mayfind other files from the unzipped archive and attempt to deploy them, leading to errors.
JBAS015011 ERROR Scan of %s threw Exception
JBAS015012 INFO Started %s for directory %s
JBAS015013 WARN Scan found content configured for auto-deploy that could not be safely auto-deployed. See details above. Deployment changes will not be processed until all problematic content is either removed or whether to deploy the content or not is indicated via a %s or %s marker file. Problematic deployments are %s
JBAS015014 INFO Re-attempting failed deployment %s
JBAS015015 ERROR Failed checking whether %s was a complete XML
JBAS015016 ERROR Initial deployment scan failed
JBAS015017 INFO Deployment %s was previously deployed by this scanner but has been undeployed by another management tool. Marker file %s is being added to record this fact.
JBAS015018 INFO Deployment %s was previously deployed by this scanner but has been removed from the server deployment list by another management tool. Marker file %s is being added to record this fact.
JBAS015019 INFO Deployment %s was previously undeployed by this scanner but has been redeployed by another management tool. Marker file %s is being removed to record this fact.
JBAS015020 ERROR Failed synchronizing status of deployment %s.
JBAS015062 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to list files in directory %s. Check that the contents of the directory are readable.
JBAS015100 ERROR Unexpected error executing model request
JBAS015101 ERROR Unexpected error executing deployment upload request
JBAS015102 WARN Unable to load console module for slot %s, disabling console
JBAS015103 ERROR A secure port has been specified for the HTTP interface but no SSL configuration in the realm.
JBAS015104 ERROR Unable to load error contest for slot %s, disabling error context.
JBAS015105 INFO Management interface is using different addresses for HTTP (%s) and HTTPS (%s). Redirection of HTTPS requests from HTTP socket to HTTPS socket will not be supported.
JBAS015106 ERROR Failed to send request.
JBAS015200 WARN Properties file defined with default user and password, this will be easy to guess.
JBAS015201 WARN Whitespace has been trimmed from the Base64 representation of the secret identity.
JBAS015202 WARN The attribute 'password' is deprecated, 'keystore-password' should be used instead.
JBAS015203 WARN The realm name of the defined security realm '%s' does not match the realm name within the properties file '%s'.
JBAS015204 WARN Failed to retrieving groups from the LDAP provider.
JBAS015205 WARN Failed to retrieving matching groups from the pattern, check the regular expression for pattern attribute.
JBAS015206 WARN Failed to retrieve matching groups from the groups, check the regular expression for groups attribute.
JBAS015207 WARN Failed to retrieve attribute %s from search result.
JBAS015208 ERROR Login failed using Keytab for principal '%s' to handle request for host '%s'
JBAS015400 INFO Bound mail session [%s]
JBAS015401 INFO Unbound mail session [%s]
JBAS015402 DEBUG Removed mail session [%s]
JBAS015503 TRACE Creating new unified WS deployment model for %s
JBAS015506 WARN Cannot load WS deployment aspects from %s
JBAS015537 INFO Activating WebServices Extension
JBAS015538 TRACE Installing aspect %s
JBAS015539 INFO Starting %s
JBAS015540 INFO Stopping %s
JBAS015541 TRACE Creating %s %s endpoints meta data model
JBAS015542 TRACE EJB name: %s
JBAS015543 TRACE EJB class: %s
JBAS015544 TRACE POJO name: %s
JBAS015545 TRACE POJO class: %s
JBAS015546 TRACE JMS name: %s
JBAS015547 TRACE JMS class: %s
JBAS015548 TRACE JMS address: %s
JBAS015549 TRACE Detected %s %s deployment
JBAS015550 TRACE Creating JBoss agnostic %s %s meta data for deployment: %s
JBAS015551 TRACE Building JBoss agnostic meta data for EJB webservice deployment: %s
JBAS015552 TRACE Setting context root: %s
JBAS015553 TRACE Setting config name: %s
JBAS015554 TRACE Setting config file: %s
JBAS015555 TRACE Creating JBoss agnostic meta data for POJO webservice deployment: %s
JBAS015556 TRACE Creating web.xml descriptor
JBAS015557 TRACE Creating jboss-web.xml descriptor
JBAS015558 TRACE Setting security domain: %s
JBAS015559 TRACE Setting virtual host: %s
JBAS015560 TRACE Creating servlets
JBAS015561 TRACE Servlet name: %s, class: %s
