A security realm that can be associated with a management interface and used to control access to the management services.
Children (3)
authentication Configuration of the server side authentication mechanisms. Optionally one truststore can be defined and one username/password based store can be defined. Authentication will first attempt to use the truststore and if this is not available will fall back to the username/password authentication. If none of these are specified the only available mechanism will be the local mechanism for the Native interface and the HTTP interface will not be accessible.
jaas Configuration to use a JAAS LoginContext to authenticate the users.
ldap Configuration to use LDAP as the user repository.
properties Configuration to use a list users stored within a properties file as the user repository. The entries within the properties file are username={credentials} with each user being specified on it's own line.
truststore Configuration of a keystore to use to create a trust manager to verify clients.
user Configuration to use a list users stored directly within the standalone.xml or host.xml configuration file as the user repository.
authorization Configuration server side for loading additional user information such as roles to be used for subsequent authorization checks.
properties Configuration to use properties file to load a users roles. The entries within the properties file are username={roles} where roles is a comma separated list of users roles.
server-identity Configuration of the identities that represent the server.
secret Configuration of the secret/password-based identity of a server or host controller.
ssl Configuration of the SSL identity of a server or host controller.
Operations (2)
add Adds a security realm that can be associated with a management interface and used to control access to the management services.
remove Removes a security realm that can be associated with a management interface and used to control access to the management services.