JBAS015562 TRACE Creating servlet mappings
JBAS015563 TRACE Servlet name: %s, URL patterns: %s
JBAS015564 TRACE Creating security constraints
JBAS015565 TRACE Creating web resource collection for endpoint: %s, URL pattern: %s
JBAS015566 TRACE Creating auth constraint for endpoint: %s
JBAS015567 TRACE Creating new user data constraint for endpoint: %s, transport guarantee: %s
JBAS015568 TRACE Creating new login config: %s, auth method: %s
JBAS015569 TRACE Setting security roles
JBAS015570 TRACE Modifying servlets
JBAS015571 TRACE Setting transport class: %s for endpoint: %s
JBAS015572 TRACE Setting context root: %s for deployment: %s
JBAS015573 TRACE %s start: %s
JBAS015574 TRACE %s stop: %s
JBAS015575 TRACE Creating web meta data for EJB webservice deployment: %s
JBAS015576 TRACE Modifying web meta data for webservice deployment: %s
JBAS015577 FATAL Error while creating configuration service
JBAS015578 ERROR Error while destroying configuration service
JBAS015579 TRACE Skipping WS annotation processing since no composite annotation index found in unit: %s
JBAS015580 WARN Could not read WSDL from: %s
JBAS015581 WARN [JAXWS 2.2 spec, section 7.7] The @WebService and @WebServiceProvider annotations are mutually exclusive - %s won't be considered as a webservice endpoint, since it doesn't meet that requirement
JBAS015582 WARN WebService endpoint class cannot be final - %s won't be considered as a webservice endpoint
JBAS015583 WARN Ignoring without and : %s
JBAS015591 ERROR Cannot register record processor in JMX server
JBAS015592 ERROR Cannot unregister record processor from JMX server
JBAS015593 INFO MBeanServer not available, skipping registration/unregistration of %s
JBAS015596 WARN Multiple EJB3 endpoints in the same deployment with different declared security roles; be aware this might be a security risk if you're not controlling allowed roles (@RolesAllowed) on each ws endpoint method.
JBAS015597 TRACE Child '%s' not found for VirtualFile: %s
JBAS015599 WARN %s library(ies) (%s) detected in ws endpoint deployment; either provide a proper deployment replacing embedded libraries with container module dependencies or disable the webservices subsystem for the current deployment adding a proper jboss-deployment-structure.xml descriptor to it. The former approach is recommended, as the latter approach causes most of the webservices Java EE and any JBossWS specific functionality to be disabled.
JBAS015600 ERROR Cannot register endpoint: %s in JMX server
JBAS015601 ERROR Cannot unregister endpoint: %s from JMX server
JBAS015602 WARN Invalid handler chain file: %s
JBAS015617 WARN Servlet class %s declared in web.xml; either provide a proper deployment relying on JBossWS or disable the webservices subsystem for the current deployment adding a proper jboss-deployment-structure.xml descriptor to it. The former approach is recommended, as the latter approach causes most of the webservices Java EE and any JBossWS specific functionality to be disabled.
JBAS015850 WARN %s in subdeployment ignored. jboss-deployment-structure.xml is only parsed for top level deployments.
JBAS015851 ERROR Could not read provided index: %s
JBAS015852 WARN Could not index class %s at %s
JBAS015853 WARN More than two unique criteria addresses were seen: %s
JBAS015854 WARN Checking two unique criteria addresses were seen: %s
JBAS015855 WARN Two unique criteria addresses were seen: %s
JBAS015856 ERROR Undeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s
JBAS015857 ERROR Undeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message
JBAS015858 INFO Undeployed "%s" (runtime-name: "%s")
JBAS015859 INFO Deployed "%s" (runtime-name : "%s")
JBAS015860 ERROR Redeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s
JBAS015861 ERROR Redeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message
JBAS015862 INFO Redeployed "%s"
JBAS015863 ERROR Replacement of deployment "%s" by deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s
JBAS015864 ERROR Replacement of deployment "%s" by deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message
JBAS015865 INFO Replaced deployment "%s" with deployment "%s"
JBAS015866 WARN Annotations import option %s specified in jboss-deployment-structure.xml for additional module %s has been ignored. Additional modules cannot import annotations.
JBAS015867 WARN Deployment "%s" is using a private module ("%s") which may be changed or removed in future versions without notice.
JBAS015868 WARN Deployment "%s" is using an unsupported module ("%s") which may be changed or removed in future versions without notice.
JBAS015869 WARN Exception occurred removing deployment content %s
JBAS015870 ERROR Deploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s
JBAS015871 ERROR Deploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message
JBAS015872 WARN Failed to parse property (%s), value (%s) as an integer
JBAS015873 ERROR Cannot add module '%s' as URLStreamHandlerFactory provider
JBAS015874 INFO %s started in %dms - Started %d of %d services (%d services are lazy, passive or on-demand)
JBAS015875 ERROR %s started (with errors) in %dms - Started %d of %d services (%d services failed or missing dependencies, %d services are lazy, passive or on-demand)
JBAS015876 INFO Starting deployment of "%s" (runtime-name: "%s")
JBAS015877 INFO Stopped deployment %s (runtime-name: %s) in %dms
JBAS015878 INFO Deployment '%s' started successfully
JBAS015879 ERROR Deployment '%s' has failed services%n Failed services: %s
JBAS015880 ERROR Deployment '%s' has services missing dependencies%n Missing dependencies: %s
JBAS015881 ERROR Deployment '%s' has failed services and services missing dependencies%n Failed services: %s%n Missing dependencies: %s
JBAS015882 ERROR %s caught exception attempting to revert operation %s at address %s
JBAS015883 WARN No security realm defined for native management service; all access will be unrestricted.
JBAS015884 WARN No security realm defined for http management service; all access will be unrestricted.
JBAS015885 INFO Creating http management service using network interface (%s) and port (%d)
JBAS015886 INFO Creating http management service using network interface (%s) and secure port (%d)
JBAS015887 INFO Creating http management service using network interface (%s), port (%d) and secure port (%d)
JBAS015888 INFO Creating http management service using socket-binding (%s)
JBAS015889 INFO Creating http management service using secure-socket-binding (%s)
JBAS015890 INFO Creating http management service using socket-binding (%s) and secure-socket-binding (%s)
JBAS015891 WARN Caught exception closing input stream for uploaded deployment content
JBAS015892 ERROR Deployment unit processor %s unexpectedly threw an exception during undeploy phase %s of %s
JBAS015894 ERROR Module %s will not have it's annotations processed as no %s file was found in the deployment. Please generate this file using the Jandex ant task.
JBAS015895 WARN Extension %s is missing the required manifest attribute %s-%s (skipping extension)
JBAS015896 WARN Extension %s URI syntax is invalid: %s
JBAS015897 WARN Could not find Extension-List entry %s referenced from %s
JBAS015898 WARN A server name configuration was provided both via system property %s ('%s') and via the xml configuration ('%s'). The xml configuration value will be used.
JBAS015899 INFO %s starting
JBAS015950 INFO %s stopped in %dms
JBAS015951 INFO Admin console listening on http://%s:%d
JBAS015952 INFO Admin console listening on https://%s:%d
JBAS015953 INFO Admin console listening on http://%s:%d and https://%s:%d
JBAS015954 INFO Admin console is not enabled
JBAS015956 ERROR Caught exception during boot
JBAS015957 FATAL Server boot has failed in an unrecoverable manner; exiting. See previous messages for details.
JBAS015958 ERROR No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment %s. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure.
JBAS015959 WARN Additional resource root %s added via jboss-deployment-structure.xml does not exist
JBAS015960 WARN Class Path entry %s in %s does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.
JBAS015961 INFO Http management interface listening on http://%s:%d/management
JBAS015962 INFO Http management interface listening on https://%s:%d/management
JBAS015963 INFO Http management interface listening on http://%s:%d/management and https://%s:%d/management
JBAS015964 INFO Http management interface is not enabled
JBAS015965 WARN urn:jboss:deployment-structure namespace found in jboss.xml for a sub deployment %s. This is only valid in a top level deployment.
JBAS015966 WARN Failed to unmount deployment overlay
JBAS015968 WARN jboss-deployment-dependencies cannot be used in a sub deployment, it must be specified at ear level: %s
JBAS015969 ERROR No deployment overlay content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment %s at location %s. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure.
JBAS015970 INFO Defer %s for %s making it %s
JBAS015971 INFO Deployment restart detected for deployment %s, performing full redeploy instead.
JBAS015973 INFO Starting subdeployment (runtime-name: "%s")
JBAS015974 INFO Stopped subdeployment (runtime-name: %s) in %dms
JBAS015975 WARN Failed to connect to host-controller, retrying.
JBAS015976 ERROR Error cleaning obsolete content %s
JBAS015977 ERROR Error cleaning obsolete content
JBAS015978 ERROR Error stopping content repository cleaner
JBAS015979 WARN %s deployment has been re-deployed, its content will not be removed. You will need to restart it.
JBAS015980 WARN Deployment "%s" is using a deprecated module ("%s") which may be removed in future versions without notice.
JBAS015981 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to initialise a basic SSLContext '%s'
JBAS015982 ERROR Could not mount overlay %s as parent %s is not a directory
JBAS015983 FATAL Aborting with exit code %d
JBAS015984 INFO ProcessController has signalled to shut down; shutting down
JBAS015985 INFO Shutting down in response to management operation '%s'
JBAS015986 INFO Host Controller shutdown has been requested via an OS signal
JBAS016000 ERROR Failed to setup Weld contexts
JBAS016001 ERROR Failed to tear down Weld contexts
JBAS016002 INFO Processing weld deployment %s
JBAS016003 WARN Found beans.xml file in non-standard location: %s, war deployments should place beans.xml files into WEB-INF/beans.xml
JBAS016004 ERROR Could not find BeanManager for deployment %s
JBAS016005 INFO Starting Services for CDI deployment: %s
JBAS016006 WARN Could not load portable extension class %s
JBAS016007 WARN @Resource injection of type %s is not supported for non-ejb components. Injection point: %s
JBAS016008 INFO Starting weld service for deployment %s
JBAS016009 INFO Stopping weld service for deployment %s
JBAS016010 WARN Warning while parsing %s:%s %s
JBAS016011 WARN Warning while parsing %s:%s %s
JBAS016012 WARN Deployment %s contains CDI annotations but beans.xml was not found.
JBAS016013 ERROR Exception tearing down thread state
JBAS016014 ERROR Error loading file %s
JBAS016015 ERROR Could not read entries
JBAS016016 WARN URL scanner does not understand the URL protocol %s, CDI beans will not be scanned.
JBAS016017 WARN Using deployment classloader to load proxy classes for module %s. Package-private access will not work. To fix this the module should declare dependencies on %s
JBAS016100 INFO Begin deploy: %s
JBAS016101 INFO End deploy: %s
JBAS016102 WARN Cannot determine module type of: %s
JBAS016103 WARN Cannot delete deployment file %s, will be deleted on exit
JBAS016104 ERROR Cannot transform deployment plan to XML
JBAS016105 ERROR Deployment does not exist: %s
JBAS016106 ERROR Cannot save deployment plan entry: %s
JBAS016200 INFO Activating ConfigAdmin Subsystem
JBAS016201 ERROR Error in configuration listener: %s
JBAS016206 ERROR Cannot update configuration: %s
JBAS016207 ERROR Cannot restore configuration: %s
JBAS016300 INFO Activating JacORB Subsystem
JBAS016301 DEBUG IOR security config metadata: %s
JBAS016302 DEBUG CSIv2Policy not found in IORInfo
JBAS016303 ERROR Error fetching CSIv2Policy
JBAS016304 DEBUG Method createSSLTaggedComponent() called with null metadata
JBAS016305 DEBUG Method createSecurityTaggedComponent() called with null metadata
JBAS016306 WARN Caught exception while encoding GSSUPMechOID
JBAS016307 TRACE receive_reply: got SAS reply, type %d
JBAS016308 TRACE receive_exception: got SAS reply, type %d
JBAS016309 TRACE receive_request: %s
JBAS016310 TRACE Received client authentication token
JBAS016311 TRACE Received identity token
JBAS016312 TRACE send_reply: %s
JBAS016313 TRACE send_exception: %s
JBAS016314 DEBUG Bound name: %s
JBAS016315 DEBUG Bound context: %s
JBAS016316 DEBUG Unbound: %s
JBAS016317 ERROR Internal error
JBAS016318 ERROR Failed to create CORBA naming context
JBAS016319 WARN Unbind failed for %s
JBAS016320 DEBUG Unable to obtain id from object
JBAS016321 DEBUG Getting default ORB %s
JBAS016322 TRACE Creating server socket factory: %s
JBAS016323 DEBUG Obtained JSSE security domain with name %s
JBAS016324 ERROR Failed to obtain JSSE security domain with name %s
JBAS016325 TRACE Creating socket factory: %s
JBAS016326 DEBUG Starting service %s
JBAS016327 DEBUG Stopping service %s
JBAS016328 INFO CORBA Naming Service started
JBAS016329 DEBUG Naming: [%s]
JBAS016330 INFO CORBA ORB Service started
JBAS016331 TRACE Intercepting receive_request_service_contexts, operation: %s
JBAS016332 WARN Compatibility problem: Class javax.rmi.CORBA.ClassDesc does not conform to the Java(TM) Language to IDL Mapping Specification (01-06-07), section
JBAS016333 WARN Could not deactivate IR object
JBAS016334 DEBUG Exception converting CORBA servant to reference
JBAS016335 WARN Could not deactivate anonymous IR object
JBAS016536 ERROR Could not write domain controller data to S3 file. Error was: %s
JBAS016537 ERROR Could not remove S3 file. Error was: %s
JBAS016576 ERROR Failed to apply domain-wide configuration from master host controller
JBAS016577 ERROR Failed to apply domain-wide configuration from master host controller. Operation outcome: %s. Failure description %s
JBAS016578 ERROR The host cannot start because it was started in running mode '%s' with no access to a local copy of the domain wide configuration policy, the '%s' attribute was set to '%s' and the domain wide configuration policy could not be obtained from the Domain Controller host. Startup will be aborted. Use the '%s' command line argument to start if you need to start without connecting to a domain controller connection.
JBAS016579 ERROR The host cannot start because it was started in running mode '%s' with no access to a local copy of the domain wide configuration policy, and the '%s' attribute was set to '%s'. Startup will be aborted. Use the '%s' command line argument to start in running mode '%s'.
JBAS016580 WARN Could not discover master using discovery option %s. Error was: %s
JBAS016581 WARN No domain controller discovery options remain.
JBAS016582 INFO Connected to master host controller at %s
JBAS016583 INFO Option %s was set; obtaining domain-wide configuration from %s
JBAS016584 INFO Trying to reconnect to master host controller.
JBAS016585 ERROR No domain controller discovery configuration was provided and the '%s' attribute was set to '%s'. Startup will be aborted. Use the %s command line argument to start in %s mode if you need to start without a domain controller connection and then use the management tools to configure one.
JBAS016586 WARN The use of -Djava.security.manager has been deprecated. Please use the -secmgr command line argument or SECMGR=true environment variable.
JBAS016587 FATAL Aborting with exit code %d
JBAS016588 INFO ProcessController has signalled to shut down; shutting down
JBAS016589 INFO Shutting down in response to management operation '%s'
JBAS016590 INFO Host Controller shutdown has been requested via an OS signal
JBAS016591 WARN Server '%s' is unstable and should be stopped or restarted. An unstable server may not stop normally, so the 'kill' operation may be required to terminate the server process.
JBAS016592 WARN Server '%s' (managed by host '%s') has not responded to an operation request within the configured timeout. This may mean the server has become unstable.
JBAS016593 ERROR Reporting instability of server '%s' to Domain Controller failed.
JBAS016600 ERROR Failed to accept a connection
JBAS016601 ERROR Failed to close resource %s
JBAS016602 ERROR Failed to close the server socket %s
JBAS016603 ERROR Failed to close a socket
JBAS016604 ERROR Failed to finish the marshaller %s
JBAS016605 ERROR Failed to finish the unmarshaller %s
JBAS016606 ERROR Failed to handle incoming connection
JBAS016607 ERROR Failed to handle socket failure condition
JBAS016608 ERROR Failed to handle socket finished condition
JBAS016609 ERROR Failed to handle socket shut down condition
JBAS016610 ERROR Failed to read a message
JBAS016611 WARN Leaked a message output stream; cleaning
JBAS016800 WARN Cannot delete file %s
JBAS016801 WARN Cannot invalidate %s
JBAS016802 ERROR failed to undo change for: '%s'
JBAS016803 ERROR Error when restoring file[%s] - %s
JBAS017000 INFO Found legacy bean/pojo namespace: %s - might be missing some xml features (potential exceptions).
JBAS017001 WARN Ignoring uninstall action on target: %s
JBAS017002 WARN Error invoking callback: %s
JBAS017003 WARN Error invoking incallback: %s
JBAS017004 WARN Error invoking uncallback: %s
JBAS017100 INFO Listening on %s
JBAS017200 ERROR Failed to execute legacy service %s method
JBAS017201 WARN Unable to find PropertyEditor for type %s
JBAS017202 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find default constructor for %s
JBAS018035 WARN Unknown web fragment name declared in JAR: %s
JBAS018200 ERROR Failed to start welcome context
JBAS018201 ERROR Failed to destroy welcome context
JBAS018202 ERROR Error calling onStartup for servlet container initializer: %s
JBAS018203 ERROR Error instantiating container component: %s
JBAS018204 WARN Clustering not supported, falling back to non-clustered session manager
JBAS018205 ERROR Cannot setup overlays for [%s] due to custom resources
JBAS018206 ERROR Webapp [%s] is unavailable due to startup errors
JBAS018208 ERROR Failed to start context
JBAS018209 ERROR Failed to destroy context
JBAS018210 INFO Register web context: %s
JBAS018214 ERROR Error during login/password authenticate
JBAS018215 ERROR Error during certificate authenticate
JBAS018216 ERROR Error during digest authenticate
JBAS018217 ERROR Error obtaining authorization helper
JBAS018218 ERROR Exception in obtaining server authentication manager
JBAS018219 ERROR JASPI validation for unprotected request context %s failed
JBAS018220 ERROR Caught Exception: %s
JBAS018221 WARN Error forwarding to login page: %s
JBAS018222 WARN Error forwarding to error page: %s
JBAS018223 WARN Snapshot mode set to 'interval' but snapshotInterval is < 1 or was not specified, using 'instant'
JBAS018224 INFO Unregister web context: %s
JBAS018225 ERROR Failed to purge EL cache.
JBAS018226 INFO Skipped SCI for jar: %s.
JBAS018227 INFO Could not load class designated by HandlesTypes [%s].
JBAS018228 WARN Shutting down the session manager while there are still requests being processed after waiting for %s milliseconds
JBAS018229 ERROR Invalid servlet or resource alias '%s'
JBAS018230 WARN The deployment %s will not be distributable because this feature is disabled in web-fragment.xml of the module %s.
JBAS018883 ERROR Sql Error
JBAS018884 ERROR Failed to stop entity bridge.
JBAS018885 ERROR Failed to update table
JBAS018886 ERROR Failed to rollback
JBAS018887 ERROR Failed to commit
JBAS018888 ERROR CMR table structure is incorrect for %s
JBAS018889 ERROR Could not suspend current transaction before drop table. '%s' will not be dropped.
JBAS018890 ERROR Could not reattach original transaction after drop table
JBAS018891 WARN Exception while trying to rollback tx: %s
JBAS018892 WARN Exception altering table
JBAS018893 WARN PK field %s was found more than once in class hierarchy of %s. Will use the one from %s
JBAS018894 INFO Dropped table %s successfully
JBAS021200 INFO Activating PicketLink %s Subsystem
JBAS021201 INFO Configuring PicketLink Federation for deployment [%s]
JBAS021299 INFO Bound [%s] to [%s]
JBAS021300 INFO Ignoring unexpected event type [%s]
JBAS021301 ERROR Error while configuring the metrics collector. Metrics will not be collected.
JBAS120014 WARN Received unknown message with code 0x%02x


Code Level Return Type Message
JBOSGI010600 WARN Cannot create value from %s for parameter: %s
JBOSGI010601 WARN Cannot create URL from: %s
JBOSGI011000 INFO OSGi Framework started
JBOSGI011001 INFO Bundle installed: %s
JBOSGI011002 INFO Bundle started: %s
JBOSGI011003 INFO Bundle stopped: %s
JBOSGI011004 INFO Bundle updated: %s
JBOSGI011005 INFO Bundle uninstalled: %s
JBOSGI011006 INFO OSGi Framework - %s
JBOSGI011007 INFO Increasing start level from %d to %d
JBOSGI011008 INFO Decreasing start level from %d to %d
JBOSGI011009 INFO Starting bundle due to start level change: %s
JBOSGI011010 INFO Stopping bundle due to start level change: %s
JBOSGI011011 INFO Starting bundles for start level: %d
JBOSGI011012 INFO Stopping bundles for start level: %d
JBOSGI011013 INFO No resolvable singleton bundle: %s
JBOSGI011014 WARN Cannot process metadata from properties: %s
JBOSGI011015 WARN Error while firing bundle event %s for: %s
JBOSGI011016 ERROR Framework Warning
JBOSGI011017 WARN Error while firing %s event
JBOSGI011018 WARN Error while firing service event %s for: %s
JBOSGI011019 WARN Error while calling event hook: %s
JBOSGI011020 WARN Error while calling find hook: %s
JBOSGI011021 ERROR Cannot acquire %s lock on: %s
JBOSGI011022 ERROR Cannot write persistent storage: %s
JBOSGI011023 ERROR Cannot start bundle: %s
JBOSGI011024 ERROR Invalid beginning start level: %s
JBOSGI011025 ERROR Error processing service listener hook: %s
JBOSGI011026 ERROR Framework Error
JBOSGI011027 ERROR Cannot update framework
JBOSGI011028 ERROR Cannot get resources '%s' from: %s
JBOSGI011029 ERROR Cannot activate bundle lazily: %s
JBOSGI011030 ERROR Cannot provide native library location for: %s
JBOSGI011031 ERROR Cannot get entry '%s' from: %s
JBOSGI011032 ERROR Cannot obtain class loader for: %s
JBOSGI011033 ERROR Cannot remove service: %s
JBOSGI011034 ERROR Service interface [%s] loaded from [%s] is not assignable from [%s] loaded from [%s]
JBOSGI011035 ERROR Cannot load [%s] from: %s
JBOSGI011036 ERROR Cannot get class path entry '%s' from: %s
JBOSGI011037 ERROR Cannot install initial bundle: %s
JBOSGI020400 INFO Find maven providers for: %s
JBOSGI020401 INFO Found maven resource: %s
JBOSGI020402 ERROR Cannot create resource for: %s
JBOSGI020403 WARN Cannot infer value type from %s


Code Level Return Type Message
MODCLUSTER000001 INFO Initializing mod_cluster version %s
MODCLUSTER000002 INFO Initiating mod_cluster shutdown
MODCLUSTER000003 DEBUG Received server start event
MODCLUSTER000004 DEBUG Received server stop event
MODCLUSTER000005 DEBUG Received add context event for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000006 DEBUG Received remove context event for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000007 DEBUG Received start context event for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000008 DEBUG Received stop context event for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000009 DEBUG Sending %s for %s
MODCLUSTER000010 DEBUG Sending %s for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000011 INFO %s will use %s as jvm-route
MODCLUSTER000012 INFO %s connector will use %s
MODCLUSTER000020 DEBUG Waiting to drain %d pending requests from %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000021 INFO All pending requests drained from %s:%s in %.1f seconds
MODCLUSTER000022 WARN Failed to drain %d remaining pending requests from %s:%s within %.1f seconds
MODCLUSTER000023 DEBUG Waiting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000024 INFO All active sessions drained from %s:%s in %.1f seconds
MODCLUSTER000025 WARN Failed to drain %d remaining active sessions from %s:%s within %.1f seconds
MODCLUSTER000030 WARN Attempted to bind multicast socket to a unicast address: %s. Multicast socket will not be bound to an address.
MODCLUSTER000031 WARN Could not bind multicast socket to %s (%s address); make sure your multicast address is of the same type as the IP stack (IPv4 or IPv6). Multicast socket will not be bound to an address, but this may lead to cross talking (see http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-9469 for details).
MODCLUSTER000032 INFO Listening to proxy advertisements on %s
MODCLUSTER000033 WARN Failed to interrupt socket reception.
MODCLUSTER000034 ERROR Failed to start advertise listener
MODCLUSTER000040 ERROR Failed to parse response header from %2$s for %1$s command
MODCLUSTER000041 ERROR Unrecoverable syntax error %s sending %s command to %s: %s
MODCLUSTER000042 ERROR Error %s sending %s command to %s, configuration will be reset: %s
MODCLUSTER000043 ERROR Failed to send %s to %s
MODCLUSTER000044 WARN %s requires com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean.
MODCLUSTER000045 WARN %s is not supported on this system and will be disabled.
MODCLUSTER000046 INFO Starting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s in %d seconds.


Code Level Return Type Message
RESTEASY000100 ERROR Failed executing {0} {1}
RESTEASY000105 ERROR Failed to execute
RESTEASY000110 ERROR Failed to invoke asynchronously
RESTEASY000115 ERROR NoClassDefFoundError: Unable to load builtin provider: %s
RESTEASY000120 ERROR Unknown exception while executing {0} {1}
RESTEASY000137 WARN Invalid format for {0}, using default value {1}
RESTEASY000200 WARN Accept extensions not supported.
RESTEASY000205 WARN Ambiguity constructors are found in %s. More details please refer to http://jsr311.java.net/nonav/releases/1.1/spec/spec.html
RESTEASY000210 WARN Application.getClasses() returned unknown class type: %s
RESTEASY000215 WARN Application.getSingletons() returned unknown class type: %s
RESTEASY000220 WARN ClassNotFoundException: Unable to load builtin provider: %s
RESTEASY000225 WARN Could not delete file '%s' for request:
RESTEASY000230 WARN Failed to parse request.
RESTEASY000235 WARN Field {0} of subresource {1} will not be injected according to spec
RESTEASY000240 WARN Ignoring unsupported locale: %s
RESTEASY000245 WARN JAX-RS annotations found at non-public method: {0}.{1}(); Only public methods may be exposed as resource methods.
RESTEASY000250 WARN No valueOf() method available for %s, trying constructor...
RESTEASY000255 WARN A reader for {0} was not found. This provider is currently configured to handle only {1}
RESTEASY000260 WARN The use of %s is deprecated, please use javax.ws.rs.Application as a context-param instead
RESTEASY000300 INFO Adding scanned @Provider: %s
RESTEASY000305 INFO Adding scanned resource: %s
RESTEASY000310 INFO Adding singleton provider {0} from Application {1}
RESTEASY000315 INFO Adding singleton resource {0} from Application {1}
RESTEASY000320 INFO Deploying {0}: {1}
RESTEASY000325 INFO unable to close entity stream
RESTEASY000400 DEBUG Creating context object <{0} : {1}>
RESTEASY000405 DEBUG Failed executing {0} {1}
RESTEASY000415 DEBUG PathInfo: %s
RESTEASY000425 DEBUG Scanning..
RESTEASY000430 DEBUG Scanning archive: %s
RESTEASY000435 DEBUG Unable to retrieve config: disableDTDs defaults to true
RESTEASY000440 DEBUG Unable to retrieve config: expandEntityReferences defaults to false
RESTEASY000445 DEBUG Unable to retrieve config: enableSecureProcessingFeature defaults to true


Code Level Return Type Message
VFS000001 WARN A VFS mount (%s) was leaked!
VFS000002 INFO Failed to clean existing content for temp file provider of type %s. Enable DEBUG level log to find what caused this